The Forgotten Empire: Earth Ascendant: Book Two

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The Forgotten Empire: Earth Ascendant: Book Two Page 13

by Raymond L. Weil

  “So far, so good,” commented Colonel Bryson. “We’ve destroyed nearly one-third of the Druin fleet.”

  Reynolds nodded. “Yes, we have, but we’ve suffered losses as well.”

  “Sixty-two battlecruisers and seven dreadnoughts,” replied Bryson. “We also have a number of ships reporting heavy damage that have been forced to withdraw from the battle.”

  “We have repair facilities. The Druins do not,” pointed out Reynolds. “That’s something we need to think about when we attack the Druins in the former Human Empire. We need a way to repair our ships.”

  “A mobile spacedock,” suggested Bryson with a nod. “Maybe several of them.”

  Admiral Reynolds watched a large tactical display of the battle near Earth. Even as he watched, three more Druin red threat icons vanished, as well as two green icons. Reynolds let out a deep sigh. “We’ll win, but we’ll need to replace our losses before we launch our attack to free the Empire.”

  “We still have a lot of ships in stasis,” Colonel Bryson reminded the admiral.

  Reynolds leaned back in his command chair. “We’ll need to study all the data from this battle. We also need to investigate the wreckage of any Druin ships that we can. We’ll have a lot to do in the coming days.” Reynolds turned his attention back to the tactical display. The battle still had a way to go.


  Rear Admiral Collison winced as another of his dreadnoughts was blown apart. It was obvious the Druins were targeting them. Even the Mercury, his flagship, had been shaken a number of times. Fortunately, with Admiral Cleemorl’s fleet coming up on the rear of the Druins’ formation, the battle was rapidly turning against the Druins. Latest data indicated the Druins were now losing three ships for every Human ship they destroyed.

  “I don’t understand their strategy,” commented Captain Bryant, confused. “They’ve put themselves in a bad tactical situation with our fleet in front and Admiral Cleemorl’s behind them.”

  Collison studied the tactical display. The Druin fleet was nearly to the front units of his own fleet. “They’re trying to push through to Earth to test its defenses. It’s the only explanation.”

  “That’s suicide!”

  “They’re Druins,” explained Collison. “They must feel the strategic data they’ll gain will be worth sacrificing most of their fleet.”

  “Cold-blooded monsters,” muttered Bryant, shaking his head. “They have no regard for life, not even their own.”

  “That’s something we need to remember. Because of them being a cold-blooded and a logical-thinking race with limited emotions, they will not fight a battle like we would.”

  On the main viewscreen, a Druin battleship came apart. It had been the victim of multiple antimatter missiles and fusion energy beams.


  Admiral Kreen gazed unfazed at the viewscreens as Druin ships around his flagship were being annihilated. Something he had never expected to see. “Order all ships to push through the Human fleet in front of us and attack the Humans’ world. We must see how powerful their orbital defenses are.”

  “We will lose most of our fleet in the attempt,” pointed out First Officer Falorr.

  “It does not matter as long as one vessel survives to take all the data we have gathered back to the Confederation.” Kreen was not fearful of dying. Logic dictated that he do what must be done for the Confederation. His emotions, while there, were buried deep within his mind. Very seldom did they reach the surface.


  The Druin fleet began to push through the Human ships. Several times vessels collided, destroying both in titanic explosions that sent glowing debris flying across space. The pursuing Human fleet took advantage of the situation and decimated the Druin ships in the rear of its now shattered formation.


  “They’re pushing through Rear Admiral Collison’s fleet,” Captain Fulmar was quick to point out.

  “Order Rear Admiral Collison to reverse his fleet and stay in contact with the Druins. We’ll join up with his fleet shortly.”

  “What about Earth?”

  “I’m not worried about Earth. The defense grid should be able to handle what’s left of the Druin fleet. Any missiles the Druins launch, the grid and the attack interceptors should handle. Don’t forget the PDCs on the ground can take out ships as well as missiles.”

