Mischief Under The Mistletoe

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Mischief Under The Mistletoe Page 43

by Maren Smith

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Are you not happy with the type of attention I’m providing?”

  She rubbed her moist eyes with the back of her hand. “I probably just drank too much wine tonight.”

  “I’m sure that’s a possibility, but just to make sure, I think you need a good hard spankin’ to remind you how to behave.”

  Sliding off his lap, Sammie attempted a last-minute escape, but he turned her around and administered three hard smacks to her panty-covered behind. “By the end of the night, sweet girl, you will have more love and attention from your daddy than you ever thought possible.”

  “This isn’t necessary. I’ve learned my lesson,” she said quietly. “I’m not trying to upset Jessie...”

  “I know you’re not being nasty. You don’t have a mean bone in your body. I just think long overdue desires are taking over your mind. Now, get yourself over my knee, so we can do this and be done. It’s been a long day, and we’re both tired.”

  She stalled at first, but finally and reluctantly bent herself over his lap. “Can’t we just go to sleep and talk about this in the morning?”

  After hooking his thumbs under the lace waistband of her cotton panties, he slid them down her thighs and placed his large hand on her warm, bare bottom.

  Craning her neck, she gave him her best puppy dog stare, but his grip on her waist to keep her in position was steadfast.

  “And by the way, this is necessary right now, because I say it is. Now, tell me why I need to discipline you, young lady.”

  “B-Because I acted out in front of Trent and Jessie?” she sputtered in a small cracked voice.

  Instantly, Pete delivered a brisk slap to her rear end as he continued their conversation in a casual tone. “And...”

  “I poured a third glass of wine tonight when you’ve told me about a million times that two is enough?”

  Another sharp smack to her poor ass landed again. “Keep going...”

  “Oh God! I’ve been warned about being disrespectful before, but I baited you anyway,” she whimpered as her eyes leaked tears of true remorse. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

  Though she apologized profusely, his flat, calloused palm showed no mercy as he smacked her poor reddened behind.

  “The next time you disobey me, you’ll be feeling the lick of my belt on your bare bottom instead of my hand. Is that what you want, young lady? For Daddy to give you a good lickin’ with his belt?” Except for several warnings to stay in position, Pete’s firm hand disciplined every inch of Sammie’s backside, and then he made sure to swat the tender skin underneath each burning mound twice to teach her an important lesson.

  “Please stop! I promise to be a good girl!”

  His square jaw was clenched tight, and her face was drenched with tears as she slumped over his knee in exhaustion. But when he gently moved her off his lap, Pete looked down and grinned at a rather large wet stain on his khaki pants that happened to be puddled right next to the hard bar pulsing underneath the soft fabric.

  His groan was audible as he studied his wife’s hungry eyes that seemed to be pleading for a happy ending. And he wanted nothing more than to fuck her senseless at that moment. Jesus Christ. Her submissive pose was delicious with panties draped around her knees as she clamped her thighs together in an obvious attempt to keep the copious moisture from sliding down her legs. But he knew that his point still needed to be made.

  “In the corner,” he directed, pointing to the other side of the room trying to ignore the aching need pressing against his zipper.

  Though Pete was aroused as hell, he still insisted that Sammie stand against the wall across the room. And though he’d never asked her to do that before, he knew she was well versed on the position from the plethora of erotic romance stories she’d read. Shaking her head incredulously, she stumbled across the room in cork-wedged sandals with white cotton bikini underpants pooling around her ankles.

  He watched as she placed her nose in the corner, displaying her crimson bottom by pushing it outward before his hands threaded through her shoulder length strawberry blonde hair and pulled her close. “You will stand here for the next ten minutes, young lady, and think about your immature behavior,” he lectured before returning to sit on the bed. When the time was up, Pete stood beside her and applied one well-placed swat to her naughty backside.

  “Hey! I thought my punishment was over!” she protested, rubbing the sting from her sensitive skin.

  “That was just one for good measure. I want to make sure you behave yourself when Trent and Jessie come back for leftovers tomorrow night.”

