“Is something wrong, Princess?” Merry asked.
Roanna smoothed out her features and smiled. “Nothing at all.”
“They thought they had finally found success when they managed to persuade the prince’s foreign bride, Princess Isabella, to help the movement, but that has brought them little resources. Her country is much more interested in scientific advances than in overturning a small, foreign monarchy.”
Roanna pasted on a smile and listened to Merry’s talk, but more than anything she wanted this night to be over. Time to end this, to end their movement, and to go on with her life. She would no longer be anyone’s pawn—not the rebellion’s, not Roland’s, and certainly not the king’s.
Roanna was ready to work for peace. True peace, without Termination or manipulation. And it would start with telling Ben the truth.
Roanna trudged up the stairs toward her room after the Sterns and Maynes had left for the train station. In the wee hours of the morning, her head pounded in sync with her footsteps.
As she reached the top of the stairs, a servant moved toward her. “Your Highness, the queen would see you now.”
So late? Roanna wanted to ask to wait for dawn’s light, but she sighed instead. “Very well.”
The servant led Roanna to the stairs. Roanna frowned. “We’re going up?”
“Yes, Your Highness. Queen Katherine waits in Prince Roland’s office.”
Roanna frowned but didn’t question the girl further. They made their way up to the third-floor offices where Katherine had managed to unlock the door and waited inside at the desk.
“Are they finally gone?” she asked.
“Just left.”
“Good. Come sit by me.” She patted the extra chair she’d pulled near her. When Roanna sat, Katherine gripped her hand and smiled. “I managed to record your entire conversation with the Sterns. I’ve sent the file to the king.”
Roanna bit her lip. “How did he react?”
Katherine rolled her eyes, a grin on her face. “How do you think? But he’s grateful, all the same. He has arranged for us to return to the palace tomorrow. I fear the Sterns and Maynes will not like the company that greets them on their return to the Stern estate. I can’t believe the things I heard from them.”
No joy filled Roanna at Katherine’s words. The Maynes and Sterns were the masterminds, but other nobles hated the royal family as well. As Katherine had said, they might have peace for a time. But how long would it last?
“Now,” Katherine said. She powered up the Messenger. “I have arranged for you to send a message to you parents.”
Roanna’s eyes stretched wide. “My parents in Chester’s Wake?”
Sadness filled Katherine’s gaze. “Yes, those parents.” She clutched Roanna’s hands. “I’m sorry about all of this, my darling. You are an adult, and so I’ve given you space. You love your family, but you are my child, too, and I am overjoyed to have you back. It is a messy business.” She shook her head. “I don’t know who or what allows such things to happen. I see you praying, and it does make me wonder if Someone listens.” She shook her head. “I’m sorry all this has happened to you, but I cannot deny that I am so happy you are here. I hope you will forgive us for taking you back, and even come to love us in your own time.”
Pain sliced through Roanna’s heart. Love? Dared she ever love King and Queen Dawson? She had felt kinship with them from the moment she’d met them, yet they were taking her away from all she knew and loved.
Tears pricked her eyes. “Thank you, Katherine. Your relationship to me is special. I hope we will grow close, as well.” Emotions swelled her throat. “And thank you for letting me contact my parents. I miss them very much.”
Katherine smiled, tears brimming in her eyes.
Roanna spoke into the Messenger, her words appearing on the screen. Her parents would receive the message in the morning. At Katherine’s urging she invited them to Dawson’s Edge. She said they had much to discuss. She could only hope they would be understanding.
When they were finished, Roanna walked Katherine to her room. Then she returned to her own room and fell into a fitful sleep.
First thing the next morning, they boarded the train to return to the palace. Roanna’s stomach twisted at the thought of confronting her parents…and Ben. He deserved to know the truth—the full extent of her abilities. She also hoped he would consider working to ban the Termination practices. He didn’t agree with them fully, anyway; it hurt to think that she would have been Terminated if she’d been conceived in Chester’s Wake.
