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Mischief Under The Mistletoe

Page 68

by Maren Smith

  “It’s okay, princess, you can go in your diaper today. That’s what it’s here for,” Bradley said.

  Chloe shook her head.

  “I’m not arguing with you. You are going to use your diaper,” he insisted.

  “But I don’t like it,” Chloe said. Why had she ever thought she could do this? It was so hard to let go. How was he okay with this stuff so quickly? When they’d negotiated their relationship two years ago, he’d said that he had never done any age-play.

  “How do you even know, when you haven’t tried yet?” Bradley smiled and kissed her on the nose.

  “It’s icky.” Chloe started to cry. She didn’t want to use her diaper at all. The idea of it was too scary.

  “Babies don’t speak, princess. And babies use their diapers,” Bradley said. Chloe tried to wriggle off his knee so she could run to the bathroom. If she was her normal age, she’d be hopping on the spot by now because she was so desperate.

  “I’m not a baby!” she screamed at the top of her voice, kicking at him with her feet and pummeling her fists into the arm of the chair as she said it. When she stopped, she was sure she’d earned a spanking. To her surprise, he rearranged her into a tight snuggle and rocked her back and forth.

  “Shh, it’s all right little one, it’s all right. Daddy’s here. I need you to use your diaper for me today. Otherwise, your tummy will be achy.” He wasn’t giving an inch on this.

  Chloe cried, and wished she could get to the bathroom, but Bradley held her firmly in place with his strong arms.

  When he put his hands around her tummy and squeezed down, hard, she felt her bladder release, filling the diaper with warm liquid. He was still holding her tightly and she couldn’t go anywhere, so she just sat and cried from the shame and horror that she was being made to use a diaper against her will. When she was finished, Bradley kissed her on the forehead and tucked some of her hair behind her ear. She kept crying.

  “I’m so proud of you. You just need to trust your daddy. I’ll take good care of my baby girl. I’m gonna get you changed upstairs, and then we’ll watch the rest of our cartoon.” He hoisted her onto his hip and took her up to the little room he’d made for her. When he lay her down on the changing mat and unfastened the tabs of her diaper, Chloe didn’t fight him.

  “Good girl,” he said as he wrapped the diaper up and made it disappear. There was the cold swish of a baby wipe, then she watched him as he squeezed a puff of talc onto her. “Nearly there,” he added while he placed a fresh diaper under her and fastened it around her. “All better!” he declared once he was finished, then he fastened the snaps on her footie onesie and she felt fresh and snuggled again. Downstairs, he fed her the other half of the bottle while the movie played.

  After the movie, Bradley put her on the floor and gave her another gift. Chloe put her hand on the paper and tried to get the present open, but her hand just slid down the outside.

  Bradley was ready to help, and as Chloe’s face started to fall he put her hands back on the present, then gently laid his big hands over the top of hers, and he moved both their hands until the present was open. Her daddy had rescued her from never finding out what was inside the wrapping paper. Out of the long, thin parcel, a big squishy thing emerged.

  “It’s a play-mat, little one. Look.” He unfurled the squishy thing and Chloe saw it was home-made, and had lots of different activities sewn into it. It was big enough to cover the floor of her playpen, and Bradley smoothed it down and lifted Chloe in to play with it. She was fascinated.

  There was a shiny silver surface that she stared at. She put her hand over it and squealed in delight that another hand appeared in the silver mirror. Next to it, there was a soft teething ring attached to the mat by a loop of fabric. She leaned down and bit it, and loved how good it felt against her teeth as she shook her head side to side. There were so many things to play with that she couldn’t count them all. Her favorite part was the frilly piece of fabric attached to another part of the mat, which crinkled when she squeezed it in her hand.

  When she looked up, Bradley stood next to her playpen, watching her with a loving smile on his face. He was such a good daddy; he always found the best things for her to do. Chloe wasn’t sure why she’d had doubts about his Christmas idea, because it was working out just great.

  The rest of the day was filled with snuggles and happiness, and suddenly it was bedtime.

