Snow Storms

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Snow Storms Page 4

by Elle Middaugh

  This is going to be fast, furious, and fan-fucking-tastic.

  Suddenly, hands stroked me from every angle, lips brushed me, tongues teased me. Moans and groans filled the air and I couldn’t help but spread my legs, all but begging one of them to fill me completely.

  Ash’s face appeared first, forcing all the others to fade away. He gripped my hips, licked his lips, and buried his face in my throbbing wetness.

  I thought I cried out, but maybe that was someone else? My body almost didn’t even feel like my own, I was so desperate. His tongue lapped at me for all of a minute, swirling around my clit in a steady rhythm, before I exploded inside.

  Everything beyond that moment of release, was a blur of passion and rapture.

  Embers and flames. Glistening skin, glowing orange in the firelight. Desire and pleasure. Over and over and over again on repeat. Hands, tongues, fingers, dicks. Faces—Ash, Rob, Cal, Dan, Ben, and even Criss. And orgasms. So many fucking orgasms. Until, finally, the haze of lust subsided enough for me to see straight.

  Criss’s face swam into view, an intense gaze chiseled right into his handsome face like stone.

  I reached up and cradled his cheek, and he leaned into me and closed his hooded eyes.

  “What’s wrong, my Soothing Prince?” I asked in a whisper.

  His brows furrowed and a look of pain crossed his features. Curiously, my gaze trailed down his broad chest, along his rippling abs, and over the deep V of his groin, and I realized… he hadn’t fucked me yet. His cock was still hard and veiny and begging for release.

  “What are you waiting for?” I asked softly, stroking him with my hand before his hazel eyes burst back open, captivating me in the blue, green, and gold of their depths.

  “I was waiting for permission from my little Firefly.”

  I smirked lazily as I caressed him. “Firefly, huh?”

  He nodded slowly. “Beautiful as a butterfly, but fierce like fire. You could set the world ablaze, just as you have my heart, and I’d be helpless as ever to stop you.”

  I gasped softly as the beauty of his words wrapped around my heart and squeezed.

  “We haven’t yet crossed this line,” he continued, “and I wanted to be sure it was something you truly wanted before I took what I craved.”

  Oh my gods, I loved him, too.

  Arching my hips, I took his cock into me. At the same time, our lips crashed together, and I pushed my tongue into his mouth. Was this something I truly wanted? Hopefully now he had his answer.

  I writhed shamelessly beneath him, my head trapped between his muscular arms, my body pinned by his hips as he stroked in and out of me.

  “Don’t stop,” I begged, knowing he was already so painfully close.

  But he shook his head. “I refuse to come first. No matter how many times we have sex, I will always make sure your pleasure is met before my own.”

  I grinned as I rolled my hips beneath him. “You don’t think your brothers gave me enough orgasms already?”

  He grinned back at me and dimples appeared in his cheeks and chin. “Never.”

  We continued on like that for a little while longer. Our bodies moving in perfect rhythm. Our eyes delving deep into each other’s souls. Him, pushing and pulling, stroking all the right places deep inside of me. Me, panting and moaning, my pelvic muscles curling delightfully as I prepared for another tidal wave of pleasure.

  Once it started, the pressure built quickly, and I rode that wave to its highest peak, ready to crash into another explosive orgasm.

  Three… two…

  “Gods, you’re hot when you’re about to come,” Criss muttered.


  My entire body spasmed as my cunt throbbed, milking the pleasure out of him until he was coming right along with me. His growl of release echoed through the square and bounced off the stars in the infinite black sky.

  By the time we caught our breath, even more of my senses had come back to me.

  The sky was black? When the hell had it turned to night? And, oh my fucking gods, we were in the middle of the town square. Fucking.

  I propped myself on both elbows and looked around. Everyone was naked and hurrying to cover themselves up. Most of the eyes staring back at me looked confused and extremely alert.

  “Shit!” I cursed, leaping up and shimmying back into my gown. I then wrapped my robe-like coat securely around me and cleared my throat. “Uh, please don’t be alarmed. What just happened here tonight was… sort of encouraged by magic. It wasn’t your fault and I am so, so sorry.”

