Legion of Guardians: (Book 1-5)

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Legion of Guardians: (Book 1-5) Page 5

by Xyla Turner

  “I love how you don’t ask, you just tell me what’s going to happen, when, and where.”

  His eyebrow raised and then he circled his hips into my center again, causing a moan to escape.

  “Know you love it, darling.” He nipped my neck but, this time, left his face there. “You’re younger than I’d like, but I swear there’s no getting you from under my skin,” he mumbled in my skin.

  “So maybe we should take some time apart and not spend every day this week together.”

  He bit me on the neck.

  “Ouch.” I hit him. “I’m just saying.”

  He continued to suck on my neck.

  “You are not giving me a hickey, are you?” I moved my neck so he could have more access. “That is so something a young guy would do.”

  Razor started to rock into me again as he continued to suck and I continued to let him. Then I gave it back to him. First, I bit him and then I sucked on the middle of his neck, below his facial hair. Front and center. If he thought marking me was okay, marking him would be my pleasure.

  He pulled me closer to him by grabbing my ass and grinding his hard cock directly on my clit. After that continuous motion, I started to get hot and little beads of sweat coated my forehead.

  Pulling away, I moaned, “Oh my God.”

  Razor kept sucking and moving his hips up and down, sliding his hardness against my sensitive jeans covered clit.

  “Fuck,” I breathed. “Yes, yes.”

  He stroked up and down a few more times and that was all she wrote. The heat traveled down my spine and I started to scream, but his mouth invaded mine, muffling my sounds. He took every gasp, murmur, and plea from me. My fists were full of his hair and he showed no signs of discomfort. He just kept kissing me until I calmed down.

  Razor stopped nibbling on my neck and pressed his lips to mine. He didn’t move away from me, just connected our foreheads together as we inhaled each other’s breaths.

  “Damn, sweetheart,” he said against my lips. “You trying to bring a man to his knees, huh? I want to lap up every single drop of that sweetness.”

  I thought about what he was saying and burst into laughter.

  “Oh my God!” I exclaimed. “You are so...so...”

  He bit my bottom lip and then said, “Sexy?”

  “No.” I smiled. “Blunt is the word I was going for.”

  “I know what I want.”

  I didn’t answer him. If he knew what he wanted, which was probably a roll in the hay, then I needed to figure out what I wanted.

  “How old are you?” I asked.

  “Forty-four.” He kissed my lips.

  “Oh, wow,” I said in awe.

  Twelve years is a long time. Razor kept his eyes on me.

  “How old are you?”

  “Thirty-two,” I said with a hint of fear.

  Dread filled me as I figured he might go back to his resolution of not fucking with women younger than him. I wasn’t in my twenties, but twelve years was nothing to cough at. Instead, he chastely kissed me and said, “I need to get out of here before we wake up the rest of the house.”

  An involuntary groan escaped my mouth. The side of his lips turned up and then he said, “Hmm. Believe me, I’d stay if I didn’t need to get Mace in bed. Probably best that I let you go, tonight. There will be a time I might not be able to let you go at all.”

  Oh shit.

  Razor loosened his grip on my ass, so I unwrapped my legs from around him while he gently let me down to my feet. They were a little wobbly, so I held on for a few more seconds.

  “Thanks for bringing Will home,” I said.

  He didn’t back away and his hands were still on my ass.

  “Tomorrow. Movies. I’ll call you.” He squeezed my butt and then pulled me away from the door.

  “If you say so, Mr. President.” I folded my arms over my chest.

  “Save that title for when I fuck you.” He smacked my ass while he opened the door. “I’ll be sure to have you scream that.”

  “Blunt.” I shook my head.

  “You like it.” He jogged down the front steps and I closed the door.




  I just let the president of the Guardians dry hump me to an orgasm against my front door. This left me wet, horny and full of lust and desire for the rugged man. He was older, vulgar, and downright sexy as hell.

