Trusting Chance [Fate Harbor] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Trusting Chance [Fate Harbor] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 12

by Caitlyn O'Leary

  “No words, no orgasm.” Chance’s words were amused and tender at the same time. How could they know it was the toughest thing she would ever have to say? Sam nipped around her areola, then laved the pain with his tongue, shooting more tendrils of need throughout every cell of her body.

  “I’m beautiful!” she yelled. “Now let me come!” Josie ground her head into the pillow, and Sam’s mouth left her breasts to come and whisper in her ear.

  “And sexy, you left out sexy,” he reminded her.

  “I’m fucking beautiful, and fucking sexy, now let me fucking come!”

  Chance slammed into her, Sam pressed his clever fingers against her clit, and she rocketed up and up and up, until all she saw was a blanket of stars against black, with a set of green eyes and a set of blue eyes smiling down at her.

  Once again she came slowly back to awareness, with Chance gently straightening her legs, and Sam stroking her sensitive breasts. “I’m going to run a bath for her,” Chance said.

  “Good idea. How are you doing, honey?” Sam asked as he continued the stroking. Josie luxuriated in the sensations Sam’s hands evoked on her skin. As she arched up to thrust her breasts deeper into his touch she flinched, and he saw it.

  “Lie back, let us take care of you. It’s been a long day, and we just want to pamper you a little bit. When was the last time you were pampered?” Josie smiled at the memory.

  “Sarah and Becca bought me a trip to a day spa for my birthday four years ago. They saved all year with their babysitting money. It was nonrefundable.”

  “Your sisters sound pretty special. How old were they?” Josie was having trouble keeping track of the conversation as Sam’s hand moved downward, and parted the folds of her sex.

  “They were fourteen,” she gasped. She turned her head to capture Sam’s mouth in a kiss. She heard Chance come back from the bathroom, and felt his lips as they glided along the inside of her thighs, trailing kisses. Then she felt another two hands pushing up the insides of her legs, parting them, giving Sam’s hand even better access to her wet core. He brushed her clit with feather-light touches, in time to the strokes of his tongue brushing against hers.

  When she tilted her pelvis up to get harder touches against her clit, Sam changed his movements to circles, and then she felt Chance’s tongue enter her hungry channel, circling and thrusting again and again until she was mindless. Once again Josie heard the wet sucking sounds of sex, but instead of embarrassment, she was beginning to associate it with joy and pleasure.

  Sam lifted his head and pinched her clit. “Now, baby.” She shot to the stars.

  Sam chuckled as he lifted her off the bed. “She sure does zone out after an orgasm.”

  “Do not,” she mumbled into his chest, proving his point. He cuddled her closer, ensuring that she was well supported as he carried her into the connecting bathroom.

  “Jesus Chance, just how much did you have to pay the contractors to get them to do all this in such a short amount of time?” he asked over his shoulder. Sam smoothly leaned over and placed Josie in the oversized tub that was big enough for three people.

  “Money talks, my friend, money talks,” Chance answered as he followed them into the bathroom.

  “Well, you and Josie have quite the master suite.” Josie roused herself a little when she heard that. What did he mean she and Chance? But then the hot water seemed to wipe away all thought.

  Chance watched as Josie started to slowly slide down the side of the bath.

  “You’re getting in there with her, right?”

  Chance’s question prodded Sam, and he stepped into the bath and got behind Josie, so that her back was resting against his chest. He looked up at Chance, who smiled down at the two of them.

  “This is where she belongs.” As Josie nuzzled against him, Sam nodded in agreement.

  “She’s working too many hours. She needs to stay here where we can take care of her.”

  “I hear you guys, and one day when I can move and open my eyes I might argue with you. But right now, I like the taking care of Josie program.” Sam looked down at the treasure in his arms, and watched her slowly open her eyes. She held his gaze for an endless moment, then bent and placed a kiss over his heart and closed her eyes. When Sam looked up again, Chance was gone.

  He washed her and got her out of the bath before the water cooled. Chance was sleeping on the left side of the over large custom bed, and when he put Josie in the middle, she immediately cuddled close to his warmth. Sam crawled in beside her, immediately falling into a deep sleep.

