Taking Charge

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by Bridgitte Lesley

  Taking Charge


  Bridgitte Lesley

  Version 1

  Published by

  Bridgitte Lesley on Smashwords

  Taking Charge

  Copyright © 2012 Bridgitte Lesley

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only and may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Your support and respect for the property of this author is appreciated.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are a production of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously.

  * * * * *

  Taking Charge

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  Joy walked in to the little pub and took a seat. She looked up.

  “Hi.” She looked at the waiters name tag.

  “Craig. Can you bring me an Irish please. But. I don’t want the Irish bit. Just a plain coffee.” Craig looked at her.

  “You mean a non-alcoholic Irish? One without the whisky.” Joy smiled.

  “Could you?” Craig nodded.

  “I can.” She smiled as he walked off. Joy took out her pack of cigarettes and put them on the table. She listened to the music as she looked at her pack of cigarettes. She toyed with the packet.

  She looked up as the singer got ready to sing another song. She listened as the band spoke to each other.

  “Jordan?” Jordan nodded.

  “Can’t Keep It In.” They all nodded. He started playing the guitar and looked at Joy. She looked at him as he sang. She listened to every word that he sang. She looked at the pack of cigarettes and smiled as Craig walked over and put her drink down. She took out a note and handed it to him. Craig smiled as he gave her the change. She smiled and whispered.

  “Thanks.” He nodded and walked off. She took her drink into her hand and looked at Jordan. Their eyes met and he smiled. She smiled and felt as she started to blush. It was as if he was singing to her. She slowly looked away and looked at her drink. She looked at the packet of cigarettes and picked them up and looked at Jordan. He nodded as she slipped them back in to her bag. She didn’t know why. She needed a cigarette. Or so she thought. She sipped at her drink and watched Jordan. He had a smile on his face and kept focused on her.

  The song ended. It was suddenly quiet. The band all looked at Jordan. He suddenly struck up with his guitar. Dean grinned and looked at Chase who sat playing the drums.

  “Peace Train.” Chase grinned and looked at Dean. He shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

  Jordan closed his eyes and sang. He sang every word as if it meant something. He opened his eyes and looked at Joy. Their eyes met and he smiled. He sang ‘I’m on the edge of darkness’ and looked at Joy. She smiled and looked at Jordan. She listened to every word. Every word meant something to him. They weren’t just words. She hummed along quietly and listened to the words. She smiled and looked at Jordan. He nodded as he sang. Joy couldn’t take her eyes off of Jordan. He was gorgeous. He was all male and had the most beautiful voice she had ever heard.

  Joy toyed with her little glass of coffee and drank most of it. She sat and looked at her glass and debated whether she should or whether she shouldn’t. She smiled and nodded to herself. She should. She waited until the band finished their song. She got up and walked over to the band and stepped on to the little stage and took Jordan’s microphone and they all stared.

  “The Archie’s. Sugar, sugar.” Jordan grinned and nodded and looked at everyone. Joy smiled as she started singing. The band sang along. Jordan smiled as someone organized another microphone for her. Everyone started standing up and walking over to the dance floor. Joy shook her head and looked at Jordan. He grinned and shrugged. Everyone was singing. He chuckled as he heard ‘hey, hey, hey!’ He smiled as he listened to Joy. Whoever she was, she had the most amazing voice. The song came to an end and Joy whispered.

  “Buttercup?” They all nodded. Jordan smiled as he got up from his chair and pushed it to one side. He stood with his guitar and played and sang with Joy. He watched as she sang. She was singing vibey oldies that everyone knew. He wondered where on earth she had come from. He didn’t know of anyone new in town.

  The song ended and he looked at his band.

  “Break?” They all shook their heads. They didn’t want to stop. Jordan nodded and smiled. Joy smiled.

  “See you later alligator?” Jordan nodded. They sang together. He knew every word as well as she did. She stood and sang on the stage. There was no stage fright. He knew she was comfortable on the stage.

  They sang for over an hour. Joy smiled and looked at Jordan.

  “Thanks.” She walked off the stage and downed her ice cold coffee and walked straight out. Dean grinned.

  “Sugar Pie Honey Bunch!” Jordan chuckled and they started playing. He started singing and everyone was still dancing. Jordan smiled as they came to the end of the song.

  “I think we need a five minute break. Back in five ladies and gents.”

  “Oh one more Jordan! Sugar sugar! Play that one again.” He smiled as they started playing the song again. He smiled as he danced on the stage and played his guitar and sang. Words meant so much to him. He listened to what he was singing. He smiled and wondered what it meant to her. He shook his head and smiled. He grinned as he listened to the backing. Dean was singing quite high notes. Clyde sang deep notes. He couldn’t help but rock his body to the beat of the song. He was enjoying the evening all because of one woman who had peaked his interest and had really got him rather curious. Everyone clapped as they wrapped up the song.

  They all stepped off the stage and went for a drink. Jordan picked up her glass and took a whiff. Craig chuckled.

  “Irish with a twist. No Irish.” Jordan grinned and nodded.

  “Who is she?”

  “Never seen her in my life.” Jordan nodded.