  It was a shit explanation, one that sickened me to the core. I hadn’t meant for any of it to happen. I was just trying to stop the snowman epidemic before it got even further out of hand. But still, I’d accidentally taken away their sexual freedom. Forced them to fornicate.

  I was as awful as the Storm King.

  My eyes welled with tears and I hung my head in shame.

  “What’s she sorry for?” one of the demons asked, causing me to lift my head. He was short with charcoaled black skin, black hair, and no prominent features to speak of, which is why demons always seemed to look like shadows. Even their eyes and teeth were an inky black. “I think it was fantastic.”

  More voices immediately chimed in.

  “Yeah, I like kinky,” a banshee said suggestively, wiggling her translucent brows.

  “Never realized I was into voyeurism,” a human man said in mild surprise as he awkwardly scratched his head. “Learn something new every day.”

  “I’ve always wanted to try an orgy,” a zombie muttered.

  “We should do this more often,” a vampire decided.

  I wiped my eyes to keep any tears from spilling and sniffled. “You mean, you’re not mad at me? Not utterly devastated at what I just made you all do against your will?”

  “Wasn’t against my will,” another demon retorted, earning a chuckle from the crowd.

  Rob grinned and glanced at me. “These are my people we’re talking about, Jewels. Besides, I don’t actually think your magic ‘forces’ anything. I think it just awakens dormant desires that have been there all along.”

  Oh gods, I hoped that was true. I so desperately hated the thought of being like the wicked king. My stomach was still twisted into a hundred knots.

  “Are you sure you’re all okay with it?” I asked one last time, scanning the crowd face by face.

  “We’re sure, Princess,” said a tall man with red eyes and wavy brown hair. As soon as he spoke, everyone nodded. I could tell by the way people looked at him that he was someone important. Someone they respected.

  I took a deep breath and nodded, finally allowing some of my guilt to subside.

  Rob turned back to the crowd and lifted his head up high. “The Winter Ball will commence in one hour!”

  “Haven’t we had enough balls?” a woman shouted back, sending the crowd into another fit of giggles.

  Even Rob grinned. “Uh, no. Of course not. There can never be too many balls.”

  I covered my mouth to stifle a laugh. Touché, Spirit Prince. Touché.

  “What about the evil snowmen?” another voice asked, a male this time.

  Rob turned left and, like magic, the crowd parted right down the middle revealing a group of shadowy demons all huddled together.

  Rob raised a brow and crossed his burly, tattooed arms. “Care to explain yourselves?”

  The demons chuckled nervously and shoved at each other until one of them finally stepped forward to explain.

  “It was all in good fun,” the demon half-assed explained. “We saw you building snowmen and we thought, wouldn’t it be funny to terrorize the town?”

  “Hilarious,” Rob deadpanned.

  The lead demon chuckled before straightening out his face into seriousness once more. “We’re sorry, Your Highness. But honestly, the townsfolk should just be glad we didn’t eat anyone. I think this is a win for all of us, really.”

  I would have protested the shitty logic of
that statement, but for some reason, everyone in Blackdell nodded their heads in agreement—even Rob.

  “Good point. You’re forgiven. But don’t even think of doing it again.” The demons nodded their understanding, and Rob addressed the rest of the crowd once more. “Seriously, the Ball starts in under an hour. Get home and get ready. We’re going to finish this holiday by getting drunk and dancing the night away.”

  The crowd cheered wildly and quickly dispersed to prepare for the final festivities.

  Criss, who’d slipped back into his pants but hadn’t bothered to button them up, leaned over and whispered in my ear. “That’s what I was trying to tell you earlier. I saw the demons possess the snowmen in the square. But every time I tried to mention it, I kept getting cut off.”

  My mouth fell open. “You knew it was them all along? You could have spared everyone the destruction and terror, the trouble, the town-wide orgy…”

  I shook my head, unsure if I should be embarrassed, annoyed, or neither.

