Until Ireland

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Until Ireland Page 21

by Tl Reeve

  “You can eat with us.” We stepped into the office. “Hunter, you still here?”

  Her eldest brother poked his head out of his office. “Just moving out now. What’s up?”

  “Make sure you get enough for Mack,” Ireland yelled while cleaning up her hands.

  “Got it.” Hunter shut off the light in his office then started for the exit, the keys to his bike spinning around his finger. “I’ll be back shortly.” I enjoyed having her brothers as part of my family. They were good guys doing whatever it took to keep their sister safe and I’d be eternally grateful to them.

  “So, what brings you to Banks Automotive today, sir?” Ireland gave me a seductive little smile as she put an extra swing in her hips.

  “How’s the Aston doing?” I sat at the desk and patted my knee in invitation.

  Ireland didn’t hesitate. The slight weight of her body against mine was perfect. “Good. Landon is almost done with the transmission. We ran into a bit of issue with the clutch plate, so we ordered a new one. It’ll be here in the morning. Once that’s done, Hunter will give the car a quick paint job. You should be good to ship by Monday at the latest.”

  I nuzzled her neck. “Impeccable timing.”

  “Oh?” She arched a brow. “How’s that?”

  “Cobi called before I left the restaurant. We’re good to go at the auction. Tomorrow is the day,” I said. “Are you sure you want to be there?”

  She didn’t hesitate. “Yes. I know that place better than anyone. I’ll get Cobi’s guys where they need to be.”

  I hated this. I didn’t like the idea of putting her in harm’s way, but she had a point. She knew where everything was located and how to find more cars, since we assumed there were more than just those in the garage. “I’ll be inside bidding on the car.”

  The car was a 1939 Alfa Romeo 8C 2900B Lungo Spider. I had a feeling I might know the original owner of the vehicle, and that was why I chose it. There were exactly twelve of the Lungo Spiders made, and if I was correct, this particular one sold at Sotheby for almost twenty million dollars. The owner would never willingly part with it. A quick search of the vehicle through the database showed a theft report out of Malibu, California. It was indeed my acquaintance’s vehicle.

  “What time tomorrow?” Ireland asked, drawing me from my thoughts.

  “Ten. We’ll get there about twenty minutes before the auction begins to set up.” I twirled a strand of her beautiful red hair around my finger. “Got a wig?”

  “No, but I’ll figure something out.” The suggestive wink she gave turned me on. I couldn’t wait to see what she’d do.

  “Perfect.” I grinned.

  * * *

  The next day, my gut churned with anxious energy. I’d gone over every possible scenario where things went wrong and we had to get Ireland out of the auction without her getting caught. Horrible way to plan out the mission, but I couldn’t sit back and believe nothing could go wrong either. When a person got lazy, that was when shit went south—fast.

  Stepping into our bedroom, I gazed at the back of the woman who sat at the vanity doing her makeup. I knew it was Ireland. My dick knew my fiancée. However, the woman who stared at her reflection in the mirror didn’t look like Ireland. Instead of buying a wig, she went to one of the local salons to have her hair temporarily darkened to a shade of port wine. The dark richness went well with her skin tone and turned me on. Of course, she rolled her eyes at me when I told her I couldn’t get enough of her.

  “Almost ready?” I asked, stepping up behind her.

  For the moment, she wore a silk robe while she finished up her makeup and her hair. On top of changing her hair, she’d also bought herself something different to wear. If she went in any of her street clothes, she’d be easily recognizable. Ireland stood out in a crowd, not just because of her red hair or her myriad tattoos, but also because of her unique style. However, I had a feeling what she’d purchased would still draw attention. Jealousy warred with arousal within me as I stood there gazing at my impeccable, beautiful woman.

  “Almost,” she answered, blowing me a kiss. I swear if we had time, I’d fuck some of the anxiousness out with her. “This is going to work.”

  The sureness in her tone settled the nervous tick of my jaw. “I know it will.”

  She turned to face me. “Really? Because you look like you have a bear’s paw gripping your junk right now and you don’t want to move.”

  She painted a lovely picture for how I was feeling. “Something like that.”

