Undeniable Rush

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Undeniable Rush Page 23

by Stephens, S. C.

  A sad sigh left me as my chest filled with defeat. Myles grinned at me. He shared a look of optimism with Nikki, then said, “No, it’s not the end, Kenzie. This is just the beginning. Trust me.”

  I kept Myles’s words with me, deep inside my heart, as I lined up for the race. I was in third again, Myles just above me, Hayden just below. Myles looked over at me while we waited, then gave me a thumbs-up. Grinning under my helmet, I nodded a thanks to him, then looked back at Hayden. He was staring my way, and I could almost see the satisfied smile on his face. He was in his happy place, same as me.

  Letting all thoughts about my team and my teammates fall to the very back of my brain, I focused all my attention on the light, willing it to change color. When it did, I surged forward. My heart pounded with excitement, adrenaline, and joy. And the fact that, one way or another, I’d never have to deal with the minutia of day-to-day business crap made that joy ten times as potent. I was truly free.

  I zipped in and out of turns with that thought forefront on my mind. No matter what happened after this, I would never again be shackled to a desk. Hopefully I’d still be racing. Hopefully I’d still be racing for Cox. But I couldn’t worry about that now—not while the finish line was calling for me. A call I had every intention of answering.

  Myles, Hayden, and I fought tooth and nail for that top spot. It was so familiar racing with them, that it felt like we were back at home, on our track, not at an event, in front of thousands of screaming fans. Lap after lap, the three of us held together as we passed the few other riders in front of us. And then we were in the final lap, whipping around the last corner, the finish line looming just ahead of us. Myles was too far ahead of me to catch, but that was okay, I’d be more than satisfied with a second-place finish. Hayden, though, apparently wasn’t satisfied with being third. I saw him in my periphery, trying to inch past me. Oh, I don’t think so, Hayes.

  My competitive spirit kicked into overdrive, as I pressed my bike for every ounce of speed it would give me. Hayden’s tire caught up to my seat. If we were street racing—and I wasn’t worried about his safety—I could have reached out and kicked him. My grin a mile-wide, I leaned low on my bike, focusing on my form. My smaller size and weight worked to my advantage sometimes, and I managed to hold him off—just barely.

  When we crossed the finish line, our positions relaxing as we eased off the gas, Hayden pointed at me. Next time, he was telling me. God, I hoped there was a next time. Don’t let this be the end.

  Glancing at the leaderboard, I saw that Myles had nabbed first by a longshot. Hayden and I were milliseconds apart. Rodney and Felicia did well, ending up in the top ten, and Eli and Ralph wound up somewhere in the middle. The clouds had held their rain, and the track had remained dry all day. And now, as we finished, bits of sunlight were streaming through breaks in the sky, covering the riders with shafts of light, like spotlights. All in all, it was a great day, and a great race.

  The press was all over us the second Hayden, Myles, and I set our bikes and gear aside—the top three riders being on the same team was a feast for them. They did our interviews together, showcasing the fact that we all raced for the same team—my team. “So, Kenzie, how has it been this year, balancing being an owner and a rider?”

  I let out the weary sigh that rushed to my lungs whenever I thought about all of my responsibilities. The reporter laughed. “That good, huh?”

  I laughed with her. “I’ll be honest, it’s been really tough juggling both, but I think it’s made me appreciate being a rider all the more. That’s my passion, my reason for getting up in the morning, and I’m just so grateful…that I get to do this.” My throat closed as emotion choked me.

  “Are you all right?” the reporter asked, true concern in her eyes.

  I nodded, gripping Hayden’s hand tighter. “Yeah, it’s just been a tough year. My team…we’ve been racing great, but even still, through no fault of our own, we lost our two biggest backers. If we don’t…if we don’t get some support soon, I just don’t know if there will be a Cox Racing next year, and that crushes me.”

  The reporter looked genuinely sad to hear that. “Well, let me just put it out there then.” She turned from me to look directly at the camera. “If any sponsor out there would like to instantly be on everyone’s lips, you might want to contact Cox Racing today, because these three right here are about to rule the world.”

