Lisa: Coming Of Age (The Guardian Shifters Book 1)

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Lisa: Coming Of Age (The Guardian Shifters Book 1) Page 11

by KM Lowe

  Lisa's soft movement makes me run my hand up and down her back slowly, making her whimper in my arms. Her sleepy frame lies heavily over my chest, and the feeling of her heart beating against my skin is euphoric. We’re lying in this bed like we don’t have a care in the world, and this is how I want us to always be. After this ordeal, we can go back to our old lifestyle.

  Not a care in the world.

  "I love you," I whisper as I place kisses onto her forehead. The smell of her vanilla moisturizer makes my dick twitch to life again. I can't get enough of her. It doesn't matter how much contact we have, I'm always looking for more. I guess this is the amazing sexual appetite that I read in a shifter memoir that Jasper gave me. Apparently, wolves have great stamina when it comes to our sex drives. Also, a newly mated couple is supposed to find their mate irresistible, and the whole pack is supposed to be aware of the time and space they need. Well, Lisa and I aren't mated yet, but we can't keep our hands off one another. God help Jasper when we are mated, because he might need to invest in earplugs.

  My light-hearted mood isn't going to be broken tonight. I’m happy. I'm in love. I have a family I care about. There’s nothing else I need or want at this precise moment. Well, apart from a certain wolf being taken out of the equation, and that time will come. We aren’t going to be looking over our shoulders for the rest of our lives.

  We are going to be happy.


  Sitting at the table at five a.m. should be illegal. I’m not what you could call a morning person, but here I am, up with the birds. I sneaked out of bed and left Lisa sleeping. There’s no reason why she should be up this early.

  I’m disturbed when the door to our cottage opens and my dad walks in. I look down at my watch and it reads five-fifteen. I’m immediately on high alert. Why is he awake and out so early?

  "What's going on, Dad?" I stand up and round the table.

  "Erm... nothing. I stayed out last night."

  My eyebrows raise and I cross my arms over my chest. I realise the tables should be turned, and he should be chastising me for my behaviour. "Do I even want to know where you stayed?"

  "Not that I need to tell you, but I stayed with Stracey. We went back to her place after we left Morag’s. A few beers later and we crashed out."

  I wave my hands in the air and turn back into the kitchen. "Stop right there. I don't need to know details."

  "Take your head out of the gutter. It isn't like that. Stracey and I go way back. She actually helped me get everything sorted for you when I first adopted you."

  "Really?" I turn back to my dad and give him my attention.

  I didn't take too much from Stracey yesterday, but I don't feel comfortable with her working with Lisa. I guess it should put my mind at ease that Stracey has been around my family for a lot of years.

  "Yes, really. Now, I'm going for a shower. We're meeting Joel at eight. Lisa is heading off to Stracey's cabin for nine, and Morag and Chardonnay are joining her. She is going to be safe, son. I'll stick a couple of the enforcers around the cabin just for extra security. You good?"

  I nod and lean against the worktop. I’m good. Better than good. I want to get this ordeal over with. "How's Lisa?"

  "She's good. We talked last night. Got a lot off our chests. She went to sleep happy and content. Hopefully today brings the same."

  "Good. Right, shower time. Make your old man happy and start the breakfast."

  "Yeah, you got the old right." I push off the counter and laugh as a magazine comes hurtling across the room. Luckily, I saw my dad lift it, and my reflexes are better than most.

  This is what a family life should be like. No amount of money will repay Jasper for everything he’s done for me, and he must be hungry if he trusts me to cook. I'm afraid my culinary skills stop at toast and beans, or toast and scrambled eggs. I'm told all wolves need to know how to cook healthy balanced meals, but I've never paid attention to cooking. I took for granted that Dad cooked and prepared meals for us. If I'm lucky, Lisa might like to take over from my dad.

  "Hmmm... do I smell coffee?"

  Just hearing Lisa's sweet voice behind me makes my heart leap in my chest. I won't even start with what it does to my dick, because it has a mind of its own where this girl is concerned.

  "You do indeed, but what's it worth?" I snigger and pull her into my arms. Her body fits mine perfectly. I wrap around her like a perfectly fitted glove.

