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The Forgotten Empire: Earth Ascendant: Book Two

Page 22

by Raymond L. Weil

  In the underground Command Center inside of Pallas, Princess Layla nearly fainted when the entire surviving Lamothian fleet had appeared around Derrick’s warships. For a brief moment she had thought he could not escape. Then the Destiny and its surviving fleet had made the transition into hyperspace and to safety.

  “The battle appears to be over,” said Admiral Reynolds, as he studied the tactical displays. “The Lamothians have lost too many ships to reengage our fleets.”

  “What do we do now?” asked Councilor Tristan, who had stayed quiet during most of the battle.

  “Rear Admiral Leeson and Admiral Cleemorl will remain where they are, until the Lamothian fleet enters hyperspace and until we confirm they are heading back to the Confederation.”

  “How many ships did we lose?” asked Layla. She could see on the tactical display that all three Human fleets had lost a substantial number of warships.

  “More than we could afford,” answered Admiral Reynolds, shaking his head. “We’ll be getting the battle assessments shortly.”

  Layla nodded. It appeared this battle with the Confederation was over, and the Solar System had won. The next battle would be one for the possession of the Human Empire, and that was a battle they could not afford to lose.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Princess Layla and Princess Krista were attending a meeting of the Pallas Imperial Council. In addition to the council, the five fleet admirals were there, as well as Brett Newcomb, in charge of Earth’s Imperial Council; General Stern, NAU military representative; Colonel Henderson, Earth Imperial in command of Earth’s space station; General Weston, in charge of Earth’s main military space shipyard; and a number of others in the military and from the various colonies in the Solar System.

  Admiral Reynolds currently was addressing the Pallas council and visitors. “Examining the data from the battle with the Lamothians, we can comfortably say we destroyed around 1,214 of their warships as well as 412 of their cargo ships.”

  “What about our own losses?” asked General Stern.

  “They were heavy,” answered Reynolds solemnly. “We lost 7 dreadnoughts and 304 battlecruisers.”

  “How soon can we replace those losses?” asked Princess Layla. She and Krista sat at the front of the large conference table on special high-backed chairs, specially designed from videos of what had once been in the Royal Court in the Imperial Palace.

  “Fortunately we still have a large number of ships in stasis here at Pallas. We can completely replace our losses, plus finish filling out Fifth Fleet. We do need to complete our training of some crews, but that should be finished in another month.”

  “We’re also building new warships in the shipyards above Earth, the Moon, and Mars,” added General Weston.

  “The same goes for Pallas,” Councilor Tristan added. “All our construction bays are operating around-the-clock.”

  Layla nodded. “How much longer until the carriers and the mobile shipyards are ready?”

  “Slightly less than two months,” answered Reynolds. “Each fleet will be assigned two carriers. Each carrier will be capable of carrying 120 of our attack interceptors.”

  Princess Layla asked, “And do we have enough pilots for all those interceptors?”

  General Weston nodded with a smile. “We have more than enough gifted pilots, all clamoring to pilot an interceptor.”

  “What about defensive satellites and missile platforms?” asked Admiral Cleemorl. “If we can free the Mall Star Cluster from the Druins, we will need to fortify all the inhabited worlds, particularly Golan Four.”

  “We need another month to finish the defensive grids here in the Solar System, and then, after that, all production of defensive satellites and missile platforms will be for the defenses of the Empire.”

  Rear Admiral Masters spoke up. “Sixteen heavily populated star systems are in the Mall Star Cluster, as well as some smaller colonies. All of those sixteen worlds have heavy industry and the capability of building spacecraft. I suggest we concentrate on freeing the Mall Star Cluster first and then fortifying it, before we move out into the rest of the Empire.”

  Princess Layla nodded. “We’ll take your suggestion under advisement. Admiral Reynolds, do you have anything else?”

  Reynolds nodded. “Linda Martin and Alicia Morr feel confident the more powerful computer virus they have developed will take down the systems on the Confederation ships currently in the Empire. However, they feel it will not take the Confederation long to institute countermeasures to neutralize that advantage.”

