Hunter's Prey

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Hunter's Prey Page 5

by Kit Tunstall

  “Oh.” Armand drew in a deep breath and forced it out again against her nipple, catching her by surprise with the intensity of her reaction. Every muscle in her body tightened, and her hips pumped frantically. She sought a connection with Foster, grasping his cock.

  “Squeeze me, chérie. Touch me.”

  She couldn’t deny his throaty request, tightening her hand around his thick shaft. His cock pulsed in time with his rapid heartbeat, and she cupped her hand around him, moving up and down with steady pressure. At the back of her mind, something stirred, diminishing her pleasure like a bothersome gnat. Finally, she forced herself to focus on the thought buzzing around her brain, a frown sweeping across her face.

  Armand’s brushed his thumb over her lips as he raised his head to look down at her. “What troubles you, Shaun?”

  From the corner of her eye, she saw Foster rise to a sitting position. “I can feel Foster’s heart pounding through his cock.”

  He laughed. “You excite me.”

  She shook her head. “You aren’t supposed to have a heartbeat. Everything I’ve learned in my training says it’s impossible.”

  Armand’s expression darkened, and he seemed to distance himself, completely breaking contact with her save for her fingers clenching his thigh. “There are a great many lies your precious Agency feeds its agents and the public. That we are dead is just one of them. Vampirism involves a transformation, a process of physical mutation, but it doesn’t involve death.” His eyes narrowed when he glared down at her. “At least, it didn’t until your kind began hunting us to the verge of extinction.”

  A tense silence fell, and Shaun shivered under the anger in Armand’s eyes. Aching at the withdrawal of their mouths from her breast, at the chill settling in her flesh where it touched Armand, she released both of them.

  Foster reached across her body to place a hand on Armand’s shoulder. “Do not let it trouble you tonight, Armand. We should be celebrating the moment.” He glanced down at Shaun, his expression full of tenderness. “We have found her. Let us not lose her because of our differences.”

  Shaun held her breath as the atmosphere changed. Armand still seemed to be brooding, but his expression gradually lightened, until his blue eyes looked clear again. He traced a circle on her stomach with the pad of his index finger, and she was able to relax at the proof of his returning ardor. Even that small contact was enough to send her desire into overdrive again, almost instantly returning her to the passionate haze into which she had been slipping before almost ruining the moment with her confusion.

  When Armand dipped his head again, she expected him to resume his post at her breast. Instead, he brushed his lips against hers in a coaxing kiss. It was undemanding, and she opened her mouth freely when he traced his tongue over her plump contours, before darting inside to explore the moist recess with finesse. Once again, Shaun reached for Armand, placing her hand on his thigh, just inches from his tantalizing cock.

  The bed dipped as Foster shifted positions to kiss her cheek. The feather-light touch of his lips across her face made her stomach quiver, and the tenderness in the touch somehow made it all the more erotic. Armand’s kiss changed, becoming hungrier and more possessive. Foster moved his lips over her cheek, eyelids, and finally to her ear, a delicious counter. It was almost impossible to not melt into the bed in a boneless heap as Foster nibbled on her ear, while Armand’s tongue dueled with hers, enticing her to chase it around her mouth.

  Foster moved away from her ear, making her moan at the withdrawal, although anticipation of what he would do next heightened her pleasure. His mouth was suddenly on hers, his tongue plunging inside. A thrill of shock shot through her to have both of their tongues between her lips, but it felt so good, so right, that she surrendered to them, doing her best to meet each thrust of their tongues with her own.

  Together, they cupped her breasts in their hands, each circling the plump nipples with their thumbs in concert. Their mouths continued to devour hers, and she found it increasingly difficult to respond, swept away by a tide of overwhelming desire. Never had she felt like this -- not just physically, but emotionally. Wild abandon had taken over, and she was at its mercy as much as she was at theirs. The loss of control should have been frightening, but was heady instead. It was delicious to surrender all thought to desire, to let Foster and Armand introduce her body to unimagined pleasures without her mind trying to offer reasons why she shouldn’t be doing this.