  She reaches up and her lips caress mine. Her hands run under the collar of my shirt and the feel of her warm skin touching mine makes goose bumps spread down my bare arms. "Good morning," she whispers against my lips.

  I lift her body up carefully and place her on the worktop. No breakfast will be made until I have my fill of this gorgeous woman. "I could get used to this in the morning." I bury my face into her neck and bite softly.

  "Markus, your dad is next door..." I cut her words off by placing my lips over hers. I force my tongue into her mouth and I explore every inch of her perfect mouth. The chemistry between us when we touch is electrifying. I feel like my blood is boiling, and it all rushes from my head to my dick.

  "I love you, Lisa. Never, ever, forget that."

  Our eyes meet and our souls connect. In one simple look, I can see into her soul. I see every emotion bubbling under the surface. On one hand, she’s happy, but on the other hand, she’s terrified of what could happen. She might put on a brave face for everyone else, but I can see past that.

  "I love you too. Now, surely that kiss has earned me my coffee."

  "Oh, I don't know. I think you could do better."

  "Oh, is that so, buster?"

  Her tongue licks her bottom lip. My head is all over the place. When I'm with her, all I think about is sinking into her body, but when I'm away from her, I dream of doing the exact same. I can't win.

  "Don't mind me," says my dad as he joins us.

  I lean my forehead against Lisa's and place a kiss on the tip of her nose. Her cheeks are beetroot red, and I hear her heart pounding in her chest. The look of being caught red-handed suits her.

  "I take it I'll be cooking then."

  "Sorry, Dad. I got caught up." I smile at Lisa as she jumps off the worktop and grabs a cup from the cupboard. "You know you can cook better than me."

  "Lisa, do you see what you'll have to put up with? Can't cook, won't cook springs to mind," Jasper teases, hitting the back of my head with a spatula. Thankfully, he had just taken it out of the drawer, or I'd be covered in eggs. Not that that would bother my dad. A little mess never fazes him.

  "Terrible. I blame the parents, mollycoddling and pampering. Who would have thought you were big bad wolves," teases Lisa as she sits down at the table.

  "You're getting too big for your boots, missy. You can cook your own breakfast," Dad says playfully.

  "Yeah, yeah. Your bark's worse than your bite, Jasper dearest. Whatcha cooking this morning?"

  "Nothing exciting. Eggs and toast."

  Dad and I both know eggs are one of Lisa's favourite breakfast foods; scrambled, boiled, fried, poached. I can't help but think Dad is trying to butter Lisa up. What bombshell does he have for us today?

  "Can I ask you something, Jasper?"

  Both Dad and I turn to look at one another and he leans across the breakfast bar to give Lisa his full attention.

  "You know you can."

  "This bonding thing... do you have to be a certain age to do it? Do I need my wolf to do it?"

  I choke on my coffee, making Lisa and Jasper look at me. I feel like a child, but I wasn't expecting her to ask that question. As much as I want to seal our bond, I don’t want to push her. I want her to decide in her own time.

  "Right." Jasper stands up straight and sits down at the table opposite Lisa. I take up his place, leaning over the breakfast bar. I have a feeling I'll need the support to keep me standing. "No, there is no legal age limit, although it has never been performed on someone under sixteen. Well, not that I'm aware of. Do you need to w
ait until your wolf is ready? No. Although, I bet she is already screaming at you to do it. The mating might make you ready to shift. It might combine both yours and Markus' power. Who knows? Why? Is this something you want?"

  "I don't know. I've been thinking about it a lot and I know it needs to be done. I feel anxious when I'm not with Markus and I can't put my finger on why. I'm guessing it has something to do with my wolf."

  "Possibly. You're soulmates. Whether it happens now or in six months’ time, it will happen. I was talking to Julian about you guys, and he thinks it would be beneficial if you were bonded mates before this fight comes off. I never brought it up because I told him it will happen when you’re both good and ready. You're young. You shouldn't have to rush it because of rogues."

  Silence surrounds us, and I watch Lisa as she looks at her hands. I know she has something else to ask and she’s thinking about it clearly. I can practically hear the clogs ticking in her head.

