Promise To Keep

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Promise To Keep Page 14

by Rainwater, Priscilla Poole

  “Don’t worry, they’re fine. So, how is everything there? Ben hasn’t called for me to come and get him yet.” she replied, concern evident in her voice.

  Leaning against the counter, she sighed. “Everything’s Ok I guess. I just woke up. Connell, well, he…he wouldn’t open the door, and I kinda’ broke it down with an axe.” she stammered in embarrassment, very well aware that Ben would be giving her a play-by-play the moment she came and picked him up anyway. She could tell Helen was struggling not to laugh, and was failing terribly.

  Helen couldn’t help but find the image of Aisha chopping a door down to get at him hilarious, she just wished she had been there to see it, and wouldn’t have minded video taping the incident. Her resolve finally broke, and she let loose with a peal of laughter. “Oh….oh…my goodness! You’re something else, girl! I bet Connell was fit to be tied. You know Jenny, God rest her soul, would never argue against anything Connell said or did, his word was the law as far as she was concerned. I love her dearly, but she never stood up to him even when she thought he was wrong. He’s so damn old-fashioned, I think it will be good for him to see that all women aren’t going to put up with his crap. Don’t get me wrong now, he’s a good, decent, honest man, but can be so, I don’t know, boneheaded sometimes. But, then again, all men can.”

  “Yeah, tell me about it, Jenny and I had a couple of little spats over that. A person simply did NOT want to diss Connell in any way, while she was around.” Aisha said as she felt a familiar pang in her heart. Not wanting to dwell on the past, she quickly changed the subject. “I’m going to make me a quick bite to eat, then I’ll come get the kids.”

  Helen chuckled again. She figured her friend deserved a break after the day she had had, and she did enjoy the kids spending time with her and Ben since they were childless themselves. “No, you just stay there and relax. After your match with the door, you’re probably tired. They’re more than welcome to stay the night here.”

  Aisha hated to admit it even to herself, but she was thankful for a break. In past months she had gained a newfound respect for mothers everywhere. She was so used to just picking up and going anytime she pleased, doing whatever she pleased, that life around the farm had been quite a culture shock for her. She had had to learn to put the children’s needs ahead of her own. There had been times she was exhausted at the end of a day, and had to practically force herself to shower and get ready for bed. “ “Helen, you and that wonderful husband of yours are a God-send. Thanks. I‘ll be over to get them in the morning.”

  After bidding one another good night, she stood in the kitchen enjoying the complete silence, almost wanting to dance around the house, Tom Cruise style.

  Trying to decide what she wanted to do first, she finally decided to take a hot, relaxing bath first, then she would give herself a much-needed facial. Maybe imbibe a bottle of wine as she soaked. After that, watch one of her favorite DVDs, maybe “Ace Ventura, Pet Detective”, which she had picked up in town earlier, and was one of her all time favorites. All of the things she had once taken for granted now seemed like a small slice of heaven.


  Connell had calmed down a bit by the time they made it home. Ben, knowing he wasn’t pleased, helped him unload the table and chairs in silence. He wanted to remind Connell that had it not been for Aisha, he and the farm would be in pretty piss-poor shape right about now. But, knowing full well the tension that had always existed between the two, decided against saying anything, for the moment anyway. Everyone (except himself) had just been too edgy lately, a powder keg of emotions that were primed to blow. Aisha’s impersonation of Jack Nicholson had correctly proven his theory concerning that. Speaking of which, the first chance I get, I’m gonna’ sneak and hide the axe….he thought.


  Aisha picked up a dishtowel and wiped her hands dry, then walked to the kitchen door and peered out. Seeing Ben and Connell struggling with a huge kitchen table in the back of the pickup, she opened the door and half-yelled, “Need any help?” Inside, she was pleased as punch to see Connell finally up and doing something, and even more pleased to see he appeared sober.

  Connell shook his head and gruffly replied, “No, you done enough, just stay out of the way.”

  She held the door open as he and Ben huffed and puffed their way up the steps with the heavy load, and stepped inside where they finally sat it down with loud grunts of relief.

  As Ben tried to catch his breath he groaned inwardly, expecting Aisha to tear into Connell again for his brusque manners, and was surprised when she didn’t. Ignoring his nasty disposition, she merely shrugged and walked back the counter, beginning to chop vegetables with a sharp knife.

  “Ben, would you like something to eat or drink?” she asked over her shoulder, giving him a friendly smile, completely ignoring Connell.

  “Thanks, but no, I need to get home and help Helen, still got a few chores to do before turning in. Connell, I’ll bring your truck back bright and early, Ok? Oh, that reminds me, the Chevy dealership called yesterday about my truck, said my new engine had come in. They’ll be finished putting it in by noon tomorrow. Sorry, so much has been going on I completely forgot to tell you.”

  “Well, I’ve always tried to tell you, that’s what you get for buying a Chevy.”

  Ben laughed at the long-standing, running joke between them about who made the better truck, Dodge or Chevrolet.