  After wiping her tears and guiding her back onto his lap for plenty of cuddles, Pete swept the bangs from her face and tucked an errant strand of silky hair behind her ear.

  “You are my whole world, Samantha Anne Reynolds. And I will love you forever,” he whispered, kissing her gently.



  Jessie’s teeth grazed her lip while gazing out of the kitchen window as she recalled a tender moment with her husband.

  “Does having a baby mean I’m going to lose my daddy?”

  Taking her small chin in his large callused hand, he lifted it to stare into her tear-filled eyes. “Do you remember my vow to you? You’re mine to protect and love forever, young lady.”

  “What’s my best girl thinking about?” Trent asked, wrapping his large, muscular arms around her.

  “I think this upcoming holiday has caused my eye to twitch.”

  “Is that really what you’ve been turning over in your mind? Because your quivering bottom lip is telling me that you’re thinking about something much more emotional.”

  Lowering her eyelashes demurely, she knew he was right, but didn’t want him to know she was still insecure about losing her daddy.

  “Our first Christmas together will be perfect, sugar pop. And may I remind you that stress is not good for any part of your body, especially this one,” he cooed, lovingly patting her belly.

  “Did you just call me sugar pop?” With a quick pivot to check his handsome expression, she was almost certain his smile would be crooked.

  And, indeed, it was.

  “I thought it might be fun for you to spend the day relaxing with a younger mind. Little girls generally don’t have much to think about when it comes to the Christmas holiday—except for maybe what Santa is going to bring them. It will do you good not to worry about shopping, cooking, and baking for a day.”

  “Can you believe I’m this stressed out? Sammie and Pete offered to host both Christmas Eve and Christmas day at their house, and the three of you are the only major participants on my gift list this year. What’s wrong with me? Do you think it’s the raging hormones?”

  He reached out and drew Jessie close to his warm body. “Besides the fact that you’re feeling tired from the pregnancy, this time of year is nerve-wracking for most people, let alone the ones who run their own law boutique,” he assured with a large hug. “But in truth, Christmas isn’t supposed to be about food, gifts, and decorations. The holiday should have a much deeper meaning that revolves around love, kindness, and the spirit of giving. So, let me give you some time off from worrying,” he added, applying a tender kiss to the top of her head.

  “You want me to spend the entire day, acting like a little girl?” she said, trying to hide her excitement. “We haven’t done that in quite a while...”

  He pivoted her petite frame to press his forehead against hers. “Mmm hmm. And we’ve both missed it, right?”

  They were nose-to-nose, and there was no point in denying how much she’d longed for him to continue playing the part of her daddy. Except for the fun of decorating the house after Thanksgiving, they hadn’t had any little girl/daddy time together. She missed the baths, being tucked in, and all the attention he used to give her bare backside, but was too embarrassed to tell him. After all, she was a grown woman with a baby growing inside her. It seemed like the
perfect time to reveal all her frustrated feelings, but then she quickly changed her mind.

  “Something rolling around in your intelligent mind, kitty cat?”

  Her throat was dry as the Arizona desert, and the words barely managed to escape her lips. “If I misbehave, will you s-spank my bottom?”

  Trent’s arms slowly folded across his chest as he chuckled. “Come on, Jessie, you know how much I love to give your heinie a good pop now and then, but there is a good reason your sweet rear end hasn’t been properly tanned since we found out you were pregnant. Of course, I’m sure there are many other ways to safely punish your naughty behind...”

  Her cheeks blushed a deep shade of scarlet as she remembered all the embarrassing ways her husband had disciplined her quivering bottom hole before the pregnancy.

  And I’ve missed every one of those dirty possibilities.

  “By the color of your face, I can tell that your memory is clear as a bell. But wouldn’t you want to be on your best behavior, since Santa’s visit is just around the corner?”

  “Has that damn Elf on the Shelf been snitching on me, again?” she asked with hands on her hips. “God knows that little poser has been sneaking around since he came in the mail from Amazon. And we all know he has only one goal in mind...getting my ass into trouble!”

