Immortal Dreams

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Immortal Dreams Page 16

by Chrissy Peebles

  "They're sure as hell not with me, but I don't know who they're working for. It's obviously someone of magic, otherwise they couldn't use the black diamond of Roth. If it's someone dark, they're keeping themselves distanced from the council. If it's someone light, they're doing the same. Keep an eye out for someone who might have recently dropped off the grid. They would have had high clearance to even know who the keeper was."

  "And what happens if I find out something? How do I get a hold of you?"

  "Don't worry," he says with a small smile. "I'll be checking in."

  "I'm not sure if that's a warning or a threat," I dryly joke, and he lets out a laugh, proving he's not as stern-faced as he pretends to be.

  "It's simply a promise. If you need me, you can always send up a message flare with the right chant, and it'll call me to you."

  "Really?" I muse, considering I've never heard of such.

  He bursts out laughing, mockery in his roaring release, and then he shakes his head as my cheeks burn red.

  "No. Don't be ridiculous. You can call me. I've already programmed my number in your phone. It's under Vicious One."

  I slouch down, now that I've revealed how truly gullible I am, and I face the window while scrolling through my phone to see Gage Saber as part of my contacts, though he didn't literally program it the way he claimed.

  Hmm. Saber? It's a fitting surname, considering this alliance could very well be a double-edged sword.

  "You're right. You did program it under Vicious One."

  He chuckles lightly while rolling his eyes, and I let my eyes fall heavy, exhausted from the day of unexpected craze.

  Waking up in my bed, I quickly glance around at the room. Frankie is asleep on the floor, and I nudge him to see him startle awake.

  "Shit, you scared the hell out of us," he gushes while reaching up to jerk me in his arms.

  "What happened?" I muse, not remembering anything after falling asleep in the car with Gage.

  "We spent most of the day looking for you, and then suddenly you were just in your bed, as if you had appeared out of nowhere. When I tried to wake you, you wouldn't budge. I realized it was a sleeper spell, one that just has to take its course and wear off naturally. Who took you? Was it that guy again?"

  Knowing Frankie would storm the castle and fight Gage to the end over this, I shake my head.

  "I don't think so. I'm fine now. Where's Aunt Hilly?"

  "She's with the others in the living room. You want to talk to her? She's been worried."

  "Um, actually, I think I'll just get some more rest. As crazy as it sounds, I'm still a little tired."

  And I don't want to deal with Aunt Hilly.

  "Well, tomorrow we're taking you back home," he bluntly adds, surprising the shit out of me.

  "What? Why?"

  "Because it’s obvious you aren't safe here. You can't cast a protection spell here because of all the bloodsuckers coming and going at random. It'd be a hassle to unlock the spell for all the new ones who are only here for small spurts at a time. And as bad as I hate to say it, you would be safer in your own house. I'll help cast the spell, only it won't just be against dark, it'll be against everyone. No one will be able to come or go without your direct consent. Understood? That means no strangers, no matter how friendly they seem."

  "Understood," I grumble, feeling like the child everyone keeps accusing me of being.

  Sighing, I collapse back down to the bed, and I think of how impossible it will be to keep Kane safe once he knows I'm back. I only thought he was relentless before.

  Chapter Thirteen

  "Call me if you need anything. I'll be here as soon as possible," Frankie says while kissing my forehead.

  "Where's Aunt Hilly?" I muse, looking around outside.

  "She went on ahead to start calling in some favors - get a few more light ones helping us out."

  "Ah. Well, then I guess I'm on my own now," I sigh out, and Frankie smirks as his eyes cut toward the side of my house.

  "Um, you might want to lift the spell for one person before he knocks himself out," he whispers, his tone almost too low for even me to hear.

  I look over to see Kane pulling himself over the porch railing on his hasty way toward me. His arms are around me and pulling me into the air before I even have a chance to say anything.

  Kane can come in.

  I feel the magic working, thankfully, before Kane's lips cover mine and we abandon Frankie on the front porch while heading inside.

