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Promise To Keep

Page 49

by Rainwater, Priscilla Poole

  “Son, I need to talk to you.” she said, casting a worried glance at her grandson, who was once again engrossed in the computer screen. Stepping around to see what the child was watching, her eyes grew wide with surprise and fear, unable to believe her own son’s boldness and defiance. Looking back at him, she said, “Let’s step out onto the back porch.”

  “Alright.“ he nodded. “Son, stay here till I get back, Ok?“

  “Ok, daddy.“ he answered absently, never tearing his gaze from the screen.

  Once outside she began wringing her hands together, a nervous habit she had developed many years earlier. “Ezekiel, you should more be careful!“ she hissed urgently, glancing around fearfully. “If your father found out Gabriel was watching that, he would put him in the meditation room!”

  His face suddenly turned to stone, and he replied, “Mother, if anyone touches my precious son, and that means especially my father, I will kill them, period. They‘ll have to do it over my dead body.”

  “Please, not so loud!“ she hissed, more nervous than ever. “Listen, your father and Mary are planning something, he’s been meeting with her, Samuel, and a few other men, and they’re being more secretive than usual. I’m afraid it could be about Zamora! I think your father feels he lost credibility with the members after she left, and will do anything to regain the respect they had for him. He has…. become a man I no longer know, and don’t want to.“

  So, it wasn’t just me being paranoid! I’m not the only one who suspects something is going on. And respect? They never had any respect for him, just fear… he thought sourly. Frowning more deeply, he asked, “Well, what do you think is going on?

  Gathering every last bit of courage she had, she decided to gamble everything, and just pray they were both on the same page. “I’m not sure, but listen. You remember the letters your father found, the ones Aisha had sent Zamora? Before he had them burned, I stole one and gave the address to Zamora, then committed it to memory.“ Pulling several pieces of folded paper from her pocket, she continued. “I also did some snooping of my own online while your father was meditating, and printed some receipts for a hotel room reservation, and a car rental agency, all in his name. Here they are. Oh, and Aisha‘s address is here, too. I went to yahoo maps and printed directions, her place is the one highlighted with the yellow marker. I hope and pray Zamora made it there safely….”

  He unfolded each piece of paper and studied them carefully, beginning to feel slightly nauseated. Looking at her gravely, he said, “Mom, I think they’re going after Zamora. Listen to me very carefully. I want you to go home, and as quietly and discreetly as you can, pack a small bag, and I mean only things you really, really need, alright? Hide it in a safe place that you can get to at a moments notice. When the time comes, I’m leaving this place, with my son, and I’m taking you with me. I have a good bit of money I’ve stashed away over the years, so we’ll be Ok on that count. I suppose, in the back of my mind, I always suspected things would spiral out of control someday. Anyway, I have a few credit cards also.”

  Thank you Lord, thank you for letting me be right about him… she thought. Her lips began to quiver, and he pulled her into his arms to comfort her.

  Rocking her back and forth slowly, he closed his eyes as she broke down and cried like a newborn baby.


  “Oh, Jonus, this is so neat! I can’t believe this place has twelve theaters!” Zamora gushed as she looked around in amazement. Her smile became even wider, if that was possible, as she felt him give her hand a gentle squeeze.

  “So does this mean that you’re happy you went out with me? Did you like the restaurant?” he asked, hoping she was really enjoying herself. They had driven an hour to get to Johnson City, where there was a decent variety of good restaurants. They had decided on the ‘Fisherman’s Dock‘, where he had called ahead on his cell phone and reserved a romantic table. He had even given her a bouquet of Iris’, tied with white and purple ribbons, when he picked her up at the beginning of the date.

  Looking up at him with childlike excitement, she stood on her toes and brushed her lips against his. “This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me! I don’t think anything can ever outdo this, ever!” she said breathily. Except for you making love to me….she thought.

  A familiar shiver of awareness ran over him, it had been happening the entire date, all she had to do look at him. “If you keep kissing me like that, you’re going to get into a lot of trouble.” he murmured, then smiled at her suggestively.

  “Jonus!” a voice called to him suddenly. Turning, he saw his two brothers walking towards them, with their dates in tow. “Now what are the odds of that?” he muttered to himself.

  Zamora sighed, frustrated, and thought, Darn it, I really wanted that kiss! She watched as the two young men approached, and with huge grins, clapped him on the back.

  Wrapping an arm around her waist possessively, he pulled her close and said, “Zamora, these two boneheads are my younger brothers, Patrick and Timothy.”

  She nodded shyly and leaned closer to him, thinking, My Lord, good looks certainly run in the family, but they still don’t hold a candle to my Jonus. “Nice to meet you.” she whispered, then smiled.

  “And these two lovely young ladies, whom they’re both unworthy of, is Ebony….” he said, pointing to a girl with long braids that hung past her shoulders, “and Samantha.“ he finished, pointing at the brown haired girl who looked like she could be a runway model.

  The two girls seemed very friendly, and were curious about her, as everyone knew that Jonus hadn’t had a serious girlfriend for years, and rarely went out. Immediately, they pulled her off to the side, asking her questions about herself, and trying to decide which movie they wanted to see.