  “Yeah, just swing on by in the morning, we’ll stop at Huddle House on the way. I’ll buy you some steak and eggs, stack of flapjacks, and a cup of joe. Least I can do.” Connell said.

  “Gotchyerself a deal. Well, night, you two.” Ben said, then hurried out the door, praying the two would come to some kind of peaceful resolution. But with both of them having fiery tempers, he doubted it would happen anytime soon.

  Connell watched as his friend pulled out of the driveway and left. When he was out of sight, he turned his attention to Aisha, the faint smile on his face evaporating.

  She stood at the counter, now slicing half a dozen potatoes. Humming softly to herself, she was doing her best to ignore him.

  Connell couldn’t believe it. She was going to simply stand there, in his house, and pretend like he wasn’t even there. Surely she had to have noticed earlier that he was upset. It also bothered him that she didn’t even ask what was wrong. “Where are the kids, still with Helen?” he finally snapped.

  Instead of answering she simply reached inside the refrigerator for a pot roast, unwrapped it, and placed it inside the crock-pot.

  “WELL, you gonna’ answer me or what?”

  “Yes, they’re still with Helen, she wanted to keep them overnight. I’ll pick them up in the morning,” she answered, still not bothering to look at him.

  He knew he was goading her, but he was angry, and like an angry little boy, he wanted to take his frustrations out on her. “Why are they always with Helen, or my mother? You’re supposed to be the one caring for them.” He regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth.

  Oh Hell to the NO, he did NOT just say that! She thought as she slammed the knife down on the counter. She finally looked up, glaring daggers at him, the nostrils on her petite nose flaring.

  Oh crap, why did I have to say that? he thought instantly. From the look in her eyes, he knew she was beyond pissed, he could have swore he saw fire blazing in them.

  “I HAVE BEEN taking care of them, while your head was stuck up your ass, or stuck up a bottle, I can’t decide which. You have NOT lifted a finger to help me, or have you forgotten already? Of course you have! You don’t remember because you were too fucked up to even change your smelly-assed Goddamn clothes! What do you think about THEM apples, dingleberry?”

  Connell felt the sting of her words, but didn’t let it show. He knew he should just let it drop and leave her alone, after all, he knew she was right. But he couldn’t, he needed to regain contr
ol of his household. With that thought, he said, “I’m letting Jonus go in the morning when he comes over, we don‘t need him.” Earlier, Ben had told him how much help the man had been, keeping the farm running.

  More furious than ever, she replied, “No. You. Will. NOT. He’s a good, hard worker, and dependable, more dependable than YOU’VE been lately, I might add. And he needs the work. Besides, I hired him myself, and I’m paying him out of my own pocket. He STAYS.”

  Who in the hell does she think she is? NO, this woman is NOT going to tell me what to do!!! he thought angrily. Stalking forward in what he thought was his most intimidating manner, he towered over her and snapped, “This is MY damn house, MY damn farm, and I will decide how it is ran, and WHO runs it, you understand?” he bellowed.

  Still glaring up at him, she slowly put her hands on her hips, ground her teeth together and spoke quietly. “Don’t you speak to me that way, I’m not Jenny…..”

  He stepped back like she had smacked him in the face, but regained his composure quickly. “Yeah, you’re right, you certainly are NOT.” he replied coldly.

  Flinching inwardly, she felt her eyes wanting to tear up, but was determined for once to not let him get the best of her emotions. Instead, she looked him up and down like he was steaming pile of donkey dung. Raising her head proudly, pert nose in the air, she squared her shoulders. She then did something he would never have suspected. Slowly, she raised her fist level with his face, flipped him the middle digit, then turned and started walking away calmly.

  Sputtering, he called after her. “Where do you think you’re going, I’m not done talking to you!!! Don’t you DARE leave this room!!!”

  Without even a backwards glance, she snapped, “FUCK OFF, you knuckle-dragging APE! I can‘t believe I wasted my precious time trying to help your sorry ass, you…you DICKWEED!”

  Connell’s mouth fell open in shock, and he was at a loss for words. His entire life, no one, man or woman, had ever dared to speak to him that way. It was only a matter of seconds before he realized he may have really messed things up, badly. Suddenly he wanted to apologize, after all, she had put up with a lot the last few months, when she never had to. She could have left them all high and dry, anytime she had felt like it, and he felt an unfamiliar pang of panic at the thought of her leaving. Trying to speak, he could only manage a hoarse croak. He cleared his throat and called, “Aisha, wait! I didn’t mean…”

  His voice was cut off by the sound of a door slamming shut. Hard.


  “Will you be returning to the states to see her again?” Danielle hissed, her eyes narrowed, hurt that he would follow the woman halfway around the world.