  “What are you suggesting?” asked Layla.

  “We send in numerous scout craft and locate all the main Confederation fleets in the Empire. We strike them all simultaneously with the virus and then destroy them. With a little luck, it will force the Confederation to briefly pull completely out of Empire space. We know the resistance has hundreds of bases scattered throughout the Empire. At that time they can become active. If it takes time for the Confederation to respond to our attacks in the Empire, we may free a large part of it before they can counter us.”

  Layla nodded. “Even in our time the Confederation moved very slowly. We may, indeed, have several months to prepare before the Confederation makes a countermove.” At least Layla hoped that would be the case.

  “How soon do we begin broadcasting the propaganda videos?” asked General Stern. These were the videos that both Princess Layla and Princess Krista had made, explaining who they were and what the Lamothians had done to the young Humans taken to the Confederation.

  Layla looked toward Derrick and Dylan to answer. They were both familiar with the Empire and were military.

  “We have made several sets of videos,” explained Derrick. “The first set introduces the Princesses and talks about the Lamothians. The second set informs the Empire that a new war has begun to free all the Human worlds. I would suggest we begin broadcasting the first set of videos twenty-four hours before our attack. We can broadcast the second set of videos as soon as we’ve used the virus against the Confederation fleets in the Empire.”

  “Now for the big question. How many fleets can we afford to send to free the Empire and still keep the Solar System safe?” asked Layla.

  “I believe we can safely send three of our fleets,” said Admiral Reynolds. “We have made the Solar System into a fortress with all the defensive systems we’ve installed. Don’t forget. We also have nearly six thousand attack interceptors that can be used to protect the system as well.”

  Princess Layla listened carefully. Sometimes it was best to allow the military leaders to talk and to arrive at a consensus.

  Admiral Cleemorl looked around the table and then spoke. “We need to decide which three fleets we’ll commit and when we’ll launch the attack.”

  “I think the three fleets to send are fairly obvious,” said Admiral Reynolds. “First Fleet, Second Fleet, and Fifth Fleet.”

  Everyone around the table nodded in agreement.

  “I’m glad that’s settled,” said Princess Layla. “Now, when do we launch our attack?” Layla was growing impatient to drive the Confederation out of the Empire. She also knew they couldn’t move too soon and risk failure.

  “Three months from today,” suggested Derrick. “That will ensure we have the necessary defensive satellites and missile platforms to take with us. It will also give us the time needed to organize the other ships we’ll need.”

  “Other ships?” said Councilor Tristan, looking confused. “What other ships?”

  “A supply train,” explained Admiral Cleemorl. “We’ll need cargo ships with extra missiles, and capable of deploying the defensive grids around the Imperial planets. We may even need Marines to help keep the Human populations on some of the Imperial planets under control, until they fully understand what is happening.”

  “I would suggest we take firm control of the Imperial Palace and the surrounding grounds,” said Princess Layla. “We should also consider rebuilding the Palace and the Ho
use of Worlds as soon as possible. The sooner we can reestablish the government seat in the Empire, the sooner we’ll be ready to take the war to the Confederation. As powerful as Earth and the rest of the Solar System has become, it is still only one star system, and the Confederation consists of tens of thousands.”

  General Stern decided to speak. “We could use the Marines to secure the Palace grounds and the site of the former House of Worlds. However, I suggest we use local labor to rebuild the structures. It will make the people feel as if the Palace and the House of Worlds belongs to them and not to outsiders.”

  “That should not be difficult,” said Princess Layla. “I’m sure the people of the Empire are ready to be free of the Confederation. There will be no shortage of volunteers to help rebuild the necessary government structures.”


  The meeting lasted for another two hours, with schedules and deadlines being set. When it was over, Princess Layla and Princess Krista returned to Layla’s quarters.

  “We’re actually doing it!” exclaimed Krista, when the two of them were alone. “We’re going back to the Empire.”

