Ravana Clan Vampires: Complete Series

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Ravana Clan Vampires: Complete Series Page 26

by Moore, E. M.

  I didn’t have much time to daydream about what the Ravanas’ place looked like because soon we were pulling up to a wrought-iron gate, its black spires cutting into the sky. Nic waved at the guard manning a small, booth-like building. The guard pushed a button, and the gates swung open in front of us. We started up a narrow drive through trees until they broke open in front of us. I gasped, taken aback by the sight ahead of me, not just because of the enormity of it all, but because it was such a juxtaposition that we were still in New York. Ahead of me was a legitimate castle that I would expect to see over in Europe. It was modernized in a few senses, but there were still turrets and high walls, and large, blockade doors.

  When we pulled around to the front of the place, Gregor and Isabelle rushed out the front door. I rubbed Connor’s shoulder to wake him, knowing Isabelle would go straight to him to make sure he was safe. Of course, the other guards would’ve radioed ahead to tell them what happened. “We’re here,” I whispered.

  Connor blinked and then looked up into my eyes. A wash of love transformed his look that it nearly took my breath away. “You and I need to talk later,” he said, his voice stern, concrete, and void of all humor that was usually laced in Connor’s words.

  I nodded quickly, and then he was up and out of the Jeep, more like himself, laughing when his mother threw her arms around him and hugged him close to her. Stephan tugged on my sleeve, and I followed him out of that side of the SUV. Gregor was there welcoming his sons home. Then, he turned to me. “I heard you behaved very admirably, Ariana.” He closed his eyes and bent his head. “I am forever thankful to you.”

  My head careened back. Did the King of the vampires just thank me? Wow. I was speechless. Before I could say anything, Isabelle’s hands were on my shoulders and forcing me to look at her. Her eyes were glassy with unshed tears. “Thank you,” she said, her lips pulling up into a wobbly smile.

  “Of course,” was all I managed to say before my tongue felt too thick in my mouth. I nodded at her, and she nodded back.

  “Let’s all go into the house then,” Isabelle said. “Dinner will be on the table shortly, and you’ll need to get cleaned up.” At this, she looked at Connor and the holes in his long-sleeve tee. I was glad she wasn’t there to witness the smoke wafting up from his skin earlier. She wouldn’t have liked that one bit if even the sight of the aftermath pained her.

  I was just about to turn around and walk inside with the rest of them when a black-clad guard stood in front of me. It was the same one from the outside of the gas station. “Stuart, you’re needed for debriefing.”

  My eyes widened. Debriefing? This was all so new to me, but instead of acting confused, I nodded. “Show me the way.”

  I followed after the guard, deciding not to look back at my princes. I knew I wouldn’t want to go do my duty if I did that. My main concern right now was making sure Connor was okay. He seemed as if he was though a little tired. That was perhaps another side-effect of holy water. I’d really have to read up on all this stuff. Since I wasn’t raised in this environment, there was still too much I didn’t know.

  The guard led me to an offshoot of the main castle. It was still made of stone and connected to the castle proper with a long hallway. Other guards joined us as we walked up to a door in the side of the structure.

  “This is the security wing,” the guard in front of me explained. He pointed toward the long hallway that led to the main castle. “Nothing will get through here to the main castle. It was designed in such a way to be well fortified. I am sure you’ll become an expert in it in your own time.” He looked back and winked at me.

  Pride spread out from my chest. This guard acted as if I’d already had the position here. It was nice not to have it dangled above my head like a carrot.

  He led me through a series of smaller rooms and hallways until we went inside another doorway that opened up into a tiny conference room. He pointed at a seat, and I took it. Guards filed in behind us and also took their seats. Most of them were still in some version of guard attire. The one who showed me in still had his tactical vest on while others had theirs pulled off, and some even further still had their sleeves rolled up or tank tops on. In that room, I suddenly felt like I had a small family. This was the group I was getting into, that I was training to be a part of.

  When the door closed, the guard who brought me in looked at me. “All in all,” he said, his lips pulling back into a smile. “I’d say that was pretty good for your first incident.”

  I kept my mouth shut about it not being my first incident. I didn’t want to have to explain to them that I’d royally screwed up my first and wound up getting captured and used as bait. I was surprised, however, that they didn’t know about it already. Then again, maybe they did and were just taking pity on me.

  “I know you’re not as familiar with some things, so let me start off by saying that was a human attack. They don’t happen very often, but when they do, it’s a major concern for the vampire world.”

  The guard continued to talk and debrief me on what happened. He explained how the humans attacking was a threat, which wasn’t that hard to guess. The more the humans thought they knew about the vampires, the worse it was. It just so happened that there was a particular sect of humans near this area who were well-versed in vampire “lore” or what they thought it was. They were becoming increasingly dangerous and would soon need to be dealt with. The guards were just waiting on the command from The Council to figure out in which way they were supposed to act.

  My forehead wrinkled. “The vampires don’t let you make the plans?”

  The guard leaned forward, his forearms resting on the table between us. “Not usually,” he said. His voice was impassive, neutral. “At certain times, they have taken a guard’s view into consideration, but ultimately, the plan is theirs to make, but ours to operate.”

