Space Rescue One

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Space Rescue One Page 7

by Atk. Butterfly

  "No, I'm not. I'm pulling my share of work today."

  "You are?" asked Richard.

  "Yes, why? You have something against that?" Shelly replied.

  "No. I just thought you'd been through an ordeal and might need a rest."

  "Well, thank you, Dr. Richard Saber."

  "Never mind, then. I was just inquiring."

  Isaac whispered, "Are you sure you're okay? You just snapped at Richard for merely asking about you. You didn't snap my head off. Why his? He was the first team member to stay with you last night after you were brought in."

  Shelly looked at Isaac before saying, "I don't know." She turned to Richard, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you that way. I'm going to be fine as soon as I get over being angry at myself."

  "Forget it, Shelly. I know it's just the trauma affecting you over your near escape. Have a good day," Richard said.

  "Uh, sure, Richard. You, too," Shelly said.


  Chief Dickson reported to Captain Shortner. He stood at attention as Captain Shortner read to him. ". . . As a result, you're to be charged in a courtmartial for assault on a passenger."

  For once, Isaac let his attention waver. He exclaimed, "What?" as he leaned forward some to get a look at the sheet that Shortner held. Then he caught himself and snapped back straight to a position of attention.

  "That's what I thought when I read the statement forwarded to me by Captain Fogel. Nevertheless, I'm compelled to follow through with this charge and convene a court-martial. In the meantime, you're restricted to the ship unless carrying out your duties," Captain Shortner said.

  "Yes, sir. May I comment?" asked the chief.

  "Sure, but it's not going to change anything. I still have to follow through on this."

  "Sir, I don't even know that man. In fact, I can account for my whereabouts last night."

  "Can you document that with witnesses?"

  "Technician Laumer was with me up until about nine. After she left, I was answering passenger questions in the bar for almost another forty minutes until I was paged. Well, I don't know the names of some of them, but I'm sure I can pick them out from the liner's passenger photo records. Oh, and Technician Saber was with me part of the time. He was with me shortly after I left the bar on my way to the sick call area where they took Shelly."

  "Were you drinking at all last night?" Shortner asked.

  "I had two drinks with the passengers. Both light. I didn't even finish the second one."

  "All right. Take some time off and check the passenger records. Get your witnesses and I can probably dismiss this on insufficient evidence even though he claims that you are the attacker by name. Are you sure you don't know this man? Maybe you had a run in with him somewhere else before?"

  "I'm positive. I don't know him at all. I've never seen him before. That photo is the first time I've ever seen him," Isaac answered.


  "I'm sorry, Chief. I don't remember talking with you in the bar last night. I wish I could help you, but I wasn't even in the bar then. Sorry," the passenger said.

  "Okay, thanks anyway," Isaac said.


  "What? Chief Dickson is being court-martialed? That's the most absurd thing I've heard of. What for?" Richard exclaimed as he walked into the break room and overheard part of a conversation between Technicians Alex Knight and Jimmy Clarke.

  "Assault on a passenger. The man claims that Chief Dickson was drunk, kicked his teeth in, and broke his jaw for bumping into him last night," Alex replied.

  "I don't believe it. I know the Chief. He doesn't act that way. He wasn't drunk last night, either. I was with him when he reported to sick bay to check on Shelly," Richard said.

  "Well, the old man is charging him anyway. I've since heard that none of the passengers will admit to being with him between when Shelly left and you saw him," Clarke said.


  Richard entered the man's room while carrying a bedpan. He put it in reach of the patient, noticing that the man was asleep. Crossing back to the doorway, Richard closed the door before returning to the man's side. He pulled the covers up over the man's face and held it there while shaking the man awake.


  "Don't bother trying to talk. I know you can't because I'm the man who kicked your teeth in. If you don't want your balls kicked up into your throat to visit your teeth, then you better drop the charges against Chief Dickson. I don't like seeing the wrong man accused of something I did to an attempted rapist. Just remember that. You attempted to rape a woman. Now either drop those charges or be prepared to spend a long time in prison on Earth with lots of boyfriends. Don't bother pulling the covers back until I leave the room. You move them one inch, I'll personally demolish you here and now. If you understand everything I said, just nod your head. . . Good for you. I'm glad to see we have an understanding."


  "Chief, I'm glad to say that the charges are being dropped. The man's a bit clearer now than he was earlier. He's sure he got confused because of the pain killers. He thinks he remembers now where he saw you and how come he got confused. He's pretty sure he saw you in the bar, himself. You just happened to be the last person he remembered seeing before someone did a job on him," Captain Shortner said upon stopping beside the Chief as the Chief left a room with a load of linen.

  "I'm certainly glad to hear that. I couldn't find anyone else who was in the bar who would admit seeing me there during that time. Is this really over with, sir?" Isaac replied.

  "Yes, it is, I'm glad to say. You're no longer restricted to the ship while not performing your duties."


