The Cottage on Lily Pond Lane-Part Four: Trick or treat

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The Cottage on Lily Pond Lane-Part Four: Trick or treat Page 7

by Emily Harvale

  There was definitely more to that comment. Tom was beginning to get on her nerves. And to think. Just a few days ago, after the firework display, she had actually considered dating Tom. If she believed the things he kept saying, she probably would be dating him right now. But she didn't believe him. Something inside her kept telling her Jet Cross was not the man Tom wanted her to believe he was. Although of course, she could be making a big mistake. Tom was right about one thing. He had known Jet a lot, lot longer than she had.

  Chapter Eleven

  The water was wonderfully warm and Mia seemed to be the only person in it. She had lied to Tom and told him she was meeting Gill further along the beach towards Rainbow's End. He had offered to walk with her but she had said that, if he didn't mind, she would rather like to walk alone. With Ella and Gill in the cottage, she didn't get much me-time, she had fibbed but luckily Tom had believed it. She jogged to Rainbow's End and having checked that Tom had left the beach, she stripped off to her bikini. The tide was in and as she waded out to the rocky outcrop, she smiled at the memory of Tom saving her. To think, that was only three months ago. She wouldn't have believed that three months later, she would be swimming again and loving it.

  Neither would she have believed that she would be swimming in the sea in October. Okay, it was only the 4th, but in Little Pondale, this was nearly the middle of Autumn.

  She dived beneath the gently rippling waves and swam a few yards under water. It was so clear, she could see the sand, dotted with tiny shells, and small chunks of multi-coloured rock from Rainbow's End. She came up for air, felt the sun beaming on her face, took a deep breath and dived again, heading back towards the shore. When she resurfaced, she closed her eyes, tipped back her head and lay on her back, floating serenely as the salty water lapped against her body and her hair fanned out around her face.

  She heard muffled sounds and splashes nearby and twisted round towards the shore.



  His jeans were rolled up and he was ankle deep in the water. His dog, Mattie was beside him, racing in and out of the waves. Mia stayed low beneath the surface. If she stood, the sea would only come up to her waist and she felt embarrassed. Almost naked, somehow, even though the bikini covered everything it should. Just about.

  'What are you doing here? It must be ten at least. Shouldn't you be working?'

  'That's one of the many benefits of owning my own farm. I can do as I please.' He held her gaze and his voice grew cold. 'I can even try to kill off my employees if I choose. I suppose you've heard that I tried to do that. That I tampered with my own brakes and sent Franklin to his Fate.'

  'Don't be so ridiculous. You did no such thing. You know it and so do I. And so does everyone else, so stop being so maudlin. Self-pity doesn't suit you and nor does playing the martyr.'

  'You don't think I did it then?' He brightened visibly.

  'I know you didn't.'

  'Really?' Even from a few feet away she could see that his eyes seemed to dance in the sunlight. 'What makes you so sure?'

  'I know you, Jet.'

  'You may think you do. Perhaps you don't. Perhaps you only know the side of me I want you to.'

  She studied his face. 'Has something happened? You seem … in an odd sort of mood.'

  'Do I? I hear you have a new guest. A very handsome, very wealthy, very educated Frenchman, so I'm told.'

  'I'm not sure if he's wealthy or not.'

  'But you are sure he's handsome and well educated?'

  'Yes. That's obvious the minute you meet him.'

  'I haven't had that pleasure.'

  'Come round for coffee one day and I'll introduce you.'

  'Thanks. That's the first time you've invited me to your home, do you know that?' He frowned. 'Have you shrunk? Or are you kneeling down so that I can't see you in your bikini? You never did send me the photo you promised me.'

  'The one you wanted to stick on the wall beside your bed?'

  'The very one.'

  She splashed her arms to and fro in the water. 'I didn't really think you wanted it.'

  'I told you I did.'

  'But I don't believe you. I mean, why would you want a photo of me beside your bed when you could've had the real-life me in it?'

  He closed his eyes for a second and when he reopened them he shook his head. 'Let's not go there.'

  'Go where? To your bed? There's not much chance of that, is there? You made it very clear you don't want me in it.'

