Immortal Dreams

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Immortal Dreams Page 24

by Chrissy Peebles

  "You," Kane whispers.

  "What the fuck?" Gage gushes, but I jump into his arms and throw my legs around his waist.

  "Get us out of here!"

  He doesn't waste time. We vaporize into the air and split the planes of life and death as we rush away, retreating in complete disbelief.

  The head-rush consumes me, forcing me to be even sicker than I already am as we reach the porch of the safe home I abandoned to live with the devil. No doubt, he didn't like the magic surrounding my home. I gave my innocence to the enemy, and he took much more than that.

  "What the hell is going on?" Gage demands as we start walking in.

  Before he can cross the threshold, he's launched backwards as the protective spell from my house kicks him in the chest.

  I squeal as he crashes into the cliché white picket fence and crushes it to pieces beneath his forceful slam.

  "Ow," he grumbles, no real sense of pain in his tone.

  "Sorry," I mumble numbly. "Gage can come in."

  He stands and warily makes his way back onto my porch. Skeptically, he touches the air of the threshold with the same caution a human would exert to check for an electrical current on a wire.

  Finally, he steps through without being battered again.

  "Now, I repeat... what the fuck just happened? Kane's a damn night stalker?"

  The tears almost choke me, making it impossible for me to speak, so I nod vigorously instead. He runs a hand through his hair to ruffle it as he shakes his head.

  "I thought you checked him out. How the hell did he not reveal himself under the influence of your mark?"

  I steady myself enough to answer, though my voice is hoarse and pitchy as I speak. "I couldn't use my mark. If he had been human, it would have killed him. I saw him at midnight over and over... he should have-"

  "Damn it, Alyssa! When will you learn? Magic isn't old anymore. Midnight doesn't mean shit nowadays. Midnight reveals them if they've taken the lives of innocent victims. Heavy emphasis on the word innocent. In this day and age, such a fucking thing doesn't exist anymore, unless they kill a child. Fuck! And your damn mark won't kill a human! Stop being so-"

  "Mine will! I've seen it, you asshole! My power comes from Calypso Coldwell and Drackus Devall. The two combined gave me more power than what should exist. Most people just don't know how fucking strong my mother is. Her mark kills too, just as my father's does. Do you understand? I couldn't risk it."

  He frowns as he lets out another exasperated breath. He grips his head as if it aches, and then he plops down on my couch.

  "Fine. Sorry. I didn't know. I knew Drackus's would kill, but I didn't know it was because of the power within. Why didn't Frankie use his?"

  The onslaught of tears I'm facing is merciless, ravaging my cheeks with their acidic flow.

  "Because he thought I used mine. Frankie doesn't know how strong I am either. Mom keeps it quiet. She's worried the world will shun me like they do my father. I'm not supposed to exist, Gage."

  His eyes soften, and he stands to walk over to me. His bare chest glows under the lone light in the room. He pulls me to him, and my tears dampen his chest.

  "I don't know what he wanted from me. I don't know why he had to make me-"

  My sobs become too uncontrollable, making speech no longer an option. Gage coos in my ear as he pulls me tighter into his embrace. His soft touch is all the comfort he can offer, but it's not enough to hold me together.

  "I'll stay with you tonight. At least we know why your spell failed at his house. You were trying to keep out the dark, when that's all that surrounded you."

  Fuck. I'm so, so stupid. How could I live with a night stalker for a month and not know it?

  I just nod as he scoops me up and carries me to the bedroom. He gently places me on the cold, forgotten bed, and I curl up like a child afraid of the dark. Drawing my knees to my chest, I cry into the pillow.

  "Alyssa, I can stay in here if you need me to."

  He stands uncertainly by my bed, but I shake my head. I don't need his pity for my stupidity.

  "No. Just go."

  He sighs out, reluctance shining in his aura. With heavy footsteps, he makes his way toward the door.

  "I'll be on the couch if you need me."

  A strangled sob comes out as I nod, and then I pull the cover over all of me, trying to vanish from the misery the world holds ready. I've never felt so broken.

