Mischief Under The Mistletoe

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Mischief Under The Mistletoe Page 34

by Maren Smith

  Grubbier than he preferred, he unzipped his mechanic’s togs, stepping out of them and tossing them into the quickly filling hamper in the corner of their bedroom. Now clad only in his thin muscle t-shirt and short boxer briefs, a chill coursed through his taut, lean body as he crossed the bedroom toward their spartan bathroom. Despite the cold, his cock stayed firm, pressing against the fabric of his underwear.

  Annie’s voice reached out to him before he made it out of their room. “You got plans for that later?” she teased him, sneaking a peek at his erection as she dropped her uniform into the hamper.

  “Well, maybe you’ll find out if you’re a really good girl, hm?”

  He winked at his blushing bride before tugging his shirt over his head and sliding his underwear over his hips, revealing his straining cock to her. Kurt padded across the cool hardwood floor and into the bathroom, taking a final quick glance over his shoulder at Annie—who was thoroughly engrossed in checking out his ass.

  “You know, correct me if I’m wrong here, princess, but I’m pretty sure that good girls don’t go around oglin’ naked men, do they?” He crossed his arms over his chest and rested his weight against the closed bathroom door, giving her his pseudo-stern raised eyebrow.

  “Oh, Daddy, you’ve got it all wrong,” she countered without missing a beat, “I wasn’t oglin’, I was just admirin’ the view!”

  Her youthful spirit and quick wit never failed to put a smile on his face and he shot her a parting wink before shutting himself in the bathroom, turning on the hot water, and letting the steam seep into his pores.

  Stepping under the shower stream, he released a satisfied, guttural moan. He knew exactly what the evening held in store for them. And with thoughts of his wife bared before him, panting over his lap during her nightly spanking and then taking every inch of him in her tight little pussy, his cock twitched and he indulged himself by wrapping a tight, slick fist around his hardness.

  The visions in his mind of Annie’s round ass on display, ready for him to pleasure and punish any way he saw fit, were nearly overwhelming. It wasn’t until he remembered the bad news he’d have to share with her that he lost his erection. He begrudgingly lumbered through the rest of his shower routine, the sense of peace and relaxation disappearing like the soapy water down the drain.

  Shutting off the tap and running a threadbare towel through the thick hair on his chest, Kurt wondered about the best way to break the bad tidings to Annie. She was relentlessly optimistic and happy, and he had been hopeful to give her something special this Christmas, but circumstances in Trentsville had a nasty habit of scattering even the best-laid plans to the wind.

  He slipped into some clean boxer briefs, his favorite pajama pants, a thermal shirt, and a thick, faded Steelers sweatshirt—they couldn’t afford to keep the place heated as much as they would’ve liked—and joined Annie in the kitchen.

  “Great suggestion about the oven. Now, does that mean I get to throw the microwave out the window, Daddy?” she joked as she plated their burgers and split the order of fries she’d brought home for them.

  “Naw, ‘fraid not, princess. Not this time.” He chuckled softly, admiring the easy grace with which his wife did everything. Where he was sharp and angled, she was all softness and curves. And he could’ve watched her move around the kitchen all night.

  “But right now, you’re comin’ over here,” he snagged her by the waist and pulled her into his lap, “and you’re gonna eat your dinner like a good girl. Isn’t that right?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she purred into his ear, molding her body into his as she ran her fingers through his clean, damp hair. It never ceased to amaze him. She should’ve come home from the diner reeking of fried foods and spilt coffee. Instead, her natural, sweet scent lingered in his nose and shot a fresh surge of lust into his bloodstream.

  “Open up for me.”

  She obeyed and he brought a French fry covered in ketchup—just the way she liked them—to her parted lips. As she accepted the food from his hand, he hugged her tightly and whispered in her ear, “I missed you too, my princess.” Letting her off his lap for the time being, he slid her plate toward her corner of their tiny table.