  He grinned. “Yeah. If anyone would have fucking listened to me.” Then he shrugged and stuffed his hands into his pockets. “Oh well. I’m kind of glad everything happened the way it did.”

  Both of my brows shot up. “Is that right?”

  “Yeah. Everyone came together in the end, and we’re all okay. Everyone’s relaxed and ready to party. I got to see a gorgeous lightshow and give you a suitable nickname—thank you, Firefly. I received a nickname of my own. And best of all, I finally got to make you mine in every way. If the demons had never possessed the snowmen, none of that would have happened.”

  I grinned, but before I could say anything sweet or thoughtful in return, Dan interrupted.

  “I wouldn’t say you made her yours in every way,” he teased the newest Storm.

  Ash grinned and nodded. “I seem to recall a few ways I’ve made her mine that no one else has.”

  Dan cocked his head and smirked. “Are you sure about that, brother?”

  “Regardless of how we’ve made her ours,” Cal interjected before an argument could break out, “the simple fact of the matter is that she is ours. All of ours. No one has her in every way. We share.”

  I walked over to him, shaking my head, before wrapping my arms around his neck. A lock of blond hair dipped down into his blue eyes as he watched my every move.

  “That’s not entirely true, Cal.” I cocked my head and I’m pretty sure my eyes sparkled with mischief. “You share me, yes. But it’s not that no one has me completely—you all do. I’ve not sectioned my heart into sixths and given you each a small piece. I’ve multiplied my heart and given you each an entire one. I love you all so much it hurts.”

  Leaving one arm wrapped around Cal’s neck, I stretched my other one out so that more of them would join our hug. In an instant, we were a great big Storm cookie-sandwich with me acting as the creamy icing in the middle, holding us all together. Or at least, with me being the messy one who gets cream on everyone’s fingers…

  I grinned at my own stupid analogy and rolled my eyes. Whatever. It was true, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

  We pulled apart from the hug but kept a hold of each other so that we formed a single, wide line in the center of the street. We were a unit, a team—one that still needed a team tattoo, by the way—and we were not going to crack or crumble.

  Not this cookie-sandwich.

  Chapter 6

  I laughed as I spun in a circle, my sapphire gown splaying out around me like a fan of feathers, Ash’s hand in mine.

  He led me across the hay-speckled dirt floor of the hall and over to where the musicians were playing a vibrant jig. The lead performer smiled at us as he and his band fiddled away to a lively tune. Sweat beaded their brows, but from the enthusiastic looks on their faces, I could tell they were enjoying themselves.

  A moment later, Ash guided us through the crowd of dancers and over to a long table where the rest of my princes sat drinking and chatting with a few of the local citizens. As soon as they saw me, each of my Storms smiled, lighting up my entire world. My chest was like an overflowing cage of butterflies, and every last one of those men held the key to setting my butterflies free.

  I spun around and we were gone, twirling through the center of the dance floor once more, somehow never bumping into any other couples as we went. The pace of the music increased, and on instinct, my feet moved faster to match. We stomped and bounced and laughed and twirled until finally the last note filled the air and an applause broke out through the hall.

  Ash’s grin was a mile wide. “You’ve gotten better at dancing.”

  I threw my head back and laughed. “Thank Madam Annette. She forced me to.”

  “I will thank her,” Ash teased. “It’s nice to not fear for the life of my feet.”

  I rolled my eyes. “We only ever danced together once all those years ago in Blackleaf. And it was a slow dance.”

  He nodded, as if I’d just entirely proven his point. “Right, a slow dance, and you still stepped on my toes how many times?”

  “Oh, shut up.”

  He chuckled, and I caught my breath, as he led us back to the table where my other princes sat. A few nobles stood talking animatedly with Rob and Dan, while a handful of undead peasants made polite conversation with Cal, Ben, and Criss.

  Rob and Dan both reached for me at the same time, so I kissed Ash’s cheek and wandered over to them. Rob slipped his arm around my waist, while Dan hung his elbow around my neck.