  "You glad to be back, Richard?" Damon asked.

  "In a way, yes. That call was more than I counted on it being," Richard answered.

  "Yes, I've already heard about what almost happened to Chief Dickson. He's a lucky man, all things considered."

  "Yes, Damon, I guess he is, at that."

  "How are you, though?"

  "Well, I guess I'm fine. I slept a bit better while we were out. Mostly, I was too tired not to sleep," Richard answered.

  "Ah, maybe you just need more things to do."

  "I didn't say it was any easier. I still had trouble getting to sleep."

  "I'm sorry to hear that. Is it possible that your sleep problem has a physical cause?"

  "No, it hasn't. I'm sure of that. I hope that you're not going to suggest that I see a doctor."

  "Not at all. Just keeping the conversation going. Otherwise, it's really none of my business, other than concern for one of my best customers. I just hate to see any man suffer."

  "Thanks. I appreciate your concern, Damon."

  "How'd you make out with your girl? Did you ask her for a date?" Damon asked.

  "Well, I was in the process of asking her when we got called out. The damn alert interrupted me, so I never got to finish asking. I'm going to try again, if she's not mad at me."

  "Why should she be mad at you? Did you do anything to her?" Damon asked.

  "Not in the least. It's just that someone tried to rape her. She's been angry about it ever since," Richard answered.

  "Oh, I see, I guess."


  "Shelly, you're still snapping at everyone. Are you sure you want to go on this date?" Isaac asked as Shelly met him at the ship's airlock.

  "Yes, I'm sure. I need to get out or I'm not going to be much use to anyone, including myself. Fact is, I talked with the ship's psychologist. She recommended that I go out and have some fun. This is part of my treatment, so to speak," Shelly said.

  "Oh, in that case, let's not delay."


  "Set 'em up, again, Al!" Shelly exclaimed.

  "My name's not Al, but I'll serve you anyway," Damon said.

  "Thanks, Al," Shelly said.

  "It's Damon, please. You ought to go easy on these drinks, ma'am."

  "Her doctor told her to get loose tonight. She just returned from a rough mission," Is
aac said.

  "Oh, sorry. Well, don't let this become a habit," Damon said.

  "I'll decide when I've had enough," Shelly said.

  "Just advising you. I'm legally responsible, you know," Damon said.

  "I'll sign a goddamn waiver, if you want," Shelly said.

  "Easy, Shelly. He's just doing his job," said Isaac.

  "While you're getting the waiver, get me another," Shelly said while downing her drink.

  Richard watched from a solitary seat at the shadowy end of the bar. He felt sorry for Shelly as she found courage to face life in the only way he once did. Without knowing why, he knew that she wouldn't solve her problem. Once the morning came, it would still be there, just as his was everyday. Still, drinking had made sleep come easier for him. It stopped the nightmares from happening most of the time. When it didn't, it was usually time to drink some more. Perhaps it would do the same for her.


  Richard watched as Isaac tried to persuade Shelly to leave with him when the Chief was paged. She insisted on staying to drink. Sensing the indecision in the Chief's mind, he got up from his seat in the shadows and walked over to their table. "Chief, I heard you paged. You better get going. I'll sit with Shelly if she doesn't mind my company."

  Chief Dickson looked at Richard for a moment before replying, "Uh, yeah. Thanks. I do have to see what I'm needed for. Make sure she gets back to her quarters okay."

  "I will. Rely on that, Chief," Richard replied.

  The Chief left as Shelly exclaimed, "Hey, Al! Set 'em up, again! One for my friend, Richard, too!"

  "His name's Damon," Richard said.

  Damon came over. "The same?"

  "My usual," replied Richard.

  "So, you know the bartender by name and don't even have to ask for your drink by name. How quaint!" Shelly said.


  Richard carried Shelly back to her quarters. Reaching them, he deposited her on her bunk and fastened a safety belt around her in case the ship left port with her still in bed. As a precaution, he placed a vomit bag near her where she might find it. In a way, he envied her as she slept with her demons temporarily at rest. Of course, until she got used to drinking heavy, she'd suffer in the mornings.


  Richard woke up with something against him in his bunk. He turned his head to stare into Shelly's face.

  "You want to fool around? After all, you won the bet," she asked.

  "What bet? I don't remember us making any bet."

  "Why, our bet that the last call would be easy. You pegged it right. It was anything but easy. I lost, so I want to pay off."

  "We never made the bet. Now get up, go back to your quarters, and get some sleep."

  "Uh, sure. Get some sleep," she said with a yawn before passing out.

  Richard looked at her lying naked on top of his covers, effectively pinning him down for the moment. At least, he thought, she can't claim anything against me since I'm under my covers. Anyway, she came to my quarters. Why'd she have to do this to me? Does she care at all about me or is she really doing this for what she says is a bet? Why does she have to complicate everything instead of keeping it simple?


