Immortal Dreams

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Immortal Dreams Page 14

by Chrissy Peebles

  "You're going to have to trust me sometime, warlock," Thad mumbles as he stands to his feet.

  "I just want to talk to Alyssa, alone. Nothing pertaining to the case, of course."

  "Sure," Thad grumbles. "I need to go flex my muscles anyhow. I have to make sure the perimeter is safe. I'll see you in a bit, pretty girl."

  He bends and takes my hand before pressing his lips to the back of it. I blush, and then he turns into a hawk, dropping his clothes in a puddle at my feet before flying off into the trees.

  Frankie rolls his eyes as he takes a seat beside me, and I listen as the hawk's screeches become too distant to hear any longer.

  "You have to stop getting so close to him," Frankie murmurs in a near whisper.

  "Frankie, he just saved my life the other night. Not to mention the battle in the woods where he saved us both while you slept."

  "Have you asked him about that?" he muses, his eyebrow arching.

  "No, but just because it hasn't come up. What's wrong?"

  He sighs out loudly, and then he steeples his hands in front of his face while staring straight ahead into the woods.

  "I don't know. This just all... it's so odd. They've already proven to be dangerous. Rain could have killed you."

  "But he didn't because Thad tore him to pieces."

  He turns to me, his eyes a little worried, as he murmurs, "Exactly. A changer took down a centuries old night stalker under the full moon. Thad shouldn't be that strong, no matter how old he is. The moon fuels a night stalker's strength. The fuller the moon, the stronger the bloodsucker. It scares me, Alyssa. And the way you've been looking at him scares me even more."

  "The way I've been looking at him?" I chuckle out, my cheeks blushing.

  "Yeah. You act like a schoolgirl with a crush every time he's close lately. Ever think that's a little odd, considering you're head-over-heels for a human?"

  Kane's face flashes through my mind, and seriousness takes the place of my humor.

  "Kane's safer if he's not with me. As for Thad, it's called hormones... normal hormones. He's sexy, and he has that hero appeal. Sex never fazed me before, but now that I've had it... well... it's like socks."

  I blush deeper, staring away from the man I've always viewed as a father figure. This is definitely not a conversation to be having with him.

  "Socks?" he asks, seeming amused. "How is sex like socks?"

  I laugh a little, my crimson burn stinging my cheeks a little more.

  "Well, if you lived your whole life without socks, your feet would be just fine. You wouldn't know the difference. But, once you've had socks and felt their comfort in hard shoes, warmth in cold weather, and softness against the harsh floor, then you become a little spoiled, and you notice when they're gone. You want socks again... a lot."

  He roars out his laughter, his seriousness broken, and then he shakes his head.

  "Honestly, only you could forever ruin the idea of sex."

  "This is gross," I murmur awkwardly. "I can't talk about sex with you."

  I stand up, and he laughs louder while following me into the house.

  "I thought we were discussing socks."

  "Ha," I mumble, not looking behind me to find his mocking face. "I need a real drink and a change of subject."

  "Fine, then let's discuss your aunt."

  "Aunt Hilly?" I ask while whipping around. "What about her?"

  "She's coming to help us."

  "I thought she was working undercover on some big immortal case."

  "She was, but when she found out about your mother's disappearance, she dropped the ruse, and now she's on her way to join us. She's not as strong as Calypso, but she'll be some serious help - trustworthy help."

  "We can trust Thad, too," I murmur with a little agitation.

  "Then why haven't you told him what the dark user said?" he asks, his eyes narrowing.

  "Because Thad thinks I'm naïve. He'd probably go after him just to prove he was trying to play me. I want this guy to come back, tell me more. I believed him, and none of you ever listen to me."

  "I just think-"

  "Exactly," I grumble. "You think, but you never listen. Just forget it. I'm going to my room, reading, and shutting all of this out. Let me know when there's something I can do to help get my mom back."

  Storming by him, I huff as I head into my room, slamming the door behind me. No one thinks I'm mature enough for all of this, and here I am throwing a tantrum. I hate old magic.

