Mike's War: Sequel to Jesse's Starship

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Mike's War: Sequel to Jesse's Starship Page 26

by Saxon Andrew

  Hetzel looked at the Gracken, “Can we trust you to keep your promise?”

  Mike snorted, “Come on, Hetzel. Are they going to attack the civilization that provides their warrior culture with weapons?”

  The Gracken shook his head and said, “The delay in building those ships will allow us time to find and mine the precious metals to pay for them.”

  It took all of Tilly’s self-control to not laugh out loud; somehow she stifled it.

  Hetzel looked at the Celean and shrugged. The Celean said, “Let’s do it.” He looked at the Gracken, “If you’ll get the blueprints for the ships you want constructed, we’ll start working on them immediately. Please understand that the price will be higher initially to pay for the facilities we’ll have to build.”

  The Gracken nodded, “I’ll get them to you within a few days.”

  Hetzel looked at Mike, “What do you get out of this?”

  “I expect the Alliance to take some of their profits and to go and modernize Earth’s infrastructure.”

  Hetzel shook his head, “Is it a good idea to put that technology in the hands of those leaders?”

  “That is an issue I will resolve.” He looked at the Gracken, “I will have my forces join you after that issue is handled.”

  The Gracken looked at the three small beings and said, “This site is where we will come and pay for what you build. We will never forget the honor of those that died here and learn from their deaths that attacking is not always the best answer. We should have opened a dialogue with you first.” He looked at Mike and said, “We don’t have the ability to download languages, yet. But I’ve observed your species in the recordings we’ve made.” The Gracken stuck out his hand and Mike grabbed his index finger. Mike’s hand was tiny in the Gracken’s grip. They shook and Mike knew that he could now find peace with the deaths of those in the First Regiment.

  • • •

  Jesse and Elle looked at Mike and he could see Jesse wasn’t happy. Mike was proud of the handsome young man that Jesse had grown up to be. He was thirty seven now but still looked like he was in his twenties. Elle had only grown more beautiful over time. “Jesse, in order to make this work, we have to have someone that everyone can accept.”

  “Then you do it.”

  “And will you then assume command of the warriors?”

  Jesse ran his hand through his hair, “You know I’m not experienced enough to do that.”

  “I honestly don’t know that at all; however, I know you have what it takes to do what I’m asking.” Jesse started shaking his head and Mike saw Elle was leaving this decision in his hands. Mike quickly said, “You only have to do this for a short time. Once all the changes take place, you can resign.”

  Jesse stared at Mike and lowered his eyebrows, “Will you promise that?” Mike nodded. “I’m going to hold you to it.”

  Mike sighed, “I really think you can make a big difference but I will keep this promise.”

  “When is this going to happen?”

  “In twelve hours. You should get your initial speech done.”

  Jesse grimaced and Elle said, “I’ll help you draft it.”

  Jesse looked at her and smiled, “Thanks, I can use the help.”

  Mike shook his head, “Jesse, just say what’s on your mind. You’ve always impressed me with your insight and dignity.”

  Mike stood up and walked out of the Q ship’s bridge. Jesse shook his head. Elle said, “He’s right.” Jesse looked at her and she smiled, “Your heart is what I love the most about you. Let’s get to work.”

  • • •

  Mike jumped his Q ship to the gathering above Sparta and saw the thousands of Alliance transports above the planet. All the warriors were going on this mission and they were excited at the prospect. Mike saw Adams appear on the display and smile, “Bowen isn’t happy about this.”

  “I’m sure he’ll handle the Q ships.”

  “He wanted to participate in the drop as well.”

  Mike smiled, “Then he should have asked first.”

  “Jeanette and I are going to drop in on New York.”

  “Give everyone my fondest regards.”

  “You know I will.”

  “Who is handling the drop on China?”


  Adams smiled, “It’s in good hands. We’ll see you on the planet.”

  “I’m not dropping. Tilly and I will observe from orbit.”

  Adams expression turned serious, “Mike, it’s not the time for you to step back.”

  Mike smiled, “It’s the perfect time and you know it. Just think about it and you’ll see.”

  Mike ended the call and Tilly sighed, “Are you sure about this?”

  “I am, Love. There are times when a person becomes bigger than the circumstances that surround them. They’re really not bigger but everyone’s perception about them is warped. We can’t move forward as long as I’m blocking the channel. My time is done.” Tilly hugged him and experienced mixed emotions. She had to admit that Mike had become bigger than life among the warriors after the war with the Gracken ended. She wondered if it really was all over for them.

  • • •

  Yehao and the World Representatives were in session going over the new taxes to be implemented when an orderly came running in, “There are millions of warriors dropping on Earth. Scanners show more than eight thousand ships in orbit.”

  Yehao’s face showed his fear, “Are they the giant creatures attacking the Alliance?”

  The orderly shook his head, “They are Alliance ships overhead and they’re dropping Spartan Warriors.”

  Yehao stood and screamed at Al Hussain, “Get the hidden weapons distributed.”

