Hariri, Hussein Ali Mohammed, 59, 62, 251
Hariri, Rafiq, 6, 12, 358, 370
Hariri Foundation, 62
Haris, Naim, 365
Hashem, Mohamad, 234, 235
Hashim, Yusef, 300–301
Hassan, Hisham, 233
Haydar, Muhammad, 215
Hayden, Michael, 300
Hazime, Latif Kamel, 342–43
HDTV Ltd., 334
al-Heib, Omar, 234
Hezbollah: in Africa, 246–84
in Argentina, 75–116
birth of, 11–16
in Canada, 163–66, 168–71
in Europe, 49–74
in Iraq, 285–316
multiple identities of, 8–11
narco-terrorism by, 104–6, 272–76
political campaigning of, 5–8
in Saudi Arabia, 136–39, 182–87, 287–88
and shadow war, 354–79
in South America, 78–80
targeting Westerners in Lebanon, 22–48
Unit 1800, 208–45
Unit 3800, 296–301
in US, 16, 153–68, 317–53
vulnerabilities of, 369–73. See also Islamic Jihad Organization (IJO); specific locations and events
Hezbollah America Latina, 352n177
Hidri (operative), 124
Higgins, W., 326
hijackings: Air Afrique flight 56, 59, 251–53
Iraqi Airways flight 163, 226–27
Kuwait Airways flight 221, 40–41
Kuwait Airways flight 422, 42, 57, 119
TWA flight 847, 29, 30, 49–57
Hijazi, Abbas, 92
Hip Hop Connections (retail store), 335
Hisham (operative). See al-Ful, Abu
Hmaid, Hussein Ali, 82, 151
Hodroj, Hassan, 11, 338, 340, 341, 342
Holder, Eric, 362
Holt, Clevin (Isa Abdullah Ali), 146–49
Holy Fighters for Freedom, 34
Hong Kong Mafia, 84
al-Hoss, Selim, 222
Hosseinpour, Ardeshir, 360
Hostage Location Task Force (CIA), 35
al-Houri, Ali, 189, 192, 195, 196, 198
Hudspeth, Michael J., 151
al-Huraibi, Mohamed, 330
Hussein, Abdul Aziz, 36
Hussein, Saddam, 290
Hussein, Zayn al-Abidin Mohammad, 119
Husseini, al Mohammad Hussein, 164–65, 168, 169
Husseinia Iman al-Khomeini mosque, 84
Hutchinson, Asa, 324
Hyatt Tower (Azerbaijan), 2
Ibrahim (operative), 133
Ibrahim, Azam Khalil, 37
Ibrahim, Kareem, 107
Ibrahim, Shafi, 267
IDF (Israel Defense Forces), 4
IEDs. See improvised explosive devices
IJO. See Islamic Jihad Organization
Ilya, Itamar, 214
Imam al-Mahdi Scouts, 154
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), 329
Importadora/Exportadora Barakat Limitada, 83
improvised explosive devices (IEDs), 301, 302, 304, 308
India, Qods Force operations in, 365–66
Indonesia: arms trafficking in, 129
operations in, 133
Pandu in, 131
insurance fraud schemes, 166
Integrated Threat Assessment Centre (ITAC, Canada), 169, 170
Interim Agreement on the West Bank and Gaza Strip (1995), 210
Internal Security Department (Singapore), 126
International Criminal Court, 271
International Response Team (IRT, US), 75
Internet pornography business, 159
Interpol, 100, 107, 216, 342
“intifada of the Eastern Province” (1979–1980), 183
Iqbal, Javed, 334
Iran: and al-Qaeda, 199, 270
and AMIA bombing, 87–88, 89–90, 93, 99
and Azerbaijan bombing attempt, 2
Beirut bombings linked to, 32–33
and Fadlallah, 26
French operations by, 60, 61
and Hamas, 208
and Hezbollah’s creation, 12
and Hezbollah’s militancy, 356–59
Hezbollah’s role in, 9, 359–65
Iraq interests of, 286, 290–91
and Israeli embassy bombing in Buenos Aires, 101
Khobar Towers bombing role of, 188, 192–93, 196, 199–202
and Kuwait Airways flight 221 hijacking, 41
Malaysian operations by, 133
marine barracks bombing in Lebanon linked to, 31–32
and Mughniyeh, 30
and Mykonos Restaurant attack, 67–68
operatives seeking refuge in, 29
recruitment and radicalization in Africa by, 265–67
and Saudi Hezbollah, 183
