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PleasureAtTheCaptainsHandsOnePassionTwiceTold Page 1

by Mary Alice Williamson

  Pleasure at the Captain’s Hands

  One Passion, Twice Told


  Mary Alice Williamson


  Shellee Smythe


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.


  COPYRIGHT 2013 by Mary Alice Williamson


  Published by Sybarite Seductions, an imprint of Twenty or Less Press. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or Sybarite Seductions.

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  Book Cover Design by ZenD

  Portrait of young attractive girl - on black background COPYRIGHT Denis Nata /

  Portrait of long-haired man with naked torso

  COPYRIGHT Nick Thomps /


  Table of Contents

  Pleasure at the Captain’s Hands by Mary Alice Williamson

  Lord Oliver Farringer—or as he preferred to be called, Captain Epson—has done his duty to his country and his title. Miss Samantha James, governess to the captain’s two children, can’t help but find him admirable. No doubt he runs his estate as strictly as he did his ship, but beneath his stern facade, she glimpses a lonely, widowed man.

  Samantha too is lonely. No longer satisfied with fantasizing about the captain while pleasuring herself in her spinster bed, she takes matters into her own hands one night and braves Captain Epson’s den.

  Will fantasy exceed reality?

  Pleasure at the Captain’s Hands—The Master’s Tale by Shellee Smythe

  Lord Oliver Farringer—or Captain Epson as he preferred to be called—finds himself in an untenable position, wanting to marry Miss Samantha James, his children’s governess and the woman who has been warming his bed for the past month. However, more than once she has proclaimed a lack of interest in joining the aristocracy.

  A moment of jealousy and the sting of rejection shatter his hard-fought control, and he decides one more toss is in order before he turns her out. However, Miss James surprises him into revealing his most secret fantasies.

  Once the boundaries have been crossed, will Captain Epson have a change of heart?


  Pleasure at the Captain’s Hands

  August 1818, Bridgewater, Somerset England

  Samantha James tiptoed along the darkened hallway of Lord Farringer’s—or as he’d instructed his staff to call him, Captain Epson’s—manor house. Midnight had come and gone some time ago, but the gray day had turned into a grayer night with fat clouds obscuring the moonlight. The eerie atmosphere worked well with her penchant for skulking. It was a priority that her mission remained secret.

  As the governess, she might well eat with the family and partake in at-home entertainment, but she never had leave to approach individual members in a private setting unless given permission—and she never had permission, not in the Captain’s household, especially when his mother was in house. And no, she certainly didn’t have leave to prowl near the Captain’s rooms, let alone think to enter them, but tonight she’d take the chance.

  Despite the fact his sister and mother were staying at the house until they left for the Little Season, Samantha pushed forward down the hallway. They didn’t concern her. Besides, she rather suspected they’d become adept at ignoring the household staff.

  Only he mattered, and he was quite different from them.

  After tossing the idea around for a fortnight, she’d picked this night to offer herself for his lordship’s pleasure. Being lost in the imagining of his mouth on her breasts, his lips and hands on her body or his tongue in her pussy while she brought herself to pleasure with her fingers could only satisfy her so much anymore.

  Yes, she fantasized about him during her off hours. How could she not? He was the epitome of a dark, brooding military man, too long from his ship and missing the sea.

  When she’d caught his smoldering, speculative gaze on her during dinner earlier, she’d made up her mind. Even now, as she crept along in the dark remembering the stark desire in his brown eyes, her nipples tightened. Her linen shift scraped the sensitive buds and sent a shower of tingles through her body.

  The captain had been alone too long in her opinion. Though he was a widower, she had no desire to land them both in a public scandal. She respected the gentry. They had their place in the world the same as she did, and she had no desire to be one of them. She only wanted his body, a chance at his cock, the touch of his lips on her skin. She’d have what she came for then slip back to her lonely room with the memories of this one, secret night. The captain would go about his orderly, proper life while dancing attendance on his female relatives, and she’d return to keeping his two young children quiet and presentable for when he wanted to see them.

  It wasn’t her concern he didn’t spend enough time with them, even less since his wife had died two years previous. Her opinion wouldn’t matter and wouldn’t be sought.

  She paused at the captain’s door. Her hand trembled on the brass latch. She only wanted to ease his loneliness—and seek her own satisfaction—but he had never let her close enough and was always too proper to be alone in a room with her.

  Now the choice would be out of his hands. She wouldn’t let him turn her away.

  Samantha pressed the latch and eased the door open. It swung inward on silent hinges. Of course it did. The captain would tolerate no squeaks in his home.

  After she closed the door, she padded across the cold floorboard. A sigh escaped her lips once she stepped upon a plush, Oriental carpet laid just before the bed. Despite the summer month, it was still slightly chilly at night. Not to mention, he’d kept one of the windows slightly open. An errant breeze brought a chill to the room and the scent of rain.

  The perfect backdrop for an illicit romp.