  Waking up to a new day doesn't ease the burden from the night of tears. It's at least noon, but I feel as though I could spend weeks in bed. Frankie isn't answering my calls on top of everything else. Still no word on my mother.

  I can feel her though. Her life is still there. The earth answers my daunting question everyday, letting me feel the air she breathes in, keeping my hope alive.

  "So I've gone over everything, and according to my notes, Kane is one hell of a master of disguise. They all are," Gage grumbles as he tosses his pen and paper to the table.

  "You were checking him out?" I ask, a crackled lilt to my voice.

  "No, but I have a habit of documenting things. Nothing ever once stood out. Why keep a mortal witch alive when you have every opportunity to drain her clean without anyone stopping you?"

  I cringe at his heartless release. Kane held my life in his hands for a month. I was his to do with as he wished. Fortunately for me, he apparently enjoys dragging out the game.

  "We need to worry about my mother, not my devil-in-disguise lover. I don't ever want to hear his name again."

  A knock at the door interrupts our conversation, and Gage motions for me to stay back as he goes to answer it. He's greeted with a vacant, empty porch. He cautiously pokes his head out, but pulls back, seeming confused.

  Then he picks up a note that lies at the threshold. With tight lips, he brings it to me.

  "It's for you."

  I recognize Kane's handwriting immediately, and my heart pounds heavily in my chest as I stare at my name on the front of the envelope.

  "I can't read it."

  He pulls back the proffered note addressed to me, and then he opens it himself. His eyes scan the contents quickly, and then he releases a sigh.

  "Alyssa, we need to speak. You've opened a door you should be prepared for. Thirty minutes. Meet me at the diner. It'll be neutral grounds where you can't touch me."

  "Where I can't touch him? He can't be serious," I squeal out. "He's the enemy. He's the fucking dark night stalker that preys on my kind, damn it. He tasted my fucking... oh damn."

  My mind flashes back to the first time he tasted my blood, and then last night jumps up, too. He knew I was a witch. He was sampling the goods before devouring me whole. I'm so fucking ignorant.

  "I'll call Cade and the others. We'll need backup. Grab your clothes and get changed."

  "You can't be serious," I gasp. "I can't see him. I'm barely keeping myself together as it is, Gage. I don't want to hear whatever evil falls through his lips."

  He tenses as he steps toward the door.

  "We need to know what he was after. Alyssa, whatever it is, I need you to stay calm. If you lose it at the diner, you'll be putting both of us at risk. I need to grab a shirt. Stay here until I get back."

  Before I can argue, he vaporizes into the air and vanishes from sight. I can't see Kane. This can't be happening.

  Chapter Eighteen

  I walk into the diner with a begrudged and trembling motion. I've drunk all the chamomile tea I can stomach, along with some of my mother's relaxing medleys of potions, but trepidation still claims me.

  Kane and his entourage are assembled in the oversized back booth. They all turn to stare at me and Gage as we approach with his own entourage following our lead.

  Kane leans back, his eyes burning through me as his jaw clenches. I can see his hatred and disgust teeming in his deceptive greens that are masking the killer blues lurking in their depths.

  "Well, We're here," Gage says while standing beside me, clutching my hand.
r />   Kane's eyes flash down to our grip on each other, and a huff of disgust flows through his lips.

  "You were the redhead that night, weren't you?" he growls.

  My heart flutters in my chest at the very sound of his voice. Just hours ago I was telling this monster I loved him.

  "It was you? You are the pack that showed up to help that night?" Gage asks as if he's as baffled as I am.

  "You mean the ones who saved your asses? Yes, we were," Amy scoffs while scooting in closer to Kane.

  The twisted, psychopathic part of me cringes in jealously as Kane allows her closeness. I can't stop loving him this quickly, but I hate myself for the inability to do so.

  "What's this about?" Gage grumbles.

  "Have a seat. We've got a lot to discuss," Kane says through tight lips.

  I glance at the very unwelcoming seats across from Kane and next to Sierra who doesn't seem as warm and friendly as she pretended to be all month. Her eyes flash an orange glow as her defenses kick in.