  I stare at the phone in my hand, Kane's name slowly fading as the buzzing stops. Taking a deep breath, I wave my hand over it to bring it to life.

  "We'll find her. Maybe if you-"

  "Just stop. Stop trying to comfort me, Deke. I appreciate it, but it’s pointless. She doesn't know how dangerous this world can be, and it's starting to scare the hell out of me. I wish she'd just let me know she's okay."

  I frown, realizing the depth of his concern for me, and suddenly I feel extremely guilty for all the scandalous thoughts I've had about Thad. It's like I can't help myself though, and that scares me. I know it's in part because of the change I'm not far from - my immortality. I've been warned of the hormonal overload that comes with that.

  "I could call that friend of mine. He's never failed in finding someone for me before," Deke says, interrupting my own private thoughts.

  "He's too dangerous. He's a loose cannon, and he might hurt her. I'll find her on my own. Did you come up with anything on Callie Coldwell or is it just an alias?"

  My stomach sinks. I've always called myself Coldwell because, though Devall is my true surname, it had to die with the ten-year-old girl they knew as Drackus's daughter. It's easier to conceal myself with my mother's first surname.

  She's been married so much her name has changed too many times to count. Coldwell, her maiden name, is barely recognized.

  "Callie Coldwell exists, but not the one you want. I'm coming up with the same dead ends the detective did. If they're in witness protection, Alyssa might not even be her real name."

  It isn't.

  I feel like such a bitch for lying to him, but it's always been important to conceal my identity. I haven't heard anyone call me Airis in so long that it's as if Alyssa really is my name.

  "I don't care what her damn name is. I just care about her."

  With a sigh, I type in a text, and I stare at it, wondering if I should send it or not.

  I'm okay. I miss you, but I hope you're moving on. I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to you.

  Pressing send, I hold my breath and listen in.

  "It's her," he gasps.

  He pauses briefly, and then Deke impatiently prompts him to share.

  "What? What is it?"

  "She said she's okay. See if you can ping where that just came from."


  I didn't think about him being able to trace me from a damn text.

  Now I'll have to listen until I know if he can track me down. He can't come to this place, not with so many of them now here... helping. Not now that I know they can't all be trusted.

  My encounter with Rain shook me up, and now more than ever, I realize how dangerous my life can be to someone as human as Kane.

  "Frankie, I messed up," I mumble, and he materializes in the room, proving I was right to believe he was listening in on me.


  "I sent Kane a text to tell him I'm okay because he was worried about me. Now he's trying to trace me from it."

  He sighs, and then he takes my phone from my hand.

  "I'll make him think you're at home," he says, waving his hand over the phone. "Better yet, I'll send him back to his house."

  I smile, though it's forced. Part of me wants Kane here so badly it hurts, but the realistic side of me knows he'll be killed in my world.

  I listen in, waiting for Deke's response.

  "Got her. She's in... what the hell?"

  "What?" Kane prompts, and Frankie smiles before giving me a wink and
vanishing from the room.

  "She's at our place," Deke gushes in bemusement.

  "Call Sierra. Find her."

  It doesn't take long for Deke to fill that request.

  "Hey, it's Deke. Alyssa's phone is saying she's at our house... I swear that's what it says. Go check."

  I wish I could hear her side of the damn conversation. I'll have to wait on immortality for that luxury though. I can only hear when they're closer, and for some reason, Kane and his friends keep their phones really low.

  "This doesn't make any sense," Deke says, apparently still talking to the girl looking for me.

  "Fuck. I'll just go home and see if I can track her down. If she's in the area, I'll find her," Kane huffs. "Let's go."

  The conversation cuts out when he dials someone else, and I drop my phone while sighing in relief.

  At least he's still safe.

  "Just to be clear, this tastes like bark," Frankie grumbles, tossing his toast down to his plate.

  I laugh lightly as Thad glares at him.

  "It's wheat bread. You're such a spoiled brat."

  They've done nothing but bicker these past few days, and it's gone from annoying to humorous.