  “No names. No nothing?” Craig shook his head.

  “Nothing.” Jordan nodded. But he had spotted something. And if he ever saw her again he would recognize her immediately.

  Roger grinned as he stepped off of the stage. He chuckled to himself. Jordan smiled as he looked at the drink in his hands.

  “Craig.” Craig smiled.


  “I would like one of these.” Craig chuckled.

  “Coming up Sir.” The band all sat and had their drinks. Dean grinned. Clyde shook his head.

  “Golden oldies work Jordan.” Jordan nodded. Craig walked over with his coffee.

  “Now remember. When I say Irish. This is what I mean.” Craig chuckled.

  “Yes Sir.” Jordan took a sip and he sighed.

  “Oh this is so nice. This is so nice!” They all chuckled. Roger sat down and shook his head.

  “But who is she?” Jordan shook his head.

  “I have no idea at all.”

  “I am sure we can work out who she is. Who is new in town?” They all shook their heads.

  “There must be someone who knows.” Roger nodded.

  “We could ask at the motel.” Jordan nodded. He looked around.

  “Does anyone know who she is?” They all chuckled and shook their heads.

  “You offering her a job Jordan?” Jordan chuckled. Jordan drank his coffee and they walked back to the stage. They did their last little session. They sang all the old tunes that they could think of. It became a sing along session. Jordan got up from his chair.

  “Night folks!” They all clapped. Clyde grinned as t
hey put their instruments on to the stands and walked back to the bar.

  Jordan chatted to everyone. He knew every single person in the pub. They all started leaving and made sure to greet Jordan. The women all knew to steer clear. He was not interested in female company, a relationship or a platonic friendship. They didn’t know why and whether there was a reason. But they respected his wishes. They greeted but gave him his space. He was always well mannered and never rude. They laughed and joked but they never got near to Jordan. Not even physically. Jordan did not like any form of physical contact with anyone.

  Dalton walked in just before the doors closed.

  “So where is she?” Jordan looked at him.

  “Where is she?”

  “Where is who?”

  “The young lady who sang?” Jordan smiled.

  “And how do you know there was a young lady who sang?”

  “Big brother. The whole town knows that there was someone here. That she pelted out all the golden oldies and had everyone on their feet dancing.” Jordan chuckled as his folks and Anne walked in. Dalton pulled Anne in to his arms. His parents sat down. Tanya almost flew through the doors.

  “Jordan? Where is she?” Jordan sighed. He held his hands up in the air.

  “Okay. Okay. We had a guest artist performing here this evening. She sang a couple of tunes and vanished.” Tanya giggled.

  “Vanished? But who is she?” Jordan sighed and shook his head.

  “I haven’t a clue. She got up and joined us on the stage. Sang a few songs. And then she was gone.” Tanya nodded.

  “But is she a professional?” Jordan shook his head.

  “I don’t know. Never seen her in my life.” Tanya nodded and smiled.

  “Is there anyone new in town?” Everyone shook their heads.

  “And we would know.” Tanya smiled.

  “What was she wearing?” Jordan smiled.

  “A pair of jeans. A decent pair of boots. Really nice with a little buckle on the side. And a man’s shirt with a tank top under it.” Tanya shook her head.

  “Biker boots?” Jordan nodded. Tanya smiled.

  “She might be one of the bikers that are going to be passing through tomorrow. I did see a bike parked at the motel. A really nice Harley.” Jordan shook his head.

  “She didn’t look like a biker.” Tanya shook her head.

  “They don’t all dress like bikers all the time.” Jordan nodded.

  Dalton smiled.

  “I heard the crowds were in.” Jordan nodded.

  “They were. Kind of double to the norm. For the short while that she sang. I think our turnover will be rather healthy this evening.” Lloyd smiled and looked at Zeba. She whispered in his ear.

  “Look at his face.” Lloyd nodded.

  “Kind of excited. Do you think she caused a stir?” Lloyd whispered.

  “With him. I don’t think so.” Zeba nodded.

  “I think so. Why is he asking all these questions?” Lloyd smiled.

  “Hope so.” Zeba nodded.

  Zeba smiled.

  “So, son, are you doing a special breakfast tomorrow morning? For the bikers.” Jordan nodded.

  “I ordered in extra stock. We are running a special. You coming for breakfast Mum?” Lloyd smiled.

  “We might just.” Jordan chuckled.

  “It will be nice Dad. We are doing a buffet breakfast for a change.”

  “Really?” Jordan nodded.

  “I think it will be rather different for a change.” Zeba nodded.

  “Well then we might as well.” Dalton and Anne nodded. Tanya grinned.


  “Well. I have news.” They all looked at Tanya.

  “The new school Principal starts on Monday. My time slot with her is on Thursday. She is going to be in my class the entire day.” They all looked at Tanya.

  “She doesn’t give a time and I believe she could spend five minutes in the class. Or she could spend the entire day with me. It all depends.” They all shook their heads.

  “And what do you know about her?” Tanya let out a deep breath.

  “Zero. Mister Walters has been standing in for the month. Even he knows nothing. He doesn’t know who she is. He doesn’t know how old she is. They know nothing.” Jordan nodded.

