Immortal Dreams

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Immortal Dreams Page 49

by Chrissy Peebles

  "I read up on you. Your favorite food is on your profile page. I took the liberty of ordering this since you didn't want to go out, but I would like to take you out on a real date soon."

  I play with the noodles for a minute before finally pulling a few into my mouth. He watches me, and it starts to make me nervous. I swallow hard while turning red for no reason and shrug.

  "Why are you staring at me?"

  "I want you to stay. I know you can't, but I still want you too. I'm not used to this sort of obsessive behavior. It can't be healthy, and it's confusing me how you're not the one obsessed."

  The way he just said that is so... odd - annoyingly pretentious mostly, but still... odd. He's a little more arrogant than I gave him credit for.

  Apparently most girls become obsessed with him. I'm already below par, even though the truth is I'm just fighting the obsession because I know he's heartbreak in a sexy body waiting to rip my heart back into shreds.

  "How did you find out my name?" I ask.

  "A few different ways, but the details are overrated. I still like Adisia better than Alexius," he says with tone that dares me to drop my sheet.

  I blush a little and dig back into the noodles. So many things he has said should make me want to leave, but instead, I'm hanging out on is sofa, eating noodles with my rich, sexy-as-hell stalker.

  He sets his food down and steeples his hands in front of his face while studying me a little differently. It's as if he's amused by something I've done, or something I haven't done. I'm not sure which.

  "So tell me something true about you. Your family?" he insists.

  I smile a little at his new line of questioning. He's trying to get a little more personal.

  "They're pretty great. My brother, Jake, is a reporter. My mom is a nurse, and my dad manages the small inn close to their house."

  "Is your brother older or younger?"

  "He's three months older."

  His face shows confusion as he does the pointless math so many others have done.

  "Is he adopted?" he muses.

  "No. I am. I was five when Mom and Dad spent their life savings to bring me home," I murmur mildly.

  "You seem very at peace with it. Do you know your birth parents?" he gracefully pries.

  "No, and I don't care too either. They gave me up, and Titan's wanted me. The only thing my birthmother ever gave me was my name, and I shortened it to Adisia for that reason."

  He tightens his lips once he feels a line was crossed. I always hate that look. Everyone feels sorry for me, and it just irks me.

  "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that."

  "It's not the first time I've been asked. The truth is, I could care less about where I come from. I learned a long time ago blood isn't the important piece of a family. How about you? Brothers? Sisters?"

  "None that I know of. It's been a while since I checked in though." He snickers to himself, but he seemed so serious when he was saying it.

  "Your parents are still together I assume."

  "For life."

  Okay. He's not really giving me very much. Am I over-sharing?

  "Where do you live?" he asks casually.

  "You don't already know?" I question, my eyes playfully narrowing in suspicion.

  He smirks and picks his food back up while deliberately leaving my unanswered question suspended in the air between us.

  "I'll take that as a yes," I say while rolling my eyes. "You know that does sound a little stalkerish."

  "I haven't been glued to your window or showing up in random places. All I did was send you some roses and offer your company a big deal. I don't view it as stalking so much as I view it a kind gesture."

  I wonder if he's a lawyer part time. He's damn good at making a case of reason in the unreasonable.

  I sigh a little as the clock draws my attention away, taunting me with reality. It's already past two, and it'll take at least four or five hours to get home. Clara's rehearsal starts at eight.

  "I really do need to get back. I have to change and look like a proud maid of honor tonight. Then I have to do the same thing tomorrow."

  He frowns before standing, his unwillingness to let me go radiating through his touch as he helps me up.

  He pulls me against his sleek, still exposed upper body. I feel my hand clinging to the sheet for dear life, for it's the only thing shielding me from making the same mistake a third time... today.

  "Can I go back with you?" he asks so sweetly.


  "No. Weddings are a really bad idea. It's an intimate setting that pushes the endorphins into overdrive. Falsified closeness emerges, and before you know it... let's just keep this casual. I like this, but I'm not ready for it to go any further."

