Taking Charge

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Taking Charge Page 4

by Bridgitte Lesley

  “This is lovely. But I think it is rather potent.” Jordan grinned.

  “I don’t think it is a good idea for you to be on the roads tonight. Joy you can take one of the spare bedrooms.” Joy nodded.

  “As long as you know.” Jordan nodded.

  “Yes?” Joy nodded but didn’t say anything else.

  “So are we going to make our way to the lounge? I feel like a bar fly.” Jordan grinned.

  He picked up their bottle and they both sat on the couch.

  “I have to take my boots off. Mind if I get comfortable? Jordan is the motel a gossip?”

  “No. The motel is as safe as houses. A lot of their clientele are there for one night only.” Joy groaned and Jordan grinned.

  “Passing through.” Joy grinned. Joy turned and Jordan smiled.

  “Hold your foot.” He pulled her boot off and she put up her other foot.

  “And they don’t stink!” Joy roared with laughter.

  “Overdosed with foot powder.” Jordan chuckled as he put up his foot and Joy pulled his shoe off. She pulled the other off. They sat facing each other with their backs against the edge of the couch. Joy smiled.

  “This music is lovely.”

  “Would you like a glass of wine?” Joy nodded.

  “Light. Something light. A little rose’ if you have.” Jordan walked to the fridge and opened a bottle of wine. He poured each of them a glass. Joy took her glass and smiled.

  “Jordan. We need little tables in here. Get a set of three. Those that fit into each other.” Jordan nodded. He watched as Joy sipped. She was so open and honest. It was the first time that he had ever entertained anyone in his home. Apart from his family popping by. He looked at his kitchen and smiled. He had never ever before had a table in there. And it looked so good.

  “You know. If we get a decent set of bar stools. That would look kind of nice.” Joy nodded.

  “We need to replace the Brie.” Jordan chuckled and nodded.



  “I like when you call me sweetheart. I would like to be. I am a bit of a dark horse. I am a wild child. I live life. I enjoy life. Music and bikes. Leathers and underwear. I like them all.”


  “Dread the thought.”

  “Sleeping in pajamas?” Joy closed her eyes and leaned her head back.

  “If and only if there is a house full.”

  “Blonde wigs.”

  “Only when I go out on my own and don’t want to be recognized in the morning.”

  “Golden oldies.”

  “At the right time and the right place.” Jordan smiled as he watched her.

  “Jordan it is getting pretty dark in here.” Jordan closed his eyes.

  “Put your glass down.”

  “Empty. Lying on my stomach.” Jordan grinned as he spoke with his eyes closed.

  “You came here to get me sloshed.”

  “Came for coffee.”

  “And had a meal.”

  “Hungry. We need to replace the cheese and the macaroni.”

  “I will replace those.” Joy smiled.

  “I am not loose. I don’t sleep around. I don’t do any sleeping. Around.” Jordan smiled.

  “Have you ever?” Joy sighed.

  “No. You?”

  “No. But I think it could be nice.” Joy smiled.

  “Penetration.” Jordan’s eyes flew open and he looked at Joy. Her head rolled to the side and she smiled. She had fallen asleep.

  He leaned back and listened to the music and fell asleep.

  Joy woke up early. She opened one eye.


  “Uhm.” Joy got up and walked down the passage. She took a duvet from the bed and walked back to the couch. She threw the duvet over both of them and climbed back on the couch. She turned on to her side and snuggled in. Jordan woke up and looked at Joy. He snuggled down and fitted in. He fell fast asleep as warm as toast.

  Joy got up early. She got the crumpets on the go and piled the plate. Jordan woke up and sat up. He saw the cup of coffee on the floor. He took it and sipped and sighed.

  “Busy bee.” Joy smiled.

  “I hope you are hungry.”

  “Indeed.” They both sat and ate their crumpets on the couch wrapped in the duvet. Jordan smiled and nodded.

  “Did you make extra?”

  “Yes. There are a few left over.”

  “How many?”

  “The army would appreciate my efforts as their cook.” Jordan chuckled and shook his head.

  “More?” Joy shook her head.