  “Hey, Annie?” He shifted in his chair in an attempt to temper his arousal. He needed to tell her about the conversation he’d had earlier that afternoon, and the sooner he got it off his chest, the sooner his stomach would allow him to eat his dinner. And the sooner they ate dinner, the sooner he’d have his princess over his lap. Kurt got to the point.

  “I’ve, uh, I’ve got some news. And it’s not great.”

  Annie dropped her fry to her plate and instinctually reached out her hand to his for reassurance. “What is it? Is everything okay at the shop? Did Bucky lay you off?” The concern in her voice threatened to unman him and he rushed to put her worst fears to rest.

  “No, baby, nothing like that. Bucky’s just fine, the shop’s just fine, my job’s just fine. It’s all good. But Bucky and I got to talking this afternoon while we were working on Jasper’s pickup and he let me know he wouldn’t be able to give me that Christmas bonus this year.” Kurt let the air out of his chest and waited expectantly for Annie’s response. It wasn’t quite what he’d imagined.

  “And? What else?”

  “What do you mean ‘what else,’ princess? We were gonna use that bonus to treat ourselves to a road trip and a night out in Pittsburgh. Remember? Swanky hotel? Surf and turf dinner? Cocktails served in matching glasses not picked up at the local flea market? You know, something nice and special for my girl.” He ran his fingers through his hair, frustrated with himself and wishing he could give his incredible wife everything she deserved and more.

  “Oh, Daddy!” she squeaked as she grinned and swatted him on the thigh, “You had me all worried and worked up over nothing!”

  She leaned back in her chair, visibly relieved. “So we don’t go to Pittsburgh, so we don’t get to sip on watered-down drinks at a pinkies-up, snooty restaurant, so we don’t have sex on eleventy-hundred thread count sheets in some overpriced hotel. Who cares? You and I both still have our jobs, our health, and each other, so if no bonus is the worst thing that’s happened today, then I’m sayin’ we’re pretty darned lucky.”

  She smiled from ear to ear, a little spot of ketchup taking up residency in the corner of her mouth, and Kurt was reminded, yet again, of how lucky he’d been to snag Annie.

  “C’mon over here and let your Daddy show you how much he loves you.” They both knew what was coming—their nightly ritual—yet it never failed to bring a blush to her cheeks. In Kurt’s opinion, that blush was the just the icing on the cake. His Annie was absolute perfection.

  WHEN THEY’D MET NEARLY 20 years ago, Kurt and his mom had just moved to town and Kurt was a senior at the local high school. He’d hated changing schools for his last year before college, but he tried not to complain, knowing that things were already hard enough for his mom.

  Annie was just getting started out as a freshman, and although Kurt didn’t see her around at school much, there was something about the introspective, bookish, witty girl that brought out his protective side. The first time he’d seen her, all alone at a lunch table and nibbling on an oatmeal cookie, he knew he had to talk to her. When he ended up partnering up with her for badminton in gym class, and learned how to dodge her lethal backhand, he got to see that this seemingly shy girl was a whip-smart firecracker waiting for someone to light the wick. And Kurt wanted to be the one to light her up.

  As an only child, he had never had anyone to take care of before. But when he was with Annie, with her mess of brown curls, holes in the knees of her jeans, and enough curves to let him know that she was a precious flower on the verge of blooming, a flip switched inside him and she became his to protect.

  The two of them began to hang out all the time and, although in the beginning he limited his physical interactions with her to hand-holding and hugs, it was generally assumed that Kurt and Annie were an i
tem. Day trips into Pittsburgh, Pirates games when they could score free tickets, late afternoon summertime swims in the pond on the edge of town. The Two Trentskateers were rarely seen apart from one another.

  Even when he left for college, Kurt made sure to come back to town to take Annie to all the dances, football games, and anything else her heart desired. And after a year, when he decided the university route wasn’t the track for him and his mom’s health was failing, he moved back to Trentsville and he and Annie kept on as if he’d never left. By the time she was a senior, Kurt’s mom had passed away, and he spent more time at Annie’s house than his own.