  'I didn't say I didn't want you in it. I said I didn't want to spend the night with you. I said it would be a mistake for both of us. I still think that. It doesn't mean I wish I didn't. It doesn't mean that I haven't been able to stop thinking about what it would be like. It doesn't mean that I haven't been going over and over that night in my head and wondering how I had the strength to say no and walk away.'

  'Really? It looked pretty easy to me. You didn't seem to have any problem from where I was standing.'

  'Then you definitely don't know me, Mia. Take it from me, walking away from you that night was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.'

  'You didn't have to do it. No one forced you to walk away.'

  'You were heartbroken. You were vulnerable. You were feeling lonely. I couldn't take advantage of that.'

  'Of course not. Because telling me you didn't want to sleep with me made me feel so much less heartbroken. Less vulnerable. Less lonely, didn't it? All I wanted was to be in your arms. To be held. To feel special. To feel wanted and desired. For a man with your reputation, I wouldn't have thought that was too much to ask.'

  'That was half the problem. You didn't really want me. You just wanted a man to spend the night with. Or you thought you did. Anyone would've fit the bill. I didn't want to be your rebound guy and I definitely didn't want to spend one night with you and have you hate me the next day. And you would've, Mia. I told you then, you're not the kind of girl who can do casual relationships. And as much as I wish I could, I can't offer you anything more.'

  God, he was making her mad. Really mad.

  'That's crap and you know it.'

  She stood up and for one moment was taken aback by the look on his face as he watched the water cascade down her body. His eyes opened wide and his mouth parted. She could hear the breath he sucked in and see his Adam's Apple rise and fall. It was as if he was watching Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, arise out of the foam of the sea, not Mia Ward, the girl from London, with her okay body but a few lumps and bumps where they definitely shouldn't be.

  And in that moment, she knew she was right about him.

  She sauntered towards him, which wasn't as easy as she'd hoped, given that she was walking through water. Daniel Craig had made it look simple and ultra-sexy in the James Bond film. But then he didn't have Mattie darting around his legs, as she did. She did her best and from the way Jet coughed and bit his lower lip, she must've been doing something right. She stopped just inches from him and stared up into his eyes.

  'I didn't want "just any man" and you wouldn't have been my rebound guy. Nor would I have hated you in the morning. And that's what really frightened you. I wanted you, Jet. You. And I'll admit, I may not be the kind of girl who can do casual relationships, but we never really know what we can do until we try. I didn't think I could ever get back in the sea. But look at me now. And Fiona didn't think she could ever want a child. But she wants her child more than she has ever wanted anything in her life. And Mum would've laughed if you'd told her just a few months ago that she would be head over heels in love again, let alone with a man almost half her age. And yet here she is, about to embark on a whole new life with him.' She grinned. 'Providing you don't kill him off, of course.' She saw that adorable twitch at the corner of his mouth but he didn't take his eyes off hers. 'And you, Jet. You keep telling me what you can't offer me. Perhaps it's about time you started thinking about what you can. And what you really want. Because until just now, even I wasn't sure what that
was. But now I think I am.'

  He swallowed and took a deep breath. 'You think you know what I really want?'

  'Yes, Jet. I think I do.' She turned and walked back into the sea.

  'Well perhaps you'd be kind enough to tell me, because I haven't got a clue,' he called after her.

  She glanced back over her shoulder. 'You want me, Jet. And not just for one night. And that terrifies you to death.'

  Without another word, she dived into the water and swam as far as she could before coming up for breath. He was still standing on the shore, scanning the water but a moment after he saw her emerge, he turned and marched back up the beach with Mattie, soaking wet and barking, running at his heels.

  Chapter Twelve

  Mia was feeling better than she had for a long time. Jet wanted her. She was absolutely certain of it. And she wanted him. More than she had ever wanted anyone in her life. More than she had wanted Garrick. But when she told Ella and Lori about this revelation, it wasn't met with quite as much optimism as Mia had hoped.