  “Look, your sexy ass will be inside spending tons of Uncle Sam’s money on a car we both know belongs to your friend. You’re killing two birds with one stone—helping your friend get his car back and closing down a theft ring. Happy the fuck up.” She shrugged. “If you go into the auction like you are right now, they’ll be onto you. This will be over before it starts.”

  Again, she had a point. “You’re right. You’re absolutely right.” I blew out a breath. “Are you sure I can’t convince you to stay home?”

  “Oh no you don’t, Mackinley Redman. I did my hair for this and bought these clothes. There’s no way in hell I’m not going.” She stood then and crossed to the bed where her tank top lay. “The quicker we get in there, the quicker you can take all this off of me and fuck me like you mean it.”

  “Fuck yeah I will,” I snapped. “Have you seen yourself? You’re fucking gorgeous.”

  She laughed. “Been staring at this face my whole life.”

  I rolled my eyes and chuffed a laugh. “I’ll grab us some coffee for the drive.”

  She stood and pressed a kiss to my cheek before cleaning the mark off with her thumb. “Sorry, not sorry.”

  I patted her ass before heading down to the kitchen. We were going to meet up with Cobi at the station then load into specific vehicles used in situations like these. I would arrive first and get set up inside the main auction hall, then Ireland and Cobi’s team would make their walkthrough of the lot. Since the Alfa Romeo would be one of the first cars up for auction, the mission altogether should take less than an hour, however Cobi had put a three hour timer on it.

  Once Ireland joined me—wearing jeans, a grunge band t-shirt, boots and a flannel—we headed out. The drive to the police department was quiet. We’d said everything we needed to, and now it was mostly time to reflect on what our jobs were. I couldn’t let someone outbid me for the car. I knew the worth and how much Ashbury paid for his. I couldn’t go higher, but lower was a good thing too, especially since I’d bought the Aston at a steal—pun intended.

  When we pulled up to the station, Cobi was waiting on us, along with Jax and Franks. There were three other men there as well, all wearing plain clothes. Their keen gazes landed on us. I kissed the back of Ireland’s hand before we both got out. Cobi’s gaze locked on Ireland, and his mouth fell open. I’d have chuckled if I hadn’t wanted to knock the shit out of him for staring at my woman.

  “Holy shit,” Cobi muttered. “Who are you and what did you do to Ireland?”

  She giggled. “Well, I figured after my last adventure, it was better to not look like myself today.”

  “And you’re okay with this?” Cobi pointed to her while talking to me.

  “I’m more than and proved as much last night too,” I said in a satisfied drawl.

  Cobi chuckled. “All right, let’s go inside so we can finalize the plan.”

  It didn’t take long to make sure we were all on the same page or give the introductions. With Jax on Ireland’s ass, I didn’t care about anything else. Cobi would be running the operation from inside a vehicle situated away from the auction. He’d have video and audio recording everything. He’d also be the one to give the go call when the money was exchanged.

  Since Ireland and I couldn’t be seen together, she rode with Jax and the team while I was alone. I hated it. She’d be out of my sight until the sting was complete, leaving her vulnerable and me on edge. I pulled up to the auction at exactly ten, parked, th
en got out. The place was filling up fast with independent car dealers and those who wanted to buy for cheap. I grabbed the ID I’d been given for the auction so I could pay for whatever vehicles I’d purchase while there and stepped up to the window.

  The person behind the glass scanned my number then grinned. “Good morning, Mr. Redman. I see you were interested in the Alfa Romeo today. You should know it will be one of the first lots up for auction.” She handed my ID back then gave me a list of vehicles up for sale and two tickets for lunch and a drink.

  “Thanks. I appreciate it.” I slipped the tickets into my pocket while I started for the building. The list meant nothing to me. The expensive cars were never public knowledge and not just anyone could bid on them.

  Stepping into the auction house, I recognized a few people there. Some I had worked with and some were local dealers I’d bid against. I grabbed the first seat I could find. Somewhere outside, Ireland was going through the cars and tagging them for impound. Once this part of the investigation was over, Cobi would be here for hours inventorying and collecting evidence of all the property. I didn’t envy his position.

