High Heels Mysteries Boxed Set (Books 1-5)

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High Heels Mysteries Boxed Set (Books 1-5) Page 54

by Gemma Halliday

  Fine by me. We wove our way through the crowd, circling the bar. I got elbowed by an Olsen twin look-alike and a guy in a cowboy hat spilled a margarita on my Capris, but I didn't care. I was on a mission. I had been patient with Ramirez. I had given him his space. I had even waited a record two months before having sex with him. (Not entirely by choice, but that was beside the point.) I had done everything known to woman to make this relationship work. And what did he do? Blow it all for a night in hook-up heaven. Woman scorned didn't even begin to describe the anger surging through me as I scanned the club.

  Then I spotted him. He was sitting at a table near the back, a half empty glass of beer in front of him. I gnashed my teeth together, my vision going red as I stared my worst fear in the face.

  Ramirez was sitting next to a woman. A tall woman­. If there's anything in this world that my 5'1 ½" self hates more than being dumped, it's being dumped for someone tall.

  Her legs were almost as long as I was, tucked under the table beneath a barely-there leather mini. And her top didn't cover a whole lot more. A plunging neckline dipped almost to belly button, showing off cleavage that was obviously man-made. Over her shoulders was a little red shrug jacket, more for fashion effect than actual coverage, and her long black hair was loose, flowing down her back, giving her that dark, exotic look that a blonde Irish/English mutt like myself could never pull off.

  And then she put her hand on his thigh.

  I felt my nostrils flare, my hands balling into fists at my sides. That's it, police officer or no, I was gonna kill him.

  I vaguely heard Dana yelling something along the lines of, "Maddie, wait!" but I couldn’t have stopped if I wanted to. My body was moving all on its own as I marched straight toward the happy couple.

  "You sonofabitch!" I yelled once I was in earshot.

  Ramirez turned around, his dark eyebrows hunching together at the sight of me. Despite my anger, my hormones did that little happy sigh they always did when he was around. Ramirez had perfected the tall, dark and dangerous look - his black hair just a little too long, his dark brown eyes just a little too hard, and a sleek panther tattooed on his arm, just a little too big to hide beneath the sleeve of his black T-shirt. His tan skin was interrupted by a thin white scar running through his left eyebrow and a perpetual dusting of rugged stubble across his chin. The Bad Boy slash Sex God effect of it all was almost enough to stop a girl in her tracks.


  "I can't believe you blew me off for this!" I yelled, gesturing to his Amazon woman. She gave me a startled look, her eyes darting from side to side as if trying to figure out where I'd come from.

  "Maddie, what are you doing here?" Ramirez asked, his eyebrows still drawn together in confusion.

  "I could be asking the same question." I poked a finger at Ramirez's chest, coming up against his hard, six-day-a-week-at-the-gym pecs. "Who the hell do you think you are that you can lead me on then just blow me off like this for another woman?"

  "Maddie," Ramirez said, his voice low and commanding. "Go home. I'll explain later."

  "Oh right! I'll just go home and let you finish your date with Slut-zilla here." I was yelling loudly enough now that even over the pounding dance music, the couples at the adjacent tables were staring.

  "Who is this?" Amazon's eyes ping-ponged between Ramirez and I. "I told you to come alone."

  "Maddie," Ramirez said again, his eyes shooting daggers at me. "Don't do this."

  "Don't do this? Don't do this! I'm sorry, what exactly am I doing? Because it sure as hell isn't dating some abnormally tall chick when you were supposed to be doing 'or something' with me!"

  "Ramirez?" the Amazon asked, shifting nervously.

  "Maddie," Ramirez warned.

  "Jerk!" I yelled.

  Then I picked up his half-empty glass and tossed the contents in his face.

  "Jesus," he sputtered, jumping from his chair and blinking Budweiser out of his eyes.

  "And as for you…" I said, turning on Amazon Woman.

  But I didn't get to finish that threat.

  She bolted from her chair and before I could register what was going on pulled a gun out from her little red shrug (which, I now realized was clearly not just for fashion's sake) and grabbed me by my blonde roots. I let out a strangled cry as she wrapped one arm around my neck, holding me in a vice grip.

  "All right, nobody move!" she shouted, commanding the shocked couples at the nearby tables, their mouths hanging open as they watched the scene unfold.