  "Something else on your mind, honey?" My dad leans forward and places his hand over hers.

  "Yeah. Does it hurt? Not the... I mean the bonding." Her long, dark locks shake vigorously as she realises what she just said.

  "No. Some would say it’s the best feeling in the world. It’s supposed to make you feel like a million dollars. Anything else?"

  While Lisa is flushed and embarrassment is setting in, my dad hasn't even broken a smile. His serious wolf protector kicked in and I don't think anything would embarrass him. He would probably sit and talk about sex just as easily.

  "Breakfast time," says dad as he stands from his seat. His tall, muscular frame makes the room seem small.

  Lisa stands with her cup of coffee and heads for the bedroom. Her smile is bright and her body is as relaxed as could be, considering everything that’s going on.

  "I told you time was all she needed." My dad pats my shoulder and I continue to watch where Lisa once sat.

  Time. If only we had a lot of time on our hands. Time seems to be against us at the moment.

  Chapter 16


  I stand out on the porch and look out into the camp. Already people are busy working. Kids are diving around, and the smell of breakfast cooking is amazing. I think I could get used to this part of the lifestyle. It's carefree. Yes, everyone has a job to do, but there’s no rushing, no arguing. At home, from the moment the alarm clock sounds, everyone jumps into routines for work and school. You’re constantly trying to beat the clock and stay ahead of schedule to get home in time. It isn't like that here, and I like it.

  I walk down the steps and immediately come face to face with a strange man. The hairs on my arms rise.

  "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm Brodie, one of the enforcers that works with Jasper. I'll be shadowing you today."

  Okay. Enforcer. Works with Jasper. That must mean he's okay, but why am I getting a bad feeling? That never happens to me, and with all the strangers I've met since arriving in the pack, this is the first time I've felt uncomfortable.

  "Hi. I'm heading over to Stracey's cabin. That's the pack healer, if you didn't know." I'm not sure what he knows about this pack. For all I know, he could be as new as me.

  His nodding head, sly smile, and shifty stance don’t do anything for my nerves. Whenever Markus or Jasper is away from me, I feel alone. I don't know why, but I intend to figure everything out soon. I need to if I'm going to survive this whole experience.

  I step around the enforcer and look over my shoulder. He hasn't moved from his spot, but I know what shadowing means. I don’t feel comfortable having anyone following me, never mind someone I don’t trust.

  "Hey, Lisa." I’m distracted by Chardonnay shouting to me from up ahead. Her tall, slender frame looks nothing, but I bet with her being the Alpha's soulmate, she'll be a force to be reckoned with. "You okay?"

  I nod and look back to see if the strange enforcer is still behind me. "He said he was shadowing me. Do you know him?"

  "Yeah. Brodie. I know of him. I've not had much to do with him. I believe Jasper knows more about him. Why? You look like you've seen a ghost."

  "I just got a weird feeling from him. Probably because he's a stranger to me." I shrug and try to dismiss my thoughts. "Come on. Let's get this show on the road."

  Chardonnay's arm links with mine and we walk along the trail. Every few feet, someone acknowledges their Alpha and we stop to get introduced. It will take me months to get to know everyone in this pack, and that’s something I don’t have - time.

  My body is still on high alert when I get to Stracey's cabin, and before I enter her home, I look around. Nothing seems out of the ordinary.

  "You not coming in?" Chardonnay breaks my thoughts and makes me jump. I place my hand over my beating heart and smile at her lingering frame.

  "Yeah. I'm coming."

  I follow Chardonnay, and the moment I enter the cabin, I feel energy from somewhere. My skin prickles, and I feel like electricity is strumming through my body.

  Something is very off this morning.


  The first couple of hours into this morning’s session was learning to relax, breathing exercises, and now I've been left sitting in Stracey's cabin, drinking tea, because she was called away to a young wolf that had hurt his ankle. Chardonnay went with her to see how bad it was. Anyway, I’m kind of glad, because it gives me some time to process everything we've been discussing. Chardonnay told me about her bonding with Carlos. She told me the orgasm she had was earth-shattering; the best she had ever had. It was nice to have girl talk, because back home it was me and Markus against the world. It always had been, even before we took our relationship to the next level last week. Why we didn't realise there was a connection between us sooner, I'll never know. Well, I think Markus did know, but he didn't know I was a wolf. He also didn't know that I'd had thoughts and feelings about him which went beyond a platonic friendship. Maybe one day I’ll tell him.

