Ravana Clan Vampires: Complete Series

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Ravana Clan Vampires: Complete Series Page 52

by Moore, E. M.

  “Yeah, sorry guys,” Connor said from behind me. He threw his hands around my shoulders and squeezed while I dropped the water gun at my feet. “This one’s mine.” He gave my cheek a big smack as the three men took a collective step backward.

  The two that were in the back started mumbling to one another, and they soon turned and headed right for their truck. When they got in, they honked the horn, laying on it for a good three seconds. “Get your ass in the truck, Waylon. We don’t need any trouble here.”

  The brother’s hands clenched at his sides. He turned toward us, his eyes growing hard. “I know,” he said. “I know and nothing is going to convince me otherwise.”

  He turned and stalked back toward the idling truck. We didn’t relax until he pushed down on the gas and kicked up the dirt in the makeshift parking lot. We fanned it away from our faces as the tires hit the pavement with a squeal.

  “Jesus,” Connor breathed in my ear. He kissed my cheek again for real and hugged me toward him. I went to reach up to pat his arm, but stopped midway. I needed to get this holy water off me before I did just what I was trying to avoid. Connor turned away anyway. “Everyone okay?”

  A chorus of ‘yeahs’ and affirmatives made their way through the crowd. I walked past Christian to head toward the river to wash my hands off. He was already on the phone, speaking in a low voice to someone. He would take care of it from here, probably sending out a vampire or two to wipe their memories, then telling them there was no such thing as vampires, that they should never believe in vampires, and that they should never make it back to this part of the country again. That way, we wouldn’t have to deal with anything like this in the future. I wasn’t sure exactly how mind persuasion worked, but I was sure they could pull something like that off.

  I swished my hand around in the freezing cold water before pulling it out. Then, I plunged them both into the water and rubbed them together, making sure to get the area between my fingers too. On my way back to the group, I looked up to find a tall figure making his way toward me. Dread washed over me when I realized who it was. Stepping out of Zeke’s way, I’d planned on ignoring him, but something told me to stop. I closed my eyes and tried to talk myself out of it, but I just couldn’t get around it. “Hey, uh, Zeke?” I asked. His back tensed as he kneeled by the water’s edge. Why did I have to open my mouth? I didn’t owe him anything. “Thanks for covering Stephan,” I said quickly.

  His shoulders relaxed, and he went back to washing off. I watched as he stripped his shirt and dunked it in the river water. I waited for him to react, to say something back, but he didn’t. Expecting nothing less, I shrugged and started to make my way back to my princes. I didn’t owe him anything, but when it came down to the Ravanas’ safety, I would do what I could, even if it meant swallowing my pride and taking the higher road—no matter what it cost me. Zeke cleared his throat and then his cold voice filled the evening air, effectively stopping me mid-stride. “Wait.”

  I turned, my stomach sinking immediately. It was at that moment I realized I hadn’t actually expected him to say anything. I wasn’t prepared to have a conversation with Zeke, let alone in private.

  I steadied myself as he crept up the embankment and pulled his shirt back over his head. He ran his hands through his wet hair and then tugged his shirt down. “You know I don’t like you.” I rolled my eyes at his bluntness, prepared myself to say something back, but he continued, his lips thinning and voice dropping an octave or two. “I’m trying to say thank you. You saved my life the other day with that rogue vamp even knowing I don’t like you. Even knowing I threatened you. Even knowing my mother tried to kill you.” He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. “Anyway, the least I could do was stand in front of that prince for you. He’s actually not a bad guy. He stitched me up after the attack.”

  Of course Stephan would win over Zeke. He was just that kind of guy. That didn’t surprise me, but the shock registering now was the fact that Zeke could be a little human. How much human was still up for debate, but I didn’t know, maybe he was just a little scared kid who felt threatened by me and acted out in a terrible way. That didn’t make it right, not by a long shot, but perhaps I’d proven myself in his eyes now.

  Not that it mattered.

  Whatever was going down, I still wasn’t about to forgive the past. I nodded, letting him know I’d heard him, then continued up the embankment to meet back up with who really did matter, my princes.