  On the viewscreen, a damaged Druin battlecruiser was taken out by the attack interceptors from the space station. Dylan watched as they made their attack runs, which eventually led to the battlecruisers’ destruction.

  “Those interceptors are doing a better job than expected. We may need to consider building some type of space carrier so we can deploy them in the Empire.”

  “I agree,” replied Fulmar. “They’ve been impressive.”

  Dylan turned his attention to the tactical display. Fewer than one hundred Druin warships were left, many of them damaged. “Let’s finish this.” With that, the Themis and its fleet darted forward, joining Rear Admiral Collison’s fleet. The final part of the battle was about to begin.


  In the Pallas Command Center, Admiral Reynolds watched as the battle unfolded on the viewscreens and the tactical displays. The viewscreens showed views from the space station and the main shipyard. From their perspective, space was full of bright explosions and flashes of light from fusion energy beams.

  “It’s almost over,” said Colonel Bryson. On the main viewscreen, the wreckage of destroyed warships, both Human and Druin, was visible.

  “Nearly,” replied Reynolds in agreement. “The Druins seem intent on reaching Earth and testing its defenses.”

  Bryson nodded. “We designed Earth’s defenses just for this. They should easily handle any Druin ships that get through.”

  Reynolds looked at Colonel Bryson. She was standing next to him. “When this is over, I’ll be curious to hear what recommendations Admiral Cleemorl and Rear Admiral Collison have.”

  “I’m sure they’ll have some,” replied Bryson. She pointed to one of the tactical displays. “Look. Some of the Druin ships have managed to make it through Rear Admiral Collison’s fleet.”

  On the tactical display, several red threat icons were now through the defending fleet and heading toward Earth.


  The orbital defense grid protecting Earth was fully activated. It consisted of two thousand small satellites armed with energy beams capable of taking out any inbound missile. In addition, two hundred large missile platforms were protected by their own energy turrets. Also forty large ODPs—Orbital Defense Platforms—were armed with missile tubes as well as fusion energy beam turrets.

  On Earth’s surface were seventy PDCs—Planetary Defense Centers—all armed with missile tubes and fusion weapons. Not only that but over four thousand attack interceptors were based on the planet. One thousand of them were currently deployed just below the defense grid to take out any missiles that might get through.


  General Weston watched intently as the survivors of the Druin fleet neared. Some were coming perilously close to the shipyard. “Major Alexander, fire as soon as any of those Druin warships come within range. I want them to know this shipyard is not something they want to tangle with.”

  “Eighty-seven Druin warships have broken through Rear Admiral Collison’s lines,” reported Colonel Julie Everett, sounding concerned.

  “The defensive grid will handle them. Those ODPs have the firepower of four dreadnoughts each,” Major Alexander informed them from tactical. “When you add in the missile platforms and the energy beam satellites, those Druin ships have as good of a chance of reaching Earth as a snowball does in hell.”

  Even as Alexander spoke, the first ODPs fired while at the same time hundreds of missiles launched from the missile platforms. In only a matter of a few seconds the Druin ships were covered in massive explosions of energy. It was as if they had run into a stone wall in space.


  Admiral Kreen stared unabashed
at the viewscreens as his warships were obliterated around him. He had found out what was necessary. This was the most heavily defended world the Confederation had ever encountered by far. It was so heavily defended that Kreen was doubtful if the Confederation could successfully assault it without taking massive and crippling losses to the Confederations’ fleets.

  “Turn us around and take us back into hyperspace,” ordered Admiral Kreen. He had seen enough. “All surviving ships are to do the same.”

  “What about our missiles?” asked First Officer Falorr. “We haven’t launched any at the planet.”

  “Do you see those defenses?” said Admiral Kreen, gesturing toward the tactical display. “None of our missiles would survive long enough to even reach the planet’s atmosphere.”

  Falorr nodded in acceptance and gave the order to reverse course and to make the transition into hyperspace. Time to return to the Confederation and report.