  'That's lovely, darling,' Lori said, as they sat around the kitchen table shortly after eleven-thirty that morning, drinking coffee and eating chocolate digestives. 'It's good that you've finally accepted your true feelings for Jet and I'm sure the man has strong feelings for you too. You only have to see the way he looks at you, or the expression on his face when someone mentions your name. And let me tell you, he was none too pleased when I told him on Tuesday morning that Gill was here and was staying on indefinitely. I don't know how many times he's been taking Mattie to the beach since then. At least three times on Tuesday. Several times yesterday and twice today. Perhaps now you've told him how you feel, the poor little dog may get to laze about all day and Jet may get back to work. Poor Pete has been rushed off his feet and, of course, my darling Franklin hasn't been able to do as much as he normally would. Although he's so much better now and he's sure his wrist will heal quickly. What was I saying? Oh yes. It's lovely. But Jet isn't the most easy-going of men, you know. And he does have a reputation.'

  'I know, Mum. Has he really been going to the beach so often? In the hope of seeing me, you think?'

  'Why else?' Ella asked. 'That's where you two usually seem to 'bump into' one another.'

  Mia beamed. 'Then that proves my point even more. He was jealous. He wants me. He definitely wants me.' She did a little jig, seated on her chair.

  'Of course he wants you,' Ella said. 'Anyone could've told you that. But the problem is, for how long? He told you himself that he doesn't want a relationship, or marriage, or anything people usually want. He doesn't want any woman living with him. Are you really prepared to get involved with a man who can't and won't promise to be with you forever?'

  Mia shrugged. 'Can anyone ever promise that? Dad loved Mum with all his heart. But as much as he would've wanted to be, he isn't here now.'

  Lori took Mia's hand. 'That's a different situation, darling. Your father died.'

  'But that's my point. No matter how much we love someone, there are no guarantees. And people love each other when they get married and actually do promise to love and cherish one another till the day they die, but have you seen the divorce rate?'

  'True,' Ella said. 'But they start out believing they will spend their lives together. It's only when they meet someone else, or fall out of love with their spouse that they leave.'

  'Precisely. At least with Jet, he tells you up front it won't last. But what if it does? What if every day he gets up and thinks, I'll give this another day. And another and another. Suddenly, we might find we've been together longer than a lot of married couples.'

  'Only not in the same house.' Ella grinned as she and Lori exchanged glances.

  'That's true,' Lori said. 'That could happen. But what could also happen is that one day he could say, 'Right, that's it. Goodbye,' and you could be left with nothing. No family, no children, no partner. At least you would have your own roof over your head, so that's something, I suppose.'

  'But that could happen whether I'm with Jet or not. What if I don't feel this way about anyone else? I thought I loved Garrick but I realised this morning that the way I felt for him was nothing compared to the way I feel about Jet. Sorry, Ella.'

  Ella shrugged. 'That's okay. I completely understand. I thought I loved Justin but tonight I'm going on a date with Gill and I'm already feeling happier than I have been for ages. I never thought I'd be saying that. And certainly not about a nerd with glasses and a pompous French name that ties your tongue in knots just saying it. Although I will miss Justin's buns.' She winked.

  'We'll all miss Justin's buns,' Mia said.

  Lori nodded. 'Hettie was in tears. She was hoping he'd perform for her hen party and she said the W.I. don't know what they'll do without him. Although The Frog Hill Hounds will continue and they're looking for a replacement. Franklin said he's tempted to apply but I told him he could forget that right away.' She laughed. 'The only stripping that Texan hunk is going to do is in front of me.'

  'Hettie's hen party, did you say?' Mia looked at Lori and Ella. 'I didn't know she'd set a date for the wedding. I thought the engagement party was this Saturday?'

  Ella nodded. 'It is. She told me when she came to clean this morning. She was late because she and Fred were waiting for Tom at the church and he didn't get back until around ten, obviously because you kept him chatting.' She nudged Mia's arm. 'I was coming back from telling Justin, as Lori was arriving and Hettie and Fred were walking back from the church. She'd just left by the time you came bouncing in from the beach, all excited about Jet.'