  The parking lot was clearing out when I made my way back. Christian stood in the middle of everything, waving cars on and simultaneously talking to people. I stopped near Nicolai and inclined my head toward him. “What’s going on?”

  “Samuel wants all the guards back at The Fort. After Christian called the incident in, the Rajyvik’s decided to lock it down for tonight and put out extra security. If anyone doesn’t leave right now, they won’t make it back in time before they shut the place up nice and tight. Lex is sending a team out to deal with those guys.”

  Oh… I looked around for the Jeep and wondered if we were also getting ready to go. I didn’t want to get stuck outside. Not that I thought anything was going to happen tonight since Lex’s team was on top of things and the three men didn’t seem to be all that organized, but I guessed it was always safer to be prepared.

  Nic squeezed my hand. “Ri, what are you doing?”

  “Are we leaving? I don’t want to be—”

  His tone hushed, he leaned over. “We thought maybe you’d like to spend the night with us at our place.”

  My throat ran dry. “Y-your place?”

  He lowered his chin to meet my gaze and a shudder rolled through me. “My parents are staying at the Rajyvik’s. Everyone decided they’d be safer there. That leaves the whole place to ourselves if we want it. We have enough security measures in place that we’ll be fine. Plus, they didn’t say anything about knowing where anyone lived, only The Fort.”

  I gulped, his dark eyes almost measuring me up before I answered. I nodded quickly, perhaps a little too quickly because a small grin curled his lips. Nicolai always did that to me though—scrambled my brain and made me lose all sense.

  He motioned toward the Jeep, and I stumbled along beside him. He opened the back door for me and hands were already there, greeting me. Connor pulled me onto his still-damp lap. His arms encased me in and a shiver racked his body. “Keep me warm, Princess.”

  I smiled before snuggling down into him. “Serves you right for jumping off the bridge…multiple times. How many times did you jump anyway?”

  His shoulders lifted. “A dozen or so.”

  I shook my head. Jumping once had been enough for me.

  “Mmm,” he moaned. “You’re so warm and cuddly. You also saved us again. Has anyone mentioned lately that you’re pretty much perfect?”

  Nicolai caught the tail end of the conversation as he got in the passenger seat. “I believe I told her that in the dressing room at Gwen’s.” He turned and winked, and it felt like my face caught fire.

  Connor stifled a laugh. “I see. Sounds like you two had fun in your solitary outing. I miss fun.”

  His thumbs traced the curve of my boobs on the outside of my shirt and I stilled. I refrained from making any embarrassing noises and instead stared straight ahead at Nic. His face darkened even more. “I think she liked that, brother.”

  Connor’s breath hitched in my ear. His thumbs made the same movement and then poised over my nipples, right in full view of Nic. “Did she? Maybe she’ll like this, too?” He lowered his thumbs, his touch searing right through my shirt and bra and pebbling my nipple. Through it all, I never lost eye contact with Nicolai who stared down at my breasts, now heaving, filling Connor’s palms. I wiggled on his lap, the spot between my thighs heating like a rapid-fore furnace. “Damn, girl,” Connor breathed out. Already I could feel his massive erection hardening against my backside, right through the layers of wet clothing.

  Nicolai’s husk
y voice filled the Jeep. “She definitely liked that.” He looked around, trying to see out the fogged windows. “Where the hell are Stephan and Christian? I want to get her home now.” He abandoned his search and peeked at me again. “She deserves a treat for being such a good guardian.”

  Connor kissed my ear, pulling the lobe into his mouth, and then biting it. I pushed back against him, my head falling to his shoulder. And with that, I couldn’t suppress a moan any longer. Connor’s touch moved lower, over my chest down my stomach and to my shirt hem. He reached under, lifting the shirt and bra out of the way with one hand while his other fanned over my bare skin. He teased my nipple with his fingertips, and I arched backward, still catching glimpses of Nic’s heated gaze, only intensifying the experience.

  Connor parted his legs, making my own open wide. Nicolai’s gaze dropped. “Shit, Connor. Right here in the parking lot?”