  Foster broke from her mouth first, and she reached for him, burying her fingers in his hair to try to bring him back. With a low chuckle, he resisted her attempts, seemingly with little effort. “Be patient.” He trailed his tongue down her neck and across to her shoulder. He nipped her, causing Shaun to cry out at the pleasure, but Armand swallowed the sound. In defeat, she let go of Foster’s hair, returning her hand to his arm, needing to touch him as much as she required him to touch her.

  Armand doubled her frustration drifting lower, sweeping down to her neck, where he drew in some of her skin to suck gently. Shaun stiffened at the image popping into her mind of him biting through her skin to take her blood intruded. It wasn’t the thought that frightened her. Rather, it was her own excitement. She wanted to toss back her head in unspoken invitation, wanted to feel his teeth penetrate her skin, wanted to offer the gift of her blood as a small measure of repayment for the pleasure he and Foster were giving her.

  The moment passed, and Armand moved lower, his tongue leaving a wet trail across her breast. As he approached her nipple, Foster left her shoulder, seeming to have the same aim as Armand. Simultaneously, they reached her breasts, each drawing a nipple into their mouths. Shaun arched her back, wanting more than the gentle laving of their tongues across her sensitive buds. Even when they responded to her unspoken demands by increasing the intensity of their suckling, both rasping their teeth in gentle harmony across her nipples, it wasn’t enough.

  At her restless shifting, Armand broke away, lifting his head as he shifted his position to sit between her thighs. Shaun groaned when Foster’s mouth also departed, leaving her bereft. Her body screamed for another release, and she barely contained a cry of frustration when Foster slipped behind her. A drawer opened behind her, but she couldn’t see what he was doing from her angle.

  Armand took her hands, and she grasped his, rising into a sitting position. Her stomach quivered with nervous excitement upon realizing their union was imminent. Never had two men been inside her at the same time, and while she feared some pain, she anticipated the pleasure more.

  Armand lifted her to sit astride his thighs, with her legs wrapped around his waist. “Look at me, ma belle.”

  Shaun met his eyes, losing herself in the vortex as he thralled her. Her mind resisted for a moment, until he explained himself.

  “You will feel no pain as Foster prepares you.”

  The tension left her body, along with her lingering fear. Shaun sagged against Armand, pressing her cheek to his chest, while bringing her pussy that much closer to his cock. So near, she felt his shaft spasming with need. They matched the convulsions shaking her molten core, and she shifted impatiently, only stilling when Foster cupped her buttocks.

  He started out by squeezing them gently, massaging in circles. A groan left Shaun, and she melted completely against Armand, cuddling the tip of his cock with her pussy. He echoed her groan and thrust his hips to nestle inside more snugly.

  That changed when Armand cupped her buttocks below Foster’s hands to lift her ass higher, while positioning their pelvises better. Shaun was about to sink onto his cock, but he held her steady, shaking his head. “Not yet, Shaun. Let Foster make you ready first.”

  Mystified by his words, she hesitated a second before nodding. The new position stretched the muscles in her thighs, so she dropped her legs from around Armand’s waist to bend them on either side of him. She clutched his shoulders to brace herself until finding her center.

  Foster moved his hands from her buttocks, but returne
d them seconds later. Shaun stiffened when something hard but narrow penetrated her anus. A rush of warm fluid provided explanation for what was inside her, and she relaxed as the lube filled her anus.

  When he withdrew the tube, his fingers replaced it, two easing inside her carefully. Shaun shivered at the sensation, finding it pleasurable, without a hint of pain. Considering Foster’s careful movements, she suspected it would have been the same even if Armand hadn’t thralled her.

  Her excitement must have transmitted to Armand, because his hands had become like vises on her ass, squeezing with so much pressure it almost hurt. Shaun didn’t say anything, but not because she was afraid of his reaction. She was just enjoying the rough handling in contrast to Foster’s gentle thrusting of his fingers into her back passage. As she groaned with delight, Armand began pumping her hips, moving her to meet each of Foster’s thrusts, making her pussy drip with need. The three of them were moaning almost in concert. When Foster managed to ease a third finger inside her anus, she knew she was ready. “Please, now.”