  A wave of air rushes me, filling me with the scent of jasmine, and my eyes widen with Frankie's as we both murmur in unison, "Hilly."

  Rushing out the door, I stumble down the stairs, falling to my face in the cold, unforgiving snow.

  Aunt Hilly laughs as she comes to help me up, her bright, blond hair glistening under the radiant streaks of sun.

  "There's my girl," she says while wrapping me up in her arms. "I've missed you so much, Airis."

  That name sounds so odd to hear.

  "Oh, I'm so glad you're here."

  She holds me tighter, and then she looks around at our unusual allies.

  "I almost didn't believe Frankie when he told me what company you were keeping."

  I follow her gaze, unsure if I believe it myself.

  "Well, the company we're keeping is the only company that would offer us help. Light or not, they're our only chance of finding Mom."

  She sighs, and then her fingers run through my hair that has grown even blonder.

  "You're less than a year away from your change now. I can tell. Have you found a coven yet?" she asks, her eyes studying my new color of hair.

  "Um... actually... I have a house."

  "Good. Where and with whom?"

  "It's in Pine Shore, and it's... just me."

  Her eyes try to pop out of her head as she gapes at me in disbelief. Finally, she bursts out laughing.

  "You almost had me," she chuckles out. "If you didn't have the most overprotective mother there is, I'd believe you."

  I don't laugh, and Frankie walks over to join us.

  "She's not kidding, Hilly. Calypso fought her on it, but Alyssa is living alone... for now."

  For good, unless I decide to live with someone.

  Her mouth falls back open, and then she gapes at me once more.

  "Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?" she scolds.

  "It's dangerous to live with a coven too. I've heard the horror stories," I murmur dismissively while walking away. "One dispute could result in an eternal rivalry. One like Mom and Shay had."

  "Shay had that coming, and so what if there are rivalries. It's far safer than going it alone. Your coven becomes your chosen family. You've had a coven your whole life. You don't know how to live alone."

  I turn to face her, and I pull out my phone while shaking my head.

  "Do you want to know what Mom's coven - her family - said when I asked for their help?"

  I hand her the phone to show her the texts I just recently received after asking them for help the day Mom disappeared.

  "Let me read them aloud. I have them memorized," I snark. "Sorry, dear. It's too risky. That's from Amelia. I wish I could help, but I'm working on a spell right now. Keep me posted, love Semara. Oh and this one is great. I'm sorry I can't help, but I'm on my honeymoon right now. That's from Kenshaw, her best friend.

  "A coven is worthless," I sum up, a scoffed breath following.

  Her eyes soften, and she shakes her head while reading over the words herself.

  "Foolish, selfish witches."

  "Foolish, selfish bitches if you ask me."

  Frankie interjects, "The point is, Alyssa has chosen to live alone, and there's no law stating she can't."

  "I've never been fond of that name change," she huffs, staring at me a little harder.

  "Well, Airis is a hard name to explain to people, since she's supposed to have died ten years ago. Come in and we'll catch you up," I murmur while happily avoiding anymore of her scolding lectures.

  "Well, I have a friend who is undercover in a dark user realm, so I asked him to do some digging around for me," Aunt Hilly whispers.

  "And?" I prompt.

  She frowns and plops back against the headboard of my bed.

  "He hasn't contacted me yet. Hopefully I'll hear from him soon."

  I sigh out, agitated by the true lack of information we have.

  "With the new moon coming, we might have a chance to find these night stalkers and take them down," Frankie interjects while peeking out of my room to see if our company is still lingering.

  "Doubtful. They'll lie low with the sky not offering them an extra burst of strength," Hilly adds.

  "Well, I'm sick of talking about it. I just want to take a hot bath and unwind."

  "Be careful. Water is our natural enemy," Aunt Hilly murmurs as I stand up.

  "Lately I think everything is our natural enemy," I exasperate. "Besides, I've not obtained immortality yet. I can die any old way."

  She frowns, and I head away to close the door to the bathroom. It's odd how witches were once burned at stakes, hanged, or even shot, when the only mortal thing that can kill them is water. For some reason, humans just never thought to drown us.

