Book Read Free

Until Ireland

Page 19

by Tl Reeve

“Ire...” He narrowed his eyes.

  “Ugh, fine. Mack and his friends went on a little hunting expedition and found my bike.” I shrugged.

  Hunter cocked his head and grinned at her. “Damn. I’m glad you retrieved it, little sis.”

  Me too.

  “You’re right,” he continued. “Getting the car back in here will show we’re a reputable shop. You’ll see, we’ll have more work than we can handle soon.” With a wave of his hand, my brother sent me off.

  I fluttered around my bay, writing up orders and getting the information into the computer once Hunter was done. I slipped the paperwork into the copy of Aston’s file. The original had gone to Cobi. He’d promised they’d get it back to me, but I’d made a spare just in case. Once I was finished puttering around, killing time mostly, I headed out.

  Since my car was noticeable and I needed to get into and out of Nashville without being detected, I took one of the two cars we provided for our customers when they required a vehicle while we worked on theirs. They were nothing special, which would keep me inconspicuous.

  After a quick stop at my favorite coffee joint, I made the drive to Nashville. If I was lucky, I’d hit the warehouse at lunchtime. Hopefully, the guys who worked there kept the same schedule they had over a year ago. It would make it easier for me to get in and out without being detected and back home before anyone noticed I was gone.

  * * *

  Hours later, I pulled into the parking lot of my shop, hopped on caffeine, and feeling pretty damn confident. Everything had gone to plan. It’d helped that Edgar was still a stupid ass. The fucker did nothing to secure the building housing the expensive boosted cars. No, that wasn’t completely true. He used a Ring doorbell. However, if a person didn’t go through the front door, he’d never be alerted.

  I’d fit through one of the small open windows near the rear of the building, allowing me to be able to get in and out of Lux’s warehouse without being seen. It reminded me of the scene in the first Fast and Furious movie when Brian broke into the warehouse to check out Hector’s cars. Although unlike Brian, I didn’t do my B&E under the cover of night. Any minute any one of Edgar’s mechanics could’ve come back and spotted me in here, but I’d swallowed down the trepidation and panic and did what I came to do, bust Edgar. Somehow, I made it out undetected.

  All the evidence I was going to use sat on my phone. I’d pulled over a half hour outside of Nashville and sent everything to my encrypted email as a backup.

  I was badass like that.

  I really wasn’t, but it made me feel better to pretend it was the truth. Because the reality was, I’d been scared shitless.

  Only Hunter’s bay was open when I returned, which meant he was still working. I’d closed mine when I left. Landon’s was shut, but he had a car up on the lift. He couldn’t care less if the big metal door was open or not while he was in the pit.

  After I parked the borrowed shop car, I returned the keys to the hook behind the desk and went off to find Hunter. He wasn’t at his bay, and neither was Landon. A quick look at the clock told me one of them might have gone for a food or drink run. It wasn’t normal for them to leave the door unlocked though or the big metal doors open.

  “Hey,” Hunter said as he came down the hallway that housed the small kitchen, storage area, and bathroom. “Everything go okay?”

  “Oh yeah,” I said, unable to keep the excitement from my voice. “Look.” I pulled my phone from my back pocket, unlocked it, and accessed the photos I took before handing it to my brother.

  Using his index finger, he flipped through the pictures I’d taken a couple of hours ago.

  “Ireland, tell me this isn’t what I think it is?” Hunter kept his focus on my phone.

  Thanks to the adrenaline, I was full of nervous energy. “What do you think it is?”

  “Evidence of boosted cars from fuckin’ Lux’s warehouse,” he snarled.

  “Winner, winner, chicken dinner!”

  Hunter snarled, “Jesus Christ, Ireland!”


  Hunter shook his head and let out a deep sigh before he pinned me with his gaze. “What the hell is wrong with you?” I opened my mouth to reply, but he continued on his rampage. “How could you be so fucking stupid, so impulsive to risk your life for this?”

  I didn’t appreciate his tone or what he was implying. Actually, it was pissing me off. “Excuse me?” I pointed to the phone. “I got proof.”

