Until Ireland

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Until Ireland Page 16

by Tl Reeve

  Ireland laughed. “It became pretty obvious I was the only one in the shop who was clueless as to what they were doing.” Her eyes met mine, and her body stiffened. “He threatened me and my brothers. He made his point abundantly clear what would happen if I didn’t keep my mouth closed.”

  I tensed. I wasn’t going to like her answer when I asked my next question. “How?”

  Her dainty but strong hands pushed on my chest as she tried to get off my lap and stand. I wrapped mine around her wrists, stopping her.


  “How’d he make his point clear?” I snarled between clenched teeth, holding her in place. I needed to get everything out on the table, so we knew how to deal with the situation.

  “He got rough with me,” she whimpered as if afraid of me. The thought made me sick to my stomach. Ireland had yet to see me truly angry. It didn’t happen often, but when it did, all fucking bets were off.

  I jerked her small body close, ignoring the rage pulsing through my body at someone daring to lay hands on the woman I was madly in love with. “How fuckin’ rough, Ireland?”

  “Rough enough to leave bruises.”

  “Motherfucker,” I hissed under my breath, feeling the urge to find Edgar and introduce him to my fist.


  “We didn’t leave Nashville just because of my bruises, Mack.” Figured as much. In the short time, I’d known her and her brothers, I saw how protective they were of their sister. “Random shit started happening around our house. One morning, I found a dead cat on the front porch, and another time, our mailbox had been taken. I didn’t see it while we were dating, but Edgar’s crazy, Mack. He had some of his friends tail us, do drive-bys with guns hanging out of the windows, and left me threatening notes.”

  She shivered in my arms, and I understood she was reliving every damn incident in her mind.

  I just held her tighter. “And when the shit started with your car and then your bike, you didn’t put two and two together?”

  “More like I put it together and chose to ignore it other than making police reports to cover our asses. We left no forwarding address, and no one knew where we went. How’d he end up finding us? More importantly, why’d he wait so long to start his shit back up?” Her tone was mixed with anger and fear.

  Whatever threats Edgar had made against the Banks family, Ireland felt her ex was capable of following through. Which meant so did I. “First, we’re not far from Nashville. Second, a quick search on the internet would locate you, your brothers, or even the garage. Third, people are unpredictable and often do shit without any rhyme or reason. Just because you left didn’t make you less of a liability for him.”

  Leaning back against the desk at my back, I took a breath. “Which brings me to another issue, cupcake.” I grasped her chin between two fingers and tucked my head down, so we were looking in each other’s eyes. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me what was going on?” She flinched at the harshness in my tone, and her eyes went wide. I ignored both and continued, my tone gruff and firm. “Damn, baby, you should’ve told me about what had been going on with your car and then your bike this morning. I thought we were working on building a foundation together. Did you think we were playing fast and loose?”

  Ireland always had something to say. She was mouthy and always willing to voice her opinion. The fact she didn’t meant she probably believed I’d leave too, which pissed me off even more, because obviously I wasn’t getting my point across properly.

  I swore under my breath. “Seems to me I haven’t done the best job in making my intentions clear enough to you, and that’s on me.” I leaned in to kiss her softly and with reverence. “This isn’t just practice for me, Ireland. I see us working toward a future. Together.”

  I’d have told her I loved her. Would marry her tomorrow if I could and then plant my kid in her belly as soon as humanly possible. But Ireland wasn’t ready to hear those words right now, and as much as it pained me not to tell her, I kept my mouth shut. Knowing everything on her plate, I didn’t need her stressed, especially since I considered it my job to help eliminate her worry, not cause her more. Since she was my Boom, my one, we’d have lots of time in the future to express our love to each other.

  For today, it could wait.

  Ireland went silent, and I let her, not willing to push any further than I already had. Instead, I just held her in my arms while my ass went numb from sitting on the floor. In about a hot minute, Cobi was going to run out of patience and come looking for us both.

  Which reminded me.