  “I think my hole is filled.” Jordan got up and fetched a few more. He filled their cups of coffee.

  “What time do you open on a Sunday?”

  “Nine. More of a restaurant on a Sunday. We have our one or two regulars. They sit for hours.” Joy smiled.

  “I have to get ready for tomorrow.” Jordan nodded.

  “Did you bring your files?”

  “I think they are in my bag.” Jordan reached over.

  “They are in your bag.” Joy chuckled.

  “I have to go through them. I have a lot of changes. Contemplating though. Do I go in there and change everything. Or do I slowly do it?”

  “Go in guns blazing.” Joy nodded.

  “We think alike.” Jordan grinned.

  “What are you going to change?”

  “Every single thing. These kids are being treated like babies. The teachers walk from class to class. Oh things are going to change. Big time!” Jordan grinned.

  “This school has the lowest rating. I am going to change that.”

  “Tanya is a teacher there.”

  “Good. I need youngsters. Oh they are in for a huge surprise.” Jordan grinned.

  “If I get fired. It will be because they could not change and adapt.” Jordan nodded.

  “Your job is safe here.” Joy giggled.

  “Oh my word. This song! Daniel Boone. Beautiful Sunday!” They both started singing. Joy clicked her fingers. Jordan clapped his hands. Jordan turned up the volume. Joy grinned. They both sang together.

  “Hey, hey, hey, it’s a beautiful day!”

  Tanya drove to the back of the restaurant and opened the door. She walked through and ran up the stairs and stared at Jordan and Joy. She joined in with the song and danced in the middle of the lounge. Jordan grinned as the end of the song came. He turned down the volume.

  “And how did you get in?”

  “You forgot to lock the back door but I locked it.” Joy smiled.

  “And how is Tanya?”

  “Salivating. Are there any more?” Jordan grinned.

  “In the kitchen.” Tanya giggled as she took a plate and dished up a few crumpets.

  “So who cooked?” Joy nodded.

  “Guilty. Now I believe you are the little sister.” Tanya nodded and took a seat with her crumpets.

  “Now Tanya. You never saw me here. I am Olga a travelling wine sales representative.” Tanya grinned.

  “Right.” Joy smiled.

  “I came over for breakfast.”

  “Yes. And he made you cook it too.”

  “Yes well. I was starved.” Tanya smiled. She looked at the boots on the floor.

  “Can I please try those?”

  “Have you got nice smelling feet?” Tanya grinned.

  “I just got out of the shower.” Joy nodded.

  “Don’t fall in love.” Tanya grinned as she put the boots on.

  “I think I have just found my first love.” Joy grinned.

  “What are you wearing?”


  “I don’t do white and I certainly don’t do flowers.”

  “No they are very blingy.”

  “Deal.” Tanya stared. Joy smiled.

  “Those are my newest. I can’t get used to them. I have another pair. Good idea if I give them a polish. My mother bought me those. So you can keep them. I actually have a few pair

  “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely!” Tanya grinned.

  “These are Harleys.” Joy nodded.

  “I have a few. Really.” Tanya smiled.

  “They are lovely.” Joy smiled.

  “I need sandals for tomorrow.” Tanya smiled.

  “So are you staying in town then?” Joy nodded.

  “I am. I am not settled yet. Well. I am very settled on this couch of mine. But I will have to get settled. Eventually.” Jordan smiled. He held her foot in his hand under the duvet cover. Joy smiled.

  “So what is it that you do then?” Tanya nodded.

  “I am a teacher at the high school. English is my subject. But they have got me teaching Biology.” Joy nodded.

  “And what would you change?”

  “I would be teaching English. But they just don’t listen.” Joy nodded.

  “So who teaches English?” Tanya nodded.

  “It is a shambles. All the teachers are teaching other subjects. You get put into a class and told to teach. Well that was when Mister Anderson was the Principal. So now we wait for our new Principal. We don’t know what to expect. This time it is a woman. And I hope she is good and that she is here to stay.”

  Jordan kept quiet. Tanya got up and took their cups and made more coffee. She looked in the fridge as she took the milk out.