  Hunter ignored me and continued to yell. “Cobi had proof. You know he did. He had the car and all of Mack’s paperwork. All of it pointed back to Lux.” He threw my phone onto the countertop like it had a bad case of cooties. “All you did with this stunt was paint a red target on your back.”

  “Pfft. Please, Hunter. No one saw me. I made sure of it.” I refused to allow Hunter’s sour ass mood bring me down.

  He laughed. “Right, because you’re inconspicuous as fuck with all that red hair. You think they forgot what you looked like?”

  “No one saw me, Hunter,” I stressed.

  “Keep thinking that, Ire.” He paused. “Tell me Mack didn’t know or put you up to this shit.”

  “What?” I shook my head. “No. Mack didn’t—”

  “Right, because you did this on the down-low.” He pointed at me, his features twisting in anger. “That there should’ve told you it was the wrong thing to do.”


  He held his hand up. “Just stop. Stop trying to justify your act of stupidity.” His eyes narrowed at me.

  “You’re overreacting,” I protested. “Mack will be fine with it.”

  Hunter snorted in disbelief. “Truth, baby sister, Mack’s going to have your ass when he finds out.” Hunter crossed his arms over his chest. “You do plan on telling him, don’t you?”

  “Of course. I’m not afraid of him,” I snapped in defiance, knowing I could hold my own.

  He laughed. “Arguing with me, sister, is one thing. Fighting with an overprotective guy like Mack is like adding fuel to the fire. I’m telling you, Mack’s going to blow his top when he finds out.”

  I crossed my arms under, refusing to acknowledge the niggle of fear in my belly at my brother’s words. Mack had always been so calm, cool, and collected around me, even when we argued. The only time he got overly bossy was in bed. My cheeks warmed when I thought about this morning and how rambunctious he was with me after we argued. Hunter had been talking out his ass. I understood Mack better than my brothers did. He wouldn’t react like a caveman at those pictures.

  At least I hoped not.

  “Well, guess what, buttercup, your opportunity just presented itself.” Hunter gestured to the window. A quick look showed Mack strolling toward the office.

  I turned, glaring at my brother. “Asshole.”

  He shrugged. “What’s the problem, Ire? You said he’d be okay with it. Can’t wait for you to see how wrong you are.”

  Hunter pulled out the chair we used when we were at the counter and sat. His intentions were clear. He was staying.

  Mack pulled open the door, stepped inside, and paused. No doubt he felt the tension in the room. He didn’t say a word, just walked toward me while his gaze flickered between Hunter and me. “Did you have a good day at work, cupcake?” He pulled me into his arms before kissing me.

  Hunter snorted, breaking the moment.

  Mack looked up. “Problem, Hunter?”

  Her brother smirked. “No. Not yet, anyway.” Hunter’s eyes dropped to me. “Why don’t you tell Mack how hard you worked today, Ireland?”

  Very unkind words popped into my head about my brother. Words like instigator, pain in the ass, and a slew of others I didn’t say because they were insulting to my mother.

  Mack leaned back. “Really? What’d you do?”

  Hunter picked up my phone, and not for the first time, I wished I’d changed my passcode so none of my brothers knew it. Hunter keyed in the number and brought up my pictures. “Might be easier if she just s
howed you.”

  I stepped out of Mack’s embrace to snatch the phone away from him. “You’re being a jackass.” I’d mastered my mom voice since our mother died, and because I was the only woman in the family at the moment, I’d gotten good at using it.

  Hunter laughed. “And surprisingly, I’m okay with that in this instance.”

  Mack rudely snatched the phone from my fingertips and began to swipe through the photos. “What the fuck is this?”

  I nibbled on my lower lip, not wanting to look up at Mack and see anything but pride in what I’d done.

  Hunter, being the oh so helpful prick that he was, piped up for me, “It’s what Ireland did today. She drove her happy little ass to Nashville, broke into Lux Warehouse, and took pictures of all the boosted cars they were housing. All by herself and without informing anyone of her plans.”

  Remember how I was so sure Mack wouldn’t get mad at me? I was wrong….so, so very wrong. I realized too late how incorrect I’d been when he whipped around and pinned me to the spot where I stood with a glare. Correction, Mack was enraged, and I could feel the fury pouring off him, filling the small area around us.