  Admiral Cleemorl watched as most of the surviving Druin warships made the transition back into hyperspace, escaping the battle. A few with damaged hyperdrives remained. “I want to attempt to capture those ships. We could gain some valuable tactical data. Inform Rear Admiral Collison to destroy all the working weapons on those battlecruisers and that one battleship. Then we’ll send the Marines to board.”

  Cleemorl leaned back, satisfied. Only thirty-seven Druin warships had escaped. They had taught the Druins and hopefully the Confederation that the Earth Solar System was off-limits. To come here was death!


  At Pallas in the Command Center, Admiral Reynolds finally allowed himself to relax. They had won a resounding victory against the Druins. Something that had never occurred before in the long history of the Confederation. “What were our final losses?”

  “We lost 212 battlecruisers, 14 dreadnoughts, and 23 attack interceptors,” answered Colonel Bryson.

  Reynolds winced at hearing the losses. A large number of crews had been lost. “What about the Druins?”

  “They lost 197 battleships and 395 battlecruisers.”

  Reynolds nodded. The human fleet had lost one ship for nearly every three Druin vessels they had destroyed. That was far better than what Reynolds had expected. Of course part of that was due to the Druin tactics they had employed. By testing Earth’s defenses, they had lost many of their warships, forcing themselves through Rear Admiral Collison’s fleet with Admiral Cleemorl’s forces hammering their undefended rear had been nearly suicidal.

  “Admiral Cleemorl and Rear Admiral Collison are attempting to capture three heavily damaged Druin battlecruisers and one battleship that have all been disabled. Marines are currently storming the ships.”

  Reynolds’s eyes widened in surprise. Leave it to Cleemorl to attempt to capture some Druin vessels. “Keep me informed of the progress. The information we can get from the Druins’ computers could be invaluable.”

  “Should we lower the alert status?”

  For the first time in several hours Admiral Reynolds smiled. “Yes, take the entire system to Condition Three. If nothing else shows up, we’ll go to Condition Five in the morning.”

  Leaning back in his command chair, Reynolds knew the first major engagement of the new war against the Confederation was over. He also knew many more battles awaited them in the future.

  Chapter Ten

  In the Confederation, the Great Council was meeting in an emergency session. They had just received the full report from Admiral Kreen as to what had occurred in the Human star system containing Earth.

  Ardon Reull was the current head of the council. He was a Lormallian, and his brother, Marlon, was the head curator of the archives on Bator Prime.

  “This report from Admiral Kreen is very worrisome,” began Ardon, looking at the other six councilors. “It seems Earth is now a fully developed Imperial world. Indications are the planet may be even more advanced than the worlds of the former Human Empire.”

  “How did this happen?” demanded Ralor Corr, the Zynth representative. His yellow reptilian eyes swept over the council. “Is this world a threat to us?”

  “Undoubtedly,” answered Ardon. “The Humans of Earth have discovered what is happening to the Humans we are bringing to the Confederation. Word of that is bound to leak out to all the former Imperial worlds shortly. When it does we could be facing a massive rebellion.”

  “Nothing must reduce our supply of Humans,” said the Lamothian representative. His name was unpronounceable. His name was more of a symbol than an actual word. “As a matter of fact, we would like to see a sizable increase in the near future. After all, the Humans have a population of over two trillion.”

  Ardon shook his head. “Such an increase would result in a mass revolt on most of the Human worlds. Don’t forget what happened the last time we increased the Human quota. We had to drop antimatter missiles on over eleven of their worlds before they agreed to the increase.”

  “Nevertheless, I request the council consider it,” responded the Lamothian stubbornly.

  “We will consider it, but first we must decide what to do about Earth and the Humans there.”

  “Allow us to send a warfleet,” suggested the Lamothian. “We will destroy their warships and then harvest the system. We will take all the Humans as food. It will be the greatest feast Lamothians have ever partaken in.”

  Ardon considered the request. It would solve the problem of this Human world. “Admiral Kreen has informed us that it might take well over two thousand warships to conquer the system.”