The train reached the palace after two hours, and King Dawson met them on the platform with a stern frown. He chided Roanna for her careless actions, but then assured her the guilty parties had been apprehended and were in custody for questioning and trial. King Neville also sent his blessings.
“Has Ben gone home then?” Roanna asked.
“No, he waits stubbornly with Prince Gregory.” The king’s tone let her know what he thought of that.
They entered the palace and headed for the king’s offices.
Gregory and Ben waited for them.
Gregory stood when she entered.
“I wondered if I’d ever see you again,” he said. “My own sister, a hero.” He managed a small smile, but his eyes seemed sadder than they should.
Roanna stepped closer to hug him. “Gregory, Merry Stern asked me to tell you hello. Did you know her well?”
Gregory’s jaw clenched. “It doesn’t matter now, does it? She’s a criminal.”
Roanna frowned. “A criminal against Dawson’s Edge, but not Chester’s Wake. And she was only following her father.” While she seemed to agree with her father—that those with anomalies should be Terminated—Roanna had seen evidence that Merry wasn’t always firm in what she said she believed.
Gregory’s jaw clenched again, and he stepped away to speak with the king.
Katherine excused herself to rest in her room, leaving Roanna standing awkwardly near Ben.
“It worked,” he said.
She gave him a small smile. “I was nervous, but it worked. We did it.”
They faced each other without speaking.
Ben shifted, his look uncertain.
Roanna’s heart tightened. She had seldom seen him anything but sure of himself.
“Won’t you tell me what’s going on?” he pleaded.
Roanna looked to the king. He and Gregory were deep in conversation. Her heart fluttered, but it was time. “Will you walk with me to the garden?”
Relief filled his eyes, and he held out his arm.
The flowers in the royal garden bloomed larger and more gloriously than any of those she had ever seen. They filled Roanna with a heady power, enlightening her senses. Filling her with fear.
She held Ben’s arm, his skin warm under his thin linen shirt. They walked quietly for a moment.
Then Ben stopped her. “Tell me?”
She swallowed her fear. “It is better if I show you.”
He frowned.
She nodded toward a gardenia plant. “Pick that flower on the very top.”
He pointed. “This one?”
She nodded, and he moved his hand toward it.
Roanna pushed out with her mind, feeling his aura. It was strong. Hard. She pushed hard, harder still, and Ben plucked the flower at the bottom of the bush.
He frowned. “I don’t know why I did that.”
“I do.” She held out her hand and took the flower. “It is part of my powers.”
Ben’s frown stayed in place, but uncertainty had returned to his eyes. “I thought you could read minds.”
“I can. But Roland explained I can do more.” She waited silently, hoping to gauge his reaction.
A line appeared on his forehead as he frowned, but he said nothing more about her powers. “You aren’t marrying Roland, you said.”
“No, I’m not.” She paused. Could she really reveal to him what
she’d learned? “Roland is my uncle.”
The silence stretched to eternity. “I’m afraid I don’t understand.” His gaze pleaded with her to explain. To speak plainly and set things straight.
“Dr. Presnell kidnapped me.” The words were choked. Whispered. “At least, I think he did. I still haven’t figured out how it happened. I do hope to speak with him at length eventually. Maybe King Dawson can bring him in for questioning.” She took a shaky breath and started again. “Regardless, I am the daughter of King Bartholomew and Queen Katherine. Genetic testing has proven it. I don’t know why or how Dr. Presnell did it—maybe he thought I would be killed, or maybe he wanted to destroy them.”
Ben opened his mouth as if he would protest, but she shook her head.
“Trust me. I looked for every other explanation under the sun. None were found.”
He backed away from her, shaking his head. “You cannot be a Dawsonian princess. Surely, you don’t believe this.”
“Ben, the test was firm. It’s true. And even if we thought the results were compromised, well, there’s the truth of my powers.”
Ben frowned. “Are you saying the other Dawsons have these powers?”
Fear came over her. Ben wouldn’t accept her. He saw her, and the Dawsons, as something different. Ugly. He already disliked them, and now he would group her with them.
Their relationship would be over, and it would have nothing to do with a marriage to Roland.