  I nodded, not really agreeing with that. If the guards were supposed to be the defense of the vampires, shouldn’t they be planning, coordinating, and attacking? The vampire world had interesting politics to be sure. From what I’d seen and heard, most vampires didn’t care at all how guards worked or what threats were. How then were they supposed to make the decisions about it?

  The guard must have seen the hesitation on my face. “Gregor and Isabelle Ravana have been more open than their predecessors.”

  The other guards around the table nodded.

  At that time, they asked me my version of events. I went through the whole story from seeing the sticker in the window to telling the guys I thought we should leave and all the way up until when the other guard took over for me and I was pulled away by Nicolai.

  A woman at the far end of the table spoke up. “It is evident the princes care for you. I would’ve liked to seen you push harder on getting them to leave. Your instincts were correct, Ariana.” Her face softened as she regarded me. “Sometimes it is difficult with some vampire families. They have this sense of power; some even feel like they are untouchable. You are going to have to find your own way to get them to listen to you and make your concerns heard. Ultimately, their safety is up to you and on your shoulders. If they are injured on your watch, The Council will not take into account that you tried to tell them what to do, but they didn’t listen. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  I nodded once. I completely understood. I had to be more forceful with the Ravanas next time. They would have to learn to listen to me. I knew I wouldn’t have a problem with that; it would just take some getting used to on their part.

  “Other than that,” she said, “I was rather impressed by your quick thinking. I know you are not yet ready to take your post, but I believe the princes have chosen well in you.”

  My heart swelled. She’d just said everything I’d wanted Samuel to say back at The Fort. I was here for a reason and not just because the Ravanas were thinking with their taste buds or even another part of their anatomy. I was going to serve them well. “Thank you,” I said. I looked around. Most o
f them stayed quiet, but a few were getting restless as we all sat there. “What happened to the guy at the store?”

  “There really wasn’t much we could do,” the guard who originally brought me here said. “If we had let him stay with his story intact, he would’ve just solidified in all his humans’ friends minds that vampires are in fact, real. We wiped the security footage and disposed of him, made it seem as if he had a heart attack.”

  My voice caught in my throat. Disposed? “He’s…dead?”

  The guard nodded. “A necessary evil, I’m afraid.”


  My mind still reeled as I took stock of the room I was shown to. The other guards were surprised when one of the Ravanas’ servants came to get me. A spark of embarrassment played over me as I realized I was being singled out. I doubted any of them were going to get a tour of the house and dinner like Isabelle had promised. At least, I hoped I was included in the dinner invitation. Even now, I was holding my stomach at the hunger pains.

  Despite the castle being actually a castle, the interior was far from it. It was cozy, almost, though very large inside. The furnishings were those of finery and exquisite taste, but not overwhelmingly so. The female servant opened the door to my room on the third floor and then let herself out. Inside, there was a large bed with a canopy over it. In the middle of the bed lay Connor Ravana. He looked like an angel while he slept on his side; his hands pulled up to his face.

  To my right, I saw the bag I’d brought all the way from The Fort. I tiptoed past it and made my way toward Connor. His side raised and lowered with even breaths. His blond tendrils fell over his forehead, a whisper against his eyebrows. He was entirely too handsome to look away from. I gingerly placed my hands on the soft comforter, waiting to see if I’d wake him. When I didn’t, I moved a little more and a little closer until I was stretched out beside him. My hand moved up, my fingers caught his bangs, and smoothed them back.

  Connor’s arm closest to me was the arm that got the brunt of the holy water. I peered down at it, frowning. There was nothing there. Nothing to show that something had happened to him. I marveled at his clean, even skin. I was a little jealous of their healing capabilities. It would be nice to have that superpower, especially in my line of work.

  “I can feel your eyes on me,” Connor said.

  I lifted my gaze to meet his eyelids. He was smiling sweetly though his eyes were still closed. “Are you sure?”

  He nodded, and I snuggled down into him more. He blinked his eyes open and stared at me with his ocean blue eyes.

  “I’m so glad you’re okay,” I said, my throat thick with emotion.

  “Because of you.”

  I shook my head. Whether he was right or not, didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered at the end of the day was whether I was surrounded by my four princes. “Does the holy water make you sleepy?”

  He nodded, his eyes shutting for a brief moment before opening once again. “We should’ve all listened to you, you know?”

  “Shh,” I said, immediately, wanting to silence any of his worries. “We’re all trying to work this out. There are bound to be hiccups every now and then.”

  His arm snaked around my waist and pulled me closer. “I think all of us tend to forget why you’re here. Each of us wants you here in a far different way than to serve us as our guard, Ariana. This was just the only way to get you here, and for you to be able to stay.”

  I nodded. “And I’m thankful that you guys did it.”

  He looked up, the blue in his eyes intensifying. “I want more.”

  My stomach did a hard flip and a warm feeling spread between my thighs. I licked my lips, and Connor watched me with care.

  “One of these days, we’re going to be here under far different circumstances, Princess.” His hand traced up my arm, over my shoulders, and down onto my collarbone.

  The heat started to build between us. “I was worried about you,” I said.