South American operations by, 106–7
Southeast Asia operations network, 122–24
Sudan operations by, 271
and Tannenbaum’s abduction, 224
targeting of dissidents in Europe, 63–66
terrorist agenda of, 187–90, 361–65
terrorist training camps in, 186, 189–90
and TWA flight 847 hijacking, 55
Venezuela operations by, 344
Iran Air flight 655 downing (1988), 184, 187, 253, 288
Iran Air flight 744, 344
Iran-Contra Affair, 35, 38
Iran Cultural Festival attack (1991), 67
Irani, Houshang Afshar, 366
Iranian Cultural Center (Sudan), 265–66
Iran-Iraq War, 122, 186, 287, 288
Iraq, 285–316
Daqduq’s capture in, 306–10
insurgency training programs in, 301–4
Iranian interests in, 290–91
Kuwait invasion by, 186
and Ramazan Corps, 291–96
targeting of Coalition Forces in, 304–6
Iraqi Airways flight 163 hijacking, 226–27
IRGC. See Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
IRNA (Islamic Republic News Agency), 93, 291
IRT (International Response Team, US), 75
Iskhandar, Ghazi, 86
al-Islam, Hossein Sheikh, 89
Islamic Charitable Association, 80
Islamic Courts Union (Somalia), 269
Islamic Jihad Organization (IJO): and AMIA bombing, 102
and Azerbaijan bombing attempt, 2
and Barakat, 82
and Beirut embassy bombing, 23
capabilities of, 359–60
creation of, 28
and Hariri’s assassination, 6
and Iranian dissidents targeted for assassination, 64
in Iraq, 304–6
and Israeli embassy bombing in Buenos Aires, 98, 100
and Khobar Towers bombing, 194
and kidnappings, 247
and Mikdad, 211
and Northwest Orient Airlines bombing, 58
operations by, 15
and shadow war, 357
in Southeast Asia, 121
structure of, 13–14
and Unit 1800, 209
Islamic Liberation Organization, 39, 40
Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), 93, 291
Islamic Resistance, 8, 11, 13, 15, 167
Islamic Revolution (Iran, 1979), 187, 265, 286
Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC): in Africa, 265
and Azerbaijan bombing attempt, 2
in Dubai, 223
and Fadlallah, 26
Hezbollah’s coordination with, 9
and Hezbollah’s creation, 12
in Iraq, 285, 296
and Khobar Towers bombing, 188
and Mughniyeh, 30
and Saudi ambassador assassination plot, 107
and Saudi Hezbollah, 183
and TWA flight 847 hijacking, 55
Ismael, Fuad, 95
Israel: AMIA bombing investigation by, 75
Buenos Aires e
mbassy bombing (1992), 98–99
designation of Hezbollah as terrorist organization in, 10
embassies targeted, 2
Lebanon occupation by, 22–23
and Operation Cast Lead, 170
and Operation CoPlan Pink Poppy, 118–22
recruitment of Israeli Arabs, 232–37
Shi’a prisoners released by, 57
and Tannenbaum abduction, 225
targeting of officials of, 4, 7
and Unit 1800, 208–45
withdrawal from Lebanon, 11
Israel Defense Forces (IDF), 4
Israeli Arabs, 232–37
ITAC (Integrated Threat Assessment Centre, Canada), 169, 170
Italy: Hezbollah operations in, 218
operations in, 57–58
Ivory Coast: diamond trade in, 261, 263
Hezbollah operations in, 254
Lebanese diaspora in, 249, 250, 260
remittances from, 256
Iyad, Mansur, 220
Izz al-Din, Hasan, 49–50, 51–52, 57
Jacobsen, David, 34, 35, 39
Jacoby, Lowell, 290
Jalul, Ribal Khallil, 227
Janati, Ali, 88
al-Jarash, Abdallah, 189, 192, 195, 196, 198
Javadi, Bahman, 68
Javadi-Nia, Mohammad Reza, 76, 86
Jawad, Muhammad, 126
Jewish Cultural Center (Baku, Azerbaijan), 2
Jihad al-Binna (Construction Jihad), 258
Jihad Council (Hezbollah), 14–15, 306