“Yes, they do have powers,” she admitted.
Silence continued between them. Finally, she could take it no more. “I’m telling my parents as soon as they arrive. I don’t know how they’ll react.”
Ben looked to her, his face skeptical. “Are you saying you’re the Dawsonian princess? The one I’ve been betrothed to my entire life?”
Roanna froze. She’d thought about it a thousand times in the last few days, but she’d never let herself hope. Now she held her breath, waiting for either his joy or his ire.
“And you have powers beyond mind reading? You can bend people to your will?” His eyes were wide, his nostrils flared.
“But I would never use that power, Ben. I had the opportunity last night, and I refused to use it on the Sterns. I used my wit, and my prayers, instead. I won’t manipulate others to get my way. We are in agreement on that moral.” She spoke vehemently, passionately. He’d known her their entire lives. Surely, he knew her well enough to know it was true.
He rubbed the back of his neck. “I believe you, but this is all very hard to hear.”
“Trust me. I know.” The short distance between them felt like miles. She wished he would take her hand, promise they were still the best of friends.
“Your family doesn’t know yet?”
“No, but they’re coming. We will tell them then.”
“What do the Dawsons intend to do with you?” He spoke as if she were a pawn, or as if the Dawsons viewed her that way.
Maybe she wasn’t one to them, though. Katherine seemed to truly love her.
Roanna shook her head. “I don’t think they plan to do anything with me. They are happy to know what happened to their daughter.”
“And what of the real princess of Chester’s Wake?”
The words stung. How she longed to be the real princess.
She gulped then choked out, “I suppose we shall have to find out what became of her.”
Something shifted in his expression then. A softening. He closed the distance between them and, after a short pause, crushed her to him in a tight hug. “I’ve been so worried about you.”
Tears burned her eyes and flowed down her cheeks before she could stop them. A sob broke out. “I thought you would hate me. Be disgusted by me.”
“Shh,” he said. He held her tighter. “I believe you. You are my best friend, and nothing could ever change that.”
Relief washed over her. The urge to cry harder hit her, but she pushed it away. She pulled back from him so she could see his eyes. “Thank you.”
A slow smile crept across his face. “You owe me no thanks. I love you, Roanna. And I have never been so thankful to be betrothed to the Princess of Dawson’s Edge.”
Roanna gasped. “Do you mean that?”
He laughed and pulled her tightly against him. “Do I mean it?” His gaze moved to her lips.
She could hardly breathe. Would he finally kiss her? She half-expected someone to walk around the corner and interrupt them.
But then he was kissing her, softly at first then more fiercely. She kissed him back. Euphoria washed over her.
After a moment, he pulled away and looked into her eyes. “I get to marry the woman I love and keep the peace all at the same time. Yes. I mean it.”
More tears filled her eyes, but she pulled away from him and wiped them with her sleeve. “My parents will be devastated.”
Ben took her hand and squeezed softly. “Yes, but they will love you still. As do I. It will work out, and we will have peace.”
Katherine’s word about peace passed through Roanna’s mind. Peace was fleeting when left up to man—there were too many differences. But for this day, for this generation, she would relish it.
She smiled and leaned toward Ben for one more kiss. “So you would still marry me, Your Highness? Even knowing the truth behind my heritage?”
“If you would have me, yes.” He pulled away from her. “Or should I shower you with compliments first?”
She laughed and shook her head as they headed back to the palace. “No, that won’t be necessary. Instead, promise to work with me. And always to love me. The coming months will not be easy. Especially as word spreads that I am a Dawson with powers. What will Loxians think?”
A determined glint filled his eyes. “We will help them to see. Together.” He kissed her again, and Roanna thought she would surely melt at any moment.
When he finally released her, Roanna clasped his arm, and they reentered the palace. Peace and happiness filled her like never before, and while she knew the meeting with her parents would bring many tears and heartaches, hope was renewed. Hope that their kingdoms would, indeed, enjoy peace. Hope that she and Ben could work to end Termination. Hope that others would see the beauty in differences.
And hope that she and Ben would live happily ever after.
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