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by Michelle Marquis

  Chapter 15

  Mikel watched Andrea as she awoke. Even though he’d found her beautiful before, she was breathtaking now. Her skin, which had always been light tan, had turned a pale, delicate porcelain. Her eyes were bright and clear like the crystal clear pools of a natural spring. He loved her so much his heart ached and worse still, he feared for her.

  Andrea had never been shy about speaking her mind and after her bold excursion the other day who knew what the consequences might be? He kissed her cheek as she blinked away the cobwebs of sleep. “How do you feel, darling?”

  She rubbed her forehead. “I feel strange.”

  “That will pass.”

  “Am I a vampire now?”

  “Yes, but you are not complete until you take your first victim.”

  She gave him a dubious glance and sat up. “And if I refuse to? Then what happens?”

  His throat tightened. He prayed she wouldn’t bring such suffering on herself just for the sake of being stubborn. “You will suffer greatly until you do.”

  Andrea swung her legs off the bed and sat up. She swooned and he sat next to her to steady her. She held her head for a moment then smiled at him.

  “Thank you.”

  Then she got up and disappeared into the bathroom.

  Mikel got up and paced. He was so afraid for her. What if she couldn’t adapt to this new life? What if he’d made a terrible mistake in turning her? A million small terrors made his mind race. He went to the window and stared out at the city.

  A heavy knock sounded at the front door. Mikel’s heart froze in his chest. He went to it and tried to calm his breathing. “Who is it?”

  “Council Police. We’re here for your human servant.”

  There was no running, he’d have to face them and try to talk them out of taking her. Mikel opened the door and gave them an acid stare. He didn’t invite them in. “Why? What has she done?”

  The sergeant, a short stocky man, squared his shoulders. It made him look all the more imposing in his dark red uniform. “She’s been spotted in the streets alone. There are strict laws against things like that. Many have testified she speaks out against the Council. She’s accused of being a human revolutionary. We have orders to bring her in for interrogation.”

  “The law no longer applies to her,” Mikel said. “She’s not human anymore.”

  “You turned her without permission?”

  “What can I say? It was a moment of weakness. She’s vampire now.”

  The sergeant seemed to shake his surprise off quickly. “The Council said she is to come in regardless of circumstance.”

  A feral rage built in his gut. He’d fight to the death to protect her. He just hoped it didn’t come to that. “And if I refuse to release her to you? Then what?”

  “It’s okay, Mikel,” Andrea said from behind him. “I’m not afraid to go with them. I have nothing to hide.”

  He turned around to see her already dressed. She was stunning in snug black pants and a cream-colored blouse. Her long wavy hair hung loose around her shoulders like a dark halo accentuating her ivory skin. He fell in love with her all over again. How he ached to take her right here even with these oafs watching. “You don’t have to go,” he said. “I can stop them.”

  “It will only make them more suspicious that I have something to hide. Let them take me. There is a lot the Council and I need to discuss.”

  “Andrea, please don’t go.”

  She came over and placed a delicate hand on his cheek. “This is my destiny, Mikel. I must do it, no matter what the risks may be.”

  He turned to the police. “I’m coming with you to the interrogation.”

  The sergeant shrugged. “The Council never said you were barred. I have no objection.”

  Mikel grabbed his long black coat and left hoping he hadn’t just condemned Andrea to another death. Only this might be one she could never return from.

  Chapter 16

  One of the Vampire Council members with long white hair and piercing blue eyes frowned down at Andrea from a judicial bench. “Who authorized the turning of this woman?” he bellowed.

  Mikel stepped forward and stood next to her. “I never received permission, my Lord. I turned her because I feared she might be destroyed.”

  “Perhaps rightly so,” another vampire justice chimed in. He looked more like a middle-aged banker than a vampire. “I’ve heard from different sources about the kind of heresy she spreads.”

  “I disagree, my Lord,” a voice said from the back of the courthouse.

  Andrea turned to see Bryce, the vampire who’d tried to seduce her, walking up the center aisle. “The things Andrea has said are, if you’ll forgive me, true. The only difference between her and the rest of us is that no vampire, not man nor woman, has had the guts to talk about these forbidden things. But all of us have noticed the appalling conditions humans live under. I think it’s time for all of us to have a discussion about their fate.”

  “So you are defending her?” the white-haired Council member asked.

  He seemed to have authority to speak for the group.

  Bryce glanced at Andrea and gave her a small grin. “I am.”

  Mikel didn’t know how to feel. He was grateful for Bryce’s help in this touchy matter but he also wondered why he was risking himself to get involved. Had he too developed feelings for this spirited woman? A tiny blade of jealously stabbed at his heart.

  “All that aside, it is still against all that we stand for to turn a human without prior approval,” the Councilman said.

  “I regret not getting approval first. I should have but my emotions got the better of me. I am truly sorry. I beg you all to be merciful and overlook this one mistake,” Mikel said in an attempt to soothe the Council. It appeared to work. Everyone relaxed a little.

  The Councilman cleared his throat. “Because you have always served this Council faithfully, you are forgiven. I trust there will not be a next time. Things might not go so easily for you if there is. Now we can move on to the treatment of humans. I think I speak for Council when I say—”

  “Excuse me, my Lord,” Andrea interrupted. “May I say a few things?”

  He raised a hand allowing her to speak.

  “I grew up in the camps. I know what life is like there for humans. The only thing they have to look forward to is being used by their vampire overlords. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you, my Lord, that that is no way to live. I propose a new partnership between humans and vampires where both can get what they want and need. There are plenty of humans who would be happy to serve but there are also others who would like more from their lives. Let me take over the program. I can promise you better treatment for humans, and a better society for vampires.”

  “There has been talk for years that an overhaul of the system is needed,” Mikel reminded them. “Now we finally have someone who is intimately familiar with both human and vampire needs. What can it hurt to give her a chance?”

  The Council members all exchanged looks. Mikel held his breath. He’d hate to have to fight his way out of here with Andrea to save them both, but he’d do what was necessary.

  The lead Councilman shook his head and smiled. “I have to admit, you are one brave young woman. Very well then, we will put you in charge of overhauling the camps. But I must warn you, I expect wonderful results.”

  “You shall have them,” Andrea said. “And thank you so much, my Lord.”

  The Councilmen shuffled out leaving Andrea alone with Mikel and Bryce.

  “I hope you know what you’re in for. That’s a lot of work in organizing the camps. You just volunteered to take on one hell of a pain in the ass,” Bryce said.

  “I know but I’m ready.” She turned to Mikel. “You’ve stayed by me through everything. Even when I lied and said I didn’t love you. I am very grateful to you, Mikel, for everything. Do you still love me after all I’ve put you through?”

  “Only a man in love would do such foolishness as st
and up to the Council,” he said with a smile.

  “I need you. Will you help me?”

  Mikel kissed her. “I’ve come this far. Why back out now?”

  “Bryce?” she asked hopefully. “What about you?”

  He frowned and shook his head. “I suppose I could offer some assistance.”

  She smiled at them both. “Fantastic.” Then she took Mikel’s hand. “I love you, Mikel. I honestly do.”

  He gave her a tender kiss. “Then that makes all my future suffering worth it.”


  Michelle Marquis is the pen name for science fiction and paranormal author Michelle O’Neill. Born in Los Angeles, California, Michelle has lived all over the US and even some places in Canada. She is owned and cared for by her family (who tolerate her writing insanity), an aging Doberman and a mischievous Irish Terrier named Guinness. Michelle often writes like a fiend and has authored many novels and short stories for the Internet both mainstream and erotic.

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