  Bradley carried her upstairs to her room, where he lowered her into her cot and tucked her in with a blanket.

  “Here’s a bottle to help you sleep,” Bradley said, giving her a new bottle filled with warm milk. She lay on her side and sucked on her bottle, thinking how great it was to be able to have a night-time drink whilst lying down in bed like this, without having to worry about spilling it everywhere. Maybe—but only maybe—it was nice to not worry about having to get up and go to the bathroom in the night after such a big drink of milk. She was still undecided about whether she was okay with that or not.

  It was only early evening but already it was dark, and when Bradley went to the light switch, Chloe’s fear of the dark surfaced. She was about to say something when he pressed the switch with a snap and she gasped in anticipation of the empty blackness that regularly threatened to eat her soul. As the light went off, however, she saw that he had set up a beautiful night-light that glowed a soft purple color and projected Disney characters onto the walls. It played a quiet lullaby and Chloe felt so cozy and safe that she knew no scary monsters could get her while she was in her cot.

  “I’ll be in the next room. I’ve turned on the baby monitor, so I’ll hear if you wake up in the night. Night-night, little one. Sweet dreams. I love you,” Bradley said softly, then he closed the door.

  She watched him leave as she drank her bottle, and she was asleep long before the night-light’s timer ran out.



  “Morning, morning, little bunny,” Bradley began, “The day is bright and warm and sunny.”

  When Chloe opened her eyes, she remembered she was in her crib, where she’d slept last night. Razdar the bear was snuggled up next to her, and last night’s bottle of milk was on its side, half-finished, near the edge of the mattress. She must have fallen asleep before she even drank half of it. The light was shining through the curtains, and when Bradley dropped the side on the cot, Chloe tried to climb straight out.

  “Hold your horses, hon; you need to wait for Daddy to get you up,” Bradley said.

  “But I can do it myself!” Chloe declared. She was bigger today, right? Didn’t that mean she could get herself up?

  “Not today. Today’s your second-ever Christmas. You can crawl around, and you can use single-word sentences, but you’re still in diapers. I’ve got some extra-special surprises for you today, but first I need to check your diaper.” Bradley lifted Chloe up and laid her on her changing mat, where he unfastened the tabs of her diaper. “I’ll just get you changed, princess.”

  He rolled up the diaper and got rid of it, then Chloe felt a soothing, cool baby wipe sliding from her clit, along her pussy, and toward her bottom. She wiggled her hips slightly in response to the sensation, and moaned slightly as a sprinkling of baby powder landed on her labia. While she processed these feelings, which still weren’t familiar despite being a baby the day before, Bradley ensconced her in a fresh diaper and carried her downstairs.

  When they reached the kitchen, Chloe was surprised that there was now a large high-chair beside the breakfast bar. Bradley lifted her into it and put the tray in place, while Chloe stared around the room in amazement, getting used to this new point of view.

  “I’ve got some tasty breakfast here, little one. It’s apple and pear mixed together.” Bradley opened the microwave and pulled out a pink plastic bowl, which he stirred with a matching spoon. Chloe watched the food move around the bowl with fascination.

  “Open up for the choo-choo train!” Bradley declared. Chloe found hersel
f opening her mouth and a pink spoon full of food went in. She sucked the food off the spoon and, through habit, started chewing, even though the food was pureed. Chloe was so used to chewing that she often found herself trying to chew smoothies and soups, instead of gulping them down like everyone else. This food was tasty, and she tried to get herself to stop chewing so she could swallow it down quickly as the next spoonful arrived at her lips.

  Her daddy kept making train noises and feeding her the tasty breakfast, and Chloe found herself enjoying this meal more than any others she’d eaten recently. Maybe it was something to do with how close Bradley was, or the fact the bowl and spoon were made of pink plastic, or that the food tasted like dessert, but whatever it was, Chloe felt a bit sad when she swallowed down the last spoonful and the bowl was empty.

  “All done!” she declared. Bradley nodded encouragingly.

  “You did really well, sweetheart. Let’s get you a bottle of juice and you can come into the den and sit on Daddy’s knee while you have a drink.” Bradley put the bowl and spoon straight into the dishwasher and got out a bottle, into which he poured some fresh cherry juice.