  Shit, what was I getting into? My heart was still lying on some dirt road in Missouri somewhere. Right where Jaz left it and rode over it for good measure.

  6 – Caught Up

  Caught up

  ON THURSDAY, I TRIED not to stare at the phone and wait for it to ring, vibrate or make a move at any point. Instead, everyone besides Razor called me including my sister who wanted to check on Will. Then Shay and Lori called trying to make plans for this weekend. They damn near lost their minds when I told them that I might have plans with Razor, but I didn’t want to jinx it. Shay simply hung up on me and called back with Lori on the phone for a three-way.

  “Now, spill everything. Did you guys fuck yet?” Shay asked.

  “No, no. After you set me up and threw me under the bus when I was at his store, Will stayed with him and his son for the remainder of the day. So, when they returned, we talked and he thought it would be cool if they hung out while they were both in town. So, that’s what’s happening.”

  “Wait, Razor thought it would be cool?” Lori said with disbelief evident in her voice. “Razor doesn’t think, he just does.”

  “True, true,” Shay chimed in.

  “Fine,” I snapped. “He told me that’s what we were doing.”

  “Oh, honey. I love it. Won’t be long now,” Shay sang.

  “Don’t get all excited. He hasn’t even called yet so it might have all been some sort of game.”

  “It’s only a little after one. Give it some time,” Lori said trying to sound encouraging.

  “I want to know every single detail. Every one,” Shay stated.

  “Nope, don’t tell her nothing, Kylie. Don’t say one word until she reveals why and with whom she’s sneaking around with.” This was from Lori.

  “What?!?” Shay exclaimed.

  “Yeeesss, Lori. Good idea,” I agreed. “Nothing until you spill the beans.”

  “You can’t do that!” Shay raised her voice.

  “Watch me.” I laughed. “And Lori, don’t tell her nothing.”

  “Oh my God,” Shay started to say until an incoming call buzzed on my cell phone.

  It was unknown.

  “Hold on, guys. Somebody is calling me.”

  Switching over, I said, “Hello.”

  There was no answer, just breathing.

  “Hello,” I said again, hoping it was Razor being silly.

  Then I remembered that Razor didn’t do silly.

  “Okay, I’m hanging up now.”

  More breathing could be heard through the phone. This was starting to become weird. It was the third call like that and the first two were on the house phone. I’d have to ask my mom if she had received any calls like this as well.

  After I hung up with the girls, I made Will and I a sandwich and we waited until my mom came back from her doctor’s appointment. Will went off to play a game when she returned.

  “How did the doctor’s appointment go?” I asked as I slid half of a sandwich in front of her.

  She frowned and shook her head.

  “The lump has not grown or shrunk, so about the same.”

  “Mom, I think you are going to need additional help.”

  She turned her tired, yet sharp eyes on me. “No.”

  “Mom, listen. Once I get a job, everything will have to change. You’re going to need help.”

  “I’ll be fine. This thing won’t beat me.” Her stubbornness had kicked in.

  “Mom,” I started.

  “Don’t mom me. I’ll be fine. There’s no need to worry. Now about you. What’s up with you?”
She picked at the bread on the sandwich. “Was that a man’s voice I heard last night?”

  “Oh, yeah. Will has a new friend and his dad dropped him off last night.”

  “Anyone I know?” Her eyes brightened.

  “No, I doubt it.” I did not want to give her his name because she probably did know him and there really wasn’t anything to tell.

  “Hmm, okay.” She narrowed her eyes on me. “I want more grandbabies.”

  “Yeah, Mom. I’ll get right on that,” I said as I shook my head.

  “Make sure that you do.” She put a piece of the bread in her mouth and stood up slowly. “Walk me upstairs.”

  Once I tucked her in, I let her know I would be out this evening and that her nurse would be here. She nodded her head and was asleep almost instantly.

  Around four o’clock, Will and I were at the Lancaster Mall when Razor finally called.

  “Hello,” I answered.

  “Where are you?” he asked.

  “At the mall.”