  "I'm not done trying to change your mind about this," he murmurs in his smoldering tone, and I almost hope he doesn't give up.

  I need a date, but I'm not ready to be at a wedding with someone as incredible as him. I'll fall apart at the seams for this man. I already have.

  I quickly remove myself from his tempting, daring eyes before I melt. He follows me into the room, and I move to the large bathroom I had avoided the last time I was here.

  The white room resembles the rest of the house. The cold tile is smooth as my bare feet glide against it.

  I shut the door, and start trying to make myself more presentable. The closest thing I can find to a hairbrush is a small comb, but I make it work.

  Smart sluts carry makeup bags everywhere. Now I know why.

  I rush through throwing on my clothes, and I finally walk back out to see Devin fully dressed.


  I wish he didn't look so sexy. I swear he pulls off the quick-dressed look better than anyone in history.

  "I'm walking you down with my clothes on this time," he says with a smirk.

  I smile bashfully and grab my purse. "I won't fight you on it this time."

  "I definitely like Adisia better," he murmurs softly while leaning over to kiss me.

  Oh, his lips taste so incredible. His mouth is the perfect shape adhering to mine. I can feel his sweet tongue raising hell suddenly as his gentle grip becomes almost painful in the best way.

  The moment of retreat turns into a moment of flooding desire. My shirt hits the ground before I even realize he's unbuttoning it. He cups my face in his hand as he slides me on top of the bed and falls between my parted legs.

  He pushes my skirt up over my hips, and his hand slides down to find my underwear for the second time today. I shouldn't have bothered putting them back on until I got out of here.

  Oh, why am I doing this again?

  He kisses me, and I realize it's because I have no frigging choice. I want him. Hell, I damn near need him, and my body isn't taking no for an answer. I feel alive and so different when I'm with him.

  What is he doing to me?

  "Okay. I really do have to go this time. I'll talk to you later?" I ask hopefully while slipping the sheet out from around me again.

  He smiles as he pulls me into his embrace, my attempted retreat halted as his lips slowly slide across mine.

  "Oh, you can count on it. I have your number," he seduces with a wink.

  I laugh a little.

  "That shouldn't surprise me."

  I climb up and once again pull on my clothes. I start refilling my purse with the violently spilled contents on his floor. I almost laugh at the mace I carry around in case some crazy guy stalks me. Here I am making love to a crazy stalker.

  He's standing in front of me when I stand back up, and I swallow hard as my eyes fall on his incredibly sculpted body. His lines are so defined, and he's just the right shade of perfection.

  His lips find mine, and I quickly turn it into a short kiss.

  "No tricking me this time," I say playfully.

  He laughs a little and pulls his shirt on. How did he get his jeans on so quickly?

  He puts his shoes on before walking me to the elevator, and I catch myself star
ing at him until the doors open. He smirks when he catches my hypnotized gaze, and my cheeks flush again.

  I'm grateful the doors open for us to slip inside. Then his daring, smoky eyes promise I won't make it out with out some more wrinkles added to my clothes. He moves toward me, and I almost grin ear to ear when the door dings for someone to join us.

  He shakes his head and props against the wall beside me. Then I feel his arms pulling me to him before he kisses me lightly, despite the new spectators on board.

  "I want to see you again. Soon. Don't make me call your boss to schedule another meeting."

  I laugh a little at his persistence.

  "Okay. Call me, and we'll set something up between our schedules."

  He frowns a little as though he's disappointed in my noncommittal answer. I'm wondering what I'm doing. I can't be with him. I'm heading down crazy-lady alley as it is. I sure as hell don't need to be giggling and arranging future visits with this gorgeous man who was supposed to be a one-night stand.

  "I wish I could get you to reconsider letting me go back with you."

  "I don't want things to get complicated right out of the gate. I'll see you when I see you," I say casually, fighting off my inner girl who wants to be the clingy fool that never leaves his side again.