  "Damn I've missed you. Why didn't you call me?" he breathes against my lips while squeezing me almost too tightly.

  "Sorry, it's been crazy," I murmur while wrapping my legs around his waist, my lips devouring him with a hunger I didn't realize I had.

  He pulls back with a breathless rattle, and his forehead presses against mine as he keeps me strapped to his waist.

  "I hope you know, you're never leaving my sight again."

  I smile, though it's forced. I wish it was true. I wish I could spend my life in his arms, but I know soon it won't be possible at all. Being with a human is completely forbidden once you're immortal.

  "Well, how about we start with tonight and see where that leads?" I chuckle out, though the weight of reality still rests on my shoulders.

  "Tonight's a good start," he says with an adorable grin, and then he starts carrying me toward the bedroom.

  "How did you know I was here?" I muse before I slip onto the bed, and suddenly I don't really give a damn anymore when he falls between my legs.

  "I was on my way to the diner, and I ran into Thad. Needless to say, I knew if he was here, you were here. I didn't give him a chance to object either."

  I smile as his lips reclaim mine, and my legs slide up to be fully nested around his waist. His hands feel so incredibly familiar, though he should still be a stranger. His breath is heaven's grace as he fills me full of his life with each kiss.

  My shirt starts slipping over my head, and I surrender completely, giving myself to him without pause, though I shouldn't. I can't help it though.

  His lips slide down my chest, and my breath catches in my throat when his touch burns through me, awakening the desire I've forced to lie in hiding for far too long.

  "I love it when you do that," I murmur as his lips stroll over my neck, nipping at it as he pulls the skin between his teeth.

  Something I should loathe actually turns me on when it's him doing it.

  "Do you?" he murmurs softly while moving to the other side and repeating the arousing action.

  "Mm hmm."

  I feel his smile against my neck as he starts lowering himself against me, his lips still owning me as my pliant body folds to his will. My hips start to rock against his, giving me a chance to feel his erection digging into the front of my pants that he decides to pull off of me in one swift motion.

  "Damn. I can't believe I forgot how fucking perfect you are," he breathes in exaltation.

  "I think you should look in the mirror," I giggle out. "Your scale for perfection should be much higher if you get to look at this everyday."

  I rip his shirt off, and then his body slides against mine, his lips pulling me in closer as my hips rise to meet his.

  "Kane," I mumble against his lips, "this is probably not a good idea. You shouldn't be around me. My life is... complicated, and I-"

  "Forget it. You're mine," he interrupts, and then his lips crush mine, silencing me for good, except for the moans rising from my throat.

  "Completely yours," I utter involuntarily, scaring the hell out of myself, and suddenly he backs away.

  Crap. I just scared the hell out of him, too.

  "Sorry," I murmur with embarrassment. "I got carried away."

  I keep my eyes low, refusing to look at him. Before I know it, he slams my body back against the bed, his weight crushing against me as his carnal desire becomes almost overwhelming.

  I gasp as he surges in, not even knowing when or how his pants came off as I fully offer
myself to him. His tongue dances and plays with mine, as his rough, fervent need calls to the beast within me I didn't know existed.

  His body moves vigorously between my legs as his breaths become rasp, desperate, and fully engulfed in our heat. My body flames in a way I can't even explain, my insides burning as his body claims mine.

  The sounds exuding from both of us only intensify the already hellacious, exquisite pace, and then his delicious mouth finds mine again, drawing out my few, harsh breaths as a tear springs free from my eye, and my body goes stiff - my toes curling, my fingers gripping, and my eyes rolling back in my head.

  Then I'm limp in his arms as he thrusts in one last time and holds himself at the deepest point, finding his release. He pulls me to him as he falls to the bed, and I nestle against him as he kisses my cheek, making me feel so warm, wanted, and... perfect.

  "Say it again," he murmurs softly, pulling me closer as he does.

  "Say what?" I muse while running my lips over his collarbone as my leg slides around his waist.

  "Say you're mine."