  “Didn’t we have plans to go to the movies?” he asked and if I wasn’t mistaken, there was a bit of sarcasm in his voice.

  “You said something about that, but I never received confirmation nor a time to be ready.”

  “Right, so you just up and decide to go forty-five minutes out of town the same day you have a date?”

  “No. My date isn’t until next weekend. I don’t have a date today.” I pulled the phone away from my ear to muffle my laugh.

  “Get your ass back in town, the movie starts at seven-thirty.” He hung up the phone.

  Son of a bitch.

  “Was that Mr. Willis?” Will asked me with wide eyes.

  “Uh, yeah.”

  “What time are we going to see the movies?” He was nearly jumping up and down.

  “Seven-thirty,” I groaned out.

  That motherfucker was lucky this wasn’t for me, but for Will. There would be no way that I’d go anywhere with him with all that demanding and hanging up.

  “Can we go now?” His blond hair was in his face. “Please, Auntie?”

  “Yeah, let me just pay for this.” I threw some more panties in the shopping bag from Victoria’s Secret and headed to the register.

  Don’t ask me why I was buying cute little underwear. I knew why, but I refused to admit it to myself. I would not admit that the purchase of underwear, the home wax kit nor the highlights for my hair were for a certain biker. I had booked a couple of gigs with Wiley, so for my own sanity, I tried to convince myself that is why I bought them.

  When I arrived back in town, I quickly waxed, shaved and put on the matching lacy pink bra and panty set. The highlights would have to wait for another evening, as I’d probably get Lori to put them in for me.

  Around seven o’clock, the doorbell rang. Will ran to the door and was greeted by Mace. Both boys were grinning from ear to ear about the Star Wars movie they were going to see. Once I stepped outside, I saw Razor leaning against his truck.

  “Is there enough room to carry everyone?” I asked. “I can drive.”

  “No, the boys are in the back and we’re in the front.”

  “Yay!” both boys exclaimed.

  I looked at the back of the truck bed. There was all types of things in there and room enough for people to sit, but not eleven-year-old boys.

  “Aren’t they too young to do that?” I asked.

  “They will be fine.” His tone was absolute.

  He opened the door for me so I could climb in. The boys hopped in the back, and we headed toward our destination. On the way there, Razor didn’t say much, but kept his hand on my thigh, which he occasionally squeezed.

  “So, where are you from?” I asked.

  “Columbia,” he replied. “Born and raised.”

  “Any siblings?” I continued to pepper him with questions.

  “Yeah, two brothers. One older and one younger.”

  “Your parents?” I left that question open, because I didn’t know if they were living or not.

  “Mom still lives in Columbia and my father died a long time ago.”

  “Sorry to hear that.”

  “Don’t be.”


  “You close with your family?” I continued to ask questions.

  “Yeah, close enough.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “My pops died while doing a job for his club. They were involved in some crazy shit so my mom hated all MC’s. Therefore, when I joined, the family disowned me.”

  I wanted to know more, but he cut me off and said, “That’s all.”

  Well, this was not informative at all. When we made it to the theater, Razor bought everybody popcorn, candy, and Slushies. I tried to pay for Will’s and my food, but he was not having it, and I did not want to have a showdown in front of the kids or in public.

  Razor had the boys sitting several rows in front of us, while he had us sitting in the very back, directly under the projector.

  “Why are we sitting back here?” I asked as he sat down.

  He pulled me on his lap and wrapped his arm around my waist. “Because I’m about to see how naughty you really are.”

  “What?” My torso twisted so I could see his face.

  “You heard me, darling.”

  Razor started moving me by my hips up and down on his crotch. He was thickening and my beast was about to come alive. Once the movie started, he unzipped my jeans, put two fingers in my panties and began to rub my clit.

  “No yelling, screaming, or loud moaning,” he whispered in my ear.

  “R-razor,” I stuttered as I fell under the spell of his magical hands.

  “Shhh, the movie is on,” he whispered as he strummed my clit to the splendid tune of his own beat.