  'So when is it?' Mia asked, as Lori refilled their coffee mugs. 'What? Why are you two looking at one another like that? Oh God. She's getting married on the 27th, isn't she?'

  Ella and Lori nodded.

  'But I thought she said it was unlucky because it was a cancelled wedding? Surely with two cancelled weddings that makes it worse? And also because it's unlucky to marry so close to All Hallows whatsitsface?'

  Ella laughed. 'According to Hettie, two wrongs make a right. Two cancelled weddings, sort of, cancel each other out, and that makes the date okay again. She was a bit concerned about the All Hallows Eve bit, but she said – and I quote, "I discussed it with Hector and he's going to have a word with the spirits and explain. Plus at our age, Fred and I can't afford to wait. We could be dead at any time. And we've already told the vicar that if one of us dies before the wedding, we can have the funeral on the date instead. We'll use all the same flowers and hymns." I've always said the woman is completely barmy and it seems Fred is just as bad. Oh, but I forgot. And that's your fault for charging in and jumping up and down and saying you had to tell us something right away. Hettie wants you and me and Lori to be her bridesmaids. And get this. She's going to ask Jet to be Fred's best man, because he doesn't have anyone else he can ask. Which is pretty sad. But she says at his age, all his friends are either dead or barely able to move, and he didn't have kids, or any siblings. And, of course, Hector's going to be giving her away.' Ella rolled her eyes. 'The fact that he's dead and no one will see him except her, didn't seem to bother her. She said she would've had Prince Gustav too, but as she'd said to you, he's got short legs and he might get trodden on.'

  Mia grinned. 'It's a shame she won't fit into my dress. She could've had that. I wonder if she'd like my idea for Prince Gustav. Jet could hold the cage, or maybe one of us could. Shall I mention it to her?'

  Lori laughed. 'Yes, darling. You do that.'

  'Oh please tell her to insist Jet does it. I'd love to see his face. One love rat carrying a real rat. That's priceless.'

  Mia grinned. 'Excuse me, Ella, but would you please not call the man I love, a love rat. It brings back memories of my ex in London.'

  'Oh.' Ella laughed. 'I've just thought of something else she said.' She shook her head. 'I don't think she did much cleaning today, but I paid her anyway. She said that there's a cave the other side of Rainbow's End. The tide comes in, so you have to be care
ful, but if you go there on All Hallows Eve and call out the name of the man you love, and the name comes back to you, you'll live happily ever after with that man. But if the name doesn't come back, you won't. Obviously, we're all going to try it, aren't we?'

  'Are we?' Mia said.

  'What? Worried you'll say Jet's name and you'll be met by stony silence?'

  Mia tutted. 'It's a cave. The echo will come back no matter what. I'm not in the least bit worried about that. I am, however, concerned about the tide. Being trapped in a cave on All Hallows Eve is not my idea of living happily ever after.'

  Lori nodded. 'That's a good point, darling. We need to check the tides. We'll make sure we go when the tide is going out. That way we'll have plenty of time to get in and out and safely home.'

  'So what's the plan for Jet?' Ella asked. 'How are you going to get him to realise he wants to spend his life with you? That is your plan, I assume.'

  Mia shook her head. 'I don't have a plan. I'll just have to hope that he comes to that conclusion of his own accord.'

  'Good luck with that,' Ella said. 'And by the way, have you seen Gill since he went out this morning? I hope he hasn't changed his mind and run away already. Oh, maybe that's him now.'

  'I'll get it,' Lori said, getting up. 'I told Franklin I'd be home by lunchtime and it's almost twelve now.' She kissed Mia on the cheek and Ella on her head. 'Have fun you two.' She walked to the door and Mia and Ella could hear her voice and Gill's.

  'I forgot they haven't met,' Mia said. Lori hadn't visited the cottage since Jet had come for her on Monday, and although they'd spoken frequently on the phone, it had slipped Mia's mind that they should meet, what with everything that had been going on.

  'Your mum is lovely,' Gill said, when he joined them in the kitchen.

  'Sorry. I should've introduced you,' Mia said. 'But you already feel like one of us and it completely slipped my mind.'


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