  With stealthy steps she approached the massive, four-poster bed. He’d not drawn the curtains. A man such as the captain would want to see danger approach. She forced a swallow into her dry throat as she gained the side of the bed. “Oh my.” Her whisper sounded out of place in the quiet of the room. His dark hair stark against the crisp, white bed linens—the bedclothes only covering his lower half— he lay on his side looking more handsome in a state of repose than he did in the waking hours.

  Cast in shadows, the breadth of his shoulders seemed wider and his chest more massive. Samantha’s pulse accelerated. Will the rest of him be as large? As gently as she could, she pulled back the bedclothes on the opposite side and slipped beneath them.

  Captain Epson uttered unintelligible words and rolled onto his back.

  She held her breath. Would he turn her out upon awakening? Her heart raced as she waited. When he didn’t open his eyes, she relaxed.

  Samantha scooted closer. The heat from his body warmed the sheets and seeped into her skin. The urge to see him uncovered grew stronger. Was he naked? Need slid through her veins like a beast on the prowl. Just as her fingers touched the counterpane, he closed a strong hand around her wrist.

  She squeaked, even more so when he pounced and caught her between the mattress and the hard wall of his chest and immovable
force of his hips. She put her free hand against his shoulder. “Captain Epson, it’s me, Miss James.”

  “I am well aware of your identity.” His deep voice washed over her like honey. He pinned her wrist to the pillow above her head. “I watched you enter the room, but my question now is why are you here? Surely it isn’t to discuss the children, not at this time of night and in such a state of undress.”

  Pleasure swirled through her that he’d noticed she only wore a shift. “The children are happy and secure in their slumber.” She squirmed beneath him to find a more comfortable position. There wasn’t one. His body took up all available space. His essence filled her pores until the air she breathed was tinged with the scent of spice and him. His weight was pleasant on top of her, and not overbearing.

  One thing was quite certain—the captain slept in the nude. The thick, hard length of his erect cock jumped against her thigh. Wet heat dampened the curls between her legs. That appendage was indeed as large as the rest of him.

  “I see. Well, Miss James, I refuse to be caught in a scandal if that is what you have in mind.” The rumble of his voice tickled her insides. He fit his lips to the shell of her ear. “Perhaps you should explain.” His whisper was little more than a growl and lit her insides on fire.

  “The truth is…” She moistened her lips. It was difficult to breathe not only with him keeping her on the bed but also with the frantic beating of her heart. She sought his gaze in the darkness when he pulled slightly away. He’d either end her employment or agree to her suggestion. “The truth is, I came here tonight for the purpose of rousing you to passion in the hopes—”

  “In the hopes you can trick me into matrimony? I’m not searching for another parson’s trap so soon. I’ve barely learned how to live without my wife. I’m not of a mind to learn another woman’s habits right now. There are too many females under this roof as it is.” He tightened his grip on her wrist. “I never thought you had such deviousness in you.”

  “No! I don’t wish to marry you, Captain Epson. You couldn’t pay me enough to take on the responsibilities and idiosyncrasies of the aristocracy.” She chuckled at her own humor. “I merely want you to have relations with me.”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  Should she put everything proper aside and attempt to shock him into compliance?

  Yes, I should.

  With her free hand, she cupped his cheek. Shivers raced down her spine as the stubble rasped against her palm. I’m touching him. I’m in bed with Captain Epson, and so far, he hasn’t raised an alarm.

  “I’m waiting for an answer, Miss James.” He pulled her hand away from his face and pinned that wrist above her head as well.

  Samantha bit her lip against the acute sensations of her taut nipples rubbing his chest through the material of her shift. She gasped at the contrasting textures between his hard muscles and the softness of her clothing. What would that coarse hair feel like on her uncovered skin? “I want you to fuck me, Captain Epson.” She used the vulgar term she’d heard some of the lower servants bandy about, and while she couldn’t bring herself to use others, she figured that one was appropriate now. “I’ve seen how you watch me when you’re home. You desire this as much as I do. Give me this one night.”

  His eyes glittered in the gloom. “Such language, and such a request, from a virgin governess?”

  She sighed. Did he require ego stroking to ease his concerns? “I’m sure a man of action such as you has needs.”

  “That is beside the point.” He held both her wrists with one big hand. “But indeed, I’ve found myself wondering about you.”

  A tug at his hand didn’t lessen his grip. “I’m not a virgin, so there’s no danger of deflowering me. Shortly before I answered the advertisement for the position here, I was charmed by a young man going off to fight Napoleon.”

  “And he didn’t return home to claim you?” The captain moved his free hand to her breast and squeezed.

  Samantha stifled the cry hovering on her lips, so long she’d waited for his touch, but this tiny concession wasn’t enough. She’d do just about anything for him if he’d merely say the word. “Oh, he came home, except to his wife’s arms. He’d neglected to tell me of his history, and it would seem he had more charm than integrity—and me with more need than common sense.” None of the bitterness she’d harbored years ago remained. It had happened and she’d learned from it, yet the longing for sexual pleasure never went away.