  Armand nodded and the bed dipped as Foster moved closer behind her. She held her breath with anticipation. Armand lowered her pussy onto his cock an inch at a time, enveloping himself in her slick heat. Her sheath took him easily, and Shaun wondered if it was because of the thrall, or because she had never been so aroused in her life.

  It seemed like it couldn’t get any better as he gently thrust in and out of her, until Foster joined them, pressing his chest to her back, while his cock probed her back passage. Shaun dug her nails into Armand’s shoulders, unable to fight a stir of apprehension when Foster’s large cock penetrated her, slowly sinking past the barrier of her sphincter. When she experienced no pain, Shaun relaxed fully, leaning back slightly to help Foster plunge inside her.

  For a moment, the three of them stilled in unison. She wondered if they were lost in the sensations of them being joined as she was. Shaun was stretched to the limit, so full from them she could barely move, but it was delicious. Driven by desire, she bucked her hips, and they followed her lead, thrusting into her with powerful strokes.

  As Foster withdrew, Armand surged deep inside her pussy. There was no fumbling to match rhythms. They had probably done this many times, so of course they knew how to work together. The thought was disquieting, and Shaun had to push down her jealousy.

  The thoughts faded from her mind as the men plunged inside her in opposing motions, moving her body for her. As the pace increased, she could only concentrate on holding onto Armand as they guided her between them. Foster’s nipples and lightly haired chest pressed against her back, giving her a connection to him too. Sensual lethargy invaded her limbs, and she was content to be their marionette.

  While the rest of her body relaxed, her pussy remained tense, her womb convulsing. She hovered on the edge of climax as they continued pounding into her, but couldn’t quite achieve orgasm. Was it because she had been satisfied already tonight? No, that wasn’t it.

  A frown furrowed her brow as she thought about what was missing. What kept her from having a climax? After a moment, it came to her that they were together, but Armand and Foster were holding themselves separate of each other, which indirectly kept them segregated from her, at least emotionally. With a deep breath, she managed to speak. “Together.”

  “We are together, chérie.” Foster sounded amused, but breathless.

  She tossed her head. “No, take me at the same time. Match your rhythm. Don’t separate.”

  Armand hesitated for a second, but then nodded.

  Tension filled the room as Armand and Foster stopped thrusting. They held her between them for a long moment, with Shaun resting her head on Armand’s chest, and letting Foster brace her back while his hands settled over Armand’s on her shoulders.

  Sandwiched between them, she struggled for breath. She sensed a shift in her body, one preparing her to come. The bit that had been missing was now in place. Their cocks seemed to be seeking out each other, and the trace of separation disappeared. They thrust inside her in concert, their cocks touching each other, save for her skin separating them, making all three shudder simultaneously. Armand and Foster breathed raggedly together, their harsh exhalations filling the room.

  “Take me.”

  “We are, ma belle.”

  Shaun shook her head, needing just one thing more. “Bite me. I want to feel it.” It was supposed to be the most sensual of experiences, and coupled with their possession, the pleasure might kill her. She was willing to take the risk.

  Foster’s mouth was the first at her neck, his teeth grazing her artery before his fangs slid through her skin like a knife through hot butter. There was an instant of almost-pain, but it faded as he began sucking her blood.

  It was amazing, but got even better. Armand dipped his head to find a vein in her shoulder, kissing the spot just before penetrating her with his teeth. They sucked in concert, finding simpatico rhythms that matched their thrusting hips. Her head spun, but she didn’t know if it was from pleasure or blood loss.

  The sensations were overwhelming to Shaun, allowing only for a few thrusts before their cocks spasmed inside her convulsing pussy, while her anus clenched tight around Foster’s cock. Shaun cried out as her orgasm claimed her, just as each man spilled his seed inside her, their warmth mingling in her openings and filling her with liquid heat. Her heart pounded in her ears, and she closed her eyes to weather the intensity of her release, spinning away into darkness as their fangs left her body, although their cocks stayed lodged deep inside her.