  I could have kissed her.

  Once our interview wrapped up, all the teams gathered together to hear the conclusion to the championship. Since this was the final race of the year, we weren’t just celebrating one victory—we were celebrating two. The final scores had already been calculated, and the champion was about to be declared.

  The crowd waiting for the results was huge. Grabbing Hayden’s hand, I gave it a squeeze. He smiled at me, a playful twist to his lips. I gave him a quick kiss, then looked over at Myles. He’d had a couple of rough races, but I had no doubt he was about to nab the championship again. Unfortunately, I’d been so caught up in Richard’s crap, and administrative crap, that I hadn’t paid close enough attention to the points race. I had no idea where everyone was sitting.

  One of the officials walked up to the stage, microphone in hand. The riders, crew, owners and sponsors in the crowd hooted and hollered so hard that he had to raise a hand to quiet them. “Ladies and gentlemen, it’s with the greatest honor that I get to announce this year’s winner of the ARRC.” He paused in dramatic fashion, then quietly said into the microphone, “Congratulations, Mackenzie Cox.”

  I blinked in confusion while my mind fumbled to make sense of what he’d just said. Because it sure sounded like he’d just said my name…but that was impossible. Utterly impossible.

  When I didn’t move, Hayden pushed my back, urging me to go onstage. But why? I couldn’t seriously have won…

  Finally, I relented to his prodding, and trudged up to the stage. There were tears on my cheeks, but I wasn’t conscious of the fact that I was crying. Why was I up here? The official handed me a gargantuan trophy, and the crowd around me flashed with lights as people took pictures. I started sobbing as it sank in. I’d…won. Somehow, I’d won.

  A microphone was thrust in my face, but I was too emotional for words. I shook my head, and the official pulled it away, patting me on the back instead. After another few minutes of standing in the spotlight, soaking in the praise, I finally made my way back to my friends. They each congratulated me with bear hugs, even Felicia and Rodney. When they were all done, and I could finally breathe, I shook my head and protested my victory. “This can’t be right. I only won one event.”

  Hayden’s smile was huge. “But you were consistent, Kenzie, and consistency is what you need in a points race. You landed in the top three at every event. The rest of us, we were all over the fucking place.” He laughed. “Well, except for me. I was consistently behind you. Not that I minded…it’s a great view. And in case you’re wondering, I knew you could get third and still win the whole damn thing…that’s why I went for it. Failed, but went for it.” He ended his statement with a playful, unapologetic wink.

  I could only gape at them all as I processed what he’d just said. It made sense, but still, I was so stunned, it was really hard to believe. Hayden handed my trophy to Nikki, then wrapped his arms around me. “You really had no idea, did you?”

  “No idea?” I asked, feeling half-drunk.

  He grinned wider. “You had no idea you were leading the points race. You truly were oblivious.”

  I shook my head, amazed, then I glanced around at all my friends and colleagues. “Why didn’t you guys tell me?”

  Myles shrugged. “We didn’t want to jinx you…give you the yips. We all agreed to not mention it until you did. And you never did, so…”

  “Unbelievable,” I told him. Then my smile grew uncontainable. “Un-fucking-believable. I can’t believe I won…” My dad came up to me then, his smile full of pride. “You knew?” I asked him. “You knew
I was in the lead?”

  He raised an eyebrow in a droll expression. “Of course I knew, Mackenzie. But Myles insisted I shouldn’t say anything…so I didn’t. Congratulations… I’m so proud of you.” His gray eyes grew watery, and I could feel my tears resurfacing.

  Dad lifted a finger. “Before you start sobbing again… I have a couple of people here who would really like to meet you.” He stepped aside, allowing a man and a woman to join our group. “Mackenzie, this is Pat Davis, head of Riser Athletics, and Samantha Dupont, head of Generation Tires. They’re both interested in partnering with the first female ARRC champion.” His voice oozed pride.

  My eyes nearly bugged from my head as I shook hands with both people. Riser Athletics and Generation Tires…it didn’t get much bigger than those two companies. “I’m honored to meet you,” I said, hoping my voice didn’t sound as overwhelmed as I felt.