  Hussain lifted his microphone and started issuing orders. A moment later fifty armored Spartan Warriors rushed into the room. Jeanette raised a hand weapon and pointed it at Hussain, “One more word and it will be your last.” Hussain stared at Jeanette and sneered. No woman was going to tell him what to do. He started speaking again and the sliver hit him in the chest and threw him over his chair and into the glass behind him. The Representatives all sat still and stared at the woman. Adams came in and said, “Well hello. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen you. I trust all of you understand that you will remain silent until given permission to speak.” The leaders at the U shaped table stared at the woman holding the hand gun who was looking at one of her nails. He shook her head and looked at them. Even Yehao knew he was dead if he opened his mouth.

  A young man and woman dressed in armor walked in behind the Spartan Warriors and looked at the technicians at the back of the room, “Set up to broadcast a message to the planet.” The technicians didn’t move for a moment and the woman turned and looked at them with her eyebrows lowering. They jumped up and started setting up the equipment. Adams shook his head. Jeanette hadn’t lost her touch.

  Yehao stared at the young man and tried to remember where he had seen him. It took a few moments and then he realized that he was the one that hijacked the Alliance Starship and prevented Earth’s destruction. He was older now. Something was going on and it didn’t look good.

  • • •

  Three hours later Jesse stood behind the table with Earth’s Representatives and looked at the hundreds of cameras focused on him. Every person on Earth saw the armored warriors dropping into their communities ordering them to move into their dwellings. They turned on their monitors and saw a message written on the screens telling them to stand by for an important broadcast. They waited until a handsome young man appeared. He was wearing armor and looked imposing. They saw their elected leaders sitting in front of him in silence. What was happening?

  Jesse looked out at the cameras and took out a stack of paper and put it on the podium in front of him. He looked down and after a moment, lifted the papers and threw them over his shoulder, “I don’t really need this prepared speck. You deserve more than a stock written speech.” He looked at Elle who was smiling and said, �
�We have come back to Earth to make some changes and I am going to be responsible to make sure those changes are implemented. This is not something we really want to do but it had been discovered that there are secret stockpiles of weapons that the current government has been hiding to impose their will on the people they represent should they not agree with their desires. This is in direct violation of the treaty made with the Alliance and we will remove those weapons momentarily. I want every person on the planet that might be holding one of those weapons to understand that we have more than two thousand advanced warships in orbit scanning every square inch of the planet. We know where those weapons are and will begin the process of removing them and the ones holding them in five minutes. If you value your life, you will take those weapons and give them to the warriors that have dropped into your communities. Failure to comply…” Jesse shrugged, “Well, it’s your life.”

  The stampede of people rushing out of their homes and relinquishing the automatic rifles and handguns was overwhelming. Everyone remembered the power of the Q ships. Jesse stared at the cameras and smiled, “I’m going to give everyone a few minutes to comply before I continue.”

  Fifteen minutes passed and the huge display on the wall over Jesse showed the massive fleet above Earth. Jesse said, “Times up.” Everyone on Earth saw thousands of beams flashing from the fleet toward the planet. After a few minutes, the beams stopped. Jesse shrugged, “Some people just don’t listen or pay attention.” He looked at the World Leaders in front of him and said, “The Alliance has agreed to modernize Earth’s technology and to bring it up to the standards of those planets that are in the Alliance. However, they determined that when Earth was approached for help, the current leaders were only interested in helping themselves first and everyone else second. The planet has been at peace for seventeen years and the standard of living has actually gotten worse. Taxes are at a stifling level and most of the riches have been taken by your leaders and put in accounts for them to use for their own wealth. I am relieving the current leaders of their positions and I’m sending them home. They will be allowed to keep the wealth they’ve taken and I hope they live a good life. However, they will not be allowed to occupy a position of leadership from this moment forward.” Jesse looked at the leaders and said, “You may leave now; we have transportation to take you home.” Jesse stared at them and said, “If you wish to challenge this decision, you will be allowed to plead your case now but you will lose the wealth you’ve acquired.”

  Every leader on the platform stared at Jesse and then stood and walked away. The people of Earth saw where their former leader’s priorities were placed. They were angry at them being allowed to keep what they had taken from the people they were supposed to be helping.

  Jesse waited for them to exit the huge room and the cameras showed them as they walked out. The cameras turned back to Jesse and he said, “I will be in control until the changes being done by the Alliance have been completed. Once that is done, you will be given an opportunity to choose new leaders. There are some immediate changes that will happen now. All borders will be eliminated. Every person on the planet will be allowed to travel wherever they choose to go. Anyone that attempts to harm another person will be forcefully stopped.” Jesse paused and lowered his brows, “I know that many countries are concerned that those that are starving will come rushing to them and you do not have the means to feed them. Beginning this afternoon, New York time, the first Alliance transports and engineers will be arriving and installing food dispensers all over the planet. These dispensers will provide food for anyone that needs it. There will also be facilities placed around the planet that will provide clothing for anyone that needs it as well. All humanity may go wherever they choose and know there is food and clothing waiting for them wherever they choose to travel.”