  My heart flutters, and I get a little sick. I wish it wasn't true, but I really am his - his to do with as he pleases despite all the heartbreak I'll be forced to endure when my immortality comes.

  “I'm yours," I utter, and his lips fall on mine very possessively as he breathes me in.

  Kane makes my bed look so damn good, and I feel somewhat like a creepy, lurking stalker just standing here, watching him while sipping my coffee. His glorious, bare body is only slightly hidden by the sheet as he rests on his back.

  His smooth, even breaths are almost hypnotic, and those mouthwatering hip lines peeking out from under the sheet are drool-worthy.

  His eyes flutter open, and he smirks when he catches my obvious gawking.

  "Taking in the view?" he teases while pulling his arms behind his head, giving my eyes an even tastier treat.

  I smile behind my coffee, careful not to giggle, and then I nod.

  "It's not everyday my bed looks this good."

  He lets a laugh free while shaking his head, and he stands up, his body sleek and perfect under the glow of the sun peeking through the window behind him.

  "I wasn't kidding about not letting you out of my sight," he murmurs while coming to wrap his arms around my waist, pressing his bare perfection against me.

  "I figured as much," I mutter with a goofy, ridiculous grin.

  "I'm going to take a shower. You coming?" he says, a salacious grin spreading over his face.

  "I would, but I just had one." I motion to my damp hair.

  His lips pucker in an exaggerated, sexy pout, forcing a giggle out of me despite my attempts to restrain the degrading sound.

  My arms slide around his neck as his lips press against mine. His breath shouldn't taste this good after just waking up. I'm starting to worry I've already fallen harder for him than I should.

  "I won't be long, and then we can head to my place," he murmurs while pulling back.

  Remembering Frankie and Thad pretty much forbid me to leave, I grimace.

  "I should probably stay here in case one of the guys shows up to-"

  "Absolutely not," he murmurs dismissively in interruption while walking away.

  I tilt my head, admiring the nakedness of his body from behind as she struts into my bathroom.

  Following him, I grumble, "No offense, but I'd like to steer clear of Amy as well."

  At least that's not a lie.

  He turns the water on, and I hop up on the sink as he tests it to see how long it will take to heat up. He shakes his hand to dry it on his way back to me.

  "Amy is simply a roommate. Don't start this nonsense again. You're coming with me. I'll change, and we'll go out to eat. We can do whatever you want to all day."

  I smirk, genius striking, and then I murmur, "Then we'll skip going to your place, stay here, and order in."

  His eyes swirl with scandalous thoughts as a devilish grin plays on his lips, but then he frowns.

  “As much as I would love that - and I would love that - I want to take you out. We've yet to have a real date, and I... I'm ready for this to feel like something more."

  My coffee cup finds a place to rest behind me as he kisses me in a completely different way. For the first time, it's not a kiss full of passion, desire, and unkempt carnal need. It's something so much more, a depth I can't fully understand so soon.

  His forehead rests against mine as he withdraws from the kiss, and against all of Frankie's demanded rules, I murmur, "Okay."

  He smiles triumphantly, and then he steps away to head into the shower. Watching his body drenching under the cascading shower through the transparent curtain sends chills through my body, and the lustful devil inside commands my attention.

  Without thinking, worrying about tomorrow, or even worrying about the next hour, I drop my clothes to the ground and follow him in, surprising him.

  My eyes fall upon his hard body, and a sinful smirk plays on my lips as I take him in. His wet arms wrap around me, pulling me under the rainfall with him, and our lips become as entangled as our bodies.

  The gathering awkward tension between Amy and me is only mounting the longer I sit here in the den, while Kane speaks with Deke and Zee. Sierra keeps coming up with short bursts of conversation, but neither Amy nor I care to speak for longer than necessary.

  Hurry the hell up, Kane.

  I hear the oblivious boys laughing about something mundane as the three of us sit quietly. Sierra shifts uncomfortably as she struggles to find a new topic.

  "So, the moon is crazy bright tonight," she murmurs, her eyes glancing through the window.