  I hope no one is trying to drown Mom. She's strong, but not even she can over come it if they hold her under for too long. It's our secret though. Only witches know, and it's not like they tell anyone outside of our realm.

  As long as mystery boy was telling the truth, a dark user doesn't have her, and therefore they won't know to try to drown her. They want something from her though, so she's safe until they have it regardless.

  My phone buzzes, and my heart flutters when I see Kane's name pop up. Using the trick Frankie showed me, I wave my hand over it to jam his tracing device as I finally answer it.

  "You're not moving on if you're still calling me," I murmur, happy I'm doing something to keep him safe.

  "Alyssa, I've been all over the place looking for you. Where are you, baby?"

  His voice is weak, tired even. He sounds as though he hasn't slept in days.

  "I'm somewhere you don't need to be."

  "I just want to be with you. I know this sounds completely crazy, but I really miss you. Please let me come be with you."

  With Hilly here, there's no chance he won't get a glimpse of magic. With night stalkers willing to attack me, there's no chance he'd make it out alive.

  "I wish you could, but it's just not sa-"

  "Don't say it. I'm sick of hearing that bullshit. You have no idea how much I want to be there keeping you safe. Stop worrying about me. I swear to you I'm perfectly capable of handling anything you have going on."

  He'd flip the hell out if he saw someone shift into a hawk or a wolf, or if he saw a night stalker's fangs emerge. Not to mention if he saw what I could do.

  Our fridge is stocked with blood, and the men here have no modesty - Thad especially. I've seen more naked men these past couple of weeks than I've seen in my life - though I have been rather sheltered.

  "I wish you could be here, really I do. I miss you, too, but I can't risk it. Kane, please stop calling. Please move on. Treat me like some bad dream, and shake me like a bad habit."

  "Alyssa, please stop saying that shit. I'm tired of he
aring it. I just want you. You're the best bad habit I've ever had." I laugh lightly, and I almost hear his smile. "I miss that sound."

  Sighing I murmur, "I miss you making me smile. This is pathetic. We barely know each other, Kane. I shouldn't be... you shouldn't be... we shouldn't be acting like this."

  "You know as well as I do this is something incredible. Alyssa, please tell me where you ar-"

  He stops, and I smirk. He thought he was going to be sly and track me again. More than likely he wasn't going to tell me he knew where I was this time, since I bolted the last time.

  "Something wrong?" I muse, my smile spreading.

  "How does it say you're at my house when you're most likely not even in town? How are you doing that?" he grumbles, disappointment falling in his tone.

  "You have your gadgets, I have mine," I murmur while pulling up my hand like a gun and blowing the tip of my finger like it's the barrel.

  "Damn it. I should have known the last time."

  "I need to go," I mumble, my eyes glancing toward the clock.

  "Please don't. If you won't let me be there with you, at least talk to me for a minute. I've missed your voice."

  His voice is so soothing, so relaxing, and so amazing. Instead of hanging up like I know I should, I just climb into the tub that has filled with warm water and lie back.

  "Okay. Talk to me... but not about coming here."

  He pauses for a minute, more than likely a little stunned that I'm not fighting him about talking.

  "I can do that. How about a date... soon? We never did get to go out."

  I smile as I think back to that night, and then I frown.

  "I knew you were getting tired of being pulled around that day. You stayed gone for so long, and then you took off. I'm sorry I tried to keep you out with me."

  "Alyssa," he exasperates. "I told you I'd give anything to have that day back. I had stuff to take care of."

  "Tell me about Amy," I blurt out after hearing about the stuff he had to take care of. "Why does she think the two of you belong together, and why do all of your roommates seem to want the union to happen?"

  "How do you-"

  "I'm smart. I figure things out. You wanted to talk, and this is me talking."

  He sighs louder, but his desperation shines when he finally answers.

  "It's a long story. Amy was a loner with a lot of severe issues when Sierra found her. She has a problem Sierra understands. I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and she was in a place where she would fall for anyone who was nice to her.


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