  “Favorite!” Chloe pointed at the carton of cherry juice.

  “I know, princess, that’s why I bought it for you. You can have one bottle of this today, because it’s got a lot of sugar in it, then afterward, I’ve got some blackcurrant juice for you to drink.”

  Chloe nodded. She didn’t care about after. She wanted her cherry juice now! Bradley put it in his back pocket, and then he lifted her out of the high-chair easily. He carried her into the den. The Christmas tree looked just as beautiful today as it did yesterday. Chloe reached out for one of the decorations as she passed it, and immediately put it in her mouth to find out what it felt like. When he arranged her on his knee, Bradley noticed and pulled the wooden ornament out of her hands. It came away from her mouth with a little popping sound, and she looked up at him in surprise.


  “Chloe, you’re not allowed to pull things off the tree. And you’re not allowed to put any old thing into your mouth like that, either,” Bradley warned. “If I find you trying to eat anything that isn’t edible again, I’ll have to put you over my knee and spank you.” He put the ornament to one side and passed her the bottle of cherry juice. Satisfied with her favorite drink in a spill-proof bottle, Chloe sucked on the teat and tried not to smile too much as her mouth filled with tasty cherry juice. The threat of a spanking was enough to make her behave. Well, until she didn’t behave again, anyway.

  Bradley put the TV on, and Chloe was excited to see A Charlie Brown Christmas come on-screen. She pointed and declared, “Snoopy!”

  “Yes, it’s Snoopy. Would you like your bear? You could pretend he’s Snoopy if you wanted.” Chloe shook her head; she loved her bear but she wanted snuggles with her daddy right now. “After this, we’re going to open more presents.” Bradley held her to him, and Chloe cuddled up with her daddy while she watched the show.

  When it was finished, she was sleepy and relaxed. Bradley stroked her hair and kissed her nose.

  “You look sleepy; you need a nap,” he said. Chloe wanted to protest but her eyes were trying to close themselves, so she didn’t resist as Bradley lifted her up and carried her to the playpen, where he gently placed her on the squishy floor and tucked her up with a blanket.

  Chloe was asleep in minutes. When she woke up, the first thing she did was look for her daddy. Through the side of the playpen, she could see that Bradley was sitting in his armchair, wearing a knitted sweater with white reindeer on a red background. His soft corduroy pants were dark brown, and his dad-slippers looked warm and cozy as they covered his feet. He was watching some old black and white thing on the TV. Her hunky dom was really embracing this roleplay. She grabbed her bear and stood up, so she could see over the side of the playpen.

  “Da-da!” she said.

  “Are you feeling wakey again, princess?”

  “Yeah.” She nodded firmly to prove it.

  “Let Daddy check your diaper.” Bradley got up from his armchair and stepped into the playpen. He unsnapped Chloe’s snowflake footie onesie and looked closely at her diaper.

  “Wet,” Chloe said, trying to be helpful.

  “I’d better get you changed then; c’mon.” Not fastening her snaps, Bradley lifted Chloe onto his hip, supporting her easily in one arm, and carried her upstairs to her little room. He laid her down on the changing mat and unfastened her diaper. Chloe felt strangely exposed without the warm cushiony feeling of the diaper against her skin. Bradley swished her clean with a baby wipe, then looked closely at her pussy lips and bottom cheeks.

  “You’re looking a little bit red down there, sweetheart. I’m going to put some cream on it.” Before Chloe could ask anything, Bradley had opened the top drawer under this changing mat and pulled out a tub of cream. He popped the lid and scooped some out.

  “Stay still for Daddy, little one.” He lifted her by the ankles so her bottom wasn’t touching the changing mat, and with his other hand he rubbed some of the cream into Chloe’s bottom cheeks. It felt very cold at first, but Chloe enjoyed feeling Bradley’s hand glide over her bottom, followed by the cooling feeling as a warmth disappeared from her ass. She hadn’t even noticed that it was uncomfortable, but it definitely felt soothed now.