  Great. The brighter the moon, the stronger the vamps.

  Although it's a small sliver of a moon, it is bright.

  "Yeah," I murmur softly, feeling the uneasiness of the reality they don't know exists.

  "Sure is," Amy mumbles while flipping another page on the book she's merely pretending to read.

  "Well I'm glad you're back. It's nice to see Kane doing more than obsessing about finding you," Deke chirps as the three boys join our tense room.


  Kane's arms wrap around me and pull me to him as he sits down beside me, and I willingly nestle into him, paying no attention to the fuming black-haired girl trying not to be obvious with her dagger-throwing glare.

  "You ready, babe?" he asks while kissing the side of my head.

  Hell yes. Get me the fuck out of here.

  "If you are," I murmur casually, trying not to show him how completely out of place I feel.

  "Hallow's Ball is in two months," Zee randomly inserts as he sifts through the mail, obviously finding an invitation of some sort. “It's hard to believe Halloween is so close."

  "Hallow's Ball?" I muse, happy someone is talking about something other than the moon.

  "It's a local thing. Every year they throw a big masquerade ball at one of the prominent homes. You want to go?" Kane asks while running his fingers through my hair.

  "That's two months away," Amy scoffs, not enjoying his future planning.

  "And?" Kane growls, his tone more threatening than his word.

  She looks down, huffing as she does. Apparently he's warned her not to say anything, and now he's reminding her. It just makes me feel all the more uncomfortable.

  Zee walks by her, patting her shoulder as he does, and Deke's lips tighten as he too takes notice of her sullen stance.

  "We'll see," I mumble, suddenly feeling like the girl everyone wishes would just go away.

  It's obvious they want him with her, and I certainly know this thing between us can never actually work.

  "It's up to you. I'd like to take you. I've never gone with a date before," Kane murmurs softly, pretending not to notice the sudden uncomfortable shift in the room.

  "I think we should get going. Nothing in this town stays open too late in the off season," I say with a strained sense of nonchalance.

  He finally acknowl
edges my discomfort, and his lips thin into a knowing line. I look away, feeling all the more insecure as his friends cast their disapproving stares to their roommate.

  Standing, I wave at everyone, feigning dignity, and I walk out without waiting on Kane. Once the fresh air hits me, I fight to keep my composure. With the wind rustling in the trees, and the lake fighting with the shore, I can't hear them, even with my amplified hearing.

  I know he's probably scolding them for not making me feel comfortable, but that's only going to make it worse.

  "Out of all the creatures on the planet, humans are the most complex," a smooth voice murmurs from my side, forcing me to shriek a little.

  "Damn you. Can't you ever just call ahead," I gripe while glaring at Gage who has appeared on the railing beside me.

  "Sorry," he snickers out. "I didn't mean to startle you."

  I don't believe that one little bit.

  "Sure you didn't. What are you doing here? Did you find out something?" I ask hopefully, my eyes glancing through the windows to make sure Kane isn't coming out yet.

  "Unfortunately, no, but I wanted to check out this town of yours. An associate of mine told me a vicious pack of lycans lives here. He also said he sensed my kind and night stalkers here. I was worried about you, and I see I was right to worry."

  "What does that mean?"

  "You're standing alone on a deck, your mind is completely distracted, and there's not a spell you can cast to keep yourself safe in the open like this. You should be in your house. The spell Frankie cast was strong. It even kept me out."

  My brow arches as I eye him suspiciously.

  "You tried to break into my house? I think we should discuss boundaries."

  He smirks, and then his eyes flash to the inside of the house as Kane shakes his head and starts walking to the door.

  "I suppose we'll discuss them another time. Go out tonight, but don't make a habit of this. I'll keep an eye on you."

  Before I can say anything, he vaporizes and rides off on the wind. I'm not sure how I feel about a dark user looking out for me.

  "I'm sorry about that," Kane murmurs while joining me outside, and I turn around to face him, still wondering just how closely Gage has been watching me.


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