  Samantha smiled. “Not as honored as we are. We’ve been following you for a while now, and while you started the year with a certain…cloud over your head, you’ve ended it outstandingly. We’d very much like a sit-down meeting with you when you return to Oceanside.”

  “Yes, absolutely…thank you.” And for the first time in a long time, I felt nothing but joy and hope.


  Three months later, my life was everything I’d always hoped it would be. I felt completely at peace. Home, friends, family…work…every worry was lessened, every stress alleviated. After winning the entire championship—a fact that I still had trouble grasping—the floodgates had opened, and sponsors had poured through. The media—the national media, not just the sports channels—was having a field day with the first female champion, and everybody wanted to attach themselves to me. My father and Dex were sorting through the offers, finding the best fit for Cox Racing, and I was so grateful for their help and expertise. Whether they realized it, they were saving my sanity.

  It was exhilarating and strange to have everything going my way for once, especially with all the crazy twists and turns my life had taken over the past couple of years. I was making sure to enjoy every single second of my newfound bliss.

  Stretching out, I tangled my legs with Hayden’s. He made a deep, delighted noise, and I smiled. I loved having him here all the time. “Did I just wake up next to the sexiest woman in the world?” he rumbled, low in his chest.

  My smile grew as he wrapped his arms and legs around me, pulling me tight. “I don’t know if I’d say sexiest. Luckiest, definitely.”

  Hayden laughed, then kissed my neck. “Trust me, it’s sexiest too.”

  His hand on my stomach stroked circles into the skin. We’d fallen asleep naked, and I could feel that he was ready to show me just how sexy he found me. My body started responding, opening under his touch.

  A soft moan escaped me, and Hayden let out his own erotic noise as he heard it. His lips found my mouth, and my body surged with energy as his passion seeped into me. The hand on my stomach shifted to my breast—feeling, swirling, circling. Then his lips floated down my neck, traveling to meet his fingers.

  I gasped as his mouth closed over my nipple, tasting me, savoring me. His hand traveled down now, and my breath grew faster. His finger slid between my legs, and a loud moan left my lips. God, yes.

  Hayden shifted his body over mine. His breath was just as fast, just as needy. I pulled on his hips after he settled over me, wanting him inside me. He entered without hesitation, and a low groan left his lips.

  A sound of satisfaction filled the air as our hips met. Then he pulled back, and my body exploded with sensation, a sensation that amplified when he pushed forward again. A frantic need began filling my body as every stroke he made coaxed me closer to the edge. Grabbing his body, I pulled him into me harder, faster. I needed more.

  The buildup started reaching its apex, and my body tensed in anticipation. The explosion hit me, and a long cry left my lips. Hayden’s breath was fast, his body slightly damp from the exertion. He pumped into me a few more times, then let out his own groan of release.

  Hayden slumped against me, resting his head in the crook of my neck. “I love waking up with you,” he muttered, his words partially muffled by my skin.

  I let out a soft, tranquil laugh. “I love waking up with you, too. But we should probably get going. We’re late for work.”

  Hayden immediately shifted his gaze to the clock on our nightstand. Even though I was right, and we were late, Hayden’s smile was huge and happy. “Yeah, you’re probably right.” He shot up off the bed and stood in front of me, in all his beautiful, naked glory. “I’m gonna hop in the shower. Care to join me?”

  While I was enjoying the peep show, I shook my head. We had to get going, and if I stepped in there with him, we’d spend a good half-hour exploring each other. Sometimes bliss was really distracting.

  My phone rang while Hayden was in the shower, and when I glanced at the screen, I wasn’t too surprised by who it was. Richard. I’d been ignoring his calls for months. I considered ignoring this one too, but I had a feeling the phone calls wouldn’t stop until I’d given him a firm final rejection. Inhaling a deep breath, I answered the phone. “Hello, Richard.”

  His voice was saccharin sweet in my ear. “Kenzie, I’ve been trying to get a hold of you ever since New Jersey. I never got a chance to congratulate you. I knew you’d do well but winning everything…that was quite remarkable.”