  “How come there are two meals and a bowl of macaroni in the fridge?” Jordan smiled. She looked in the fridge.

  “Alfredo!” Jordan roared with laughter.

  “You can come for supper. We are having a lovely Salmon salad. With Feta.” Tanya nodded.

  “Now that sounds divine!” Joy chuckled and looked at Jordan. She sat down with her coffee.

  “So what did you do last night?” Jordan smiled.

  “I took a van out for a test drive. Moved my business furniture to my flat. Entertained for the first time ever. Had a divine meal. And listened to some music. You?” Tanya chuckled.

  “You took a van for a test drive? That awesome four by four downstairs?” Jordan smiled and nodded. Tanya smiled.

  “I noticed your new table. Which looks quite nice. Saw the meal. And you entertained for the first time ever. The travelling wine sales representative called Olga. Impressive. And I heard the music. Oh right and those nice meals. So Olga did you get a nice order?” Joy roared with laughter.

  “I did. I got a gift yesterday. But it is all gone.”

  “Tiny bit left.”

  “Really? We didn’t kill the bottle?” Jordan roared with laughter.

  “We moved on.”

  “Good thing too! Oh that was nice!”


  Jordan nodded.

  “I am going to order a few of those in. Totally different. I think the women might like that.” Joy nodded.

  “You could make three hundred percent on a bottle. Seriously!” Jordan chuckled and nodded.

  “I made a list of a few different things that I like. Well, I went by the bottle and the description.” Joy nodded.

  “I think you should. Get those little glasses. Not a tot glass. But something with a little stem. You know. If the woman picks up the glass she already feels all coochy coo and she hasn’t even had a sip yet.” Tanya roared with laughter. Jordan grinned.

  “I have a few coochy coo glasses.” Joy nodded.

  “That could work.” Tanya nodded.

  “Oh the women will sip for sure.” Jordan nodded and smiled.

  “So I better order them.” Joy nodded.

  “Where is that list?” Jordan smiled.

  “Tanya run down. On the bar counter. There is a list with the brochure.” Tanya ran down the stairs.”

  Joy smiled.

  “Sorry I am sitting here. Not a good impression.” Jordan smiled and hugged her foot.

  “Joy I like this. I want. I want you to feel at home. I don’t want you there at the motel. Stay here for a few days. Until you are settled.” Joy smiled.

  “But I can’t let anyone know.”

  “I will pay for the motel. Keep up the appearances.”

  “I couldn’t let you do that.”

  “Stay.” Joy nodded.

  “But I will have to sneak in.” Jordan nodded.

  “I have the spare rooms.” Joy nodded.

  “As long as you know.” Jordan nodded.

  “I know.” Joy nodded.

  “Thank you.” Jordan smiled and nodded.

  Tanya ran up the stairs.

  “Must I open up? Craig has arrived. And some of the kitchen staff.” Jordan nodded.

  “If you could.” Tanya ran downstairs. Joy smiled.

  “Are you sure?” Jordan nodded.

  “Yes I am sure. I want you here. You are going to need someone to bounce off the ideas.” Joy chuckled.

  “A sounding board. I might need a punch bag.” Jordan smiled and nodded.

  “I will be both.” Joy smiled.

  “You might regret it. I can be such a pain.” Jordan chuckled.

  “I am sure you can be.” Joy giggled.

  “Yeah right!” Jordan chuckled.

  Tanya ran up the stairs.

  “Right. The kitchen staff are all in. Craig is sorting out the tables. He seems to think there is a table missing.” Jordan chuckled and nodded.

  “And my boots are out of this world. The perfect size and the perfect fit!” Joy smiled.

  “Good. Now Tanya. You never saw me.”

  “Olga the travelling wine sales representative.” Joy nodded.

  “Now don’t go giving him a reputation.” Tanya chuckled.

  “Now let us have a look at that list.” Joy smiled as she took the brochure and the list.

  “Oh yes. Kahlua coffee. Ouch you are going to have to charge.”

  “Yes but I get a good discount.”


  “Thirty.” Joy smiled.