John F. Kennedy International Airport (New York), 107
Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), 150, 152, 317, 336
Joubert, Christian, 147
Joumma, Ayman, 274, 275, 331, 332
al-Jubeir, Adel, 344, 362
Jumblatt, Walid, 254
Kabila, Laurent, 262
Kadi, Marwan, 103, 114–15n213, 152–53
Kanan, Fawzi, 344
Karaki, Ali Mohammad, 1–3, 339
Karaki, Hassan Antar, 11, 338, 339–40
Karim, Abdul, 214. See also Smyrek, Stephan Joseph
Karine A affair (2002), 267–68
Kashkouli, Hamid, 367–68
Kashkoush, Khalid, 233
Kassem, Hussein, 319
Kata’ab Hezbollah, 297
Kazan, Ali Muhammad, 85
Kemp, Richard, 231
Kenya: kidnapping plots in, 246
Qods Force operations in, 368
KGB, 40
Khalil, Hussein, 7, 215
Khamenei, Ayatollah Ali, 14, 66, 87, 187, 357
Khatami, Mohammed, 200
Khatib, Milad, 369
al-Khatim, Ali Abdullah, 184
al-Khazali, Laith, 296, 308
al-Khazali, Qais, 286, 296, 306, 308, 310
Khobar Towers bombing (1996), 181–207
investigation of, 198–202
Iran’s role in, 199–202
operational details, 194–98
and Saudi Hezbollah, 182–87
surveillance operations for, 192–94
Khoi, Abu al-Qasim, 25
Khomeini, Ahmad, 59
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, 8, 34, 60, 65, 122, 186
Khoury, Andre, 160, 161, 162
kidnappings, 33–37
in Africa, 246–47
conditions for hostages, 39–40
in Iraq, 301, 304, 305–6
in Israel, 219–20
Mughniyeh’s role in, 29
by Obeid, 218–20
Kimhi, Moshe, 362
Kirchner, Nestor, 77
Koumaiha, Hassan, 336
Koumaiha, Sadek, 336
Kourani, Abdullah, 326
Kourani, Haidar, 326
Kourani, Hussein, 326
Kourani, Mahmoud Youssef, 325–28, 335–37
Krayem, Mohammed, 335
Krayem, Nayef, 333
Kriangkrai Techamong, 137
Krisna Triwibawa. See Pandu Yudhawinata
Kubsch, Frithjof, 66
Kuwait: attacks in, 35–37, 40–43
bombings in, 35–36
Hezbollah operations in, 288
Iraq’s invasion of, 186
Shi’a extremists in, 287
Kuwait 17, 35–37
Kuwait Airways flight 221 hijacking (1984), 40–41
Kuwait Airways flight 422 hijacking (1988), 42, 57, 119
Lahad, Antoine, 82
Lake, Tony, 150
Laqis, Haj Hassan Hilu, 165, 167
Lawrence Hotel affair (1996), 210, 213–14
League of the Righteous, 296
Lebanese American University, 211
Lebanese Canadian Bank, 259, 264, 331
Lebanese diaspora: in Africa, 248, 249–51
and narco-terrorism, 104
remittances from, 254–57
in South America, 78–80
as support network, 13
Lebanese Media Group, 10, 333
Lebanon: Abdullah Ali in, 147–48
civil war in, 22–23, 154
cover companies in, 258
drug trafficking in, 274
Hezbollah’s goals in, 13
Israel’s withdrawal from, 11
kidnapping campaign in, 33–35
Pandu in, 131
political campaigns in, 4–8
targeting of Westerners in, 22–48
US embassy attacks, 31–33
Leigh, John, 261
Liberia: diamond trade in, 261, 263
Lebanese diaspora in, 250, 260
Lipada, Benjamin Mintan, 135
Lofti (cover name), 60
logistics support: in Africa, 246–84
for AMIA bombing, 88–93
in South America, 102–3
in Southeast Asia, 131–32
London bombings (1994), 231
Lyons, James, 31
Ma’aniya, Ahmad, 224
Mahdi Army, 286, 294, 296, 297, 298–99
Majlis al-Shura (Consultative Council, Hezbollah), 14, 29, 30
Makhoul, Ameer, 235
Makki, Bassam Gharib: in Germany, 62–63
and US operations, 149–53
Makki, Hassan Gharib, 150, 215, 321, 322, 324
Makki, Mohammad Gharib, 150
Makki, Tarek, 323
Malaysia: al-Ful in, 123
Iran’s support network in, 122
operations in, 133
recruitment in, 214
Mali, drug trafficking in, 273
al-Maliki, Saleh Abdullah, 136
Mapai Party (Israel), 218