  Then Amazon Woman pushed the barrel of the gun against my temple.

  "Or blondie dies."

  Chapter Two

  Holy crap! My first irrational thought as I stared at the barrel of Amazon's gun was that not only was I being dumped for a tall woman, I was being dumped for a psycho! (Hey, I said it was irrational.) The second was pure thankfulness that Ramirez had quick cop reflexes. In a spilt second he had his gun un-holstered and pointed at Amazon in a Mexican standoff.

  "Isabel, drop the gun," he commanded, his voice the only calm thing in the room.

  As soon as the guns had popped out, people started screaming and scattering. The Survivor chick dove under a table and the CW actors trampled over the Olsen twin look-alike in a mad dash for the front doors. The D.J. stopped spinning music, ducking behind a pair of speakers, and all I could hear now was the sound of glass breaking and a chorus of hysterical voices yelling, "Call 9-1-1." I'm pretty sure I picked one of them out as Dana's.

  "Isabel," Ramirez prompted again.

  "No way!" she shouted, tightening her grip on me until my vision started going blurry. "No fucking way."

  "Isabel, let's just calm down."

  "I'm not calming nothing, you pig. This is a setup. I told you no other cops."

  "She's not a cop, Isabel," Ramirez ground out through his clenched jaw.

  "Honest!" I squeaked. "I never even made it as a Girl Scout."

  "Shut up!" she commanded, pushing the barrel into my temple.

  I shut up.

  "Isabel, listen to me," Ramirez said. He was slowly inching closer to her, his gun straight-armed in front of him. "Just set the gun down and you can walk out of here right now. No one has to get hurt."

  She shook her head, long black hair flapping wildly around her face. "Unh uh. No way, pal. I know you’ve got this place surrounded. You've got cops outside waiting for me. You set me up. And quit moving closer!"

  I heard Ramirez mutter the word, “Jesus,” under his breath and send me another dagger-sharp look. "I didn't set you up. She's not a cop, Isabel. She's my…" He paused.

  I held my breath and leaned forward. Date? Lover? Girlfriend? Come on, for the love of God, finish the sentence, man!

  "… friend," he finally said.


  "I don't care who she is," Crazy Isabel responded. "She's coming with me." She shifted her hold on me, grabbing me by the arm with one hand and stuffing the gun into my ribs with the other.

  "And don't you try to follow me, pig. I'll kill her. I'll happily splatter her brains all over this room."

  I winced. Granted, this entire episode was proving just how very few brains I had (Why, oh why, hadn't I just sat at home neurotically wondering what my boyfriend was doing like a normal girl?), but I wanted to keep them right where they were, thank you very much.

  I saw the muscles in Ramirez's jaw flinch, but he kept the gun steady on her. "Don't do anything stupid, Isabel."

  Isabel ignored him, dancing me backwards as she made her way to the nearest exit sign. Ramirez stood rooted to the spot, his eyes intense, watching the gap between us widen.

  This was bad. Seeing Ramirez with another woman wasn't so hot, but this? This was big steaming piles of cow dung bad.

  Isabel pushed through the emergency exit, sounding a fire alarm that whipped the panicked crowd into a frenzy again. A bartender yelled, "Fire!" and I saw two girls in halter tops shove Dana out of the way, dashing like linebackers to the front doors. Unfortun
ately, Dana knocked into Mr. How-You-Doin', sending him teetering backward and colliding with Ramirez. Ramirez staggered back a step. Which was just enough to make his aim waiver. Isabel took that opportunity to bolt.

  "Come on, blondie," she said, as the door slammed shut behind us. Keeping her vice grip on my arm, she kicked off her mules and sprinted through the parking lot.

  "Where are we going?" I asked as I stumbled after her, breaking a heel and stubbing my toe on the asphalt.

  "Shut up!" she said. Then paused, scanning the lot. "I need a car."

  I pointed to a green VW bug. "How about that one?" Not that I was actually into helping the crazy lady make a great escape, but I figured the faster she got away from here the smaller the chance I was going to pee in my pants. If there was one thing I hated in life, it was having guns pointed at me.

  "A bug? What, do I look like a midget to you?" she asked, whipping her long hair around again.

  I narrowed my eyes. Was that a crack about my height?