  “When we’re done with Cobi, I’m taking you to the ranch house.” I expected her to tell me no, that she had work to do, which I planned to overrule and bring her to my—our home. As far as I was concerned her ass would be in my bed tonight. So, color me surprised when she gave a little head bob.

  Heavy footsteps could be heard walking toward the closed door, followed by two hard, heavy knocks on the door to the office. Our time alone had come to an end, and without being told, I knew it was Cobi who stood on the other side of the door. Guess I should’ve been grateful to have gotten the time I had with Ireland, considering the stolen car was owned by me. In Cobi’s book, that made me a suspect.

  Wrapping my hands around Ireland’s hips, I lifted her up and off my lap and onto her feet before bounding up myself. “Come in.”

  The door opened, and Cobi stepped in. “I’ve already talked to Ireland and her brothers, so now we need to talk, Mack.”

  No doubt, since I was now a suspect for a stolen car that could potentially be worth millions once it was restored. I nodded before leaning my desensitized ass against the desk, and I crossed my ankles. I’d done nothing wrong other than purchase a hot car. I had nothing to hide from Cobi.

  He sighed. I knew from conversations with him in the past that this was the least favorite part of his job—investigating friends or, heaven forbid, family.

  “It’s okay, Cobi. You’re just doing what you have to,” I told him.

  Cobi watched me a long moment before proceeding. “Did you know the car was stolen, Mack?”

  “Had no clue until about twenty minutes ago when Ireland informed me,” I answered.

  “Don’t you run checks on the cars you purchase?” He queried, knowing damn well I did.

  I sighed. “Yeah. I do prelims before I even bid. Macey then does a more extensive run after we have the vehicle in our possession. Unfortunately, she’s behind because of school, otherwise, I’d have known and called you the moment we found out.”

  Cobi nodded. “Who’d you buy the car from?”

  I told him, watching as he made notes in the pad he was holding.

  “Had you ever purchased from them before?”

  “No, I hadn’t.” I had a set number of auction houses I worked with and usually stuck to them. Told Cobi that too. I knew he was going to hit me with a follow-up question, so I beat him to the punch. “The 65’ is a rare find. Particularly in this good condition, considering the age of the vehicle. Hence why I bid on it.”

  “Didn’t the status of the vehicle clue you that maybe something was off with the car?” he pressed.

  I shrugged. “Not really. Finding this particular car in this condition, though infrequent, does happen. Hence why they’re rare. I’ve been on the lookout for one for the last seven years, hoping I’d get lucky. Thought I’d hit the jackpot when I heard through the grapevine that Lux had one coming up in their next auction. I went for it and took a risk. A risk, might I remind you, I’m paying highly for, since I’m out the initial up-front cost on the car. Won’t be a mistake I make twice.”

  “And you have a buyer for it?” he pushed.

  “Yup. The Aston was purchased with a specific person in mind. We’d already agreed on a price after it was restored. He’s the reason I’ve been looking for the last seven years, Cobi.”

  Cobi nodded and smirked when Ireland moved in beside me, taking my hand like we were a united front. She didn’
t have to say a word—her silent strength was enough for me. “Going to need your customer’s contact information.”

  I rubbed at the back of my neck. “Yeah, I kind of figured, and I have no issues with giving you his information or you calling him to verify what I’ve told you. All I’m asking is to let me contact him first and fill him in on what’s going on before you make your call.”

  One of the reasons I did so well was because my customers trusted me and often became repeats. The Aston would’ve been the tenth car this guy had purchased from me. So yeah, I had no desire for Cobi to talk to him before I did.

  Cobi nodded. “Calling him is number thirty-five on my list of forty items, Mack, so you’re good.” Cobi’s gaze flickered to Ireland and then back to me. “This isn’t where you normally take your cars for repair work.”

  It wasn’t.

  Cobi knew it too. “Normally everything goes to Gareth. He told me he was slammed and wouldn’t be able to handle the magnitude of the job, and then he recommended Banks Automotive.” I dipped my head toward Ireland. “Said they were solid.”

  “When you get a chance, I’m going to need your bill of sale and any other paperwork Lux provided you with the Aston,” Cobi stated.

