Soul Mates

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Soul Mates Page 24

by Carol Finch

The boys Nate had taken under his wing had graduated from high school and were attending college in Odessa, while working part-time at Sunrise Oil’s main office. Tammy and her father had grown exceptionally close these past few years, and she was also attending college in Odessa so she and Chad could spend their spare time together.

  Everybody around town knew that if you were down and out, Katy and Nate would offer you a helping hand. The love they shared just kept bubbling up and overflowing on the folks in Coyote Flats.

  Damn good thing Nate Channing had come back to town, thought Fuzz. If not for Nate, this place would’ve dried up and blown away a few years back. There would’ve been nothing here but the lonely, forlorn howls of coyotes.

  Kinda made a man believe in miracles. Kinda made a man proud that he had taken time to touch the life of a wayward kid who’d run clean out of places to turn all those years ago.

  “Look, Grandpa.” Justin Channing pointed his pint-size finger at the couple silhouetted against the sunset. “Daddy’s kissing Mommy again.”

  “Yup, he sure ’nuff is,” Fuzz replied, chuckling. “He does that a lot, doesn’t he?”

  The small, dark head bobbed. “Lots.”

  “That’s because your mommy and daddy love each other as much as they love you and your baby sister.”

  Justin reached out to pat Andrea Channing’s tiny, delicate hand. “That’s lots,” the toddler confirmed.

  Fuzz smiled as indescribable warmth filled his heart and soul. There wasn’t anybody within a hundred miles of Coyote Flats who didn’t know how much Nate loved his wife and kids. It was magical, inspiring. But then, that’s the way true love should be, Fuzz thought as he stared down the hill. Katy and Nate’s love for each other kept growing stronger with each passing day of each year they spent together.

  Yup, it was gratifying when things turned out right. It sure ’nuff turned out all right for Katy and Nate and all the folks in Coyote Flats.

  ISBN: 978-1-4603-5550-3


  Copyright © 2000 by Connie Feddersen

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