  Trent reached around and gave Jessie’s behind a playful, light swat. “Nahh, I’ve been receiving all my information from his friend, Mensch on the Bench,” he deadpanned, his eyes tangling with hers. “And you might want to watch that smart mouth. I hear Santa is not a fan of profanity.”

  With a quick spin, she playfully crossed her arms. “Your brother certainly did have a sense of humor, making the Mensch and the Elf a detective duo.”

  A smile curled his upper lip. “He thought I needed some help making sure you behaved yourself around the holidays.”

  “Hmm, I haven’t seen those toys around today, cowboy. Do you think they took the day off since it’s Sunday?”

  “Nope. They’re both waiting for us in the car. I told them we’d be taking a drive into the city, that is...if you’re interested.”

  Her face lit up like a Christmas tree. “Are you kidding? I’m all in, Daddy! What should I wear?”

  STANDING IN FRONT OF the open closet with hands crossed in front of her chest, Jessie’s demeanor seemed subdued as she deliberated over what would put her in a fun holiday mood.

  “If you’re having problems making a wardrobe decision, why don’t I make some choices for you?” Trent offered, as he leaned his large muscular frame against the doorway and crossed his arms.

  “Ooh, you want to make decisions for me? Won’t that be something new and different, cowboy?”

  Lifting one eyebrow, he strode over to their dresser. “Excuse me while I exercise my hand rummaging through your chest of drawers instead of landing it across your bottom, which is exactly where it belongs right now, young lady.”

  Her sigh was deep and audible, remembering the old days when he used to take her across his lap for such a sassy answer. “What are we going to do in the city, Daddy?”

  “Well, besides checking out all the store windows decorated for the holidays downtown, we can check some things off your to do list if a few gifts are purchased for Sammie and Pete this afternoon. And most importantly, I happen to know that Santa will be making an appearance at Macy’s in the Tucson Mall around noon. Elf on the Shelf gave me that piece of information today,” he stated with a quick wink.

  “So, our little Judas is finally good for something, eh?”

  His chuckle was hearty as he tipped her chin. “And when you get hungry, there’s plenty of places to stop for a cheeseburger and French fries. How does that sound for an itinerary, my sweet princess?” he asked, before deftly grabbing a pair of black leggings along with a red and white striped tunic from the drawer.

  “It sounds like you didn’t just plan this today, Daddy,” she said, emphasizing his fatherly status through a crooked grin as he secured the last button on her forest green cardigan sweater. “You know, no one ever took us to see Santa at Christmas time, but my sister and I always wanted to go.”

  Smiling, he hugged her. “Pete also knows that detail of your family history and told me that Sammie is chomping at the bit to go with us. All I have to do is give them a meeting place and an estimated arrival time.”

  “I can’t believe my sister knew about this agenda of yours and managed to keep it to herself...” Immediately, she pulled back to look him in the eyes. “Wait a minute! I know that Sammie and Pete are okay with our daddy/little girl play, but you don’t really expect me to sit on Santa’s lap in front of a crowd... do you?”

  As he touched the tip of her nose, the corner of his lips slyly curved upward. “Are you kidding? I already bought a double-hinged frame, so that someday when we take our baby to see Santa, both pictures can be side by side. Yours and our baby’s.”

  “Please tell me you’re joking,” she pleaded. “I’m an attorney in this town, remember? What if someone I’ve represented is there?”

  “Come on, Jessie. I’m sure anyone who catches a glimpse of you sitting on Santa’s lap will probably applaud you for your blazing Christmas spirit! Just make sure you give the man in the red suit a conservative list of silicone toys.”

  “Jesus,” she mumbled, rolling her eyes. Won’t my brother-in-law have a field day with this one? I’m never going to hear the end of it.”

  “Come on, Pete’s always been fine with how we live. He just likes to tease you, that’s all.”

  STROLLING THROUGH HER favorite department store, Sammie clung to her husband’s arm. “You and Trent are absolutely filled with wonderful ideas today.”