  Lycan. Unbelievable.

  "If it's all the same to you, we'll stand," Gage murmurs.

  "You'll draw attention if you stand," Kane gripes, and then he nods to Sierra and Deke who slide out of the booth to allow more room for us.

  Zee sits on the opposite side of us, next to Amy who is between the two night stalkers. Zee's and Deke's eyes both flash blue temporarily, warning us to behave.

  With a shudder, I allow Gage to guide me into the booth. I sit as close as I possibly can to him without being in his lap. I pray he can vaporize us both for escape if this gets out of hand.

  Deke and Sierra climb into the booth adjacent to us, and Gage's friends take the booth behind us.

  "Now, talk. Let's not drag this out," Gage prompts, seeming in control.

  Kane leans back, a bitter grin cocking up as he shakes his head in disgust.

  "What did you want? To get at Castine? You'll sure as hell have your shot now. You have no idea what you've done."


  "Castine?" Gage asks in disbelief. "What the hell does that demon bitch have to do with this?"

  Kane laughs bitterly, sounding delirious and livid.

  "Don't play me. The two of you have done that quite enough. I've been made a fool, but I won't be allowing you to do such a thing anymore."

  "You were played for a fool?" I'm jumping in before I even realize what I'm doing as my anger takes control. "I fell into your bed, gave you everything I had to offer, and you took it without remorse, you monster."

  Kane's eyes narrow, venom seeping through his glare.

  "Don't play the innocent victim, Alyssa. You were the one who pushed for that, not me. Now, there are consequences to the trap you lured me into."

  I want to take him and shake the fuck out of him right now. How dare he try to play this game.

  "Answer me about Castine," Gage prompts, ignoring our sparked feud.

  "Hey, Alyssa, Kane," Mel says as she walks up to take our order. Her eyes glance between us, and then they fall to Amy and Gage. "Did you two break up? I just saw you together last night at the party."

  I never even saw her. Of course, I was wrapped up in the devil's arms for the entirety of the time.

  "Yeah. We're definitely not together," Kane says while snarling. "Coffees all around for now. Nothing else, unless you carry liquor these days."

  She lets an uncomfortable laugh free to add to the awkward tension before shaking her head.

  "I'll be right back with those."

  I glare at Kane with complete and utter contempt. How dare he act so disgusted with me. It's I who has a right to feel disgusted, repulsed even.

  "Get on with your explanation about Castine," Gage prompts again, impatience shining in his tone.

  Kane sighs, leaning back as he starts his explanation. I look away when Amy rests her hand on his leg.

  "I broke almost every bond with Castine years and years ago, but until last night, she didn't have a reason to track me down. Now, Alyssa tricked me into telling her I loved her, and that last bond tethering me to that bitch has been severed. She'll be out for blood. Just thought I'd give you a heads up that your dreams of taking a shot at her are about to come true, but you'll regret going for this."

  Bond? Tricked? That bastard.

  "I didn't trick you, you son of a-"

  "Castine is your sire?" Gage asks, interrupting me as the color rushes from his face, stealing his calm composure.

  "Like you didn't already know, hunter. The Somage have wanted her dead for quite some time," he snarks, carrying on with his charade. "I couldn't exactly kill her without first falling in love. If I had of, it would have killed me, too. She knows that I've said it now, and she'll fear I'm coming for her. Since I'm one of the few strong enough to do so, she'll go on the offense. The two of you should leave, because despite what you think, you won't be able to take her on. When she gets her hands on a mortal witch, she'll be merciless. Though I don't give a damn if she bleeds her fucking dry, I don't feel like trying to kill damn Vampiress that is already much stronger than me while she has a witch's blood coursing through her, giving her added power."

  His words cut like daggers in my heart. He's so cold and callous. I want to hate him so badly right now. Why can't I?

  "Fuck," Gage says under his breath. "When will she be coming?"

  Kane leans forward, his eyes finding mine once again.

  "I don't know, but Alyssa is living in her house. That gives her all the power in the world over her. That little protection spell she cast won't do a damn bit of good. You should know how possessive my kind is. That house belongs to the dark, and so will the blond witch if she stays there."