  My body writhed and attempted to twirl from the pressure of it all, but in the end, I came with his fingers in my mouth to muffle my sounds.

  Mother of Pearl.

  “This time, I get a taste.”

  Before I could object, his fingers moved further down and met my wetness at the opening of my drenched pussy. Once he pulled them out, he put both fingers in his mouth and moaned.

  “Fuck!” he hissed. “I knew you would be sweet.”

  “What about you?” I asked.

  “What about me?” he asked me back.

  I slid off of his lap, pushed the seat separator back and moved to unbutton his pants. He grabbed my hands and asked, “That’s not what this is.”

  “Fine, but you shouldn’t be the only one allowed to have fun.” I smiled.

  He let my hands go and said, “Just so we’re clear. You don’t have to.”

  “I know.” I unzipped his pants and pulled down his briefs to reveal a very large, heavy, and hardened cock.

  It was too dark to see it, but the silky feel of his privates had my nipples to pointed peaks.

  Before I realized what I was doing, I had turned around in the chair and lowered my mouth right on his member.

  “Darling,” he hissed.

  I lifted my head and said, “No yelling, screaming, or loud moaning.” I stroked his smooth cock with my hand, and then finished. “I’ll show you naughty.”

  My mouth went down further and his entire body went stiff, as I opened my mouth to accommodate his length.

  “Goddamn.” Razor wrapped my hair around his hands.

  Oh God, yes! He pumped into my mouth a few times and then he held my head by my long blond locks as he pushed in deeper.

  He was long and thick, so I gagged a little, but what I did not do was stop. Yes, we were in a movie theater and yes, the kids were ten rows away from us, but the thrill of it all had me wanting more. My hand cupped his balls while the other remained tightly clutched around his cock and he continued to take over and invade my mouth.

  His sac tightened after a while and then he said close to my ear, “I'm about to cum.”

  I rolled his balls again and opened my throat wider.

  His grip ti
ghtened and then he hissed, “Fuck.”

  Razor pushed in my mouth a few more times before I heard him groan as he pulled my hair harder. The pressure against my scalp made it so hot. Gravity was working against me, but I tried to swallow his hot release fast, but I missed some. He let me go and sagged back against the comfortable reclining chair while I licked him clean, balls and all.

  I didn't want there to be a mess and he tasted better than I thought he would. It could have just been Razor that made everything seem better, but fuck if I didn't just enjoy that.

  After tucking him back in and zipping him up. Razor eventually removed his head from against the wall and whispered, “Naughty fucking girl.”

  By that time, I had turned around and was watching the movie like I gave a fuck that they were out in space and swinging lasers at each other. Razor must have not liked that because he surely snagged me out of my seat and sat me on his lap.

  He didn't say anything, just wrapped his arm around me as I leaned on him. He caressed my stomach and occasionally would grab my breasts. Besides that, he kept me on him until the movie was over.

  As we were leaving, Will and Mace were chatting incessantly about the movie that Razor and I had no clue about. I damn sure hadn't paid attention to the ending, so I guess he didn’t either. A tall woman with bleached blond hair and dark roots, heavy cheap makeup and wearing a tight skirt walked up to Razor and hugged him.


  That was disrespectful.

  Quite disrespectful, since Razor had my hand in his and even when I tried to let go, he refused. Yet, she still went in for the hug.

  “Razor,” she purred. “Fancy seeing you here.”

  “Bonnie, my boy is with me,” Razor said through clenched teeth.

  “Oh hey, Mace.” She acted like she just noticed there were other people with him.

  Her eyes hit mine and then she peeked at our hands. The vixen had the nerve to smile with the bright red lipstick showing the cracks in her lips and said, “Oh, this must be Katie or was it Kathleen’s name, you murmured in bed last weekend?”

  It took me a minute to figure out what that bitch just said, but when I did, my entire body stiffened. Razor growled, causing his entire body to vibrate and me to want to step away.


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