  * * * *

  “Sam! Wake up! Zee, stay back!”

  “Sam, honey, it’s okay, I’ve got you.” Soft hands.

  What the fuck?

  “Zee, get away from him right now!” Chance yelled. Sam couldn’t remember Chance ever sounding so angry. He woke up in an instant, and found himself on the floor, then he stood up and glared at Chance.

  “Don’t you ever yell at Josie like that again, you asshole,” Sam yelled.

  “Don’t you call me an asshole! Take a look at her.” Chance reached over the edge of the bed and coaxed Josie up off the floor where she had been trying to wake Sam up. Sam noticed that she was holding her arm up close to her body, so he stopped her.

  “Josie, what’s wrong with your arm?”

  “It was one of your goddamn nightmares. You know, the ones that you told me you aren’t having anymore?” Sam winced at the accusation in his friend’s voice.

  “What happened?”

  “You were moaning in your sleep, Sam,” Josie softly answered. “When I tried to wake you up, you mumbled someone’s name. I think it was Nathan. Then you grabbed me, and I couldn’t get away. I must have made a noise and that’s when Chance woke up.”

  “You fucking screamed. Look at your arm. He could have broken it!” Chance reached for her hand, and she slowly extended her arm out from her body. Both men hissed when they saw the clear set of fingerprints and the swelling.

  “It’s fine. If I put ice on it, it’ll be fine by morning.”

  “Oh, Jesus, baby, I’m so sorry.” Sam swallowed, swallowed again, and then abruptly turned to the bathroom, where he puked up his guts. When he went back to the bedroom, it was empty. Sam went to his room, threw on some clothes, then went in search of the others. He found them in the kitchen, where Chance was putting ice on Josie’s arm. Her brown eyes were warm with concern as she turned to him, but Chance’s eyes were angry blue shards.

  “Sam, it isn’t that big of a deal. You just had a nightmare.” Josie tried to soothe him.

  “Actually, Josie, it is a pretty big deal. Me physically hurting you is probably the biggest deal there is. I’ve got to take off. Look, I don’t want you two to worry. I’ll be back tomorrow. I just need some space. I figure you guys could use some time without me.” Sam turned and left.

  Josie felt like she had just been kicked in the heart. Not because her arm hurt like the very devil, but because of the devastated look on Sam’s face. When she turned to Chance, he just looked mad and frustrated. When her chin started to quiver, Chance instinctively understood what was wrong, and he put down the ice pack. He gently folded her into his arms and cupped her head, resting it against his chest.

  “He will be back. That’s the first time he ever said when he was coming back, so he will be back tomorrow. He cares, Zee. Never doubt that he cares.”

  “Why are you so mad, Chance? You know it was an accident. He was having a nightmare, and you act like he did it on purpose. You’re not being reasonable.” Josie felt his sigh blow softly against the hair on the top of her head.

  “I’m mad because he hasn’t been taking care of his emotional issues. He’s only been taking care of his physical issues. The doctors have told him he has PTSD, and he hasn’t addressed it. He’s smarter than that, Josie. I thought—”

  “What did you think?” she coaxed. When he didn’t answer, she stroked his back, and decided to drop it. She just rested her head on his
chest, thankful to be in his arms.

  “Why don’t you get dressed, and we’ll head out and make a day of it?” Josie looked out the kitchen window and realized that it was dawn.

  “Chance, I need to go to my apartment for a change of clothes, I hate wearing the same thing two days in a row.” Josie shuddered at the idea of wearing unclean clothes.

  “Honey, you really didn’t understand when we told you that was your room, did you? Let’s go take a tour.” Chance held out his hand, and led her down the hall to the master suite. He opened the closet, and she saw women’s clothing hanging up, and a shoe rack that didn’t contain a single pair of high heels. Leading her back into the bedroom she saw three dressers. He then pulled her to the middle dresser, and opened the top drawer that contained panties and thongs in a rainbow of colors. The second drawer contained nothing but corsets. In the third drawer was a selection of bras of every style and color imaginable, and the fourth drawer contained the silkiest nighties Josie had ever seen or felt.