  "You knew the whole time, you slimy bastard. You knew what I was and you-"

  His eyes narrow as he interrupts me. "The spell threw Deke off your porch. That's how I found out. It let me through, ironically enough, considering I'm the one who wants to see you suffer for what you've done."

  "What I've done? You're as psychotic as your pet," I scoff, my eyes cutting toward Amy.

  A beastly growl slips through her snarling lips, and Gage stands to pull my hand in his.

  "Let's go. We've heard enough."

  Mel returns with the coffees and her eyes clock Gage's hand on mine.

  "Wow. The night really changed things," she gasps while putting down the tray.

  "One night didn't do anything but reveal the true depths of deception Alyssa has," Kane angrily releases while standing and tossing a few bills to the table. "Keep the change."

  He walks off with his dog on his heels. It makes so much sense now. Lycans don't mingle with night stalkers unless they find solace in one. That one usually ends up being its owner... sort of. Lycans were meant to be guardians to the night stalkers, and only after the rebellion did they cut ties.

  The door jingles an annoying tune as the bells above it clank together. Just like that, they're all gone, leaving us behind to deal with the heavy air.

  "We need to go. If you're living in Castine's home, he's right - no spell will keep you safe enough. You'll stay with me."

  "Right next door to him?" I scoff. "Hell no. If she comes, I'll rip her heart out."

  "Alyssa, damn it. You don't understand how this shit works."

  "No, you don't understand what he did to me. I won't let him take me from my home just because he has a crazy ex. I'm sick of this ridiculous bullshit."

  He pulls me down the road and to my walkway as we near my tainted house. He glances around, suddenly wary of his surroundings as he urges me in. His companions break off and head into the woods to vaporize and disperse.

  "You didn't even ask him what he wanted from me. You let him dictate the conversation and blame me for it all. You even interrupted when I tried to pry the truth out of him," I scold, crossing my arms in front of my chest like a sullen child.

  I'd stomp my foot, but that might be a little too immature. I'm not sure why I ever thought a dark user would actually help me get the
truth from my mortal enemy. Of course, Gage is technically my other mortal enemy. How the fuck did all this happen?

  "He gave us the answer without meaning to, Alyssa. He used you. Let's face it - you're the kind of girl a guy can fall in love with without having to try too hard. Night stalkers are possessive, but they hate to be possessed. Almost all night stalkers dream of being able to kill their sires, but breaking the bonds it takes to do such a thing is painful and damn near impossible.

  "He would have had to break the bonds one-by-one. Some are excruciatingly painful, so much so that most night stalkers refuse to attempt breaking more than enough to distance themselves from their controlling sires.

  "Castine is the most notorious among the night stalkers. She has bonded spawn all over the place. She's possessive, just as they all are. It's their nature to be so. Her creations are her pets. Most all of them manage to distance themselves by breaking enough bonds. Few ever break all the bonds they have to in order to kill their sires themselves.

  "There's no telling the pain he went through to break the first of those. Though this last one would have been painless, it was still a wall that crumbled between them. She would have felt it, and she'll be coming for you. Her venom is the most toxic there is."

  I shake my head in disbelief. Kane comes from the most vicious sire in the frigging immortal community. Fuck my luck.

  "So Kane's venom is just as toxic. I guess it's good he didn't get the itch to bite when he tasted my blood."

  Gage's face pales, and then he stands to be closer to me.

  "He tasted your blood? Fuck, Alyssa. You're more than lucky he didn't use his toxic venom."

  "He didn't bite. Did you miss that part?"

  "Damn you're so naive," he grumbles while walking away from me as if in exasperation. "Venom isn't in the fangs, it's in the saliva. You won't be affected by it anywhere other than the bloodstream. Even if they taste your blood from a cut, you still get their venom. What did you feel after he tasted your blood?"

  Hot as hell. I'm so ashamed and disgusted with myself right now.

  "Oh," he says, as if he's reading my aura's tell-all colors. "Poison's kiss. Figures. That's one way to coerce a confession of love."


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