Catherine (Echoes of Ossiria #1)

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Catherine (Echoes of Ossiria #1) Page 9

by Vivian Lane

  Free to do what she wished, she took a hot shower, ate the leftover cake, and dressed in clothes she’d packed. She found the jewelry box in his coat pocket and put the pearls away. Whatever she was now, she wasn’t a thief. Wincing as she hoisted the bag on her shoulder, she paused to look at him.

  She wished she still had her camera, but Tallis’s crew stole anything of value when they cleaned her stuff out of the dorm.

  The blond vampire really was quite beautiful. The sheet rest low on his hips, giving her a full view of his chiseled torso. She set the satchel on a chair and stepped nearer, unable to resist touching him one last time. His handsome face looked younger in slumber, a slight smile gracing his lips. She caressed the wild curls on his head and leaned down to press a kiss to his forehead.

  Then she left a note on the pillow next to him and exited the suite.

  As the cab she rode in stopped in front of the American Embassy, she hoped he wouldn’t be too angry when he awoke and discovered her gone.

  “May I help the next person?”

  She stepped up to the counter. “Hi, I need to get a new copy of my passport. Mine was stolen.”

  “Identification, please?”

  She pushed a few items under the glass separating them. “I had my old passport in my suitcase, from when I was a kid? And here’s my driver’s license and Social Security card.”

  The woman looked at the pictures, then held them up next to the brunette’s face. “Fill out these forms, then go to that desk over there.”

  Catherine took her personal items back and found a chair she could use. With any luck, she’d be on a plane back to the States by the end of the day.

  She got a flight to New York from Heathrow and sat down in an airport restaurant to have an early dinner. The soreness from their activities was catching up with her, and she had no doubt she’d sleep on the plane. The flight would be in the air by sunset.

  She would have to watch her back for a while, as Tallis was bound to find out soon about her escape, but hopefully…eventually…he’d get bored, and she could live in peace. The past month felt like years had gone by. It seemed another lifetime ago that she’d been a mousy college freshman going about her classes and little life.

  She wasn’t innocent anymore, or at least, no longer naïve. Knowledge and experience aged you, even when it came quickly.

  From NYC, she had options. There was California and the university. She had cousins in Pennsylvania. A great-uncle in Oklahoma.

  America was a very large haystack to hide in.

  She went straight to the nearest hotel from the airport. Her body thought it was late still, so she was going to sleep. Figuring out where to go next could come in the morning.


  November 1987

  One year after the kidnapping…

  Catherine walked through the parking lot of the university at night. She’d made it to her second year and was looking forward to the Thanksgiving holiday. Humming the latest pop hit, she neared her car, seemingly unaware of the man following her with silent footsteps.

  It was a lie.

  Tallis darted from car to car behind her. He crept up on her until he was about to throw his arms around her and grab her, only to have her spin around in front of him. She plunged a stake through his heart, the stunned look on his face a pleasure in its own right.

  “Please. Did you really think I didn’t know you were there?”

  He disintegrated into a little pile of dust at her feet. She took a plastic bottle and spoon out of her backpack and scooped the ashes into the container.

  “All too easy,” she sighed—bored, but happy.

  The drive to her nearby apartment was short.

  Since her escape, the strangest thing had happened to her. She became a paladin, a latent power activating in her genes. Her guide said she was a late-bloomer.

  Her grandmother passed away in the last year, leaving her enough money to live off-campus plus pay tuition. The result had been a nice one-bedroom, complete with protective wards. She took the secure elevator up to the third floor and walked down the hallway to the corner apartment.

  “Honey, I’m home!” She dropped her backpack in the hall.

  “How was class?”

  She walked into the living room to see Mike reclining shirtless on the couch, reading the newspaper.

  “Last one before the break, so it was awesome.” She tossed him the plastic bottle. “Got you a present.”

  He arched a brow. “Dust? How thoughtful of you.”

  She plucked the paper out of his hands and straddled his lap. “Ashes, to be more precise.” Raked her nails down his pale chest. “A thorn in my side?

  He grinned, catching her meaning. “Do tell. This is really him?”

  “Mm-hmm. Idiot was so arrogant, he didn’t even sense me.”

  The vast majority of paladins had their abilities manifest by age seventeen, but it meant she was stronger, faster, and burned the undead with the touch of her skin. Just like Mike. He found her, trained her, and kept her off the radar of his former bosses—not that he told her much about his past. Since they were more friends-with-benefits than dating, she didn’t mind much as long as he satisfied her appetites.

  “You’re lucky he didn’t.”

  She pouted. “I staked him, didn’t I?” She got up and walked into the kitchen to stand in front of the open refrigerator.

  He came up behind her and brushed her hair to the side. “You’re still new to this, love.”

  “Thought you said I’m a natural talent.”

  He started kissing the skin he’d revealed. “I did, but that doesn’t replace experience.” One of his hands snuck underneath her jeans. “You’ve gotta watch out for the baddies that know just where to hit you the hardest.” His fingers flicked—

  Oh God… “Lucky me I have a good teacher, then.”

  Only a year older than her, Mike greatly benefitted from the training Alicia gave her. And William. Every time he came back to town, he was in her bed again.

  He chuckled. “Got anywhere you need to be in the morning?”

  She turned to face him. “Nope, it’s Thanksgiving. Just football and pumpkin pie.”

  He crouched and tossed her over his shoulder. “Good! I’ve got some lessons in mind, and they’re going to take all night.”

