Promise To Keep

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Promise To Keep Page 45

by Rainwater, Priscilla Poole

  Looking up into his dazed eyes, she felt completely at a loss, not knowing how to react. But she did know one thing for certain, she didn’t want him to stop making her feel like she did at the moment. She felt tremendous disappointment when he suddenly snatched his hand away, as if scalded.

  Taking a few steps back, he actually shook his head, then thought, I can’t touch her again.

  Doing her best to hide her disappointment, she slowly walked towards him, then stopped only inches away. “Why did you stop?” she asked in a low, hesitant voice.

  Just then a gentle breeze blew a long lock of her hair across her lovely face, and the sight nearly took his breath away. Feeling his heart flutter like that of a newborn colt, he thought, No! She’s too innocent for me to be thinking that way about her! She’s like a little girl! Besides, she’s just too perfect to ever consider me, anyway. With considerable effort, he looked away from her.

  “Jonus, what’s wrong?”

  From the coroner of his eye he could see her looking at him, waiting. Clearing his throat and gathering his courage he said, “Nothing, nothing’s wrong. Sooo…have you thought about what you’re going to do while you’re here with me? With us…I mean.. living here?” he finished, feeling like the lamest dork on the face of the planet. Smooth move there, Ex-Lax! Shit, I’ll bet she’s real impressed with you!. Jesus, am I’m a freakin’ loser…. he thought.

  Zamora gave him a thoughtful look. No man has ever cared what I want before… she thought. And as naïve as she was, she knew the moment had passed. Smiling up at him, she said, “Well, I would like to go to college, if I’m allowed.” Looking down at the ground she seemed to be gathering her thoughts, then continued. “When I was with my family, I wanted to be a teacher for the younger children, kinder-garden age, but my father refused. You see, he only allowed the females to complete a high school education, and then only because the state requires it. Anything further than that was strictly forbidden, he said that higher institutions of learning would give decent women all the wrong ideas about our place in society.”

  Forbidden, the word rang out in his mind, and he suddenly tasted bile in his mouth. Damn it, women are just as free to do as they wish as men are, what the hell is the problem with men like that? he thought angrily. Calm down, maybe her father was just overprotective or something.. he reasoned silently. “What do you mean forbidden?” he asked, with a hard edge in his voice.

  Taking one-step back, she was surprised at the angry look on his face. Does he think just like the men in my fathers group? she wondered. Shrugging, she looked at the ground once more and said, “Women were not allowed to do things my father felt were ungodly. We were simply meant to be wives and mothers, following and obeying our husbands till the day we die, and bearing children for them.”

  His anger dissipated when saw the look of sadness that had come over her. Do something! Say something, anything, to make her happy…. his heart screamed at him. “Well, if you’d like I can take you down to the community college, it’s called Mountain Empire. It’s only about forty minutes from here, and I’m planning on going back there myself soon, a few days a week. Sooo, you could ride with me. To attend classes yourself there, I mean.” he offered, holding his breath anxiously.

  She looked up at him as if he had laid the treasures of a great king at her feet, and her smile returned suddenly like a ray of sunshine. “Thank you, oh thank you! Oh this is so wonderful!” she gushed, his words making her so happy she flung herself against his solid chest and wrapped both her small arms around him tightly.

  He simply stood there still as a statue.

  Pulling away, she looked down and said in a low voice, “Oh, sorry. I got carried away I guess. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I won’t do it again.”

  Running a shaky hand through his hair, he gave her an uneasy smile. “Don’t worry about it, lets get you home. Tomorrow I’ll bring some pamphlets by and let you look through them, get an idea of what classes you’d like to take.”

  Happy once more, she did a little happy dance around him, like a little girl.

  His uneasy smile still plastered in place, he couldn’t push that nagging feeling away.


  Connell stood in the living room doorway, amused. He had been watching his wife peeking out the window, off and on, on and off, looking for signs of Jonus and her sister. Oh, Lord I think I’m getting a preview of what it’s going to be like when our kids grow up… he thought with considerable amusement. Clearing his throat loudly, he said, “Sweetheart, pull yourself away from that window and come sit with me. That way, when they return, you can at least act like you trust them.”

  Turning around briefly, she shot him a withering glare, but said nothing. Letting the curtain fall back into place, she sighed, then came and sat down beside him. “I really do trust Jonus.” she said. When he gave her a doubtful look she sighed again. “Well, it’s just that I remember how I was when I first left, and she’s even more trusting and naïve than I was then. She accepted a ride here with some tattooed man with a name that sounds like a mobster or something, and a black woman who beat up a pimp at the truck stop where she accepted that ride. Said that that pimp had tried to force her to leave with him. It’s not that I’m ungrateful to those two strangers, but, did she know she wasn’t jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire? She’s just too damn trusting. Something really bad could have happened to her, and none of us would have never known. It STILL could happen. Not with Jonus, I mean, but…well, never mind.” she trailed off.

  Pulling her into his arms he rested his chin on her head. “Well, she’s here now, and she’s perfectly safe. We’ll all do our best to look out for her, help her adjust.”