  “Ireland?” He held the phone. “Tell me you didn’t do this. That you didn’t risk yourself for pictures.”

  I chose to go with indifference and shrugged. “What’s the big deal? You went and got my bike. It’s the same damn thing.”

  Mack exploded, snarling out. “The fuck it is.” He moved closer, and I retreated until my back hit the wall. “I didn’t go alone, and we’d clued Cobi in before we left. He was there for us if it went to shit. That’s the damn difference.”

  I wondered how Mack would react if I pointed out the vein in his forehead pulsed when he was pissed. Going by the look on his face, not well. So, I kept my trap shut on that point. “I was safe,” I stressed. “I worked for the bastard.” I touched my chest twice to prove my argument. “I knew the schedule and how everything functioned. Everyone leaves the warehouse at the same time for lunch. That’s when I went in.”

  Mack looked up to the ceiling for a long moment before facing my brother, whether for patience or guidance I couldn’t tell. What I could see was the glare Hunter gave Mack, which said ‘she’s your problem now.’

  Mack sighed, wrapped his hand around my arm, and started toward the office. I had no choice but to follow, although I didn’t make it easy. “Mack stop—” I attempted to get out his hold, yet it seemed to spur him on more.

  I only stopped struggling when Mack turned on me, getting right in my face, and snarled out. “We’re not doing this out in public, Ireland.” I frowned. He rarely called me by my given name. Always cupcake and, lately in bed, wildcat. “Because I have respect for you and your feelings and what I need to say is to you, not Hunter. Got me?”

  I got him. Didn’t mean I had to like it. I glanced to Hunter for help. The turncoat was sitting back at the computer, pounding at the keys without a care in the world. Mack continued on, tugging me into the private office and slamming the door shut so hard the wall shook.

  I kept my mouth shut when he backed me up against the door, getting in my personal space.

  “What you did was dangerous!” His jaw muscle twitched as he clenched his teeth so hard I swore I could hear his back teeth grinding. I opened my mouth to defend myself, but he put a hand up to stop me. “I’d advise you to keep your mouth shut, Ireland.” Not willing to piss him off even more, I bit my tongue and rolled my lips over my teeth. “You lied to me.”

  My heart clenched from the pain in his tone. “No, Mack I—”

  He cocked a brow.

  “Tell me, cupcake,” he sneered, and I was slightly grateful he called me by his nickname. “When my dick was buried balls deep inside of your pussy this morning, did you already have this planned for today?”

  Oh, shit.

  His fingers captured my chin, pulling my gaze to his. “Answer me.” His voice was dark and broody.

  I’d fucked up, and big. I took a deep breath, squared back my shoulders, and answered honestly. “Yes.” I hated the slight wobble in my voice and the weakness it showed.

  “So, you lied to me,” he stated, his voice cold, and his gray eyes turned icy. “After we argued about me even allowing you to go to work, you went behind my back and lied right to my face when I asked what your plans were.”

  “No, no Mack, I didn’t lie,” I stammered, worried I’d fucked up everything. Would he walk away? “You asked me if I planned to go to the shop. I said yes, and I did come here to do some work this morning. I left midmorning so I could make it to Nashville in time.”

  “Semantics, cupcake, and you know it.”

  I took a breath, pushing my body back tight against the door, and looked up for a second, hoping to gain some patience when dealing with an alpha male in full force. I dropped my gaze back to Mack and admitted. “You’re right. Lying by omission is still lying.”

  He nodded. “Damn straight. Don’t fuckin’ do it again, Ireland.”

  “I got it, Mack. I won’t,” I promised before trying to step out from his hold. Mack threw up his arm, blocking my exit from between the door and his big body.

  “We’re not done,” he announced.

  “Yeah, well I don’t like being intimidated, Mack,” I stated and then added, “especially by my boyfriend.”

  “I don’t know, Ireland, perhaps said boyfriend wouldn’t be pissed the hell off if his girlfriend didn’t put herself in stupid dangerous situations. And let’s not forget, said boyfriend assumed your ass was safe with your brothers. It was only the way said boyfriend was able to go to work and not worry about the woman he fuckin’ loves,” he volleyed back.