  "Okay, how about that one then?" I gestured to a blue pick-up with a “cowgirl-up” sticker in the back window.

  Isabel turned on me. "What about me exactly screams redneck?"

  "You know, you're awfully picky for a woman on the run."

  "Shut up!" Isabel shoved the gun in my face again.

  Chances of peeing my pants just rose astronomically. I clamped my mouth shut.

  Isabel looked over my shoulder and apparently found a vehicle to her liking. Her face broke into a grin. "Now that's more like it." She tightened her grip on my arm and dragged me with her, weaving through the rows of parked cars toward a big, black Escalade in the corner. She peeked in the driver's side window. The valet had left the keys in the ignition. "Chumps," she said, through a big creepy smile.

  She was jiggling the door handle when the emergency exit flew open again and Ramirez's voice rang out across the parking lot.


  Without skipping a beat, she spun around, raised her arm and fired in the direction of his voice. A bullet shattered the passenger side window of the VW.

  "Shit," I heard Ramirez cry as Isabel popped off three more rounds in the direction of the midget car. "Maddie?" he called.

  "I'm okay," I replied. "She just really hates that car."

  "Shut up!" Isabel screamed. "What are you, stupid? What don't you understand about 'shut up?!’"

  I clamped my lips together and did a zipping-them-up-and-throwing-away-the-key thing.

  "Isabel, let's talk about this. We can work something out," Ramirez said from behind the VW. I vaguely heard the sound of sirens in the distance.

  Isabel must have heard them too, because her only response was to blow out the VW's back windows. Clearly, Isabel wasn't in the mood to talk.

  But there was one good thing about the crazy lady shooting at my boyfriend. The gun wasn't pointed at me anymore.

  I took a deep breath and, with my one good heel, stomped down on her bare foot as hard as I could.

  "Sonofabitch!" she cried. It stunned her just enough for her to loosen the grip on my arm. That was all I needed. I turned and ran as hard as I could on one broken heel in the opposite direction, diving behind a Ford Festiva just as I heard a bullet rip into its tires.

  "You blonde bitch!" Isabel howled, sending a wild spray of bullets through the parking lot.

  I ducked, covering my head and praying the Festiva wasn't as cheaply made as it looked. If only I'd ducked behind a Hummer instead.

  "Maddie?" Ramirez cried again from the other side of the lot. But I was honestly too paralyzed with fear to respond. I just sat there, my arms wrapped around my head, my knees tucked to my chest, my heart beating faster than when Dana made me crank the Stairmaster up to six.

  The gunfire paused for a second, then was immediately followed by the sound of tires squealing. I peeked my head up over the shot out window of the Festiva just in time to see Isabel's wild hair flying through the driver's side window of the Escalade as it screamed out of the lot.

  "Maddie?" Broken glass crunched under Ramirez's feet as he sprinted across the lot to where I was still doing a fetal position.

  "I'm okay." Sort of. I looked down. In my dive for cover, I'd skinned both my knees. My big toe on my right foot was bleeding, turning my Passionate Pink pedicure into something out of a horror movie, and my Nina pumps would never be the same again. But, on the up side, I hadn't wet my pants.

  "Are you sure?" Ramirez asked, suddenly at my side. He lifted me up and ran his hands quickly over my arms and legs. Too quickly, if you asked me. I wouldn't have minded if he lingered just a little longer in the thigh region. Yep, I had it so bad for Ramirez that even gunfire didn't deter those overactive little hormones of mine. Geeze, maybe I should accompany Dana to her next SA meeting.

  "I'm fine, really," I said, shaking off the inappropriate thoughts.

  Satisfied, he stood back and looked at me. The concern in his dark eyes slowly fading into annoyance. And not the kind of annoyance you feel when telemarketers call at dinner time, but the kind where your insecure friend spurs an insane Amazon woman to take her hostage which results in you getting shot at. Yep, that was the level of annoyance making the little blue vein in his neck start to bulge and his jaw set harder than the granite Clinique counters.

  I bit my lip and shuffled my heel-less foot. I looked down at his beer-stained shirt. "Um… sorry about the Budweiser."

  He just shook his head and muttered another, “Jesus,” under his breath.