  The door dings, and he pulls me into his arms. His lips promise to never let mine go, but they're forced to betray their promise as a throat clearing interrupts the moment that has gotten a little carried away.

  An elderly lady is glaring at me with her disapproving eyes. Man, old women absolutely hate me.

  Devin chuckles lightly as he pulls me out the door with him.

  "I'll call you after while, if that's okay."

  My lips tighten as the regret for having allowed myself to become this involved starts to sting.

  "Yeah. Bye."

  He kisses me as the big man climbs out to open the door to the SUV. With heavy reluctance and a loudly exhaled breath, he finally releases me from his heated hold.

  He shuts the door behind me as I climb into the backseat, and the idle engine hums as the man driving shifts it into gear.

  I sigh lightly as we pull away from the man staring at me with his gorgeous, swirling blue eyes. He doesn't move from the sidewalk, and I can't look away. Everything in me wants to bail out of the vehicle and run back to the arms that would happily embrace me.

  I refrain, though, while gripping my head and steadying my harsh breaths. Maybe I am a little obsessed.

  Chapter 3


  "So you spent the day with him?" Clara squeals while I finish putting on my makeup.

  "Yeah... well, a couple hours. I had to stay on the road longer than I was there. I had to be back for your rehearsal dinner. I've been at work for one hour, and I wont' be back until Wednesday, since you're the only person in the world who gets married on a Tuesday."

  "I wanted us to get married on the exact day we went on our first date," she explains with a snicker. "I think Devin is creepily romantic. It's so... weirdly erotic and exciting to know the lengths he'll go to in order to see you. So, when are you seeing him again?" she squeals out.

  "I don't know. It's all so-"

  My phone buzzing in my pocket interrupts our conversation. I look down and shake my head when I see the name to the number I never programmed. He doesn't know any boundaries at all.

  "Well, I was just talking about you," I murmur while stifling a fool's grin.

  Clara does a goofy dance to demonstrate her enthusiasm when she realizes who I'm talking to.

  "I hope you were telling someone you want me to be with you at the rehearsal dinner tonight."

  My goofy grin grows, but I don't relay my giddiness in my stern tone.

  "I thought we already discussed this numerous times. I'm not ready for that sort of date. Baby steps, please."

  "I don't want to take baby steps with you. I want to see you, and you have plans; therefore I want to be a part of your plans," he says adamantly.

  "I already said no. Please don't keep trying."

  "Let him come," Clara yells in a whisper while scowling her disapproval for my objection.

  "See. Clara wants me to come, and it is her wedding after all," he gloats.

  "I don't know how you heard that, but I don't want to do this right now."

  Suddenly the line goes dead, and Clara's phone starts buzzing.

  "Hello?" she asks quizzically.

  Her eyes light up as she listens to the other side of the phone, and I instantly know who she's talking to, given the goofy grin that spreads across her face. I rush to grab the phone, but Clara fends me off.

  "Yes," she laughs while holding me back. "You're completely welcome to come. Adisia never filled her plus-one slot, so we have the extra space... Great. We'll see you soon then."

  She smirks as she hands the phone to me. "Now he wants to talk to you."

  Conspiring asses.

  I rip the phone from her hands while offering her my best death glare.

  "I can't believe you know my best friend's number. This just crossed another big line. I think we should discuss boundaries for the future."

  "I would love to discuss any form of future with you," he smugly replies.

  Great. Now I want to smile. Jackass.

  "You think you're cute, don't you?"

  "I know I'm cute. Now I get to see you while I'm being cute."

  I can't stifle my grin any longer despite my greatest attempts to be pissed.

  Clara whispers, "This is perfect. Now you don't have to see Jerry making out with some girl while you're sitting there without a date."

  Oh. I had forgotten about Jerry. I sigh a little sadly now.

  Crap. How could I have forgotten about Jerry being there? He's Henry's best man.

  "You won't see me tonight. The rehearsal starts in fifteen minutes, and the dinner is directly after. We're about to head down now."