  “Jewels, this is Malik,” Rob said, pointing at a nobleman with pale skin, scarlet eyes, and pointed teeth.

  Malik was tall with wavy brown hair, and I immediately got the distinct feeling that I’d seen him before. I was pretty sure he was the man from the square, the one everyone seemed to respect.

  “And his brother, Peter,” Rob finished.

  Peter had normal brown eyes and regular peach-colored skin, so I assumed he was human.

  “Gentlemen,” Dan took over in an alluring tone, “meet our wife, the ever-lovely Princess Alexis.”

  The two nobles bowed to me, so I dipped into my friendliest curtsey.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you, Your Highness,” Malik said through a toothy grin. “We’ve heard so much about you.”

  I glanced at Rob, then turned to Dan who chuckled.

  “Not from us,” the Sea Prince assured me. “From the people. They’re all talking about the Enchantress of Blackwood, the woman who stole the heart of every Storm Prince, including the two that no one knew existed.”

  Fear sparked in my chest and my throat tightened. Two? If they knew about more than just Crissen, then that meant they knew about Ash; and Asher’s inclusion in our group was supposed to be a secret.


  I glanced at where Asher stood between Cal and Ben, and he winked at me.

  I guess we haven’t been all that careful about it.

  “Cat’s out of the bag, Jewels,” Rob said, practically reading my mind. “Word of Ash’s return has been spreading through Blackwood like wildfire. Even the Storm King knows by now.”

  I couldn’t force my thin lips into a smile. “And we’re not the least bit concerned about this news?”

  Ash suddenly appeared behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. “I’m kind of relieved actually,” he admitted. “It’s nice to not have to hide every time someone is around.”

  I turned my head and gazed up at him. I knew that it must have been a dreadful existence, having to hide every time another person came around. Or having to play the part of Adam, my personal bodyguard, when all he wanted to do was love me openly. It was probably freeing for him to finally exist again.

  The two nobles bowed once more, this time to Ash.

  “Prince Asher, it’s a joy to see you’re still alive after all these years,” Peter said.

  “No pun intended, I’m sure,” Malik jested, rolling his red eyes at his brother.

  “Hey, you’re alive… ish,” Peter protest

  Ash laughed at their banter and tipped his head. “It’s good to be back, gentlemen. How have things been at the Vanderbon Estate?”

  Peter smiled. “Excellent, Your Highness. My wife just had another baby, a boy this time.”

  Ash’s brows rose. “How many is that now?”

  “Five, Highness,” Peter replied with a grin. “Gods help me if it had been another girl…”

  Rob chuckled darkly. “Trust me, having a bunch of boys isn’t any better than a bunch of girls. There’s power in numbers no matter the gender.”

  “Isn’t that the truth?” Malik agreed. “Just ask a zombie. Big bunch of idiots, the lot of them, but when they all get together… shit gets done.”

  I chuckled, turning to Rob to make sure it hadn’t offended him, but he was looking elsewhere. I followed his gaze across the room until I saw Taron and Tamara drinking from a couple of mugs in the corner. They didn’t seem to have noticed us staring, but I knew what Rob must’ve been thinking.

  I sighed and rubbed his hand that clenched my hip. “You can talk to them if you’d like. I won’t be upset.”

  But he shook his head, tearing his gaze away from them and dropping it onto me instead. “I already know what they’ve come to say. I just don’t want to acknowledge it. If I ignore it, I can almost pretend it never happened.”

  A burning lump formed in my throat. How could he, the Spirit Prince, know what the message was about when none of the rest of us did? I had a very bad feeling that it involved death… And just like Rob, I wanted to pretend that it didn’t.

  Dan smiled and stepped forward, kissing my hand. “Care for a dance, Mrs. Storm?”

  Rob and Ash untangled themselves from my body and kept talking with the two nobles.

  “What’s your new son’s name, Peter?” Rob asked, getting back to the topic at hand.

  With that, Dan whisked me into the throng of dancing peasants, their smiling faces blurring like an oil painting in the background.

  “Things were getting too heavy back there,” he murmured as he led us across the dirt.


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