  * * *

  Two hours later the Cabana Club parking lot was still swarming with police officers and Ramirez was still giving me the evil eye. Which, as I sat on the tailgate of an ambulance wrapped in an ugly green blanket waiting for paramedics to give me the all-clear to go home, was kind of unfair. I mean, it's not like I meant to get taken hostage. And it's not as if I was the one who'd shot at him. In fact, if I'd had my way, we'd be at my place, sprawled across my futon going for round two of “or something” by now. So, really, this was all Ramirez's fault. (What can I say? Twelve years of Catholic school had taught me how to reassign guilt with the best of them.)

  "Ohmigod, honey, check out the cop at three o'clock," Dana said, standing beside me. After the club had cleared out of panic-stricken singles, Dana had found me in the parking lot watching uniformed officers drape crime scene tape around the remnants of the VW. I was grateful for the hand to hold, since it was clear by the whole evil-eye thing that Ramirez and I wouldn't be holding hands any time soon. But the sight of so many men in uniform was almost too much for Miss Sexual Sobriety.

  I turned my head to the right.

  "No," Dana said, pointing to the left. "I said three o'clock."

  "Why didn't you just say, 'left,' then?" I mumbled, eying the object of Dana's ogling. A tall, slim guy with a big nose and dark hair dressed in uniform blues slouched near the rear entrance, questioning the Olsen twin.

  "He is delish!" Dana made the kind of yummy sound in her throat that I usually reserved for the tiramisu at Giani's.

  "I thought you were off men?"

  "Uh huh. Oh!" she gasped. "Maddie, eleven o'clock. Blond, blue eyes, and biceps to die for!" She was practically licking her chops.

  "Dana, how long has it been since you've had sex?"

  She sighed, watching Mr. Biceps sweep shards of glass into an evidence baggie. "Way too long." She tilted her head as he leaned over the VW, showing off glutes that, I'll admit, had even me staring. "Since Monday. Four whole days."

  Oh, brother.

  "If I make it a week, I get a chip."

  "You do realize I've had hangnails that have lasted longer than a week?"

  Dana ignored me. "Uh oh. Bad news at four o'clock."

  I turned my head to the right.

  "No." Dana grabbed my chin and tilted my head left. "Four o'clock."

  Uh oh was right. Ramirez was picking his way over the broken glass, evidence cones, and shot out car parts, headed right toward us. And by the rigid set
of his shoulders this was not going to be a friendly sort of chat.

  "Um, maybe I'll just… um… " Dana trailed off, wisely giving Bad Cop a wide berth as she joined the rest of the looky-loos behind the yellow crime scene tape.

  Ramirez barely acknowledged her as she passed, his eyes boring down on me, his arms crossed over his chest. He stopped in front of me, shaking his head, his unreadable Bad Cop face reminding me of the one my Irish Catholic grandmother had used when she'd interrogated my five year old self about which “creative” little girl had drawn all over her kitchen walls with a Crayola.

  He didn't say anything, just gave me that hard stare. I bit my lip, vowing not to be the one that spoke first. Okay, so I'd kind of mucked up his evening, but he was the one that started it by going out with Crazy Chick in the first place.

  I crossed my own arms over my own chest, narrowed my eyes at him, and prepared to wait him out.

  We stood like that for a full five seconds.

  One guess who cracked first.

  "Okay, so here's the thing, I had this thong, and it was totally cute and it was going to waste just sitting at home watching TV, and I wouldn't have minded so much, but you were canceling our 'or something' and unlike Dana, I haven't gotten any 'or something' in over a week – that’s long enough to get a chip at SA, you know! And then 'something' came up and you didn't want me meeting your friends, even though I'm so not smothery, and then you were at a hook-up club. I mean, you could have told me she was carrying a gun and I so wouldn't have come. Or at least I would have waited outside. So, I'm sorry you got shot at."

  Ramirez just shook his head at me and I wasn't sure if he thought I was pathetic or was just trying to keep from laughing at me.

  "Maddie, you seriously thought I was here on a date?"

  "Um, well, yeah. I mean, with that message you left and the hook-up bar, what was I supposed to think?"

  Ramirez rolled his eyes at me. "Isabel was an informant, Maddie. She's the girlfriend of a major drug distributor and she was meeting me to give me details about the next shipment coming into his organization. Information that we could have used to get these guys off the streets for good."


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