  “We have the ships,” replied the Lamothian. “Let us have the honor of taking these Humans. If the council agrees to that, then I see no reason to increase the quota of Humans we take from their worlds.”

  A vote was taken, and it was agreed upon unanimously. The Lamothians would send their warfleet to Earth. The fleet would leave sometime in the next two months or as soon as it was ready. The council then turned to other business as the situation with Earth had been dealt with.


  On Pallas, Linda Martin had been brought out of cryo sleep and was currently working with several other Humans and Imperials. “I tell you it can be done! You’ve seen the computers from the captured Druin warships. They have only minimal firewalls. I’m sure I can build a virus that can disrupt their systems.”

  “Even so, we may only be able to use this virus once or twice,” commented Alicia, the female Imperial who was part of the group. “The seven races do possess very extensive firewalls on their computers inside the Confederation. Once they realize what we’ve done, they’ll place those firewalls in all their warships.”

  “Even so, if we could use the virus in just one major battle, it could make a huge difference in the war,” persisted Linda. She gazed at the others in the group. “This is war, and we have to look at it one battle at a time. What do we need to do to win the next major battle? This virus could easily win us the next one.”

  The others looked at each other and slowly nodded.

  “Very well,” said Alicia, acting as the facilitator for the group. “Let’s design your virus. It will be up to the military as to how they use it.”


  Admiral Reynolds was meeting with his admirals. Present were Admiral Cleemorl, Rear Admiral Leeson, Rear Admiral Collison, and Rear Admiral Stella Barnes, who was in charge of the Mars fleet. Admiral Leeson had only arrived the day before.

  “Is everyone in agreement?” asked Admiral Reynolds.

  “Captain Masters is definitely admiral material,” replied Admiral Cleemorl. “If not for the time he has spent in cryo, I’m certain he would have already received a promotion to that rank.”

  “Very well,” replied Reynolds. “Effective immediately Captain Masters it elevated to the rank of rear admiral.”

  “He should also be the one to lead the attack on freeing the Human Empire from the Druins,” said Cleemorl. “He knows more about the Empire and the worlds of the Empire than anyone else here.”

p; Admiral Reynolds shuffled through a stack of papers in front of him. Finding the one he wanted, he read part of it and then looked at the others. “I’ll be meeting with the Pallas Imperial Council later today. It’s time for us to decide upon waking the High Princess and her cousin, the Princess Krista. Does everyone agree the war has now started, and soon we will attempt to free the Human Empire?”

  Everyone nodded.

  This satisfied Admiral Reynolds. “Very well, I’ll inform the council of that. I also believe it would be wise to have Rear Admiral Masters there, as he knows the Princesses and how they will react to being brought out of cryo.”

  “So, what else do we need to do to defend this system?” asked Reynolds, changing the subject. “What did we learn in the recent battles?”

  Everyone looked at Admiral Cleemorl.

  “Our fleets need to be bigger,” replied Cleemorl, placing his right hand on the conference table. “We need to practice our formations more, as well as our targeting. There were times in the battle nearly all our ships were targeting different Druin warships. Our ship captains need to learn to fight together. Two or three ships against one Druin. It will reduce our losses and will increase theirs.”

  “Sounds reasonable,” replied Reynolds. “Anything else?”

  “We need to bring the rest of our warships out of stasis,” suggested Rear Admiral Leeson. “That will allow us to increase the size of our fleets to the size we’ll need to free the Human Empire.”

  Reynolds nodded. “I’ll inform the council. It will take us nearly three months to bring the rest of the ships out of stasis and nearly six months to get the necessary crews trained.”

  “So, when do we launch our attack to free the Empire?” asked Rear Admiral Collison.

  Admiral Reynolds took in a deep breath. “I’ll recommend we launch our first attacks in four months. We dare not wait too long after what happened with the Destiny in the Confederation and the battle we just fought here. Right now, the Confederation will be uncertain about what we’ll do next. For all they know, we built up this fleet and fortified this system to protect Earth from them. They may not suspect we’re getting ready to launch a full-scale assault to free the Empire.”


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