  Layla nodded. “You realize when we do that our lives will change significantly. We will be in charge of an Empire and responsible for reestablishing the Monarchy as well as the House of Worlds. It won’t be an easy task.”

  “We’ll have help,” replied Krista. “Derrick will be there and others.”

  “That’s true, but we are the ones who will be responsible, at least at first. We’ll have to make many decisions that could affect millions if not billions of people.”

  A knock came on the door, and the head female steward entered. “Rear Admiral Masters has requested the presence of the Princesses for the evening meal. Ensign Allert will be joining you as well.”

  Layla felt a thrill run through her. Finally Derrick had made a move. “Find out where and what time we need to be there.”

  “Ensign Allert will come by to escort you to the restaurant Rear Admiral Masters has chosen. She will be here at 6:00 p.m. I have already informed Captain Averson. He is making arrangements for two of the Royal Guards to accompany you as a security escort.”

  Layla nodded. “Thank you, Emira. You are doing a fine job of looking after Princess Krista and me. My father would have been very pleased.”

  Emira smiled, bowed slightly, and then left.

  “I wish she would let us pick out our own clothes,” muttered Krista. “I wonder what she’ll choose for tonight?”

  Layla laughed. “Emira is very knowledgeable about the proper etiquette and dress of the Royal Family. We just need to tolerate some of her eccentricities. Even back in the Palace we were not pleased with some of the clothes we were forced to wear.”

  Krista nodded, recalling some of those. Several times her mother had sat and patiently explained the importance of looking and acting like a Princess. “It just seems, the older we get, the more cumbersome the clothes become.”

  “Maybe, once we get the Monarchy reestablished, we can modify the clothing rules for the Imperial Family as well as the Royal Court.”

  Krista’s eyes suddenly lit up. “I wonder if Derrick is bringing another officer?”

  “Still want that first date?”

  Krista nodded. “I won’t meet any men if I stay cooped up in my quarters.”

  “Just don’t do anything foolish. Everyone will be watching us, and you know how rumors used to fly around the Royal Court.”

  “I’ll be careful,” promised Krista. “I think I’ll go to my quarters and pick out several outfits for tonight. Maybe Emira will let me wear one of them.”

  Layla shook her head. “If your skirts are above the knee, she won’t allow you to go out in public.”

  Krista let out a deep sigh. “I know. But I still want to wear something I’ll feel comfortable in.”

  Layla watched as Krista left to go to her quarters. She wouldn’t tell Krista that she had told Emira to be more strict in what Krista wore out in public. After all, Layla was the High Princess and had to look out for the only other remaining member of the Royal Family, and Krista had always been the more daring of the two.


  Layla was dressed and waiting for Brenda to come take her and Krista to the restaurant Derrick had picked out. She wore a long blue dress with short sleeves. It was a little low cut but didn’t show any Royal cleavage. Emira had made sure of that.

  There was a knock at her door, and Captain Averson stepped inside with Brenda. “Are you ready, milady?”

  Layla nodded. “Good evening, Captain. Good evening, Brenda. How are you?”

  Benda smiled. “I’m feeling pretty good and looking forward to a night out away from the Destiny. Rear Admiral Masters and Captain Barkley are waiting for us.”

  “Who is Captain Barkley?” Layla knew this must be the officer Derrick had picked out as Krista’s date.

  “Captain Barkley is an attack interceptor pilot. He’s been assigned as a squadron commander on board one of the new carriers. He only arrived on Pallas a few weeks ago.”

  “Let’s go. I’m curious to meet this Captain Barkley.”

  Stepping out into the corridor, Layla noticed Captain Everson had been joined by two Imperial Guards as they walked to Krista’s quarters, and soon the entire group was on their way to the chosen restaurant in the civilian sector. Layla had to smile at herself. Krista’s dress was a fraction shorter than hers. She knew Krista must have done a lot of talking and made a lot of promises to get Emira to allow her to wear this particular dress.