  And it was there, one night when her parents were at a town council meeting, that they made love for the first time. He’d had plenty of time to explore online and to start to understand the deep longings that kept him awake at night, feverish and amped up. The need to claim, to possess, to protect, to care for, and to dominate his Annie.

  Kurt would never forget the moment when, after he’d guided her through the initial raw pinch of losing her maidenhead, he brought his hand down on her hip, a resounding crack ringing out in the silent night. He still didn’t know what had possessed him to do it, but he’d never regretted it since. As soon as he’d spanked her, her eyes dilated, her back arched, and her oh-so-tight pussy clenched around him, and he understood the tremendous power to be found in satisfying the woman he loved.

  Before either of them had ever heard of the term ‘domestic discipline,’ they’d already found their way together. And when she begged him, eyes wide open and imploring—“P-please...please do that again”—he knew he’d never know the touch of another woman. Annie was all he’d ever need or want.

  NOW, CLAD IN HER PINK nightie—the one he loved with the long, silky sleeves and the short hemline—he pulled her across his lap for her spanking. She got one every day, whether she needed it or not. But she always needed it, and it was only one of things that he cherished about his Annie.

  “I think my girl deserves something extra special tonight.” He stroked her upturned ass, kneading her taut flesh as she squirmed across his lap and dug into his erection. “Something to remind her how much Daddy appreciates her. Something that lets her know how precious she is.”

  Peeling her pink cotton panties down her plump thighs, Kurt reveled in the sight of her gorgeous ass laid bare just for him. It had only gotten more beautiful with time—creamy, round, and inviting—and he was convinced that 14 years of wedded bliss and nightly spankings were responsible for the stunning sight before him.

  “Please, Daddy,” she whimpered, and he watched as his slow build-up and seductive promises took hold of her body and infused her barely visible sex with glistening wetness. “Please give me my spanking.”

  “That’s my good girl,” he whispered one last time before bringing his hand down across the join of her ass and thighs. He hadn’t clipped her too hard, just firm enough to let her know they were starting, yet the gasp and subsequent moan he drew from her lips told him everything he needed to know. It was going to be a wonderful evening.

  With a non-stop barrage of swats, slowly building in intensity, he brought a healthy glow to her cheeks, making sure to cup, knead, soothe, and caress every inch of her nicely reddened bottom. After she was nice and warmed up for him, he began to trace his fingers along her puffy labia, just barely teasing the edge of her vagina. As she ground her clit against his lap, struggling to find her release, he began to spank her once again, this time with a bit more bite.

  “That’s a no-no, princess. You get to come when Daddy lets you come. And right now, I want to keep you hot and wet just like this until you’re dripping all over my hand.”

  Sagging against his lap, Annie let him continue with his ministrations, alternating between soft pussy caresses and spanks crisscrossing her bottom. Once she’d given herself over to him completely, it was time for her reward.

  “Tell me, princess.” His voice simmered in his throat. “Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you.”

  “You, Daddy. I want your fingers in me, fucking and stretching and opening me wide. Please,” she implored, her voice sweet and needy in his ears.

  “And how many fingers do you want tonight, princess?”

  “Th-three please,” she squeaked out, nearly inaudible in her hyper-aroused state.

  “Mmm, three, huh?” he teased her. “That’s a lot for my baby girl to take, isn’t it?”

  He already knew how much Annie craved his fingers, how much she loved being filled by him in every way, but he loved making her beg for it. Her desperate pleas and moans jolted his dominance in a way few things did, and he continued to trace his fingers along the length of her swollen sex, gathering up her wetness as he went.

  “Please, Daddy.” She wriggled on his lap, doing her best to behave, but slowly losing the fight. “Please give me three.”

  “Okay, then. Three it is, princess.” He chuckled under his breath as he heard a delighted gurgle escape her lips.

  “Spread your legs a bit more for me and I’ll give you what you need.”

  His tone, firm and authoritative yet gentle, was one he’d perfected with time and experience and it never failed to get Annie into a more submissive headspace. She complied, and after a final quick spank against her pussy, he plunged three fingers into her wetness as far as they would go. Twisting and grinding his palm against her blushing cheeks, the telltale spasms from deep within her announced her imminent orgasm.