  She pinched a butt cheek. “Yes, sir.”

  The End

  About the Author

  Vivian Lane is an American author. Born a Gemini, her interests fall under a myriad of subjects including classical music, American and World History; fantasy books, TV shows, and movies; travel, marine biology, and fashion.

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  And now for a sneak peek of Knight Rejects, Mike’s story:

  Ever have the feelin’ of bein’ watched? Yeah, me, too. The first month on my own had been a bit of alright, with a decent boss for daytime work and easy kills at night, but lately I had this sense in the back of my mind when I hunted that I was bein’ followed. Whether by good or nasty, I didn’t know, but they better show themselves before I got cranky.

  After three nights of knowing somethin’ was doggin’ my shadow, a man finally appeared. And not just appeared, but literally stepped out of a fucking shadow. I stood ready with my sword, the one bit of weaponry The Agency hadn’t stripped away because it was custom-made for my frame.

  “Easy, boy,” he said. “I mean you no harm.” He held up open hands. A signet ring was on his left hand.

  “That’s what they all say.”

  “In this case, it is the truth. My name is Sebastian Pierce and I have a job proposition for you.” He was dressed in a black wool coat, dark gray jumper, and black fatigues. Black gloves and boots, too. Spoke in an upper-crusty accent, the kind belonging to snobs that wouldn’t give me the time of day.

  “Really. Must pay pretty well for threads like that. And you know wh
at pays really well? Things I don’t want on my conscience, so piss off.”

  “Are you always this hostile, Michael?”

  “How the fuck do you know my name?”

  “I do my research, and you have made quite a reputation for yourself here.”

  “Should I be flattered?”

  “Indeed. Please, hear me out. I am on your side.”

  “Mate, the only side I’m on is mine. Keeps me from bein’ stabbed in the back.”

  “I meant the side of Good, of protecting people. We can use someone with your skills.”


  “I am a Shadow Knight, young paladin. My order has been protecting humanity almost as long as demons have been on Earth, and we would like you to join us.”

  “Really. How come I’ve never heard of you?”

  “Because your organization and mine carry a…difference in opinion about the tools of the trade. We think magic can be useful. The Agency forbids it.”

  “The Agency uses magic.”

  He shook his head. “They use protection charms. There’s a difference. What is the policy on witches?”

  “That powers come from dark places and intervention is necessary before they become a danger to others. Humans aren’t meant to wield the forces of nature.”

  “Exactly. The Agency would bind any witch’s abilities on the assumption that their power will inevitably corrupt them. We disagree. With free will comes the power to choose, and we prefer to encourage gifted people to choose wisely, responsibly. The Agency assumes witches are bad because they only hear complaints about bad behavior. Now, back to my offer—”

  “How did you hide in that shadow like that? I see pretty damn well in the dark and you weren’t standing against that wall.”

  “What did you see?”

  “You came out of the shadow itself, so what the fuck are you? Humans don’t do that.”

  “Mundane mortals cannot do this. Shadow Knights have no such limitations. I promise you, I was once as normal as anyone on that street below. Aren’t you curious?”

  “Soddin’ breathing, so yeah. I’m curious. And suspicious. Give me one good reason to trust you.”

  “Because, Michael, I would like you to help me kill a vampire.”

  Fair bait. “I’m listenin’.”

  “Much of the organized crime in London actually stems from the office of a single vampire. We only have a first name, William, but he has a hand in everything from prostitution and drugs to protection rackets and business scams. He’s smart, evasive, and careful, which should tell you as well as us that he is probably of considerable age.”

  I nodded. “The young ones are too impulsive and driven by hunger to run that kind of racket. You’re really tellin’ me that a vampire has the city wired?”

  “God’s honest truth. You might be surprised at what an old vampire can accomplish.”

  “Fair enough. So why hasn’t The Agency taken ‘im out?”

  “My guess would be they’re either afraid of a target this sophisticated, or too blind to realize it exists. Most likely the latter. You were taught vampires are little more than beasts, were you not?”

  “Seems true enough in my experience.”

  “And since the youngest are the easiest to slay, it would.”

  “Are you sayin’ I’m a fuckin’ lightweight?”

  He held up his hands. “Not at all, Michael. I would not approach you if I didn’t think you have talent. I only meant your experience has thus far been limited.”

  “Been takin’ care of this city for two years, mate.”

  “And admirably so for a solo hunter. But are you ready for a greater challenge?”

  “Might be. What does it pay?”

  “The Knighthood provides for our needs like your Agency did, but the true reward is the good we do, don’t you agree?”

  “Not when there’s rent to pay and a belly to fill. No offense, Mr. Pierce, but the only person I can rely on is me, so looking out for Number One is a priority. A man has needs.”

  He sighed. Wanker. I could tell he was all about nobility and honor and that kind of shit. “I’ll make you a deal. Help remove the vampire as an independent contractor in exchange for honest consideration to join us and broaden your horizons. Is that fair?”

  “It’s a good start. I’m gonna need it all in writing.”

  He almost smiled. I caught it. “Why doesn’t that surprise me?”

  “And no more sneakin’ around behind my back, followin’ me everywhere. It’s creepy.”

  “You have my word. I only wanted to observe you to see if you were worthy of this conversation. I meant no disrespect.”

  “Apology accepted. Now, it’s been a long night and I’m famished, so if you want to butter me up some more you’re gonna have to buy me dinner.”

  End of sample.

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