  Eventually, the spasms in their bodies calmed, and Shaun regained a hint of awareness for the world around them. With two cocks still semi-hard inside her, it was almost impossible to remember the reasons why she shouldn’t be here, to recall what awaited her in her normal life, if she ever got back to it.

  Armand moved first, not withdrawing from her, but taking her with him as he lay on his side. Foster’s cock slipped from her anus as he lined himself up behind her, his arm over her waist and resting on Armand’s hip. He pressed a gentle kiss to the back of her neck, drawing her attention to the area.

  In the aftermath, Shaun felt some twinges where they had bitten her, but the blood had stopped flowing from the wounds the minute they withdrew, their saliva acting as both a coagulant and anticoagulant, depending on at what point they were in feeding.

  Armand tilted her chin to press his mouth to hers, causing the clinical explanation to leave her. His kiss was gentle, comforting, but with a hint of restrained passion. He lifted his head, and she wanted to protest.

  Before she could form words, his gaze locked with hers. “You will wake before us, I’m sure. You may go anywhere you wish in the house or on the grounds, but you will not wander off.” He gave her a half-smile. “Right?”

  “Yes.” The word sounded like it came from a zombie, and Shaun glared at him as she agreed, finding it beyond her will to resist the command, but still able to resent his power over her.

  “Armand, is that necessary?”

  He glared at Foster. “Are you convinced she will stay?”

  Foster’s silence was his answer, and it preceded a deeper stillness as they fell into slumber with the rising sun. Shaun thought about getting up as soon as they slipped into their regenerative state, but decided she was too comfortable to move. As Armand had said, she was sure to wake before them and would find a way to escape then.

  Wouldn’t she? Her stomach clenched at the thought of leaving them, but what choice did she have? How successful could the relationship between two vampires and an NCA agent be, when they were supposed to be sworn enemies, each destined to kill the other whenever the opportunity arose?

  Shaun shook her head at the ramblings of her mind, wondering where the relationship nonsense was coming from. The sex with Armand and Foster hadn’t changed anything. To them, she was still just a source of sustenance. Despite Armand’s assurances to the contrary, it was a given when they tired of her body, they would drain
her blood and discard her unless she managed to escape first. She was left with no choice but to try to fight the thrall and leave the two men who had brought her such pleasure.

  As she surrendered to sleep, Shaun realized she no longer thought of Armand and Foster as necros. They were men, not that much different from lovers of her past, aside from their skills. When she returned to the Agency, she would have many questions that urgently needed answers. Were they deliberately deceiving the public, or were they just misinformed?

  Chapter Five

  Around noon, Shaun awakened from a deep sleep, one so satisfying it left her fully rested after just seven hours. In a tangle of arms and legs, she lay pinned between Foster and Armand, who slept deeply. She studied them for a long moment, staring at Armand, examining him as he regenerated. In a state deeper than sleep, he appeared dead, save for the occasional respirations moving his chest up and down. His pale skin had a waxy look that didn’t seem healthy.

  Turning around, she examined Foster, finding him in a similar condition. Her mind whirled with confusion as she eased out of the bed, moving carefully so as not to rouse them, although they both seemed beyond waking at the moment. According to her training, necros were dead once they were infected. They didn’t breathe or have heartbeats. Again, she questioned what she had learned as she slipped from the room.

  Her feet automatically carried her back to the room where they had imprisoned her yesterday. When she stepped into it, a frown furrowed her brow. What was she doing? She should be looking for a way to escape, testing the bonds of the thrall.

  With a rueful look at her bare state, she acknowledged she couldn’t traipse around naked, and she certainly couldn’t try to escape without garments. A trip to the bathroom revealed her clothes from yesterday still scattered on the floor. The bathwater was still in the tub, and she plunged her hand into the icy liquid to release the plug.


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