  Over the years, he’d lost count of the times he’d brought her to climax. When they first started exploring each other sexually, finding out what worked for them and shaping the dynamic that suited them, it was a matter of pride for him to make her come as often as he could.

  Now that he knew the exact buttons to push and the sequence to follow to get his princess to the edge of pleasure, he preferred to keep her there as long as he was able before pushing her over in a blinding wave of ecstasy. But tonight, his princess had waited long enough. He wanted to give her the release she craved.

  Pumping into her slick entrance with one hand, he rested his forearm vertically along her lower back to balance her, using his other hand to hold her rear cheeks open. Annie’s sexual ESP kicked into high gear and she clenched her ass reflexively, even though she loved what was about to happen. Kurt happened to know that it was one of her favorites, even though she’d always remained demure about anal play.

  “Relax for me, princess. Relax and let me make you feel good,” he murmured. As soon as she obeyed, he traced the pad of his thumb around her tight ring, gently stroking, nudging, and toying with it.

  “Oh, god,” she moaned, her springy curls nearly hiding the flush creeping its way across her face. “Oh. My. God.”

  “That’s it. Come for your daddy. Come while he plays with your tight little asshole, princess.”

  Her body convulsed against his lap and her tightness squeezed and tensed around his fingers as she rode out her orgasm. He continued pumping into her while stroking her sensitive rosebud, knowing he was wringing every ounce of pleasure from her sated body.

  With a final twist of his fingers, she squirted all over his hand, soaking his pajamas with her arousal. Before she slumped against his lap, Kurt pulled Annie into a stand and hugged her tightly, her panties falling to the floor.

  “I love you, Annie,” he whispered into her hairline as her breathing evened out and she melted into his body. “I love you and I’m so lucky to have you in my life, princess.”

  “Mm, I kinda feel like I’m the lucky one right about now,” she laughed softly into his collarbone. “Wanna skip dinner and go to bed? For some reason, I feel like a big old bowl of jelly right now and could use some snuggle time.”

  With her warm breath against his chest, her firm breasts pressing into him, and her arousal soaking into his pants, he didn’t need another invitation.

  A warm bed with Annie in it sounded like pure heaven.


WOBBLING HER WAY ON shaky legs, and with Kurt’s hands wrapped protectively around her waist, Annie took a last glance around the kitchen and living room before turning off the overhead lights. Looking at their single strand of Christmas bulbs still twinkling away in the window, she allowed herself a quick, wistful smile as they shuffled toward the bedroom.

  Christmas was only a week away, and even though the only present they’d planned on sharing had just gone up in smoke, she understood how little it truly mattered. Because as Kurt pinned her against the bed from behind, she realized that everything she’d ever need was in the room with her right now. Kurt, her husband and daddy, was her rock, her pillar, her strength, her future. The bed he’d pinned her against was her tradition, her history, her past.

  While the mattresses had rotated over the years, the antique oak four-poster had been in her family for at least four generations. The perennial, silent witness to countless births, deaths, deflowerings, and kinks, Annie understood that the value of the bed wasn’t in its status as an antique, but in the tacit connection to her family throughout the years.

  The bedframe, while artfully scrolled and crafted, had been banged up and battle scarred from dozens of moves and domestic accidents. After over a hundred years of constant use, it had lost its sheen and was long overdue for some major repairs. But as the last surviving female of her clan, it was up to Annie to hold on to the tradition, crumbling though it was. The bed was hers. And right now, the best part about the antique beast of a bed was that it allowed for all sorts of exciting nocturnal activities with her daddy.

  “Arms up, princess.” Kurt’s deep voice called her back to the present and she obeyed his command.

  As he slipped her nightgown over her head, leaving her completely exposed in the cool bedroom, her nipples hardened into taut peaks before he was able to cup them in his strong, callused hands.

  “Ready to undress your daddy now?” he whispered into her ear, nipping at the join of her neck and shoulder.


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