  As always, whenever she found herself in his embrace, a sense of peace and true happiness washed over her, and her raging hormones went from worry to horny in a nano-second. Turning, she nipped his ear and smiled when she got a moan from him. She ran her long manicured nails across his chest, then traced small circles around his nipples, causing a pleasant jolt that made him hiss and grunt lustily. Blowing a warm breath in his ear, she felt his entire body shudder. He’s actually turned on by me, me looking like a land whale, even.. she thought.

  “Girl, you’re playing with fire here..” he breathed heavily.

  Resting her hand on his thigh, she whispered in his ear, “Why don’t we go to bed? Zamora will be in shortly, I‘m sure she’s perfectly capable of locking up.”

  As soon as the words left her mouth he was up and helping her off the couch, They both stopped and turned when they heard the door open and close. Quickly, he positioned himself behind her in an attempt to conceal his raging hard-on.

  Zamora came walking in, followed by Jonus.

  “Just wanted to see her in safely and say goodnight.” Jonus quickly explained.

  Relief washed over Aisha that had nothing to do with the young man her sister was with. She was relieved primarily because of other dangers out there. Such as wild dogs, and dregs like the Harrington brothers.

  His earlier, embarrassing predicament finally disappearing, Connell nodded and said, “I’ll see you to the door.”

  When he returned Zamora stepped in front of him and gave him a look that reminded him of Abby whenever she was about to ask for something. Lord all these women are going have me wrapped around their little fingers in record time… he thought. Clearing his throat, he asked, “What is it, hon?”

  “Jonus asked me to go the fair with him. I said yes, but is it alright? I’m sorry, but I got excited and said yes before asking you.”

  Looking completely dumbfounded, he gave his wife a questioning look.

  “Honey, you don’t need to ask him, you’re of age. You don’t need our permission to do anything. That’s the way life is for adults out…out here. If you want to go with him, it’s your choice.” Aisha said.

  Giggling in delight, she quickly hugged th
em both, then rushed off to bed.

  Feeling like he was in an episode of the Twighlight Zone, Connell looked at his wife and asked, “What was that all about? Why would she even ask me for permission to go out with Jonus?”

  Taking his hand, she led him to the bedroom and closed the door. “In the Tribe of Eden, from birth women are taught they’re not capable of thinking or making decisions for themselves, they must always seek guidance from men, whether it be a husband, older brother, father, whatever. If a woman is unwed, she looks to the oldest male in her immediate family. Now that she’s managed to get away from that place, to her, you’re like a father. Old habits die hard, honey…just give her time.” Closing her eyes, she could still hear her father’s thundering voice. A woman must always humble herself, and submit to the rules of men! Your original sin is what brought death, disease, wars, famine, and all manner of blights upon humanity! Women, bow your heads before the man and be meek! It’s God will that you all must pay for the ruin your kind brought upon the world!

  “Aisha, you alright?”

  When she opened her eyes she saw him looking at her with a sly smile, and knew instantly he was about to say something sarcastic.

  “Oh, I believe you, love. Give her two weeks with you, and you’ll have her behaving and thinking just like you, a disrespectful, loud, opinionated wench. Hell, you two alone will be able to bring the Tribe of Eden crashing down in a mushroom cloud of dust.”

  Smacking him on the ass, hard, she said, “That’s right, and don’t you forget it, boy toy! Now, are you gonna’ ravage me or not?”


  Jonus had been up all night, unable to sleep. Zamora had gotten into his head like a snatch of pop music that goes round and round endlessly, until a person feels they’ll go insane because of it.

  Pulling up to Connell’s house, he killed the ignition and stepped out of his truck. Walking up to the porch, he stopped dead in his tracks, shocked to see Zamora curled up on one of the padded porch swings, sipping from a steaming mug of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate, clad in only a baggy, frumpy dress. Unable to help it, he thought briefly of the Harrington brothers, and the cross burning incident, and his protective nature came out. He couldn’t believe she was sitting out on a dark porch in the early morning hours, alone. “Young lady, what are you doing out here alone, this early, in the dark?” he demanded, crossing his muscular arms over his chest. Not wishing to frighten her, he simply said, “You aren’t even dressed for the cool air! What’s wrong with you! Go put some warm clothes on.“

  He cares… she gushed in her mind, but then remembered what her sister had said: You’re your own woman, and can do as you please.

  He felt his body go three kinds of wild as she gave him a look a adoration, before changing to something else. She’s looking at me the way Aisha always does before she sets Connell straight... he thought. She raised her head in a regal manner, making him feel he was lucky that she deemed to notice him. Briefly, he was reminded of a certain professional wrestler, known as ‘The Rock‘, who’s favorite catch-phrase was “Know your role, and shut your mouth!” With a frustrated sigh, he tried to explain, without alarming her too much. “You’re out here in the dark, by yourself, don’t you know that there are wild dogs around? Don’t you know any drifter could come up on you and drag you off before I…I mean, before we would realize you‘re gone?”