  “Everyone’s leaving,” he said. “Besides, Princess is ready, and when Princess is ready, we should bend to her will. Isn’t that right, Ariana?”

  He pinched my nipple, and I breathed out heavily, my legs falling open even more. My gaze locked with Nicolai and whatever he saw there pushed him over the edge. He climbed into the backseat with us, and my breath started to rattle out of me faster. Connor pulled us up onto the seat, his back against the door while Nic kneeled between my legs. He hadn’t even touched me yet and my whole body buzzed. A heat I’d never known before swept between my thighs as he undid the button on my jeans and started to pull the layers of clothing down.

  My body locked up, and Connor quickly undid the clasp on my bra and moved my shirt and bra completely out of the way, the fresh air teasing my skin. Both his hands came around and played with my nipples, brushing, plucking, and pinching. “Your breasts are beautiful,” he murmured. “So soft, so full…”

  “That’s not the only beautiful thing,” Nic said as he pulled my jeans down and widened my knees. His hot breath teased my core, and my hands fluttered at my side, not knowing what to do. Being touched by Connor and Nicolai at the same time was out of this world. My body already strained toward that something that was so amazing, I knew I would never forget it.

  “Put your fingers in his hair,” Connor instructed.

  I did so, and Nic moaned a second before placing his lips at my center. I bucked toward him, my fingers clutching his dark strands before losing myself in his perfect kisses. I let out a low mewl. Nic’s tongue darted out at the same time Connor massaged my breasts, and I cried out. Was this really happening? My God, it was too much, yet not enough at the same time.

  “Princess,” Connor whispered in my ear. “How do you feel?”

  I laid my head back against his shoulder, my fingers still wound in Nic’s hair. I breathed out, the ache in my center climbing upward. If a normal orgasm was like climbing Everest, this was like climbing up a mole hill. “Is this really happening?” I choked out. Nicolai’s hot tongue was melting me from the inside out. “Oh my God.”

  Nic wound his hands under my ass and pinched, my hips popped into the air right into his waiting mouth where he ate me up. I started to rock into him, the pressure so intense it was like riding a fierce pleasure wave.


  “Please what, Ri?”

  Connor shuddered. “You are so beautiful.”

  I moved my hands from Nic’s hair to the back of Connor’s neck. He turned toward me and captured my lips in a searing kiss. His tongue plunged into my mouth with a ferocity I hadn’t encountered from him before.

  “Please what, Ri?” Nic demanded.

  I moaned into Connor’s mouth, but he broke the kiss, his blue eyes pleading with mine.

  I looked at him, desperate for an answer. He nodded. I closed my eyes and licked my lips. “Make me come. Both of you.”

  Connor’s lips sealed onto mine again as he continued to tease my nipples. He was rock hard at my back, and I ground down into him until he moved up against me, pushing me that much further into Nicolai’s whim. The dark prince’s tongue swirled, sending me in dizzy circles until he moved upward over that most precious sweet spot that made me shudder. I cried out, Connor eating up my screams, burrowing them inside himself as Nic stayed where he was. My hips came off Connor again, and Nic slipped his fingers into me as his other attentions continued until he was driving me further and further upward. I ground my teeth together, trying to make the pleasure last. My body was on a roller coaster to the top though, and there was nothing to stop it. Connor drove his tongue into my mouth at the same time Nic’s tongue passed over my sensitive core. I cried out. A ripple of intense, body freezing pleasure shot through me quickly followed by a liquid heat that spilled over between my thighs and radiated outward. “Yes!” I screamed into Connor’s mouth, who was still there, anchoring me through this entire experience.

  He broke away, his head falling backward onto the window while he gulped in air. My chest mirrored his, heaving in front of me. I stared down. Connor’s hands had stilled on my breasts and Nic sat back on his haunches. He stared at me with feeling until he started to help me back on with my panties and jeans. Afterward, Connor moved me forward so he could clasp my bra again and arrange my shirt into place. I was too awestruck to move or say anything. Whatever I did was because they maneuvered me around like a puppet. Before I knew it, I was in the middle of them, my seatbelt on, and waiting for Christian and Stephan to arrive back to the car.