  "Hey." I turn in my seat to see Brodie the enforcer standing in the doorway. Immediately, the hairs on the back of my neck rise, but I try my hardest to keep calm. He works for Jasper, for God’s sake. He's not going to hurt me. It’s hard to think positive when I don’t feel comfortable around this... man. Maybe it’s his grim features, or body builder-sized body. He’s huge.

  "Hi," I squeak out, sounding nothing like my usual self.

  "You need to come with me. Markus and Jasper want you. I said I'd fetch you for them."

  "Okay. Is everything alright?" I ask as I stand and place my cup on the table. "What's going on?"

  "Nothing is wrong." He shifts from foot to foot and sighs. I see my questions are getting on his nerves. "It's just business. Let's go."

  I nod and follow him out of the cabin. When we walk in the opposite direction to the way I'm used to, I keep looking behind to see if there’s anyone I know that will see me following Brodie. But of course, there isn’t. That would be too easy.

  "I should have left a note for Chardonnay and Stracey. They'll be wondering where I am."

  Silence. Okay, so I'm talking to myself. It doesn't surprise me that Brodie isn't a man of many words. The way he looks at me makes my blood run cold. Like, seriously, what’s with people that work for the council? They're all doom and gloom - apart from Jasper. Maybe these goons need to take a leaf out of his book.

  Five minutes turn into ten, but there’s still no Markus or Jasper. Still no words spoken between us, but that’s for the best, because I’m in no mood for alpha men. I clear my throat. "Where are they?"

  "Just keep moving!"

  Now I know something isn’t right. There’s no softness in his tone. His face is hard. The lines are defined around his jaw, as if he’s grinding his teeth. I stop dead in my tracks and shake my head in defiance. I’m not going anywhere without answers. Enough is enough.

  "What's going on?"

  "You'll soon find out! Now move!" He grabs my arm and drags me along beside him. I start to scream, but his hand moves up and covers my mo
uth. I can’t breathe properly because his hand is so big that it practically covers my nose as well. My heart is pounding in my chest so hard that I can hear it in my ears. My head is spinning with the lack of air getting to my lungs and my exertion from trying to fight this beast. It’s no good; he’s overpowering me.

  "Stop fighting, bitch!"

  He jabs me in my side and the wind is knocked out of me. My body goes limp in his arms and I give up trying to fight. It’s pointless, and I’m just getting myself hurt in the process.

  We carry on walking, but the speed has picked up since Brodie gagged me and started carrying me. Well, dragging me is more the correct term. Anyone would think I was a ragdoll.

  "About time!" I hear a sharp voice echo around us, and my head snaps up to see where it came from. Up ahead in the clearing are three men standing in a line. I have no idea who they are, but I feel uneasy. I know something bad is coming and, without my wolf, I’m useless. I’m a weakling. My mouth and sassiness aren’t going to get me out of this mess.

  My body is flung onto the ground like a sack of potatoes. Not one part of me doesn’t ache, but I don’t want to show weakness. I can’t.

  "Well, well, well." The voice gets closer to me and I feel a presence bend down beside me. He lifts a strand of hair from my face and sniffs it. What the fuck is that all about? "You look just like your mother. I heard you're a whore just like her. Where is lover boy, huh?" I look up into his eyes and my heart tells me this is my father. I can feel it inside me and I feel sick. "I've heard you're a feisty mare. Where is this fire I've heard so much about?"

  His hand hits my cheek, and the heat stings like a bitch. The more he hurts me, the more anger courses through my veins, and the more I want to rip his throat out.

  "You make me sick!" I spit, my tone laced with venom. I spit the blood out of my mouth and use the back of my hand to clear my lips of the metallic taste.

  "Now, now. That's no way to talk to your father."

  Father. I laugh. I can’t help it. My whole body rolls with laughter at this clown’s words. He wouldn't know what a father was if it jumped up and bit him in the face.


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