  Chief Dickson stopped at Shelly's quarters only to discover she wasn't in. He wandered over to Technician Saber's quarters to see if he was still out watching her. He eased open the door and glanced in only to see both Shelly and Richard in bed. Quickly, he closed the door before he disturbed either of them. His fists clenched, he went to his own quarters where sleep wouldn't come to him easily.


  Somehow during the night, Shelly shifted about enough that Richard could get up as the morning hour approached. He wasn't sure how either he or Shelly slept at all. Then he thought about it some. He remembered that Shelly had passed out, so he was only amazed at how well he slept. Carefully, he climbed out over her onto the deck. He grabbed a towel to wrap around himself later and made his way to the washroom. Finding an empty cubicle, he undressed and entered.

  Richard was busy washing when the cubicle door opened. Shelly entered and stood under the water as he stared in amazement.

  "Shouldn't you use a private wash cubicle?"

  Shelly winced, saying softly, "Shhh! Don't yell at me. I've got a headache. Besides, after I gave myself to you last night, you shouldn't mind me being in here with you."

  "You didn't give yourself to me last night. You passed out twice. Once in the bar and the second time onto my bed. I don't know what makes you think that you gave yourself to me. We didn't do anything last night."

  "We didn't? Are you sure?" Shelly asked.

  "No, we didn't. I appreciate the thought that you tried to give yourself to me, but I couldn't take advantage of you that way."

  Without another word, Shelly retreated for the cubicle door. Her face blushed not because she was naked but because she was seriously thinking of initiating more action under the cascading water when Richard admitted thetruth to her. She hardly noticed the scars on Richard's back, so intent had she been on admiring the rest of his physique.


  Isaac observed Shelly leave the shower cubicle and turn to enter another one. He asked, "That one out of order?"

  Wincing, Shelly replied, "No, it's occupied. My mistake." Aware that she was standing in front of the Chief while naked, she pulled her towel around her. It wasn't really her towel, though. Rather, it was one of Richard's. She had liberated it while going through his room looking for her clothes upon waking up after discovering him missing. That was when she noticed the chronometer showed that she was barely going to have enough time to get cleaned before breakfast.

  Isaac couldn't help but notice the initials on the towel. "Oh."

  He watched Shelly make her way into another cubicle before turning back to a mirror to resume shaving. Moments later, Richard exited the same cubicle with an identical towel wrapped around himself.

  "So, you drank her under the table, huh?" asked Isaac.

  Richard answered, "No, I didn't. I got Shelly back home safely last night, but that didn't last long. She woke up and climbed into my bed sometime later. I reckon she has a king-sized hangover this morning. She drank almost until closing."

  "Why'd she climb into your bed?"

  "Chief, she was drunk and mistakenly thought we'd made a bet before our last call. Anyway, we didn't have a bet going and nothing happened last night. I just finished explaining that to her after she walked in on my shower," Richard answered.

  "Right. So, why are you telling me?" asked Isaac.

  Richard answered, "Just thought you might like to know that I wasn't moving in on you. If I . . ."

  "If you what?"

  "Uh, nothing. Forget it, Chief."


  Shelly returned to Richard's room. She held his towel in her hand. Not seeing him, she placed the towel on a shelf. She turned to leave only to spot a chest with his name on it. She would have ignored it except that the top of the chest had portions painted over in a color that didn't quite match. Sometime before, there was something printed in front of his name. As well, she saw there used to be something after it. She wondered what those missing segments used to be. However, the lock on the chest deprived her of any satisfaction in finding out if anything inside might answer her questions. With her head still throbbing, she gave up quickly on any thoughts of picking the lock to see what was inside the chest. Then she remembered breakfast, though her stomach recoiled at the thought.

  Chapter 5

  "I noticed you went over to that woman last night, Richard. Is she the one you're pining for?" Damon asked.

  "None of your business, Damon," Richard answered.

  "Sorry. Just curious. If she is, she certainly looks worth the suffering you're going through."

  "Yeah, she is, at that."

  "I thought you said she didn't like to go out drinking?" Damon asked.

  "She doesn't. She's trying to forget that she was almost raped on the last mission," Richard

  "Oh yes, you told me that before. I guess that would be unsettling at the least."

  "Yeah, she doesn't suspect how close it really was."

  "You have something to do with that?" asked Damon.

  Richard quickly replied, "Me? No, not at all. I wasn't involved. I just know that it was closer than she knew it was."

  Damon accepted the reply, though disbelieving it entirely based upon his experience in dealing with people. He knew already that she was definitely the woman occupying Richard's mind. That was only too easy to read in Richard's voice and eyes. Still, he was fairly sure that she wasn't the cause of Richard's sleeplessness. That problem was due to something else that Damon didn't have the slightest hint about. He only knew that it wasn't for anything bad that Richard might have done in the past. So far, Richard hadn't dropped much in the way of any clues or hints about what it was truly about.


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