Mischief Under The Mistletoe

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Mischief Under The Mistletoe Page 17

by Maren Smith

  No words came. After spending the last couple of days in turmoil she felt emotionally spent.

  Lowering his head he shook it. “I understand you not trusting me, even though I’ve given you no reason not to, but you didn’t trust yourself either. I know you don’t give yourself like you did to me...”

  “How do you know that? I don’t think we know each other, period,” she snapped.

  Threading his fingers in her hair, he tugged it, holding her mouth inches away from his. “Yes, we do. You always had a knack for spying when I was around. Though I don’t believe that’s what brought you to the house the other day. You forgot something?”

  What did this mean? He knew she saw him with Terrie? “I left Loretta’s address on the night table.”

  “Oh...that’s just one more bone I need to pick with you. I got a call from her this morning.” Laced with threat his words and eyes caused the hair to stand up on her neck and arms. She hadn’t thought twice about the added gift she sent to Loretta since she did it on Saturday.

  “I...uh...” she stuttered. What she did was pretty bad. Immature. “I sent it Saturday. After I left your house and we argued and I saw...” She couldn’t finish her sentence. Her chin tightened and her eyes filled with tears.

  He pulled her hair again. “Nah ah, lil Missy. You aren’t going to cry your way out of this. I asked Terrie for some help with your Christmas present. Nothing else. All you had to do was ask me about it.”

  Sniffling, she tried to stop her tears. “Then, then I found the earring.”

  “And I can understand how your imagination got ahead of you, but I answered for that. Now it’s your turn.” Scooping her up in his arms he carried her into the apartment. He started for the living room before he realized his mistake and turned around taking her to the bedroom. Standing her on her feet he commanded, “Get undressed and on all fours on the bed.”

  Without hesitation, she did as directed. Even with her stomach in knots over the knowledge he intended to spank her again, the lust reflecting in his eyes as she undressed had her aching with desire. She assumed the position he wanted. Her pulsed quickened when she heard him undressing, but realized he removed only his belt when it struck her across both ass cheeks. Her body rocked with the impact but her knees and hands held firm.

  “I had no clue you saw Terrie there until she called me last night asking if I had heard from you. Seems you were ignoring her calls and texts, too. That’s when it dawned on me that you aren’t just irrational, but you saw us Saturday. But you took it upon yourself to decide we were over.” His voice sounded harsh but she heard the injury and disappointment in it.

  Administering two more wallops one to each side he advised, “When you behave as I child, I will treat you as one. I know what is good for you. I will take care of you. You have to trust that.” He alternated quick smacks to each side. “Do we have an understanding?” He popped the tender bottom of each side where the legs met her ass.

  Biting her lips to not yell out, she released them to answer him. “Yes.”

  Landing one more hard smack across the center he demanded, “You hurt yourself, Becca, and that’s one thing that is unacceptable. You hurt yourself emotionally, and you planned on hurting yourself financially. No one will hurt my woman. Except me when it’s for her own good because I love her. Roll over on your back and get your knees up.”

  On her back, legs up, she breathed deep. He said he loved her. He did say that? She heard it.

  “Nice,” he hissed as he leered at her most intimate parts. Popping her on the bottom of her foot he instructed, “Get up and get dressed.”

  When she didn’t move as she thought she misheard him, he popped her other foot. Lowering her leg and rubbing that food, she shrieked, “Ow! Get up and get dressed? Is that what you want right now?”

  Rubbing his chin between his forefinger and thumb he gazed at the ceiling before pinning her with a fierce glare. “Yes, it is. Get up and do it. We need to go take care of the cruise tickets.”

  Scampering off the bed, she dashed by him but he managed to land a good smack on her behind.

  “Ouch. Okay. Okay.” Muttering to herself but loud enough for him to hear, she mocked him, “I don’t know what all that get on your back and legs up crap was about.”

  Standing at her closet, her back to him, he snuck up behind her administering two more smacks, one to each cheek.