  I reached into the inside of my suit jacket and removed the envelope I’d tucked there before handing it to him. I could see the cogs in Cobi’s brain twirling as to why I had the paperwork readily available.

  “I pulled them when Ireland called,” I explained. “Figured you’d be wanting them.”

  Cobi pocketed the bookkeeping. “I gotta ask, Mack, has this ever happened to you before?”

  Even just doing his job, his question pissed me off. I was a lot of things, but I wasn’t a fucking thief. As someone I’d known most of my life, Cobi should have believed that too. I pushed off the desk, standing to my full height, not caring about the anger pulsing off my body. “Fuck no, Cobi. You know me better than that. I’d never do anything to jeopardize either of my businesses. Or anyone else’s for that matter.”

  Cobi gave a sheepish look and put his hand up in a piss poor attempt to calm me down. Fucker. “Sorry, Mack, I gotta do this shit by the book. You know that.”

  I did. However, it still angered me.

  “What the fuck ever, Cobi. Some shit you shouldn’t even have to ask,” I replied, ready to be done with this bullshit and go back to the ranch house where I could take care of my girl. But I couldn’t, because after Cobi was done with me, Ireland needed to explain to him what she’d just told me.

  He grimaced. “If you didn’t like the last question, you’re going to really hate what I have to say next.” I braced myself for whatever he was about to lay out. “As this is now an ongoing investigation, I’m going to need you both to stay close to town for a while, in case I have more questions.”

  “Not like I’m going anywhere, Cobi,” I stated. He flipped his notebook and tucked it in his back pocket. “Might not want to put that away just yet. Ireland has some additional information about Lux and the owner you might find interesting.”

  Cobi’s brow furrowed in confusion. “I got her statement already, Mack.”

  “There’s more.” When Ireland remained silent, I nudged her with my elbow. Then I listened to her repeat in more fucking detail what she’d told me a short time ago.

  Cobi stared at her. The few times he glanced my way, I could see the wheels turning. Yeah, we were good like that. Even better when I had my brothers, the Broken Eagles, at my back.

  “Did you report it?” His tone softened and was way gentler than when he questioned me.

  Ireland shook her head before turning her face away in shame. Shame because some asshole hurt her. Like it was her fucking fault when it wasn’t, and I was going to make sure she knew every damn day of the rest of her life she had nothing to be ashamed of. Rather than cause her further humiliation, I wrapped my arm around her, tucking her close to me.

  Her voice trembled when she spoke again. “Hunter took photos of the bruises and marks in case I wanted to make a report. He has them on his phone.”

  Cobi nodded, cutting his gaze toward me. He popped a brow in question, and I gave a short shake of my head. I would though. I’d make sure Hunter sent me a set, because fuck Edgar. I was going to take a pound of flesh for every blemish on her porcelain skin.

  “I’ll need to see them. I’ll give Hunter my card, so he can send them to me later.” I appreciated Cobi trying to shield Ireland from seeing those pictures again. Living through it had to be hard enough and reliving it, worse.

  Once Ireland was done, Cobi flipped the little black notebook closed again and tucked it in his pocket.

  “One more thing, Mack,” Cobi said, and I gave him a dark look. “I had someone run the UK VIN for me. It came with a hit from a collector on the East Coast. Marcus Weatherby.”

  I gave a humorless laugh. “You gotta be fucking kidding me. Talk about dumb luck.”

  “You know him?” Cobi inquired.

  Of course I knew him. Most in my business did. He had more money than Midas and liked buying expensive things. I’d been lucky and gotten to see his collection once. Got a hard-on walking through his warehouse with all the classics and one-of-a-kind cars he had. Marcus owned a 63’ Ferrari 250 GTO. Its estimated value was seventy million, which was chump change for someone with Weatherby’s money.

  I gave a sardonic smile. “Yeah. He’s going to be pissed.” To say the least. And if I didn’t get to Edgar first, Marcus would. “Contacting him is what number on your list?”


  I nodded. “If you could wait to inform him tomorrow afternoon, I’d appreciate it. I’d like to contact him myself in the morning to let him know.”