  Jonus was a bit disappointed, he had hoped they could be alone, but didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.

  When Patrick was sure Zamora, and more importantly his own girlfriend Ebony, was out of earshot, he looked at Jonus and muttered, “Dayum, bro! I thought Ebony was gorgeous, but…DAYUM, she’s hot!”

  Both Jonus and Timothy looked at him, a bit irritated, and Timothy snapped, “And you wonder why Ebony thinks you’ll cheat on her while you’re away at college….”

  “Yeah, watch your mouth! I would never say that about your woman.” Jonus scowled.

  “Ahhhh, so you admit it, she IS your woman?” Patrick needled him.

  Not ready to discuss his feelings yet with anyone, let alone his cocky brother, he said, “She’s my friend, let’s just leave it at that for now, alright? Now come on, let’s see what movie they want to see.”

  Both Patrick and Timothy looked at each other, wondering what was going with their big brother. They knew just by the way he was looking at Zamora that he wanted to be more than just friends.

  The girls had decided to see ’ Something New’, a romance flick that left all three of their guys pouting and bored, so naturally, all three of them loved it. And it did give Zamora a little insight on how others might view interracial romances.

  Throughout the movie Zamora was more content and relaxed than she had ever felt in her life. Jonus had his arm wrapped around her shoulder through the entire thing, caressing her shoulder, which made her entire body tingle pleasantly and sporadically. She was also happy that she met Ebony and Samantha, the girls had set up a shopping date with her before they had decided on the movie They were all going to drive to Knoxville the following weekend, to look at some of the fall clothing. I’m becoming just like a normal, everyday girl, with friends, and a…..boyfriend?… she thought giddily.

  After the movie was over they all went to a Borders bookstore to browse and have coffee, and it was there that Timothy and Patrick suggested to Jonus that he bring her over to meet their mother, and maybe go horse back riding on the mountain trails near their home. When she told them she didn’t know how to ride, Timothy volunteered to teach her. However, Jonus’s entire mood
seemed to change that instant. He declined, then seemed to withdraw both emotionally and physically from her. Is… he ashamed of me?.. she thought, bitterly disappointed, and hurt.

  Jonus knew his brothers meant well, but he wasn’t comfortable bringing her to his family home, not yet. He knew if his father said anything to hurt her, it would be the last time he would ever speak to him. He was smart enough to know his reaction to their invitation had hurt her feelings, but felt he should discuss it in private with her, to spare her any further embarrassment.

  Sensing the tension, both Ebony and Samantha yawned, and discreetly suggested they were ready to head home. Right on cue, Patrick and Timothy concurred, and all four of them bid them goodnight, then left.


  The drive home was mostly spent in awkward silence, and every attempt by Jonus to spark conversation was met with either complete silence, or a one word, neutral reply, as she stared listlessly out the window.

  Frustrated, he finally pulled to the side of the road, just a few miles from home. Putting the pickup into park, he killed the engine, sighed heavily, and turned to face her. Reaching out, he pulled her to him gently, and nearly laughed in spite of himself, because she neither resisted, nor helped, but was completely limp, like a rag doll. He had enough experience with the opposite sex to know what this meant. I still love you, but I’m hurt, and won’t kiss your ass……..

  “Don’t.” she said in a dull voice.

  “Listen, I had a great time tonight, and I’m glad you met my brothers. They’re crazy about you already, I can tell.” he said as he stroked her shoulder absently.

  Finally, she turned to face him, and said in the same dull voice, “Are you‘re ashamed of me or something? Why don’t you want me to meet your mother and father?”

  “Oh Jesus, darling, I’m not ashamed of you! My God in heaven, girl, I’m honored that you would even want to be seen with me, it’s not what you think, believe me!“

  Springing to life, she suddenly pulled herself from his grasp and said, “Never mind, Jonus, it doesn’t matter. There are a few guys at school who are really interested in me. I’m sure at least one of them won’t be embarrassed to take me home to meet the family.“

  Angered at the mere though of another man coming on to her, he snapped, “Don’t be so dramatic, you’re acting like a little kid! You want to know why I’m acting this way? Alright, I’ll tell you! It’s my father, all right? My whole life, he’s always been putting me down! If I introduced you to him, he would be more than happy to tell you about what a fuc…what a screw-up I‘ve always been, at least in his eyes. I ….. think too much of you to risk looking like less than a man in your eyes. Do you have any idea what it’s like having someone putting you down constantly? Telling you you’re worthless, making you feel worthless? Do you? And believe me, he‘s very good at it, he‘s had twenty-plus years of practice.”

  Looking at him with growing wonder and realization, she thought of her own father’s reign of tyranny at the compound, and the way all women, from birth, were made to feel inferior, and she understood. Completely. “Jonus…oh…I’m so sorry…I didn‘t know. Please forgive me.” she whispered.

