The Forgotten Empire: Earth Ascendant: Book Two

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The Forgotten Empire: Earth Ascendant: Book Two Page 25

by Raymond L. Weil


  Admiral Kreen grew more concerned with every passing day. The Confederation had informed him they did not feel the Earth Humans would risk attacking the Human Empire, and becoming involved in a full-scale war with the Confederation at this time.

  “We may have a problem,” announced First Officer Falorr, stepping closer to the admiral. “We have several battlecruiser reports of very brief unknown contacts. Upon investigation, they found nothing. The captains of the ships feel they may only be sensor ghosts.”

  Kreen stood, rising to his full eight feet. “Those may be stealthed Human ships from Earth. Order those captains to do a more thorough sweep with their sensors.” Kreen was almost certain the ship captains were detecting stealthed ships operating in the Empire. If the Earth Humans had stealthed ships scouting out the Human worlds, then their attack could be coming almost any day.

  “Should we inform the Great Council?”

  Admiral Kreen considered the suggestion. “No, they have decided the Earth Humans are not that big of a threat at the moment. We will have to wait until the actual attack happens, and then we will notify the council. Increase the alert level for all our ships.”

  Kreen returned to his command, settling his bulky form into the chair. It seemed to groan from Kreen’s massive weight. “I want this system checked. There must be a Human ship somewhere in this star system. I want it found!” For a brief moment his emotions burst through his protective layer of logic.


  Princess Layla and Princess Krista were on board the Starburst, preparing to leave Pallas. They were joined in orbit by ten dreadnoughts, twenty battlecruisers, two mobile shipyards, four battlecarriers, six troop carriers, and thirty large cargo ships. Their mission had been delayed, waiting for the battlecarriers to pass their brief shakedown cruises.

  “We are nearly ready to leave,” reported Captain Darlu. “We’re just waiting on Admiral Reynolds to give the order.”

  Both Layla and Krista were in the ship’s Command Center. They were anxious and excited about their return to the Empire.

  “I wish Aiden could have seen this,” commented Layla, a tear in her eyes.

  Krista nodded. “It’s why he had Sanctuary constructed. We are finishing what he started.”

  “We have permission to enter hyperspace,” reported Ensign Donna Olsen from Communications. “The flagship will signal when to go.”

  Layla looked at the main viewscreen, which showed the dreadnought Exeter. She waited expectantly, and then the Exeter vanished, and moments later she felt the Starburst make the transition into hyperspace.

  “We’re on our way,” said Captain Darlu. “It’s a little over three weeks to Golan Four.”

  “I wonder what we’ll find when we get there,” said Krista, as she gazed at the tactical display that showed a myriad of friendly green icons around the Starburst.

  “Our future,” answered Layla confidently. “The beginning of a new Human Empire and one that will not tolerate the vile actions of the Confederation.”

  Krista hoped Layla was right. They had so much work ahead of them. It would not be easy to restore the Empire, but, looking around her, she knew they would have plenty of help.


  Admiral Kreen was growing frustrated. For days his ships had searched every planet, moon, asteroid, and comet in the Golan Four System for a stealthed Human ship. It had all been in vain. He wondered if he had been wrong in his assumption.

  “Admiral, we’re picking up a general hyperlight message broadcasting to all the Human worlds,” reported the communications officer.

  “Put it on the speaker so I can hear it,” ordered Kreen.

  “To all the worlds in the Human Empire. We have discovered that all the young people the Confederation races have taken to serve them are being used as food for the Lamothians. As proof, watch this video of a Lamothian food auction featuring Humans.”

  Admiral Kreen’s gaze went to the main viewscreen, which showed the video. A cold feeling passed through him. There was no doubt in his mind this video would stir up unrest throughout all the Human worlds.

  “Where did that video come from?” asked First Officer Falorr.

  “The Earth Humans,” replied Kreen. “Their stealth ship was detected above one of the Lamothian worlds.” Kreen leaned back in his command chair. “We should have destroyed them when we could.”

  “We still can,” responded Falorr.

  Kreen shook his head. “No. Don’t you see this for what it is? They’re preparing the Human worlds for their impending attack. Increase our alert level, while I notify the Great Council of this latest development. Surely now they’ll send the ships that we need.”