  “I can’t take credit for everything. You know he’s been dying to surprise Jessie with an age-play day and can’t wait for her to sit on Santa’s lap.”

  “Haven’t you been dying for a picture of me on his lap?” she teased.

  His brow creased as he pulled her in for a strong squeeze. “I have, sweet girl, but today probably isn’t the best day to reveal our little secret to Jessie.”

  “I hate keeping things from my sister, and she’d probably consider this a big thing,” she said, thoughtfully. “Jessie’s so excited about having a baby, but we both know she’s been missing aspects of their daddy/little girl play. Do you really think if we tell her what’s going on behind our closed doors, she might become jealous?”

  “Just like you’re envious of her being pregnant?” he countered quietly.

  Sammie instantly remembered Pete’s serious discussions with her on how the green-eyed monster was an unbecoming characteristic, especially where Jessie’s pregnancy was concerned and quickly decided to flip the table of responsibility to him. “Wait just a minute. Have you already told Trent our secret?”

  The corners of his mouth lifted as he gave her a sidelong glance. “Well, we do work closely together on the ranch, counselor. And I wanted to get a few tips from him on the age-play lifestyle...”

  “Jesus, you guys are like a couple of old yentas. But I’m glad you were finally honest with Trent, and now I need to do the same. I feel like I’ve been lying to my sister by omission,” she said right before a whisper of breath caught in her throat. Spotting a giant decorated wreath hanging from the beamed ceiling, she abruptly stopped to admire it. “You mentioned how much you and Trent loved shopping downtown at Christmastime with your mom. Jessie and I never had those kinds of memories.”

  “Which is why my brother and I are trying to help create them for both of you now,” he murmured softly, nuzzling her face next to his. “After my mom would take us to see Santa, we’d head over to Palmers for lunch. And believe it or not, the restaurant is still in business. Naturally, we’d all order cheeseburgers, French fries, and Cokes. How decadent does that sound?”

  “It sounds like my diet might have to start tomorrow.” Sighing heavily, she swerved her head from left to right. “Okay, there’s the Santa sign. Let’s go u
p and watch the kids sit on his lap while we wait for Trent and Jessie,” she said, pulling him toward the escalator.

  “How about a stop at the accessory counter first? Besides a Christmas bonus, I think a beautiful pair of lambskin leather gloves would be perfect for my assistant, Denise. What do you think?”

  “I guess one purchase won’t hurt, but let’s make it quick. We don’t want to miss a photo opportunity of my sister sitting on Santa’s lap.”

  After signing his name to the receipt and thanking the salesperson, he quickly looked at his watch. “It’s almost time to meet them, sweetie. Let’s go upstairs to snap a few pictures, and then we’ll dart over to Palmers for lunch. I can’t wait to continue some family holiday traditions.”

  Holding hands, they rode the escalator up a short distance to the spacious mezzanine in search of Santa and his elves. It didn’t take much time to spot a crowd in the corner where the man with the white beard sat, and standing beside him was an elf waiting to take pictures of the kiddies dressed in their best. Inching their way closer to the holiday excitement, Sammie thought she saw a familiar face among the crowd. “Is that Trent talking to the elf?”

  “Oh my God, we’re late! Jessie is already on Santa’s lap!” Pete called out as he pointed to the corner.

  “Excuse me. Pardon me,” they both said, making their way through a sea of anxious, tired parents holding the hands of their excited children. Finally, as they reached their destination with a bird’s eye view of Jessie telling Santa what she wanted for Christmas, the elf grinned as he snapped a few poses.

  “Wait! I want to take a picture, too!” Sammie yelled as she pulled her smartphone from her handbag. “This will be the perfect screensaver.” Giggling, she took several pictures in a row, hoping that at least one would turn out.

  JESSIE SHYLY TURNED her head to the side. “I think my family is waiting for me. It was very nice to meet you, Santa. You were just as wonderful as I always dreamed you would be.”


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