  Standing, she looked him straight in the eye. “I’m sitting out here in the dark, by myself, because I can.“ Then, as if reciting from memory, said, “I’m my own woman, and can do as I please.“ That said, she turned around and went inside.

  Because I can… he thought, and frowned even more. Feeling his chest tighten almost painfully for a moment, he thought of someone else, someone in the past, who had also simply wanted to be free to do as she pleased. Guilt nearly suffocated him, and he closed his eyes tightly, willing the painful memory away.

  “Well, you didn’t come here just to fuss at me, did you? You wanna’ come in, or what?”

  Opening his eyes, he saw that she had opened the door once more, standing half inside, half out, an indifferent look on her face. “Yeah, thanks.” he mumbled, and followed her inside.


  Connell woke and inhaled deeply. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee reached him, enticing his senses, and making his mouth water. Sitting up, he was surprised to see Aisha still lying beside him, sound asleep. Glancing at the bedside clock, he saw it was a couple of minutes past six in the morning.

  He slid quietly out of the bed, and watched as his beloved wife squirmed and grunted, seeming to try and find a more comfortable position. She put her hand on her growing midsection, then began snoring softly. I don’t care what anyone says, walking around with another human growing inside of you, and tap-dancing on your bladder has to be horrible. Thank God for strong women! he thought as he covered her.

  After getting a shower, he let his nose and stomach lead him to the kitchen. Smiling as if he had just won the Power Ball Lotto, he exchanged morning greetings with Jonus and Zamora.

  “Coffee?” Zamora asked.

  “Sounds good, thanks. Smells good too.“ he said as he sat down at the table and watched as she poured. Turning, she grabbed a plate from the top of the stove and placed it in front of him. Picking up a buttermilk biscuit, up he bit into it and grunted with pleasure. “Ummm, this is delicious.” he mumbled, while chewing.

  Jonus couldn’t eat for watching her move around the kitchen. He watched as she smiled shyly at Connell, looking as if she was unused to receiving compliments.

  “Thanks.” she replied. “I’ll take a plate to Aisha, I thought breakfast in bed would be a pleasant surprise for her.”

  “Very nice of you hon, I know from experience she’ll love that.” he replied as he looked at Jonus. The young man had a faraway look in his eyes, one that he remembered very well. Thinking back to his college days, he remembered the looks he and Ben had had when they first met his present wife, Aisha.

  Before Zamora had taken three steps, Aisha came walking in, tying her pink robe together snugly, with a sleepy eyed Abby and Shawn in tow.

  “Hey, hon. Zamora was going to surprise you , but, ahhh well.“ Connell said.

  Greeting everyone, she urged Zamora to sit down and relax, then began putting together a plate for Abby and herself. Handing Shawn a bottle, she sat him in the playpen and took a seat at the table. “Megan’s taking the kids to the church carnival today, and me, I’m going to take my sister on her first shopping spree.” she said as she picked up a crisp slice of bacon and took a bite. Looking squarely at Jonus, she gave him a playful, evil grin and said, “ I’m taking her to Victoria’s Secret.” She nearly burst out laughing as the young man’s face turned beet red in record time, and at the look on her sister’s face, who looked as if she had no idea what she was talking about.

  “Daddy, who’s Victoria, and what is she hiding?” Abby asked innocently.

  Connell snorted into his coffee cup, sending droplets of the steaming liquid onto his plate. Coughing and gagging, he picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth and nose dry. “Never mind honey, I…she’ll explain that when you get a little older.” he choked, with tears in his eyes. “And Aisha, stop teasing the man, he’s liable to get hurt thinking about that all the time while he‘s working.”

  “Why would he hurt himself about a store?” Zamora asked innocently, with a faint, but puzzled smile on her face.

  Unable to help it, Connell and Aisha completely lost it, and began howling with laughter.


  Jonus pulled up to the front of his childhood home, a place that had always been a mixture of both happiness and misery. With a heavy sigh, he braced himself and stepped out of his truck. Looking around, he saw neither his father’s nor his brother Patrick’s vehicle around.

  Without ringing the doorbell, he str
olled inside the house and was greeted by Martha Neely. Both she and her husband had been employed by his father directly, for many years.” Hello, Mrs. Martha, how ya‘ been?” he asked as he gave her a hug.

  Pulling away, the little African American woman smiled up at him, and patted his cheek. Addressing him by the nickname he had went under as a child, she asked him hopefully, “Joe, please tell me you’re returning home?“

  Shaking his head, he tried to tactfully change the subject. “Where is everyone, anyway?”

  Disappointed, she replied, “Your Daddy and Timothy went to the stables, they have a new stud and wanted to make sure the beast was settled. Patrick is off chasing my Ebony, he threw a fit about her not wanting to leave home. She told him to go to hell, so now he’s off begging her to take him back. Those two have been passionate about each other for so long, I wish they would just marry and get it over with. ”

  “Yeah? Well, Patrick should know by now he can’t tell Ebony anything, nobody’s gonna’ bully that head strong girl.“ he chuckled. “I’ll be here for a few hours, hopefully I can have a nice visit with mom before dad returns, then I’m heading back home.”


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