al-Marhoun, Ali, 189, 192, 193, 194, 195
Marine Battalion Headquarters Building (Beirut), 22, 23
Maronite Christians, 249
Marques, Andre (cover name), 93–94
marriage fraud, 156, 157
Martinez, Carlos, 96
Martinez, Ramon, 96
Martyrs Foundation, 10, 83, 154, 233
Martyrs of the Lebanese Resistance, 51
Mashmoushi, Adel, 275
Mashoun, Khalil, 90
Mauritania, drug trafficking in, 273
Maza, Mustafa, 231
Mazbou, Hussein, 59
Mazeh, Mustafa Mahmoud, 65
McFarlane, Robert, 55
Mehdi, Samer, 152, 153
MEK (Mujahedin-e Khalq, Iran), 61, 297
Melrose, Joseph, Jr., 261
Menem, Carlos Saúl, 77
Merafuentes, Rumar Catalon, 135
Mesbahi, Abolghasem, 66, 87, 90, 91, 100
Mesilam, Salim, 131, 132, 133
methamphetamine, 120, 324
methyl nitrate, 59, 60
Mikdad, Hussein, 210–14
Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS, Iran): and AMIA bombing, 76
and Azerbaijan bombing attempt, 2
Hamas supported by, 208
in Iraq, 287–88
and Khobar Towers bombing, 188
in Malaysia, 133
and marine barracks
bombing, 31
and Mughniyeh, 30
and Southeast Asia support network, 122
surveillance activities of, 201–2
Mizell, Louis, 147
Mofaz, Shaul, 267, 298
Moghadam, Reza Afshar, 124
Mohamed, Jamil, 260
Mohammad, Abu, 129. See also Pandu Yudhawinata
Mohammadi, Akbar, 68
Mohammadi, Masoud Ali, 360
Mohtashemi, Ali Akbar, 31
MOIS. See Ministry of Intelligence and Security
Mokhtari, Narim, 95
money laundering: in Africa, 259, 264, 274
in Charlotte, 157
and narco-terrorism, 104, 105
in US, 321, 328–32
Montazeri, Hossein Ali, 58
Moore, Peter, 305–6
Moro Islamic Liberation Front, 119
Mossad (Israel), 4
Mothar, Herman, 129
Mouchbil, Raad, 36
Mouhajer, Mohammad, 60
Mourtada, Abu, 123
Moussawi, Hassan Ali, 323, 325
Movement for the Vanguards Missionaries, 183
Mrad, Mufid Kamal “Mark,” 331
al-Mu’alem, Mustafa, 189, 192, 195
Mubarak, Husayn bin, 197
Mucharrafille, Salim Boughader, 325, 327
al-Mughassil, Ahmed, 182–83, 189, 192–96, 198, 201
al-Mughis, Hussein, 195, 196, 198
Mughniyeh, Fuad, 27, 29
Mughniyeh, Imad: and al-Qaeda, 271
and AMIA bombing, 78, 87, 91, 92
avenging death of, 2, 3–5
and Beirut embassy bombing, 24
biographical info, 28–31
death of, 170, 359
in France, 58
funeral of, 6
and Hamas, 209
in Iraq, 299–300
and Israeli embassy bombing in Buenos Aires, 100
and Jihad Council, 15
and kidnappings, 35
and Kuwait 17, 37
and marine barracks bombing, 31
on Most Wanted Terrorists list, 30
and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, 209
and Saudi Hezbollah, 194
on Specially Designated Global Terrorists list in US, 9
and TWA flight 847 hijacking, 29, 30, 49, 55, 57
Mughniyeh, Jihad, 27
Muhammad, Abu, 211, 212, 213
Muhammad, Ali, 270
al-Muhandis, Abu Mahdi, 289, 296, 297
Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK, Iran), 61, 297
Multinational Force building bombing (Beirut), 22, 24
al-Musawi, Abbas, 98–99, 101
al-Musawi, Husayn, 31
al-Musawi, Hussein al-Sayed Yousef, 37, 46n119
Musawi, Nawaf, 357
Mushaima, Hasan, 363
Muslims. See Shi’a Muslims; Sunni Muslims
Muslim Student Union, 12, 25, 29
Mykonos Restaurant attack (1992), 66–69
Myrick, Sue, 327
Naccache, Anis, 59, 65–66
Nadia Fashions, 150
al-Nami, Ahmed, 272
Namibia, diamond trade in, 261, 264
Napolitano, Janet, 327
al-Naquib, Falah, 298
narco-terrorism, 104–6, 272–76. See also drug trafficking
Nasr, Jameel, 328
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