  Max turned to see his soon to be ex- wife standing in the doorway. He had hoped that he wouldn’t see her before he left. Since she no longer lived with him, he had thought he wouldn’t have to deal with her face to face. He made a mental note to order his aide to have the locks changed. “Yes, I’m going to the states.” he answered calmly, turning his attention back to his work. He wanted to be done in plenty of time to catch his flight. He was hoping this time Aisha would be ready to listen to him. He had grown paranoid, knowing that she was on that God-forsaken farm with that lout, Connell. He was no fool, the few times he had visited there while married to Aisha, he could tell the hick was taken with her. The man tried to steer clear of her, and could have fooled anyone other than a trained observer like himself. Of course when he and Aisha were alone, he had asked if there was ever anything between them, and she had vehemently denied it, saying it would never happen even if he was the last man on earth. But he had always trusted his instincts, and they told him otherwise, although there was nothing concrete he could accuse her of, of course.

  “She’ll never take you back after she finds out the truth.” Danielle said. Stepping around the desk, she rested her pale hand on his arm, looking down at him, her eyes pleading. “What do you see in her? She could never love you the way I do, she didn’t even care enough to fight for you when you told her you were leaving her!”

  “She never dallied about on me like you, and twice, at that.“ he answered, finally meeting her gaze. “Sure, it was wrong of me, at first, to not tell you I was sterile. You got pregnant, and I dealt with it, tried to do the right thing. Then you get pregnant again, I finally tell you I can’t have kids, and all of a sudden you’re the wounded party? The only wounded party in the whole bloody mess, my dear, was her. Not me, not you, but her. Well, you know what? No matter what you think about me, no matter what she may think about me, I do have a conscious. Maybe I’ve gotten a little more mellow, more reflective, over the years, I don’t know, but it’s really not that important. What’s important, is that for once in my life, I’m going to be completely honest with you, her, and most of all, with myself, and hope that she forgives me. Hope she will allow me to prove what we had before you meant something. So don’t concern yourself about how she’ll react, because at this point, it’s really none of your business.”

  Pulling his arm from her grasp, he rose to his feet and walked to the door. He opened it, then stepped aside, the unspoken request quite clear.

  “You bastard. I’ll make sure she doesn’t take you back! I’ll tell her…I’ll tell her….”

  “You’ll tell her what? That I’ve never said a cross word about her, EVER? Even behind her back? Even when I made the mistake of getting involved with you?“

  Leaving the door open he walked straight to her, looked down, and said, “I’ll tell you what you better not do, and that’s bother her, for starters. Second, don’t you ever threaten me. Ever. I can chew you and your entire family up, spit you out, and pick my teeth with your precious reputations, if I so choose, my dear. Do you understand what I’m saying to you? From this point on the only thing I expect from you is to have the divorce papers signed as soon you return home, TODAY. Tell ’my’ son I will see him when I get back. And don’t worry, love, I’ll still do the right thing by ’my’ children, especially since they have you for a mother.”

  Her tears blurring her vision, Danielle watched as he smoothed his tie and walked out the door.


  Aisha was inside the small, home office, wanting to put some space between her and Connell before she was tempted to crack his skull open. “He’s got some damn nerve.” she mumbled angrily. Seating herself at the little desk, she turned on the computer and checked her email.

  Patiently, she weeded through the ever present job offers, and sent polite, yet brief replies thanking them for the offer, but that she was unavailable for an indeterminate amount of time. She suggested some young, extremely competent colleagues, all of whom needed the money, and the experience.

  That done, she stretched out, yawned, and saw the last email was from Max. Aggravated, she saw it was nearly the exact same thing he had been sending since his surprise visit, that he wanted to see her, that there were things he wanted to discuss with her in private. At present, he was in D.C visiting family, and he wanted to buy her a ticket to come see him. In her mind, she could clearly see him twisting his family ring.

  Once again she responded in brief, thanking him, but saying she was too exhausted physically and emotionally to do much of anything. She ended the letter by asking him as gently as she knew how to please not waste his time pursuing something that was never going to happen.

  Logging off, she sat back for a moment, and again asked herself why she didn’t just leave. She doubted her and Connell would ever get along, and it didn’t help matters that Megan had been dropping hints here and there about it being inappropriate for two unwed adults to be living together, that it was probably confusing Abby.

  Spinning the chair around to get up, the rows of photos on the wall caught her eye. She smiled, remembering the stories that had accompanied each one, and how her friend had sat spellbound listening to them, almost like a child being read a bedtime story.
With a sigh she turned the chair back around, and for the first time noticed a stack of folders on the far right hand corner of the desk, one very thick one standing out from the others. Curious, she took the file and opened it. Inside were more of her photos, some of which were quite rare. Most were several years old, at least, some of her more obscure assignments when she had been young and inexperienced. Rummaging around, she also found several years worth of printed emails, long, hand-written letters that had she had sent Jenny, with detailed explanations of her adventures.

  The last item was a thick sheaf of papers that were held together the old fashioned way, with paperclips. It looked like a manuscript, and the title at the top of the page read: “Through My Sister’s Eyes“, by Jenny Riley.

  “She always wanted to write a book about your travels and adventures, using your pictures and letters.”


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