  Josie couldn’t take it in. Obviously, Chance was insane. That was the only reasonable explanation. When she said as much, he threw back his head and laughed. “Oh, Zee! If you only knew how many times I’ve been told that very thing. But here’s the deal, eventually everyone always sees things my way.” Josie got quiet.

  “Do you think Sam will see things your way?” she asked, trying not to let her lip tremble.

  “I’ve known Sam most of my life, Zee. Even if I have to drag him kicking and screaming, I intend to get him to see things my way, and get his act together, you have my promise.”

  “And I’m supposed to just go along with this whole new wardrobe?”

  “I think you should try it on, before you just go along with it. Let’s start with the thongs and corsets.” He waggled his eyebrows at her. She burst out laughing. The man was irresistible. “But seriously, you do need to try on some things for today’s adventure.”

  Chance insisted on seeing four different fancy corset, thong and dress combinations, before he finally said she should dress in jeans and a sweatshirt.

  “I’m confused. If I needed to just wear jeans, why did you have me try on the dresses?” Josie demanded.

  “Are you kidding? That was just a fun way to start the day.”

  “You are the biggest goofball I have ever met, Chance Reynolds,” she declared. “So where are we going?”

  “We’re going to the Farmers Market. Butch and Betty should be getting there just about now.”

  “Ohhh, that sounds great!” Josie enthused. “Let’s go.”

  Chapter 12

  Because her shop was usually open on Saturday mornings, she had never had a chance to go to the market, so she was excited to see it. She was amazed at the number of booths, and when she commented on that to Chance, he explained that there were a lot of craftsmen who lived in Fate Harbor, who relied on the market to sell their wares. One of the first booths they came upon was a homemade soap vendor. While Josie made some selections, Chance took the opportunity to text Betty their location.

  Josie was looking for something she could sell in her bakery, but the soap wasn’t a good choice. When she told Chance her plan, he agreed with her, and said he would keep his eyes peeled as well. They agreed to visit every stall. After purchasing her three bars of soap, she grabbed Chance’s arm, and tried to pull him to the next booth. He wanted to wait for Betty and Butch, so he put his hand on her arm to stop her, and she immediately winced.

  “Damn it, Zee, I’m so sorry. Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine. It’s just a bruise.” Josie saw his face darken, and was relieved when Betty came up and gave them both a hug, diffusing the situation. Really, she didn’t need Chance obsessing about her arm in front of Betty. This was supposed to be a playday!

  Josie resisted buying things at the next three stalls, but when she got to the fourth stall, she was flabbergasted at the beauty of the handblown glass pieces. What really caught her eye were the decorative glass plates that would be a perfect accent to her baked goods. The woman who ran the booth knew the Hutchinses, so as they talked, Josie carefully checked the prices and was amazed to see that they ranged from two hundred to five hundred dollars. Chance came over and whispered in her ear. “Kara sells her stuff in galleries in Seattle. She actually lowers her prices for us here in Fate Harbor.” Josie was amazed at the colors in the plates, and carefully held one up to the sun. She watched as the sun’s rays passed through the dish, and she realized she was seeing a breathtaking work of art.

  “I think this is exactly what you were looking for. Can’t you see people using these to take home your pastries, and then displaying them on their shelves or walls?” Chance nudged her to go talk to Kara.

  Josie shook her head. “Are you out of your mind?” she whispered fiercely. “You said these are on display at galleries! They’re like jewelry or something, not cupcake dishes,” Josie whispered fiercely.

  “Did someone say cupcake? That’s one of my favorite words.” The tall blonde woman looked up from where she was chatting with Betty and Butch.

  “Kara, I’m surprised you haven’t met Josie, she bought the Matushka’s old bakery. Josie Decker, this is Eric and Dane’s sister, Kara Johansen.”

  “So you know my brothers, do you?” There was a wicked glint in Kara’s eyes. “I bet they weren’t just after your baked goods.”

  Chance put a proprietary arm around Josie’s shoulder and said, “You’d be right, Kara. But Sam and I cleared that up pretty quickly.”