  “Hey there,” a woman said, coming up beside me. “Long time no see.”

  I groaned. “Hey Chelsea.” She came to these auctions to specifically pick up rich men. I’d been one of her prospects. “I’ve been busy.”

  “I heard.” She took a seat beside me and ran her hand down my thigh. “Heard you had a tart side-piece.”

  “Oh? Who would this tart be?” I kept my composure. I had a feeling Ireland’s place was being watched so someone, most likely Edgar, knew about her comings and goings. Now it wasn’t only a speculation, which meant everything she’d said to Cobi about Edgar stalking her could be confirmed. Thank fuck for small favors.

  “I don’t know her name,” she said slyly. “But I heard she’s one tough cookie.”

  “Hmm.” I nodded.

  “Oh, you’re not going to talk about her then?” Chelsea said, tilting her head. “I love gossip.”

  “Unfortunately, I don’t,” I replied, standing. “Excuse me.” I walked away from the woman, needing some fresh air. I had time still, but I was at my limit when it came to other people’s bullshit.

  “Breathe, man,” Cobi said into the earpiece I was discreetly wearing. “I’m running her photo through the database as we speak. Also, I’ll have a team back out at Ireland’s home tomorrow to check for anything we might have missed.”

  “Thanks,” I muttered. “I have to get inside.”

  “No. Take a moment. You don’t want to be too fidgety.” He had a point.

  After grabbing a cup of coffee, I went back into the auction hall and waited. Chelsea was gone, thankfully, and we only had a few more minutes to wait for everything to begin. If I expected Cobi to give me an update on Ireland and Jax, he hadn’t. I didn’t know if it was a good or bad thing. On one hand, I could focus on what I had to do. On the other, I was sick with worry. Not a good combo to be while awaiting the start of the auction.

  I crumpled up my empty cup as Edgar and his lackeys filled the room. He stood a little over six feet tall, with his black hair slicked back from his tanned features. His obsidian eyes were lifeless as he smiled at us. His men broke away from him and spread out across the room. All of them wore expensive tailored suits and leather wing-tipped shoes. They exuded money and prestige, but it was all fake. Sure, they had money, but they hadn’t earned it. They’d taken their wealth off the backs of hard-working people. I hated them. The sour emotion sat heavily in my gut. I imagined putting my fist through his face, and satisfaction filled me. Instead, I held myself still. I wouldn’t screw this up. Edgar had to pay.

  The auction began with a few remarks about the vehicles. Then, the golden curtain behind Edgar opened, revealing the Alfa Romeo. The opening price began at one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The bidding started swiftly, rising in hundred thousand dollar increments. By the time it hit five million, three of the seven bidders were out. I kept going, pushing my luck. I knew I couldn’t go above nineteen million. The bidder who stuck with me hit fifteen million and seemed pained at the idea of spending so much on the vehicle. I, however, understood the worth of the antique and pushed.

  “Sixteen point five million,” I said then cut my gaze to the man bidding against me.

  He swallowed hard then shook his head. He was out, and the car was mine. A thrill shot through me but was quickly chased by calm. This was almost over. We had that bastard right where we wanted him. “Going once, going twice, sold to Mr. Redman.” A round of applause rang out in the room.

  “Thank you,” I replied, raising my hand in appreciation, knowing full well what was about to happen.

  I couldn’t leave though. I sat through the remainder of the vehicles up for auction then made my move. I wasn’t nervous or anxious like I thought I would be. However, I had to stop myself from checking my watch or tapping my foot. Either action, or any for that matter, could be construed as being edgy and clue Edgar that something was going on. I couldn’t allow that to happen. So I waited as patiently as possible.

  Because of the rarity of these vehicles, they weren’t purchased with the others at the normal cash-out windows. Edgar handled each of these sales on his own. By now, Ireland would be finished, and her team would roll over to the takedown. If I had to guess, they’d already subdued those who’d waited outside so as not to tip off any of Edgar’s men who were with us. I hung back, allowing the others to go first then took my spot in line.