  "Damn," he murmurs disappointedly into the phone.

  A knock at the door reminds us we're running a little behind schedule.

  "I have to go. There's someone here."

  "Bye, Adisia," he says with his far too sexy tone.

  My foolish grin finds my face again, and then I end the call and walk over to answer the door. I swing the door open and gasp when I see most delicious man there is.

  Devin is propped up against the doorframe, his eyes instantly locking with and hypnotizing mine

  Mmm. He looks so gloriously good in a suit.

  The charcoal, designer fabric is tailored too perfectly, making chills form in all the wrong places on my body. He looks like he just stepped out of Armani. His dark hair is tousled sexily, and his incredible smile forces my cheeks to flush.

  I quickly realize I'm not breathing, and I almost choke on the air entering my lungs when I try to speak.

  "It's... well... I... You're here," I babble.

  "I'm here," he says with his smoking hot tone that brings me down to a pint-sized girl.

  "How did you..." I stammer out, but nothing follows.

  "I left shortly after you did. I've been here for a while. I told you I'd change your mind."

  He doesn't give me anymore time to stutter or try to argue. His lips cover mine, and I'm drowning in this incredible man just that quickly. My hands slide up to be behind his neck as I revel in his delicious, intoxicating taste.

  "Okay. I'll see you kids downstairs," Clara giggles while rushing by us to leave me alone with this incredible wonder dripping his sex appeal all over the inn's floor.

  Devin pulls back slowly and kisses the top of my head.

  "Who's Jerry?" he asks so softly.

  Jerry who? Oh yeah. My ex.

  "How do you know about Jerry?"

  "I don't. That's why I'm asking. I don't particularly like not knowing things."

  He leans back and admires my tight, black dress with a low dip in the front. For some reason, I felt like showing cleavage tonight. I usually stray from such,
but today I felt the need to try for sexy. I'm glad I did now.

  "Jerry is my ex," I mumble while wrinkling my nose to accentuate the sour taste left in my mouth after expelling his disgusting name.

  I feel his long fingers tightening on me as he pulls me closer, and in that instant, I forget what we're even talking about as the heat from his body warms mine.

  "And you still care for him?" he asks.

  "Who?" I ask, lost in the moment.

  I feel my breath catching each time I try to breathe as he lowers to kiss my neck and shoulders. His soft, velvety lips stroke my exposed skin, and my body sways under his gravitational pull.

  "Jerry," he says between his patterned kisses.

  "No," I murmur through a rasp, breathy tone. "I actually hate him."

  "Good," he says far too enticingly while continuing the seductive dance across my exposed chest area.

  "No," I say quickly as I snap out of the hypnotic moment. "I have to go downstairs without crazy-fucked hair and clothes."

  He chuckles while taking my hand in his, the sizzling sparks between us trying simmer down.

  "Then let's get you down there," he says smoothly.

  He leads me down the old, creaky stairs, and Clara giggles as we pass by. It's almost embarrassing to see her acting like such a fool. I swear she acts like a giggling fifteen-year-old any time I mention Devin.

  My strong, rich slice of heaven pulls me to him to inhale his delectable, mouthwatering scent, and I just fall into his embrace as a short, round man walks into the room.

  "Alright. Take your places please."

  I'm sick now. I don't want to be separated from Devin for this stupid pretend ceremony. I want to stay in his arms and just be happy. He frowns too when I move toward the line to join the wedding party, and he leans against the wall while watching me.

  Jerry walks over to me to take his place at my side, and I do all I can not to spit in his face.

  "Hey, gorgeous. You look amazing," he says cockily, his eyes alight with more enthusiasm than he deserves to have.


  Apparently he didn't get the memo about how I desperately want to see him castrated.

  Hmm. He seems to have lost some of his toning. I remember him looking a hell of a lot sexier when we were dating. Of course, now that I've fucked Devin, no guy will ever seem sexy again. What was I thinking?


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