  They went down several busy corridors to the main bank of turbolifts. Several minutes later they were in one of the new civilian habitats and had taken an automated vehicle to reach the restaurant.

  As they got out of the vehicle, Layla noticed the small restaurant. Once inside, they were ushered to a table, where Derrick and a good-looking fleet officer sat. The area around the table had been roped off, so no one would bother them while they were dining.

  “Princess,” said Derrick, as he stood and bowed slightly.

  Captain Barkley did the same.

  As everyone took a seat, Derrick introduced Captain Barkley.

  Layla noticed that Krista had a big approving smile on her face. Looking around the small intimate restaurant, Layla noticed other couples were enjoying their meals. Very few stared at them. The lighting wasn’t too bright, and the aromas from the cooking food smelled great.

  “I like this place,” commented Krista, as she sat down next to Captain Barkley.

  Derrick smiled. “I know the owner, and she prides herself on customer service.” Derrick didn’t explain that Cheryl Bannon was the owner. Over the last few months she had opened a number of restaurants and entertainment bars in the new civilian habitats.

  Krista looked at Captain Barkley. “So tell me. What’s it like to fly one of the new interceptors?”

  For the next few minutes Mathew explained what he liked about flying and the closeness of his crew.

  “Why did you volunteer to go on board one of the new carriers?”

  “It’s time for us to take the war to the Confederation. It’s why I joined up, and, after the last battle, I feel certain the action will now shift over to the Human Empire.”


  Derrick listened to Captain Barkley speaking with Layla and Krista. He seemed to be very comfortable around the two Princesses. Derrick noticed that Layla sat very close to him, her leg slightly touching his. He wondered if she did that on purpose or if it was merely a coincidence.

  “What would you recommend?” Layla asked Derrick.

  Derrick picked up the menu, looking at it. “The steaks are supposed to be good, as well as the Cornish game hens. There is also a good selection of seafood.”

  “I’ll have the lobster tail with extra butter,” announced Krista. “It’s similar to the Karlen’s we had on Golan Four.” She was looking at the picture in the menu.

  Layla nodded. “That sounds delic
ious. I think I’ll have the same.”

  “A steak for me,” said Derrick. Mathew agreed.

  Brenda took a few moments to study the menu and then said she was having prime rib with a baked potato. She looked at Derrick and laughed. “Remember. You’re paying.”

  Nodding, Derrick smiled. “Eat whatever you want.”

  “What do we want to drink?” asked Layla. Most of the drinks on the menu she wasn’t familiar with.

  “Carlish,” suggested Brenda. “It’s a weak alcoholic drink that tastes like fresh strawberries.”

  The server came over and took their orders, as she placed crystal glasses full of ice water on the table. Soft music played in the background, and the atmosphere in the restaurant was quite relaxing.

  “I understand you want to rebuild the Imperial Palace once we free Golan Four?” Mathew asked the High Princess.

  Layla nodded. “Yes, as soon as we have the orbital defenses in place and feel the planet’s secure.”

  “I saw videos of what the Palace once looked like. It was a magnificent structure.”

  “I loved the gardens,” said Krista, recalling her time at the Palace. “We had plants, trees, and flowers from across the entire Empire. I really miss that.”

  “All of that can be replaced,” said Mathew. “It’ll just take time.”

  Derrick took a sip of his ice water just as the server returned with crystal wineglasses filled with Carlish.

  “We also have some very nice weak alcoholic wines that you might be interested in,” she said politely.

  “I want to try some,” said Krista excitedly. “Can you recommend one or two that would go well with the lobster?”

  The server nodded. “I have one in mind that I think you would enjoy. I’ll bring it along with your meal.”

  The five sat here, talking about their future plans. After a few minutes the server returned with their house salads. She also brought a small wineglass filled with a Chardonnay from California on Earth.

  Krista tasted the wine and then smiled. “That’s perfect. It’s just like what we had on Golan Four in the Imperial Court.”


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