  When I got up to where Edgar sat, I smiled. “Good find with that one. I’ve been searching for a couple of years.”

  Edgar grinned. His dark eyes were filled with menace. Everything about him screamed fraud and someone people didn’t want to mess with. How I’d missed this, I’d never know, but seeing it now, I was glad he was finished. “Well, sometimes things fall into your lap.”

  “True.” I nodded. “Same as always then?”

  “Electronic transfers are the preferred way,” he agreed. “You can never be too careful.”

  The second the money was received, Edgar’s bank account would automatically be frozen. “No, you can’t.”

  Edgar showed the amount due. I could either pay the dealer retainer fee or the total. I chose to pay up front, which was how Cobi had arranged everything. From there, I used my phone, which was tracked by the PD along with Cobi, and made the payment. Within a matter of seconds, the transaction was complete.

  “Pleasure doing business with you. Until next time.” I shook his hand, willing myself to stay calm and not blow my cover. As it stood, I wanted to beat him to a bloody pulp. Edgar needed to suffer as much as he made Ireland suffer. To fear the shadows because of who might be in them, waiting. Rationally, I knew he was going down and he’d spend a good portion of his life in jail, but it wasn’t enough. It never would be.

  I was doing this for myself and for Ireland. Releasing his grip, I turned to walk away.

  Two seconds later, the doors connected to the garage were kicked open along with the one leading outside. Officers and those who’d been with Jax and Ireland rushed in. We were surrounded, and like the unwitting buyer I was, I’d been taken to the ground and handcuffed so no one suspected a thing. Behind me, Edgar fought with the officers, trying to run away. He and his men didn’t get far. Silently, I was led outside to a waiting patrol car.

  Once I was shoved into the car, it pulled away with Ireland beside me. Her knee bounced as she tried not to squirm in the seat. I couldn’t touch her yet. We had to make this look good. There was no way I’d put either of us at risk, even though my palms itched to hold her. Tension filled my body, craving the minute I could wrap her in my arms.

  When we pulled up to where Cobi had been waiting, the officer who was driving let us out and undid the cuffs at my wrists. Ireland squealed in happiness, launching herself at me. Her exhilaration was contagious. I laughed, hugging her tight, relieved to see she was okay.

  “I wanted t
o see the look on his face when he realized I’d been there to see him go down,” Ireland whispered in my ear. “But I figured something out while we were tagging cars. Edgar doesn’t have any business in my life anymore. He doesn’t deserve an ounce of my time.”

  “I’m glad you weren’t there.” I held her tight, pride filling my chest. “I worried about you so much.”

  “Same.” She slid down my body until her feet touched the ground.

  “Okay, lovebirds,” Cobi teased. “We have fifteen stolen cars on the lot, not to mention the vehicles sold in the private auction. We’re going to need your statements before you can go home.”

  Ireland pouted. “Ah, man. Here I thought I was going to be able to bang my fiancée.”

  Snickering, I gathered her close. “Statement first, fucking second.” I pressed my lips to her temple while Cobi rolled his eyes.

  “I don’t care what you two do as long as I’m not present for it.” He glanced over at the officer who’d brought us to Cobi’s location. “Take them to the station and have them fill out the forms. I’ll see the both of you later. This is going to take forever.”

  After helping Ireland back into the car, I went to Cobi. “Thanks for this. I’ll let Ashbury know we have his car too. I’m sure the rich bastard will be ecstatic to have the beauty back.”

  “You do that. It should be me saying thank you,” he replied. “I appreciate everything you and Ireland did today. Hopefully, with all we’ve gathered at the site, he’ll be going away for a long time.”

  “Good to hear.” I tapped the windowsill of his car. “See you at the engagement party?

  He chuckled. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”



  * * *


  I stared at the stick, knowing full well I was already forty-five minutes late to my engagement party. Mack had left a couple of hours ago to put the final touches in place. Thank God. If he saw this test, he’d have hoisted me over his shoulder and carried me to Vegas for a quickie marriage at the Little Chapel of Love. Knowing my luck, Mack would even have Elvis marry us then serenade us with Love Me Tender for our first dance.


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