  “But don’t they find out?” Tanya nodded.

  “Normally we get to know. But her details are skimpy.” Zeba nodded.

  “How old is she?” Tanya shook her head.

  “Mum we know nothing. We tried to find out. But no one knows her.” Dalton chuckled.

  “Probably some old duck.” Tanya nodded.


  It was early on Saturday morning. The entire town stood out on the road to welcome the bikers in for their rally. It was the last leg of their tour before they headed out on the long haul to their respective homes and towns. Jordan smiled as he heard the steady hum. There were dozens of bikes. They all came to a standstill in front of Jordan’s Pub. They climbed off their bikes and walked inside. It was a mix of men and women. Lloyd and Zeba walked through with Tanya. Tanya sighed and Zeba chuckled.

  The bikers all placed their orders. The buffet was a hit. Lloyd smiled as he listened.

  “No Joy. You do it your way. If you want to have quarterly functions and have a fund raising event you go for it. Don’t let anyone or anything stand in your way. You are going to be running the show. Raise the funds. They won’t be able to complain.” Joy nodded.

  “I know. But I have to be weary. I don’t know the in’s and the out’s yet.” A new couple walked in.

  “Hey Professor! Hey Doctor Tate. Hey Doctor Hennessy!” Zeba looked at Tanya who looked at her with huge eyes. They carried on listening.

  “Just telling the Prof. to take matters into her own hands.” Joy chuckled.

  “Stop using that like it is slang!” Doctor Tate grinned.

  “For you it is fine. Have you heard them greeting me? What’s up dooooooc! Like I am one of those cute cartoon characters!” They all roared with laughter. Joy shook her head.

  “And I don’t need everyone knowing I am a Professor. That is going to make matters worse.” They all grinned.

  “Okay so what do we call you?”

  “Miss!” They roared with laughter. Joy rolled her eyes.

  Michael walked in.

  “Hey babe!” Joy shook her head.

  “Do I look like a little porky pig?” Michael grinned and pointed his finger at her.

  “Your mother will hear about your backchat!” A couple walked in.

  “Michael stop harassing your sister.” Michael grinned.

  “She picked on me!”

  “You called me babe.”

  “But I like the terminology.”

  “Pick on someone your own size.” Michael roared with laughter. Shane walked through.

  “Hey poppet. Couldn’t you get your bike any closer?” Joy shook her head. Michael grinned.

  “My bike. Is parked over the road. If my bike is this side of the road. DNA will be collected!” Joy got up and walked to the door of the pub.

  “Shane!” They all roared with laughter. Joy’s bike had been parked literally on the doorstep. Shane grinned. Joy shook her head.

  “Dad. You need to take these two and sort them out!” Roland roared with laughter. Quartz grinned. She shook her head.

  “Only because they love you sweetheart.” Joy groaned.

  Tanya smiled and whispered.

  “Doctors and a Professor. Yikes!” Zeba smiled and nodded.

  “You have a qualification.”

  “Yes. But not like that!” They all grinned.

  “Okay so what is the plan for today?” Joy nodded.

  “We eat. You kiss me goodbye. You take Graham, Michael and Shane and you drive off in to the sunset.” Michael roared with laughter.

  “The sun has just risen Prof.”

  “Michael will you please not call me that. I have a name.” Michael grinned.

  “Right. Now for your information.” Joy looked at Michael. Graham walked in.

  “Prof. Why is your bike parked the other end of the other bikes?” Joy got up and looked out of the door and sighed. She turned around and walked back.

  “Graham that is my seat you are sitting in. And that is my breakfast!” Graham grinned.

  “As the oldest son in this family I have rights.” Joy rolled her eyes and let out a loud groan. She walked over to Tanya.

  “May I?” Tanya grinned.

  “Sure.” Joy put her hands on the chair. Graham quickly got up.

  “Now now. We do not want a brawl. If you lift that chair and crash it over my head.” Joy shook her head.

  “Graham grab a chair. Preferably that side of the table.”

  “But Prof.!”

  Tanya grinned as she looked at everyone. Quartz smiled.

  “Sorry folks. A bit disruptive I know.” Michael nodded.

  “The Prof. is the disruption.” Joy sat down.

  “Michael eat.”

  “I don’t have food.” She pointed.

  “You see that queue?” Michael turned.

  “Join it!” Quartz grinned.

  “How come you already have food?” Roland grinned.

  “Michael we all get off of the bikes. We walk in. Where were you gaddying about?” Michael grinned. Joy nodded.

  “If my bike is moved one more time.” They all looked up as another gent walked in.

  “Prof. What is your bike doing in the middle of the road?” Joy got up. She walked to the door and walked straight out. They all heard the hum of the motor bike start up. Joy moved her motor bike back to her parking space and walked back in to the pub. She sat down again and looked at her plate. It was gone. Her breakfast had vanished. She closed her eyes and started to laugh.

  “This is not funny!” She got up. Graham was busy eating his breakfast.

  She walked to the plates and took one. She walked right to the front of the queue. Doctor Tate grinned.

  “Come on sweet pea.” She dished up another plate and walked back to her seat.


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