  “Because you, darlin', don’t deserve any sex right now, but that doesn’t mean I have to deny myself and not admire what is mine. Mm mm.”

  BY MID-AFTERNOON JAKE decided he witnessed and caused enough regret and worry to Rebecca. He enjoyed seeing her squirm, but not for the reasons she did. After her initial reluctance to dress that morning, she threw her hair up in a ponytail and slipped on some of those dang leggings that kept him edgy all day with the need to jerk them off her and sink himself inside her.

  Her eyes were puffy, but he warned her not to put on any makeup—there wasn’t any time for that. Noticing the empty and almost empty bottle of wine on her kitchen counter, he shifted all source of red and swollen eyes to her drinking too much, giving her one more thing to apologize for.

  Admiring her sitting on the other side of the truck, he thought she never looked more beautiful. They completed payment and receipt of the cruise tickets. Got a bite to eat. She wrung her hands in her lap for several miles before she made eye contact with him. “How did you know where I live?”

  “I saw your mom this morning. Calling out today was rather selfish, don’t you think? That place was swamped.”

  About time his Becca resurfaced. “I’m aware of that! So I made a lot of wrong conclusions and... just... just a lot of things. I get it!” she screamed.

  Turning his head looking out the truck window, he couldn’t let her see his smile. One more error on her part left to contend with.

  “No need to scream. We’re in the same vehicle, Becca.” Struggling to stem his anticipation and amusement, it thrilled him to clear so many green lights and turn onto the highway leading to the airport at last.

  “Where are we going? Did you forget where my apartment is?”

  “Nope,” he replied.

  “Then why are you going this way? Do you have to leave?” Her tone and expression revealed her disappointment and worry, but he couldn’t pass this up.

  Coughing to keep from laughing, he advised her, “Loretta is flying in for Christmas.”

  Her mouth turned down and she paled. “No...no. Why are you bringing me with you to pick her up?”

  Leaning across the seat he squeezed her thigh. “I thought you wanted to pursue this thing between us. I sure as hell do. More than anything in a really long time. Part of that is meeting and being with our families. I spoke to Blake last night.”

  “Did she tell you what I sent her? What I wrote her? I made it look like you sent the note.” She sounded small and weak, not the Rebecca he knew and loved. And he believed he did love her. A love that needed time, patience, and nourishment. Stupid of him to worry she would be the one that would have problems with him leaving for work for long stretches. He planned to schedule meetings after the holidays and request more local jobs. He wanted to hold on to what he had with her.

  Pulling into the cell phone lot, he undid his seatbelt and slid to her side of the truck. He grabbed her in his arms.

  “Yes, I know what you did.” His laughter blasted out from deep within his chest. “It’s hilarious! I can’t thank you enough.”

  Moving her head back she stared into his face. A piercing look of astonishment in her eyes. “What? Have you lost your mind? She told you about the bottle of anal lube I sent her? With the note that you hoped it helped her dislodge the colossal stick in her ass?”

  Jake couldn’t stop laughing. She joined him, but most likely not until she deemed it genuine laughter and not some paradoxical effect. He gave her a long and gentle kiss.

  “Baby. Since my dad died Loretta and I have avoided each other. Neve
r contacting one another. When you mentioned Christmas presents the other night, I thought why not send her one this year. And then when she told me what you did.” He continued laughing before he finished. “We both got the biggest kick out of it. More so when I told her you were responsible, not me. She can’t wait to meet you. We both realized what we were giving up isolating ourselves from one another.” He pecked her on the lips. “Thank you.”

  REBECCA HAD THE BEST Christmas holiday ever. She and Loretta forged an instant friendship. Loretta was five years older than Jake, and she explained their childhood and the events of Jake’s senior year in college. She knew he didn’t want her pity, and she decided to wait until he wanted to discuss it with her. It explained a lot. He spent a lot of time at her house during his high school and college days.