  “I was worried about you. You should’ve seen the fit Nicolai threw when you were taken with the other guards. Sometimes we forget your place isn’t right beside us yet. I think we’re already years ahead of ourselves in our minds. It’s scary and exhilarating all at the same time.” His eyes followed his fingers as they moved lower across the upper part of my chest.

  I swallowed. “What do you want, Connor?”

  His eyes burned into mine as if they were hot coals. He started to talk and then stopped several times. “Not good to ask me that right now,” he breathed out. His voice was void of all humor. It took on this husky quality, much like Nic’s, but it made me inch closer to him.

  “I want to know.”

  “You already do know.”

  I closed my eyes. I could see it all in front of me: the dinners with the four of them in this house, the parties with them by my side, the everyday banter and joy. But the truth of it was, it was the same picture Kay had painted for me with her and Royce. Could it all happen? Or would it all end in tragedy?

  I didn’t have time for my mind to go down that path. Suddenly, strong lips were on mine, kissing all my fears away. He was like heaven in a cup, quenching my thirst for being needed, wanted, and cared for. My breaths rasped out of my chest in between kisses. I was gasping for air, for him. I was drowning in Connor Ravana and I loved every second of it.

  Soon, he pulled himself on top of me, his weight pressing down in all the right places as his lips still worked over me. I was lost in the feeling, the emotion of it all. The heat between my thighs began to build and build. It made my brain fuzzy as if I couldn’t think clearly anymore. I rolled my hips up and was met with a hardness that only intensified the need.

  Connor pulled away, groaning. His thumb grazed my cheek. “What are we going to do with you, Ariana?”

  Two words wanted to burst from my mouth so bad. Instead, I turned my head to the right and kissed his palm. Instead of saying, ‘love me’, I wanted to show him.

  His eyes darkened. “I owe you so much already.”

  I shook my head. It wasn’t them that owed me; I owed them for everything. For this feeling in my chest that was about to burst free, for the precious freedom I’d acquired, for the care and feeling in my life every day. I’d been going through life like a zombie, not anymore. Now I had passion and feeling. I had a purpose.

  I rolled my hips upward again, and Connor’s eyes nearly rolled back into his head. “You’re killing me, Princess.”

  “Welcome to my world,” I said, teasing him as I reached up and kissed him again, at the same time, bringing him down to me with a hand at the back of his neck.

  I could’ve lost him today, just like we almost lost Christian. What if the holy water had gotten all of him point blank? What if it had been a stake and not just the burning water? What would I be doing right now? Certainly not feeling the precious lips of his pressed against mine, or the growing thickness between us.

  I moaned before reaching between us and touching him.

  He pulled away, his expression pained. “God, don’t do that. I can’t even control myself now.”

  “Then don’t,” I said, wanting him to just feel at the moment instead of thinking. I used one of the grappling tricks I learned to roll him over so I was on top of him. His breath came out in rasps as he sealed his lips to mine again. Heat pooled in my lower stomach as my hips took over. I moved against him, craving that touch, that feeling with him. Pressure mounted inside me.

  Connor reached up and stilled my hips while burying his head in my shoulder. “Princess, we’ve got to slow down.”

  I laid my head on top of his. I wanted to pout and ask why. Why should we have to when this felt so right?

  “If anyone…” his breath shuddered out of him.

  Oh, right. If anyone found out, we’d be in big trouble. He didn’t need to finish that sentence. We all knew the outcome too well.

  I sat back on him. He relaxed into the bed, his eyes not able to meet mine. I dropped my forehead to his. “Connor, I’m

  He swallowed. “Don’t say that.”

  “Just let me get this out.” I kissed him then went right back to resting my forehead on his. His eyes locked onto mine this time as I tried to put into words what I’d been feeling. I laced my fingers between his. “It’s like we have this tenuous grip on this very powerful, very right thing. Every day it gets stronger, but it also feels like it could slip away at any time. I just want to…be in it while I can.”

  He nodded, making my head bob up and down with him. “I understand, but we’re not going anywhere, Ariana. We want you with us forever. Is that clear?”

  Doubt crept into the back of my head, but I tried to push it away for his sake. Not wanting to ruin the moment, I tried to smile. “Yes.” We stayed there until I melted on top of him, my thoughts clearing and my heart quieting for the time being. “Connor?”


  “When can I have you?”

  His body pulled taut. Between us, what had started to subside lengthened and turned to stone again. “You already have me.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  He pushed his nose into my hair and breathed in deep. Then, he ran his fingers through my long tresses. “You know, you’re making it very hard to be a gentleman here.”

  “Good,” I said, giggling into this chest.

  He arched his hips up, silencing me in an instant. “You know I want you,” he said, breathing heavily again. “I know you can feel that, and you can feel it in the way I kiss you and look at you. Don’t ever forget that I want this as much as you. Probably more.”

  I highly doubted that. Even now I was contemplating just ripping his pants down along with my own to feel that skin-to-skin I craved.

  What then? The little voice said, coming back to haunt me. We could risk everything for just one moment if we gave in. It was hard to put that into perspective when that’s all I wanted, but—


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