  The three of us didn’t speak. My mind whirled, cascading back to just a few moments ago when I was deep in the clutches of both men. I’d never felt anything like it. To not only be in the hands of one man you loved, but two, there was just something so surreal, so perfect.

  “What are you thinking, Princess?”

  I laid my head against the seat and looked into his blue eyes. “I’m thinking I’m one lucky girl.”

  What on Earth was I waiting for? What wasn’t I ready for? I was afraid of exploring my feelings for them for what reason?

  They were perfect. Each of them in their own way was perfectly attuned to me. They complemented one another in the best of ways, all of them willing to fight for me and vice versa. They’d brought me here to this surreal life surrounded by them, their generosity, their heart, their soul. What more could I want?

  The back doors to the Jeep swung open, and two pairs of eyes froze the three of us together.


  Wordlessly, Christian and Stephan pulled Connor and Nic from the back of the Jeep. They slid in next to me, replacing the other two, and cocooning me between their warm bodies. I held out a hand to each of them, and they both took one, threading their fingers through mine, interlinking us. In the front, Connor got into the driver’s seat and Nic sat in the passenger’s side. The Jeep came to life beneath us and it rolled ahead, but I was too preoccupied in my own head to single out any one movement.

  Now was the time. We were headed back to the Ravana estate with free reign of the house. We didn’t have to worry about anyone noticing a sleepover in my room or for the Ravanas’ parents to be around. What other time might we have? The future wasn’t certain. We didn’t know when we’d have another moment alone or if I was going to be sent out to find Dumont tomorrow. Or them, either. They could be whisked away on Council business at any time. We were completely at the whim of others. But, we did have tonight. That much we could count on.

  This was the time.

  Christian kissed my shoulder and ran his fingers up and down my arm. I turned toward him. The heat from his blue gray eyes smoldered. “I love you,” I whispered.

  Eyes rounding, his lips parted in an intake of breath. “I love you, too.”

  I smiled, cupping my hand around his cheek, and moved closer, kissing him, trying to lock this moment in my memory. It would take at least one of the top four spots—one amazing memory with each of my princes. Christian let me control the kiss, taking it as slow and sensuous as I wanted. Then, I pulled away and squeezed his hand before twisting toward Stephan. As graciou
s as he was, he stared out the side window into the dark night. I took his hand in mine again and pressed our palms together before moving his chin to face me. Looping my fingers around his ear, I placed my hand at the back of his neck and brought him closer. “I love you Stephan Ravana.” My heart clenched as he gazed at me. There was no uncertainty in our shared feelings, but there was an awe in his. Something I also felt. Luck, pure amazement. Reaching out, he pulled me to him and sealed our lips together. My gasp filled the interior of the car before he ran his tongue over mine. What Stephan lacked in actual experience, he made up for with attention to my body. He remembered from our other encounters that I enjoyed it when he held me tight. That short, intense kisses with brief pauses made my heart race and beg for more, and he was always ready and able to give it to me.

  I jabbed at my seatbelt release, but I couldn’t quite get it. Stephan broke away and stilled my hand. “Leave it on.”

  “You don’t have yours on.”

  He smirked. “You’re far more precious than I am, Ariana. You’re the woman I love. The woman my brothers love, and—”

  “Don’t forget she’s more breakable than we are, too,” Connor piped up.

  We both ignored him. I stared into Stephan’s eyes and let his sincerity fill me. His hand trembled against mine before smoothing it up my arm, goosebumps following in its wake. I liked that he was as affected by this as I was. How much more perfect could this be? If we let this happen tonight, we could share it with one another. Both of us could become one for the first time. “I’m ready,” I mouthed to him.

  He swallowed, nodding at me once before the car made a left turn and then slowed. Not until the Jeep completely stopped did he let me release my seatbelt. Then, he opened his door, pulled me into his arms and headed toward the front door. I looked over his shoulder and found Nic, Connor, and Christian all smiling after us. They looked like proud parents sending their children off to college, but they stayed back, each one of them lounging next to the Jeep. I tried to keep them in sight, but the night was dark, and my imperfect human eyes could only make out shadows when we got too far away.


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