  They grilled out at Jake’s Wednesday evening, and she considered going home that night since Loretta stayed in the extra room and Rebecca had to work at the bakery early the next morning. But she wanted and needed to fully be with Jake. The dumbass, though, continued his pretend sulking even when they climbed in bed that night. Alone finally.

  Jake may have held the upper hand in many aspects of their relationship, but she carried a few assets and knew how to use them. After snuggling, stroking his chest, and kissing his neck failed her, she climbed on top of him.

  Shutting his eyes, he remarked, “I’m tired Becca. Aren’t you? Been a pretty emotional day.”

  She removed her clothes before getting in bed, thinking sex would occur. Leaning forward she put her breasts in his face and jiggled them. Just because she couldn’t see him smile, she felt his lips lift. Rubbing his face across her right one he sought to take the nipple in his mouth.

  Lurching back on his stomach, she licked and kissed his neck, his chin, before lowering to his chest. She sucked and nipped his nipples. Scooting lower in the bed, her butt on his knees, she gripped his dick at the base. Tired her ass, she thought. Squeezing her hand at the base she placed the tip on her lips. Giving it little licks, she heard him groan. She ran her tongue up and down the length of him covering all of him before she took him in her mouth. His body tensed. She continued slowly stroking him with her mouth and tongue.

  Adding additional stimulation from her hand, her mouth, lips, and hand moved in unison. His fingers clamped on her shoulders.

  “Becca, stop. Stop.” Too bad, so sad her mind sang. He moaned and he gave her what she wanted and needed from him at that very moment.

  Thursday, Christmas day, they all went to her parent’s house that morning. Her mom cried when she opened the cruise tickets. Her thoughts immediately distorted into all the reasons she couldn’t go, but Rebecca told her she arranged everything, even working out details with the staff at the bakery.

  Blake and Jake caught up on the last few years and made future plans for the four of them. Loretta fit in like one of the family, but by afternoon she made plans with some of her old friends. Jake managed to pull Becca away from everyone, including her nephews, and headed to his place to give her his present.

  She had trouble the last couple of days honoring his demand that she could not enter the third room he used as an office/storeroom. The big red bow on the door didn’t help matters. Every single time she walked past it, she paused imagining ways to sneak a peek, but he always walked up on her or reminder her from somewhere else in the house to keep moving.

  Finally they both stood outside the door. “You ready?” he asked grinning at her.

  Sashaying away, she joked, “What’s another day...or seven.”

  Roping his arm around her waist, he set her back in front of the door. “Open it.”

  Cracking the door, she stared in awe. Terrie’s assistance made perfect sense now. Jake built a wooden platform and installed a dance pole.

  “You did not!”

  Nudging her inside, he pointed to a loveseat. “Does that look familiar?”

  On the arm of the furniture she recognized her reindeer costume. “You want me to wear this?”

  His eyes lit up. “Yep. For me. Only me. Rebecca my red-bottomed reindeer. Jose may not let you dance, but I bet there is still some evidence from the belt the other day and I can’t wait to admire it.”

  Throwing her arms around his neck, she cried happy tears. “My pleasure. Now that I have somewhere to practice maybe I’ll get better.”

  “Humph. For me, darlin', only me.” He winked at her.

  “You’re all I ever wanted.”

  The End


  I grew up an Army brat, so my childhood involved moving every three years. However, truly a southern gal, I currently reside in Alabama with my husband, two Chihuahuas, two Golden Retrievers, a mean cat, turtle, and a teenage daughter. I have two sons, who live on their own, and a stepson and stepdaughter.

  Romance novels have always been my first reading choice. I'm a hopeless romantic, and that trait materializes in every aspect of my life. “Wearing your heart on your sleeve” has been a common phrase repeatedly heard throughout my life. Writing romance and happily ever afters comes naturally.

  Whether a result of my childhood, or not, I love to travel. Warm weather and beautiful beaches are always my choice destination.


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  Website: https://sherilynnauthor.com/

  Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B0182IRER8



  Kelly Dawson


  “Please, Daddy?”