  “Good. Now I think this list is good. Can I add one little thing?” Jordan nodded. Joy added one thing to the list and handed it to Jordan. He smiled and nodded. He handed the list to Tanya. Tanya nodded.

  “Can I add one thing?” Joy giggled.

  “The bottle with the fancy material covering it?” Tanya shook her head and showed them the brochure.

  “This new stuff. Vodka Caramel.” Jordan nodded and smiled. Tanya shook her head.

  “Did you see the price?” Tanya nodded.

  “Steep.” They all nodded as she added it to the list.

  “So what are you doing here so early?”

  “Breakfast run.” Jordan roared with laughter.

  “Well if that was breakfast you have had it.” Tanya nodded and got up.

  “And now home to the boot droolers.” Joy chuckled and grinned.

  “Nice meeting you for the second breakfast in a row.” Tanya smiled.

  “See you for the Salmon salad.” Joy smiled and nodded.

  “See you later.” Jordan smiled.

  “See you later.” Tanya got up and took the cups to the kitchen.

  “Refill?” Joy nodded. Tanya poured their coffee and handed it to them.

  “Later.” Jordan and Joy smiled.


  They both sipped at their coffee.

  “So you think I should go in there guns blazing.” Jordan nodded.

  “Do all the changes at once. They will get used to the changes. Otherwise they are going to get their back up and then you have a problem.” Joy nodded.

  “I think so. I need to go through my files today.”

  “Go and fetch them.” Joy nodded.

  “Can I?”

  “Spend the day holed up here? Yes. I would prefer that than you over there on your own.” Joy smiled.

  “Are the shops open on a Sunday?” Jordan nodded.

  “Only till one.” Joy nodded. She smiled as she finished her coffee.

  “I will go out the way that I arrived. And I will see you later.” Jordan smiled and nodded. Joy got up and leaned over Jord
an. She kissed him and smiled as she leaned over him.

  “See you later.” He smiled as he looked up.

  “See you later sweetheart.” Joy smiled as he kissed her. He lifted his hands and held her hips.

  “I could get very used to this.” Joy smiled.

  “But very slow.”

  “Very slow.” He kissed Joy and she smiled as she moved away. She took her socks off and slipped her feet in to the sandals.

  “Need boot polish.” Jordan chuckled.

  “But they do look nice.” Joy winked and smiled.



  Joy ran down the stairs.

  “What is going on down here! Where is my breakfast that I ordered! Craig! I want soft eggs! Did I not specify!” Craig grinned.

  “And where did you come from Ma’am?” Joy rolled her eyes.

  “You didn’t see me sitting in that cubicle?”

  “No Ma’am.”

  “You don’t remember taking my order?”

  “No Ma’am.” She grinned.

  “Changed my mind. Not so hungry after all. Thanks for the coffee.” She walked out the back door. Jordan howled with laughter as he listened from the top of the stairs. He shook his head and laughed. Jordan stepped in to the shower and smiled. He grinned from ear to ear.

  Jordan ran down the stairs.

  “What was that noise Craig?” Craig shook his head.

  “That lady. The one who left her card here.”


  “Well. I didn’t even see her sitting there.” Jordan grinned. Craig shook his head and whispered.

  “Back door. Harley. She never was sitting there was she?” Jordan looked at Craig.

  “If you say so.” Craig shook his head.

  “No Sir. She wasn’t. She appeared in front of me.”


  “Uhu! Never saw her.” Jordan smiled as he walked through with the list and brochure in his hand. He walked through to the kitchen and greeted everyone. They all smiled as he greeted. He walked back to his office and went on his PC. He opened the internet site and ordered all the different liqueurs that he wanted. He doubled up on the numbers that he had written down. If Joy and Tanya approved of the list they would not sit on the shelf. He smiled to himself. He had enjoyed his evening immensely. And Joy would be staying with him until she got settled. He smiled to himself.

  “I hope you don’t want to leave. Because I don’t want you to go anywhere. I have fallen in love with you.” Jordan suddenly stopped what he was doing. He sat back in his chair and smiled. He spoke to himself.


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