  Bradley put her feet back on the mat then gently parted her legs with one hand as he took some more cream from the tub and rubbed it into her outer labia with his fingers. It made her clit twitch to feel him so close to her special place, and she lifted her hips off the mat slightly to show him that she wanted him to touch her more. He parted her lips and gently brushed her clit with the cooling cream, then he took some more cream on one finger and circled her entrance. Before she could tell him how good it felt to be touched there by her daddy, he had moved back again and was rubbing the cream into the skin either side of her bottom hole. After that, she watched him clean his hand with a baby wipe, then he put the lid on the cream again and put it away.

  “Da-da!” Chloe wanted to feel him touching her again, but Bradley shook his head.

  “Not today, little one. You’re already red enough because you’re not used to being in diapers. Let’s wait until your bop-bop is feeling better.”

  Chloe sighed and put her toes in her mouth. Bradley gently pulled them back out again and put her foot on the changing mat.

  “I know you’re super flexible, sweetheart, but toes aren’t for eating.” He slid a fresh diaper under her and fastened it up deftly. Chloe felt like all of her most private places were being snuggled as he put the snowflake footie onesie back on her and fastened up the snaps.

  Back in the den, Bradley gave Chloe a present to open. She tore the wrapping paper off gleefully, then discarded the present without looking at it because she was fascinated with the paper. She tore it and waved it around and threw it up into the air and put some of it in her mouth to chew it, and then her adult side took over and she looked up at Bradley, because she was suddenly worried that she might be offending him by ignoring his present.

  “Sorry,” she said in her adult voice.

  “What for, sweetheart?” Bradley asked.

  “I haven’t even looked at the present.” She worried that he might think she didn’t want it, when she didn’t even know what it was yet.

  “You need to finish unwrapping it, then. Don’t worry about what you’re doing, just do what feels right. I’ll tell you if it’s something you shouldn’t do. And don’t forget, little madam, that even the most precocious of babies don’t talk in long sentences.”

  She nodded and reached for the present. When she finished unwrapping it, she found it was a set of big fabric blocks to play with.

  “Play!” she said, looking to see if her daddy would play with her. He sat down beside her and picked up one of the blocks.

  “You can make things with them.” He moved some of them, one block at a time, and built a tall tower. Chloe giggled and pushed it
over. Bradley looked at her with mild disapproval, then pounced on her and started covering her with tickles.

  “No! No feet!” Chloe giggled as her daddy mercilessly tickled her tummy, under her arms and, of course, her feet. She squealed with laughter and tried to escape, but he held her fast.

  “Your turn. You build something next,” Bradley encouraged. Chloe picked up a block and arranged it on the carpet. She took another one and did the same. Soon she had a tower that looked just like Daddy’s had done. When she couldn’t reach any more, she asked for help.

  “Da-da.” She held out the final block in both hands. He took it from her.

  “You want this at the top?” He pointed at the top of the tower of blocks.

  “Yeah.” She nodded for emphasis.

  “Here, you hold it.” He passed it back to her and got to his feet, then he lifted Chloe high up in the air so she could put the final block on her tower. She placed it down then laughed with glee.

  “Tall!” She pointed at the blocks.

  “Very tall. But you’re taller.” He drew her closer to him for another hug. Then, as he was putting her on the floor, she flicked out a hand and knocked her tower down. She shrieked with laughter as the blocks fell away to the floor.

  They played together for much of the afternoon, then it was time for more food. Chloe sat in the high-chair in the kitchen while Bradley heated her food. He put a bowl of pureed orange stuff in front of her. She stared at the bowl, then looked into her daddy’s eyes.

  “Din-din?” she asked.

  “I made you sweet potato, butternut squash, and carrots all mixed together. Open your mouth for the choo-choo train.” Bradley picked up the spoon and dipped it in the food, then brought it to Chloe’s mouth. She shook her head and pressed her lips together.

  “Open up.” Bradley pushed the spoon against Chloe’s mouth but she shook her head, causing the spoon to slide sideways. She felt some of the orange food land on her cheek.


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