  “We will also be eliminating all taxes; this evolution in our technology is being paid for by the Alliance. Many of you will be trained in how to operate this technology and will be paid for your services. These changes will take some time and I ask for your cooperation in making them happen smoothly.” Jesse stared at the cameras and smiled, “The Spartan Warriors that have landed will maintain order while this process is taking place and don’t hesitate to ask them anything you don’t understand. They are here to assist you and they take that mission seriously. Any question you have that they can’t answer will be forwarded to me and I will try to get you an answer as quickly as possible. I thank you in advance and look forward to making Earth a wonderful place to live and raise your families.”

  Elle stared at Jesse and felt her love for him to the bottom of her toes. She put her hands on her stomach and could feel the baby growing. She would tell Jesse soon. It was time they started a family. She knew they were finally ready.

  The people of Earth stepped out of their homes and saw the contrails of thousands of Alliance ships moving into the atmosphere. They looked at the Spartan Warriors in their armor and rushed to ask how all this had happened. Within a month, Earth was changed and would never be the same. A year later, after the huge demand from the people of Earth became overwhelming, Jesse played the videos taken during the Gracken War. Earth saw the death of the First Regiment and they wept for their deaths. Two months later, the people of Earth asked that they be allowed to join the Gracken and Spartans fighting the Weg. The first forts were built and the bond that was made in blood by the Spartans and Gracken was joined by their human brothers on Earth.

  Jesse tried to resign four times but the people of Earth refused to accept it. He eventually learned that his purpose was to make Earth all it could be. He was finally allowed to retire when he turned sixty. His oldest son followed in his footsteps.


  Mike sat back on the couch on the balcony and stared at the setting sun as it moved closer to the ocean. A servant came out with a drink and handed one to him and Tilly. Tilly took a sip and said, “Now admit it; this isn’t so bad.”

  Mike shook his head, “I guess. I still don’t like being the Leader of the Assembly.”

  “I know, you turned it down four times but aren’t you glad you finally accepted.”

  “They threatened to cut off assistance to Sparta if I didn’t.”

  “Even so.” Mike watched the sun touch the horizon and sighed. Tilly snuggled closer and said, “Alex is doing an outstanding job as your replacement.”

  “He has a good team working with him.”

  “Josh and Pricilla have sent word that they are expecting.”

  “I didn’t think Adams and Jeanette were ever going to allow them to get married.”

  “No, they just wouldn’t allow it until they turned eighteen. Those two are really something.”

  “Alex tells me they are his best tacticians. The warriors worship them. Josh’s attack on that Gracken Beamship is still talked about.”

  “Have you heard anything about the war with the Weg?”

  “We’re holding our own. They do reproduce at an extraordinary rate. We found out that the Weg were attacking numerous civilizations. It appears we are getting the bulk of their attention now. We’ve managed to push into their territory and at least the fight is now on their turf.”

  The final edge of the sun was above the horizon and the orange and red sky was beautiful. Tilly sighed, “Do you know what I really miss.”

  Mike leaned back and looked at her, “No, what do you miss?”

  Tilly blew out a breath and said, “Shooting rattlesnakes from our old front porch.”

  Mike started laughing. Tilly looked up at him, “Well, I do!” Mike laughed harder and Tilly punched him in the ribs which only made him laugh even harder. They lived in the grandest structure in the Alliance and Tilly missed her old home.

  Mike pulled her close and hugged her tightly, “I love you, Tilly. Please don’t ever change.” Tilly leaned back for a kiss and Mike obliged her.

  The End

  Books by Saxon Andrew

  The Annihilation Series:
r />   Love Conquers All

  The Power of a Queen

  A Rose Grows in Weeds

  Tommy’s Tale


  Demon’s Sacrifice

  Finding Keepers

  Prequel-Psychic Beginnings

  Searching for a Hero

  Dahlia’s Deception

  Ashes of the Realm:

  Juliette’s Dream

  Greyson’s Revenge

  Death of an Empire

  The Return of the Realm

  Lens of Time:

  The Pyramid Builders

  Planet Predators

  Pray for the Prey

  The End of Time

  Star Rover-The Worst of Time

  Star Rover-Running Out of Time

  Chosen To Die

  The Fight for Creation

  Life Warrior

  Scout Warrior

  Ultimate Warrior

  Star Chase

  The Lost Prince

  Nowhere to Run

  Nowhere to Hide

  Probe Predators

  Jesse’s Starship

  Trapped in Time

  The Time Takers

  Mike’s War

  Sequel to Jesse’s Starship

  Coming Soon

  Trapped in Time Taming a Planet

  Also an audiobook at Audible.com

  The Lost Prince

  Copyright © 2014 by Saxon Andrew. All rights reserved. Screen Writers Guild no. VQEA3E380432.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from the author or publisher.


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