  I could hear the intrigue in his voice. This wasn’t simply a call to congratulate me. “Thank you…but I have a feeling that’s not the real reason you’re calling me. I’m not sure what you’re trying to sell me, Richard, but my answer is no. A firm no.”

  “Ah, Kenzie. I’m not trying to sell you anything. I just wanted to pass along some good news. Burger Barn and Ashley’s Intimates have decided to stay with Cox Racing next year.”

  A weary sigh escaped me. “Led by you, of course.”

  “Naturally. And just so you know, my offer to buy still stands. If you’d still like to free yourself from the burden of ownership… I can help you with that.”

  Hayden came out of the bathroom then. Scrubbing his hair with a towel, he gave me an inquisitive expression. Since my hand was clenched in a fist, I probably looked angry. “Again, my answer is no. I have talented people around me who are handling the things I don’t want to deal with. And as for Burger Barn and Ashley’s Intimates, well…we already have a slew of new sponsors lined up, almost more than we can handle, so you can tell them we’re very sorry…but we’re going another way.”

  The sweetness in his voice was instantly gone. “Don’t be foolish, Mackenzie. One win doesn’t guarantee anything. You need me.”

  “No, actually… I don’t. I have your son, and he’s by far a better person than you are.”

  Richard was silent a second, then said, “Dex doesn’t have what it takes to survive in this business. He’s too busy following his heart.”

  His tone was so condescending, I couldn’t help but stand up for Dex. “Personally, I don’t think following your heart is a bad thing.” My eyes locked with Hayden’s, my smile warm and soft.

  Richard scoffed in my ear. “Says the woman who almost lost everything.”

  “Almost doesn’t count, and I didn’t lose anything…except the desire to ever speak to you again.”

  “This is my last offer, Mackenzie. If you turn me down now…my help won’t be there when you inevitably fail.”

  “Goodbye, Richard.” I disconnected the line before he could respond, then tossed my phone into my bag.

  “You okay?” Hayden asked.

  Grinning, I told him, “I’m fantastic.” And I truly was. I felt better than ever.

  Soon after that, Hayden and I made our way to the track. I was excited to get there—the place was always constantly buzzing with energy now—an excited, palpable energy that danced across my skin, igniting me. The upcoming season flashed through my mind as I rode through the inner gates, heading for the garage. In three more months, we
’d back in the race circuit. Hayden and I had been riding really well, and so was Myles. Between the three of us, Cox Racing was sitting pretty for another championship. We were a household name now, our fame stretching outside the sport in an unprecedented way. Even the officials loved us, since we were bringing in new fans left and right. It was everything I’d always wanted for the family team, and I was so proud to be a part of it. And grateful that Hayden and my dad had found a way to keep the dream alive.

  Since Hayden and I were a little late getting out of bed this morning, the entire team was already at the garage when we arrived. And so were my sisters and their husbands…and Izzy, Antonia, and Hookup.

  My heart started beating harder as I looked around. Why was everyone here? “Daphne, Theresa… Izzy, Tony…what are you guys all doing here?”

  Daphne clapped her hands, like she was so excited she could hardly contain herself. She was finally pregnant, with an adorable baby bump signaling the eminent arrival of the newest member of the family. Jeff was standing beside her. He winked at me, then gave Hayden an encouraging nod. The two had grown close over the last several months, while Hayden had been teaching Jeff to ride. Daphne would only allow it to happen in a parking lot, but Jeff seemed content with just that little bit of adventure.

  Daphne didn’t answer my question, so I shifted to Theresa. She was holding hands with her husband, Nick, but she gave me a thumbs-up. I moved over to Izzy, but she only grinned. Antonia had a hand slapped over her mouth, and she was giggling. Hookup pursed his lips and gave me a nod, but like everyone else, he had nothing to say, no explanation to give.

  As I stared at everyone in bewilderment, two more people walked into the garage—Rodney and Felicia. They were the most shocking to see—Benneti riders never came over here during the day. Keith was going to have their heads if he found out they were on “enemy” territory.


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