  “Pfft. I got the job done, and now Cobi has probable cause—Wait, you love me?”

  “Jesus,” he huffed. “That’s what finally shuts you up?”

  I nodded.

  “Told you we weren’t playing fast and loose. You’re my soul. I love you, and if you wouldn’t fight me tooth and nail, I’d have my rings sitting on your left hand and my baby in your belly,” he murmured, nuzzling my neck.

  I blinked once, twice, and then a finally a third time as his words finally settled into my brain. Holy guacamole, Mackinley Redman loved me. He wanted to marry me and have babies with me. If he still didn’t have me backed up against the door, I’d have done an Irish jig. We’d only been together for a little while, yet I felt like I’d been waiting several lifetimes for him to declare his feelings for me.

  Kind of sucked we were proclaiming our love to each other during a disagreement. I was still taking his statement and holding onto it like they was the most precious stones in the world. Because to me…they were.

  “You got anything to say?” he demanded, pulling me from my thoughts.

  The anger on his features had eased somewhat. A tightness around his lips remained there, and I wanted to stand on my toes and kiss it away. I didn’t, because, duh, we were arguing here. Kissing and hopefully other things wouldn’t come until later, when we got back to Mack’s ranch house and my Judas of a brother wasn’t on the side of the door, most likely listening.

  “I’m sorry for worrying you?” slipped through my lips before I could stop it, and I had to bite my cheek to stop the smile I could feel threatening to form on my lips.

  Mack growled deep in his throat. He’d done it a couple of times, mostly around me and when I was frustrating him. I found it cute, but I didn’t tell him that. Less than twenty seconds ago I wanted to rip his head off, but now I was as giddy as a schoolgirl.

  “That’s not what I want to hear, cupcake, and you know it.” His big body pushed into me more, and I wasn’t sure how that was even possible, since he’d been pretty close before. My eyes widened when I felt Mack’s impressive length pushing into my belly. “You are the most aggravating—”

  I cupped his cheek. “I love you too, Mack.”

  “Fucking finally,” he muttered before his lips touched mine. Our breath combined, and he gave me the
softest, sweetest kiss I’d ever experienced in my life. I took notice of every touch, every moan against my lips as he deepened it, always wanting to remember the moment we declared our love to each other.

  Long minutes later, he broke the kiss, leaving me panting and needy.

  “I’m still pissed as fuck at you, cupcake. Promise me, right here and right now, you’ll never do anything so foolish ever again. I’d never be able to breathe if something happened to you, baby. You’re my Boom.”

  I frowned at the mention of being his Boom. It wasn’t the first time I’d heard of it, just the first instance Mack had referenced our relationship to it. To my knowledge, it was mostly associated with the large Mayson family. When I asked December at Mack’s party, she’d given me a shy smile and explained the phenome associated with her family and finding their true love at first glance.

  At the time it sounded silly. Looking back, I knew it was what I’d experienced with Mack when we met at the shop. It also explained the ‘tude I’d given him that day, which thankfully hadn’t scared him away. I hadn’t understood the feelings rushing through my mind and body, and I took it out on him.

  Now I did.

  I sighed before stating, “I promise to never do something so half-baked again, Mack.” I held up my right hand, pressing my thumb and pinky together while leaving my three middle fingers extended. "Scout’s honor.” I put my hand down after his nod and reached up to kiss his cheek and whispered in his ear. “I’d be lost without you too. I feel you in my heart and soul, Mack.”

  The cocky bastard just smirked at me. “We need to call Cobi, get him the pictures. Then—” He quirked a brow at me and pledged, “we’re going to go home, and I’m going to paddle your ass for lying to me today.”

  How was it possible my mind screamed ‘no fucking way,’ but my body hummed in anticipation of him spanking me? I shifted, hating the wetness in my panties. Mack gave me a dark, sexy look.

  “Go get your shit.” He stepped back, and I immediately missed the security and warmth of his big body.

  “It’s out front with Hunter, since I didn’t get a chance to grab it before I was so rudely dragged into the office.” I planned to say more because, well, that was how I rolled. I didn’t though, not with the dark look on Mack’s face. “I’ll just pick it up on our way out.”


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