  “You and Sam. Interesting. Betty, I didn’t know you’d gotten your boys to embrace so many of Fate Harbor’s traditions. Wait until I tell Mom and my dads.” Kara walked over, took Josie out of Chance’s arm, and gave her a big hug.

  “Kara, be careful of her arm,” Chance warned.

  “What’s wrong with her arm?” Betty asked.

  “I bumped it and bruised it,” Josie said.

  “Sam grabbed her and bruised her,” Chance corrected. “He had a nightmare this morning, and if we hadn’t woken him, I don’t know what would have happened.”

  “Oh, Josie, don’t ever lie about something like that,” Betty admonished. “Sam would tell us himself if he were here.” Betty reached out and pulled Josie’s arm toward her, and carefully rolled up the sleeve of her sweatshirt. She gasped when she saw the bruise in the shape of her foster son’s fingers. “Butch, go get some ice. It’s time she had another pack put on. You have been icing it, right?” She looked up at Chance.

  “Of course I have,” he said in an offended voice.

  “Good boy. Now where is Sam? Why isn’t he here?”

  “He left. He said he wouldn’t be back until tomorrow.” Once again Josie felt her chin quiver.

  “Oh, baby, he’ll be back. He just needs to pull himself together. He must feel terrible. Give him time.” Betty took the ice pack from Butch, and settled Josie into the chair that Kara indicated, and put the pack on her arm.

  “So I take it Sam is still dealing with some PTSD issues. I remember when Leif came back from Iraq, Mom and the dads had to damn near hit him over the head before they could convince him to get in and see someone.” Kara walked away to talk to a customer who had wandered into the booth. Meanwhile, Josie was amazed at how easily everyone dealt with Sam’s issues, even someone she considered a stranger. She looked over at Chance and he winked at her.

  After Kara wrapped up a vase and two dishes, and sent the happy couple on their way, she came back to talk to them. “Kara, have you been into the bakery since Josie has taken over?”

  “Have I been? Are you kidding? I’ve gained seven pounds because of that damn Sweet Dream Desserts!” Josie did a double take, and recognized that she was used to seeing Kara show up to the bakery in a ponytail and coveralls.

  “Yeah, I clean up pretty good, don’t I?” Kara gestured down to her flowing spring dress, her shoulder-length blonde hair, and makeup. “You usually see me when I’m in the middle of blowing glass and need a
sugar fix. I have seriously gained seven pounds, three of which are because of your mind-blowing cinnamon rolls, girlfriend, and the other four are from your cookies and brownies.” Josie flushed because she didn’t doubt it. The woman had bought quite a lot of her product.

  “But at least on you, it looks good. I could lose twenty and still need to go on a diet,” Josie declared.

  Chance bent down and brushed a kiss against her temple. “That’ll be ten, and I’ll be administering them tonight,” he whispered. It took her a moment to figure out what he was talking about, and then she realized what she had just said.


  “Do you want to try for twenty?” Josie jerked up her head, and saw his hooded gaze, and realized he wasn’t kidding. Then she felt the folds of her sex moisten. What was happening to her? When she looked up, Betty and Butch were talking to another couple that had come into the booth, but Kara was looking at her in amusement.

  “Girlfriend, you, Karen, and I are going to have to go out for margaritas sometime soon. You need some tips on dealing with domineering men.”

  “No, she doesn’t,” Chance stated firmly.

  “Oh, sweetie, you know I’m not talking about you. Sam’s the dominating one, you’re the manipulative bastard, and she needs some tips on how to deal with you, as well. And Karen and I are just the girls to give them to her.” Chance groaned, while Kara laughed.

  “Just tell me when, and I’ll be there.” Josie decided she definitely needed some advice, and more nights off. “Also, do you know of anyone who might be interested in a job?”

  By the time they got back to the house that night, Josie had arranged for Kara’s plates to be displayed and sold at Sweet Dream and had leads on four new potential employees. Chance carried all of her treasures into his house. She hadn’t intended to spend the night again. Instead she planned to come over tomorrow, when Sam returned, but somehow Chance had convinced her to stay. It was almost twenty-six years later, and he hadn’t changed. He could just give her a puppy-dog look, and she would melt to do whatever he wanted. However, there would be no spanking. She had made that perfectly clear.


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