  Clay Lewis shook his head again. No way was he dressing up as Santa. It was a blazing hot New Zealand December, making it unlikely that hell would freeze over any time soon. But that’s what it would take before he donned the Santa suit, no matter how much Bianca begged and pleaded.

  “Please? You’ll be so good at it!”

  “No.” Clay’s voice was firm. He looked down at his baby girl sternly, silently hoping that would be the end of it. She pouted cutely, but he steeled himself against her cuteness. She was so sweet when she pouted, and she knew it, too! She knew exactly the devastating effect her pouty lips had on him, and how hard he found her to resist when she widened her big, blue eyes like that and looked at him so sadly. He forced back a smile as he felt himself weakening to her wiles.

  Pushing her bottom lip out further, Bianca stomped her foot. “No fair!” she grumbled, frowning. “You’re mean.”

  She was so cute when she did that. Naughty, but cute. She was so tiny, she barely came up to his chest, and her childish protest made him want to wrap her up in his arms and give her whatever her heart desired. The smile he was fighting back crept onto his face just a little bit, but he held it in check and forced himself to growl at her. He cupped her chin in his hand and stared down into her cheeky face. “Naughty little girls who stomp their feet and throw tantrums get their bare bottoms spanked, don’t they princess?” he scolded sternly. “Is that what you want? A spanking?”

  “No, I want you to be Santa in the stables, so we can give everyone Christmas presents!’ she said slowly, speaking as though she thought he was a bit thick.

  “We already give the staff Christmas presents,” he pointed out. “You know that.”

  “Yes, but this will be fun!”

  “I said no.”

  Instantly, her pout faded and she started to smile. She was clearly changing tack. Once Bianca had made up her mind to get something, there were very few times he was able to resist her. He mentally steeled himself, but he knew that before too long, he would be agreeing to his wife’s request.

  Bianca reached out to touch him. “But you’ll be so good at it!” she insisted, leaning into him. She pressed her pelvis against his. Reaching around behind him, she cupped his backside in her hand and squeezed through his jeans, sending a bolt of heat straight to his crotch.

/>   “And you’ll look so sexy in a Santa suit. Imagine, tight red velvety pants stretched across this gorgeous ass ...” her fingers stroked, rubbed and squeezed his butt, and she pushed her hips up against him, grinding her body into his, teasing him, and he felt himself growing hard at her touch. He looked down at her—she was smiling slyly. She could obviously see his hard-on through his pants. The little minx, she really did need a spanking!

  She tiptoed, leaning in close to him, her lips so close to his he could feel her breath on his mouth. Her eyes sparkled with laughter. Gently, she touched her finger to his lips, trailed it over his cheek, down his jaw. His nerve endings were on fire. It took all his self-control not to lean down and kiss her, to claim her mouth, to remind her who she belonged to. Instead, he sucked in a breath and bit the inside of his lip, forcing away all thoughts of succumbing to her wiles.

  She tugged gently at his stubbly goatee. “And this,” she whispered, her voice husky, barely audible. “Imagine how sexy this is going to look framed by a great big white fluffy beard!” She drew back slowly, ever so slowly, her eyes not once leaving his. She licked her lips. “Imagine me kissing your mouth, being tickled by the beard.” She paused, one eyebrow raised, as she determinedly held his gaze. “You’ll be the sexiest Santa ever! Say you’ll do it daddy! Please?”

  Still, he shook his head. “How many times have I said no?”

  “But it would be fun,” Bianca protested, but the laughter had gone out of her voice now. Now, she just sounded sad. “It would take my mind off An—everything.”

  Annie. Of course! His gorgeous wife always thought of her beautiful sister at holidays, and while the fond memories were mostly happy ones, they were always mixed with tears. Bianca and her sister had shared an incredible bond, and always, Christmas and birthdays were tinged with sadness. A pang of guilt shot him in the heart. Hadn’t he promised Annie on her deathbed he would always look after Bianca? That he would do everything he could to make her happy? How could he say no to this stupid Santa thing now, if it clearly meant so much to her?


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