In Kazakhstan, if you want to see a grown man inside the
body of an animal, you go to Astana Zoo. In US and A, you
go to village m California called
Disneysland, which is home of the creatures Dougal Duck,
Mickey The Moose and
asshole dog, Goofy.
There is many fun to be had at
this themes park, which is split
into separate lands - includings
Tomorrowsland and
Fantasyland. Tomorrowsland
gives a glimpsing into the
world of the future, where
people have miniature clocks
that they wear on their arms! But
my favourite is Fantasyland,
which although it have no
connection to the sexclub in
Almaty with the same name, if
you go on the nde, 'Pinnochio's
Daring Journey' , there is a pari
where the lights go out just
long enough to make
At Disneysland, you must take your own potatoes if you wish to throw them at these childrens with nuclear retardation.
On my travelings across US and A for make my moviefilm, I stop at a gas station place name Loganvilles Georgia and discover by chance one of America's greatest touristic attractions - and it not even in any guidmgs books. It happen when after placing gasolines in my motorcar, I go to lavolatory at back of station for make a urines. As I doing this I notice there is a hole in the wall exact circumference of my chram (can of pepsi) - so l place him m the hole and what happen next is incredible - I feel a strong mouth around him! I think it mouth of man because the moustache I feel ticklings was too thick to be a woman's. Very soon I make liquid explosion and I return to motorcar to fetch my friend Azamat Bagatov. We return to the hole, but the magik have finish and there is nothing. Perhaps when you go to try this hole in Logansville, it will have return!
The city of Las Vegas in Nevadas is very good indicate of power of US and
A under fist of current regime. Mighty Warlord George Walter Bush have
not only succeed in crush Iraq, he have also manage to conquer and steal the cities of London, Pans and
Venices which he have moved to this desert location.
There is many activities for enjoy in this Las Vegas, includmgs bingo, prostitute, discodance, prostitute, striptease and prostitute.
If Gansgter Frankie Sinatra is not your flavour, why not instead watch a live show by flamboyant homosexual, Liberace?
US and A have steal Eyefel Tower and place it in Las Vegas. Do not try to steal Nurek Dam. You will be sorry!
This place in Tennessees is the home of most beautiful woman - Dolly Partons. Wawaweewa! They like two shaved goat's
bladders! I am include this place on list of destination for Kazakhs to visit by instruction of Premier Nazarbamshev, who is offer a
reward of 20 billion Tenge to any man who can capture this Dolly Partons and bring
her back to Kazakhstan, where he wish to make her dance at next State Openings of Parliament.
Dolly Partons
After 12 days into my journey to US and A without having opportunity to clean my body, I was very please to find this public washroom which is locate in Brandon, Mississpissi. It
really is most impressive and in terms of solid human waste I see in the water. I would estimate it have a filtration system that remove perhaps up to 75%.
I was please to find location for both release dirty and also spy on some ladies minoos clothing
After making release of dirty, there is most ingenious construction for cleaning of anoos
After clean my anoos, l next clean my body 65
In Kazakhstan the only time two men travel together on a vehicle it is for journey to edge of forest to make bang bang bang in anoos. In US and A it happen for funtime! Here I am on motorcycle with fat actor Marlon Brando
• Subsequents to worldwide successes of his blockbusterings moviefilm, B orat Sagdiyev - televiski journalist and 4th most famous person of Kazakhstan - have in associate with Ministry of Information produce this travel guidings journal to minor nation of US and A. This book a most sensible acquisition if you are think of travel to this country and will instruct you on all you needing know - from how to get caqe of your wife through airport, to how to gain entry to an American vagine without spend
It also contain most explicit guidings to
American peoples - did you know that
there are over 1,000 of them with chocolate
colour skin? And that it natural, not makeups!?
Learn too of the great American cities -
Washingtons DC, New York and Londons
- and read truthful accounts of their landmarks:
for examples, discover that in realitys, the
World Trade Centers of New York City is not near so tall as they saying it is.
Containings many many photographs
never before looked upon and writings of most splendid caliber, this book really is a very nice!
Borat Sagdiyev h ave had hair on pubis for 35 harvest, he have correct number of limbs and chram thick like can of Pepsi. Borat is current marry to his third wife. First two is dea d. He did not kill the m.
Borat Page 10