  Cobi looked at for him for a long moment before he nodded. “Can do.”

  I turned to Ireland. “Stay here, cupcake. I’m going to walk Cobi out and then we’re leaving.”

  She nodded, sinking back into her chair to wait.

  Hunter was outside, watching the hauler pulling out with the Aston on its back. My stomach churned with rage. It made me sick to think I’d bought something hot. Watching a vehicle I’d purchased be loaded up for impound did something visceral to me. I couldn’t put it into words, but I never wanted to feel this way again. I stayed back, giving Cobi the time he needed to speak to Hunter, only coming into the conversation once Cobi had handed the other man his business card.

  “Mack, do me a favor and don’t do anything stupid,” Cobi warned. “And don’t drag Wes into this.”

  “Stupid how?”

  “Like maybe you decide to take a drive to Nashville with our mutual friends and try to find Edgar Lux to get justice for your girl? I’m telling you right now, Mack, don’t do it. I’ll be talking to him in the next couple of days, and if I find out you left a mark on him, I’m goin’ to haul your ass off to jail quicker than Usain Bolt ran the 40-yard dash,” he promised. “You get me?”

  “You got it.” I grunted in agreement before turning and heading back into the front end of the garage, intent on finding Ireland and getting us home.

  I took a deep breath before going in, well aware I had to bury the anger raging through me. Ireland needed me, and she’d get me. Later, when she was asleep or calm, I’d take it out in the gym in the basement of the ranch house.

  Out of Ireland’s sight.

  It didn’t surprise me to find her waiting for me when I got back to the office. The satchel I’d watched her pack on more than one occasion, filled with all the shit women carried, sat on the desk. Ireland carted the bag back and forth to work every day. It also held her water bottles, a thermos of coffee, and snacks she might feel like eating during her shift.

  “Give me,” I said, taking the heavy bag from her. To my shock, she let it go without any fuss or argument. That action alone told me how fragile my girl was at the moment.

  Placing my hand on the small of her back, I led her from the office through the garage and over to my waiting vehicle.

nbsp; After she was all secure in the front seat, I slammed the door, walked around to the driver’s side, and slid in. The drive to my house was silent. Ireland leaned back against the headrest, her head tipped toward the window. I couldn’t tell if she was awake or asleep, so I kept silent, even lowering the radio in case she was resting.

  After pulling into the garage and turning off the car, she stirred, sitting up and rubbing at her eyes. When I ushered her from the passenger seat, I let her in on my plans. “Come on, cupcake. We’ll get you into my tub then set you up either in our room or downstairs on the couch.”

  She rubbed at her eyes again. “Wherever you are,” she said softly.

  “I’m going to be where you’re most comfortable, babe,” I promised.

  She gave a sleepy nod as we made our way upstairs into the master bedroom. I left her on our bed while I took care of getting the water running. When I returned, she was sitting where I left her, naked, and I fought down my urges to get her in my bed on her back and with my dick buried deep inside that sweet pussy of hers.

  At least for the time being.

  I lifted her into my arms, and she snuggled into me as I her carried into the bathroom, not putting her down until her feet were in the bathtub. I nuzzled her hair with my lips. “Water temp good?”

  “Perfect,” she said on a yawn and sank into the filling water. Her hand on my leg stopped me from leaving her side to find her some soft pajamas. I looked down, catching her hopeful gaze. “Join me?”

  I fucking hated the hesitation—the worry—in her tone. “Absolutely. Need to get my suit off and hung up. I’ll be right back,” I assured her.

  I did just that and returned to the bathroom naked and ignoring my dick, which was always hard when I was near Ireland. I crawled behind her, pulling her onto my lap.

  Of course, she noticed, and I didn’t miss the flare of desire in her gaze. We’d deal with that later. Ireland Banks was a strong woman. She handled her brothers, and I suspected at some point in our relationship she would try to do the same with me. To have her sobbing, broken in my arms did something to me that I just couldn’t put into words. Aware she needed this emotional release, I held her, letting the warm water and hopefully my touch calm her.


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