  “Ah, leaving you to become governess to my children.” He rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. “A rather empty life.”

  Dear heavens, why does he wish to discuss my employment at this time? “Not at all.” She wriggled beneath him, but he didn’t stop his torment. “It’s interesting work. Your children are bright and, most of the time, well-mannered. I’m provided with a wage, a room and meals. What have I to complain of?”

  “But you have no children of your own.” His fingers stilled.

  Ah, he is merely a man who doesn’t understand there is more to a woman’s life than procreating to carry on the line. “I may be on the shelf, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be an opportunity for me later.”

  “You have no man in your life or warming your bed?” He released her wrists yet didn’t remove himself from her person.

  “I’m in yours now. Nothing else matters.” Would he or wouldn’t he accept her offer? She couldn’t stand the suspense anymore. What would he do if she freed herself and began pleasuring herself with him watching? She shifted her hips, and her thigh brushed his cock. When he softly sucked in a breath, she moved her leg and stroked him again. “What now?”

  Finally, he chuckled. The deep, smoky sound sent goose flesh over her skin and fire into her blood. “It would seem you harbor hidden passions I most decidedly want to exploit.”

  “I’m glad you intend to put aside the rules and indulge me.”

  He cupped her breasts, his hands warm through the thin fabric of her shift. “As long as this night remains our little secret, I’ll indulge you all you want, Miss James.”

  “That’s lovely.” Samantha barely managed the sentiment before the Captain sought her nipples. He tormented one with his mouth while he plucked the other with a hand. Between the rhythmic pull of his fingers, the nip of his teeth and the rub of his tongue, her world dissolved into waves of delight. Pleasure streaked from her breasts to her core and back again.

  Captain Epson rolled off her long enough to toss aside the bedclothes, and then he returned, this time kneeling between her legs. “You nearly tempted me past common sense the other night during the musicale.” He shoved the hem of her shift up, revealing her body bit by bit. “That color of wine you wore complimented you just so, as did the neckline.”

  The fact he’d noticed made this night all that sweeter. She sought his gaze in the gloom, but his attention was focused on her navel as he licked a ring around her belly button. “It’s my nicest gown though two years out of style.”

  “I wasn’t looking at you for the relevance of your attire.” He trailed a line of hot kisses over her belly and pressed his lips to her curls. “And now, I’ll always be looking past anything you wear.” He moved even farther and the stubble on his chin scraped her inner thighs. “Let’s see how much you want me, shall we?”

  Dear heavens, it’s happening…

  She bent her knees and spread her legs wider as he slipped his hands beneath her rear. Seconds later the warmth of his mouth descended on her pussy. He licked her folds with firm strokes, over and over.

  Tremors shot through her body. It was better than she’d dreamed. The soft heat of his breath skated over her wet flesh and fed her need. Samantha tilted her hips with a moan. “Please, more, Captain Epson.”

  He chuckled. The sound vibrated into her core. “Your eagerness is refreshing.” He slid his tongue upward to circle her nubbin.

  A moan was her only answer. She fisted the bedding and let herself enjoy the exquisite torment from his
mouth. With each pass of his clever tongue need spiraled through her lower body to concentrate in her belly. When he took her button into his mouth, a sense of urgency accompanied the sensations.

  The captain sucked the bud harder and brought her ever closer to bliss. Shivers trained down her spine. Her thighs trembled. “Mmm, that’s wonderful.” She threaded her fingers through his hair. It slipped over her skin like silk, and she held him tighter against her. “I’m almost—”

  A few flicks of his tongue and she came undone. She bit down on her bottom lip to keep from crying out. The building waves broke and release claimed her. Contractions rocked her pussy. Wicked tingling rushed along her skin and washed through to her nerve endings leaving a pleasant heat in its wake. The fluttering of her feminine walls continued even after he lifted his head.

  But the captain wasn’t finished. Barely had she caught her breath when he returned up her body, pushing the shift out of his way, to suckle a nipple. As he pulled away with a slight pop, he took up the end of her braid then glided the tail over her aching breasts.

  Samantha’s breath shuddered from her. The hair, soft and silky, sent incredible awareness dancing into each nerve ending. Who knew her own tresses would be so stimulating? She reached for him and eased a hand down his back, tracing the muscles playing beneath his skin.

  The captain grunted and moved a hand between her legs. He massaged the button his mouth had only just left.

  As renewed pulses tickled her nether region, she squeaked. When he inserted a finger into her wet passage, she whimpered her need and pulled him closer. In and out he thrust his finger, faster and faster. Samantha panted her encouragement, and when he added a second finger while teasing her nubbin with his thumb, a second orgasm caught her unawares. Stronger than the last, she cried out, but the captain muted the sound by claiming her mouth in a fierce kiss that bruised her lips.


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