  Cupping his face lovingly, she pulled him to her, closed her eyes, and kissed him tenderly. When she felt him slide closer and heard his breathing become more erratic, she suddenly flipped her right leg over his lap and straddled him, not caring that she was wearing a dress. Her kisses became more urgent, more demanding, the intensity surprising even herself. She threw her head back as she felt his strong hands running through her long hair, and he pulled her tightly to him, crushing her bosom to his hard chest. Panting wildly, she nearly screamed with delight as he suddenly began licking and kissing both sides of her neck. Nothing she ever experienced in life had prepared her for the feelings that were now raging through her young body. She was confused and frightened, yet at the same time, exhilarated beyond words.

  “Oh God, oh jeez…“ he panted.

  Thrilled to finally be living out her daydreams, she wiggled her hips, snatched a handful of his hair with both hands, and kissed him almost savagely, not minding when she felt his hands suddenly sliding underneath her dress, and up both her legs. She was disappointed when they stopped just short of touching her panties.

  Jonus felt his raging erection pressing painfully against his zipper, and knew he had to stop before things got carried away. He had been with women before, but none had ever had him as worked up as he was feeling at the moment. He feared he would embarrass himself if they didn’t stop soon, something he hadn’t done since he was thirteen. Pulling away, he had to turn his head completely to avoid her hot, hungry lips. Oh God, is she PASSIONATE! he thought, and nearly lost his resolve. But no matter how eager she was to be with him, he knew she was young and inexperienced, and he was not the kind of man to take advantage of such a thing.

  “What’s wrong?” she demanded, still panting, and clearly frustrated. Lunging at him again, she demanded, “Kiss me, kiss me, KISS ME!”

  “Listen, LISTEN!” he said as he gently, yet firmly pulled her from his lap and held her at arms length. “We have to slow down. Our first time…I want it to be special, that’s all. And the cab of a pickup truck, parked by the side of the road, is not what I consider special, and it’s not how I want you to always remember our first time together, Ok? When the time is right, I want to make it so perfect for you, you’ll cherish the memory, always. Just like you deserve.”

  Clearly confused, she looked at him and replied, “But…but..I.. thought when two people….”

  “Shhhhh!“ he whispered as he put a finger to her lips. “Believe me, I want you, in every way possible, but I want more than just that, Zamora. I want you to be my lady.”

  She sat for a moment, thunderstruck, then screeched and threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly and wiggling again. He moaned as she began slathering his face with kisses, saying, “Oh, yes, I’m yours, Jonus, I love you! We’re going to be so happy together.”

  Her giddiness was infectious, and he tossed his head back, laughing. His heart, indeed, his very soul, felt hundreds of pounds lighter, and he knew, at that moment, that his healing had begun.

  Giving him a serious look, she said, “So, does this mean you’ll introduce me to your parents?”

  He hesitated only a second, then said, “Oh, to hell with it, alright! Just don’t be too upset if my father gets…nasty. We‘ll just cross that bridge when we get there, Ok? We‘ll cross it together.”

  Touching his face in wonder, she said, “Yes, together. Jonus, as long you love me, that’s all that matters. There‘s no one who could ever change the way I feel about you or, how I see you.”

  Smiling warmly, he took both her hands in his, kissed the tips of her fingers, and slid back behind the wheel. “Alright, we’d better get you home before your sister sends Zeus out looking for me. I don’t ever want to get on that guy’s bad side, and I ain’t woofin’.”


  “Connell, darling, Connell!” he laughed as he started the engine, then pulled back onto the road.

  Laughing with him, she was on cloud nine, and couldn’t wait to tell Aisha everything about their date. Everything except….well…you know… she thought, then smiled secretively.


  Zamora smoothed the dress Aisha had helped her choose, and admired herself in the mirror. The dress accentuated her shapely figure, and the color of the material, peach blossom, looked wonderful against her dark skin. For the first time in her life, she felt glamorous. Jonus was due to pick her up shortly, to finally meet his parents. It was an important date for her, and she was nervous, hoping against hope that she would make a positive impression. Both his brothers did seem to like her, at any rate. They had taken her roller skating (along with Jonus, of course), bowling, and jet skiing at a lake near a cabin their family owned, which she didn’t quite get the hang of
, but had had a blast trying. She turned her face from left to right, looking closely. Aisha had applied a small amount of make up to enhance her eyes, lips and cheekbones, and it all looked very natural. Her hair was arranged in an updo, with ringlets of her hair framing her face.

  Aisha held her swollen stomach and watched as her sister admired herself. “Zamora, hon, don’t worry, you look beautiful! Come on, I want to take a picture of you before you leave.” she said, while wondering about Ed Thompson. It was obvious he didn’t care for her or Connell, and she couldn’t help but wonder if the man would take his dislike for them out on her baby sister. God help him, if he does! I’ll get Helen, and we’ll shank his ass if he hurts her! she thought.

  “I know, sis, you did a great job, but I’m still nervous. I can’t help it.”

  Placing a wrap the same color as the dress around her sister, she said, “Hon, if things don’t go well you just use your cell phone to call me, and Connell will be there to get you in a flash. Promise you’ll call if you need me?”


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