  Admiral Cleemorl nodded in satisfaction after the hyperlight message and video had been transmitted. They would repeat this message every hour for the next twelve hours. Tomorrow they would begin sending out the messages about the return of the High Princess and restoring the Empire to its former glory.

  “I imagine some Druins are quite upset about now,” commented Captain Fulmar. “They won’t be pleased when they hear the message.”

  “No, they won’t,” agreed Dylan. “It means the end to the Confederation taking any more Humans from the Empire. If they try, they’ll face massive revolts, and they know that.”

  “We’re forty hours from the border of the Empire,” commented Fulmar. “The Druins are probably expecting an attack. They’re not exactly fools.”

  Dylan nodded. “They may expect an attack, but, if the virus is even partially effective, it won’t do them any good.”

  “What about the Human Resistance groups among the Empire?”

  “They know we’re coming and should be ready. We have no idea how many ships they have hidden, but we’ve been led to believe it’s a considerable number.”

  “What about the defensive grids? Can they help with those?”

  “Supposedly. They’ve had nearly one thousand years to get ready for this. Even today we’re not completely sure how many bases they have hidden. We know it’s more than four hundred but it could easily be double that.”

  Fulmar shook his head. “I still don’t understand how the Confederation never discovered those bases.”

  “They’re well hidden, and Confederation troops never go down to the planets, other than to collect their allotment of young Humans.”

  Fulmar stood gazing at the tactical display, showing the fleet accompanying the Themis. “I still find it difficult to believe that the Lamothians consider Humans to be a delicacy. It sounds so macabre and sickening.”

  Dylan nodded in agreement. “I suspect the Lamothians will be severely dealt with, once we’re successful in freeing the Empire. The Human worlds will demand it. Our five special cargo ships made available to the Human Resistance the necessary infrastructure to build fusion weapons and antimatter missiles. The resistance is ready and will come as a shock to the Druins.”

  “How soon before we hear from our stealthed battlecruisers?”

  “They know as soon as the first message is broadcast to contact us twenty-four hours later. We’ll broadcast another message when we’re ready to attack, and the battlecruisers will send us another hyperlight message containing the current locations of all major Druin fleets.”

  Dylan thought back to all the preparations for this attack. It had been over one thousand years in the making. Nearly every original Imperial who had gone into stasis was either in the attacking fleets or working on the war effort on Pallas.

  Relaxing in his command chair, Dylan wondered what Cheryl was up to. She had mentioned coming out to the Empire to check on her assets. He hoped she waited until everything settled down. However, Cheryl wasn’t known for doing things in a calm and calculated manner. It would not surprise him in the least if she were already on her way.


  Above Pallas, Cheryl was in her yacht, the Princess Haven. Her two support ships were on the flanks of the yacht, as well as one batt
lecruiser. Admiral Reynolds, upon hearing that Cheryl was heading back to the Empire, had insisted on her taking at least one heavy escort.

  “Where to first?” asked Captain Bryan, an older man considered too old to command an actual warship.

  “Highland Station,” answered Cheryl. “I still have some assets there, and I want to check on them.”

  Captain Bryan nodded and transmitted the orders to the other three ships. A short time afterward all four vessels vanished into hyperspace.


  Admiral Kreen had not received a response from the Great Council. He was debating sending another message. Already unrest was spreading across many of the Human worlds.

  “Admiral, another hyperlight message and a video are being broadcast to all the Human worlds.”

  Kreen looked at the communications officer. “Put it on the speaker and the main viewscreen.”

  On the screen a beautiful Human woman appeared. She was dressed in the clothes of Royalty.

  “I am High Princess Layla Starguard. I have waited in cryosleep for nearly one thousand years to return and to free the Human Empire from the Confederation. The day of my return is near. We will drive all Confederation forces from the Empire and will bring back the House of Worlds. We will take our war to the Confederation for what they have done to billions of young Humans over the last one thousand years, allowing them to be food for the Lamothians. Gather your family, your friends, and your neighbors. It is time for the rebirth of the Human Empire.”

  “My brother, High Prince Aiden Starguard, built a secret base in a primitive star system inhabited by Humans. Those Humans are primitive no longer. I am coming with a powerful warfleet. The Druins and the other Confederation races will pay for what they have done to our worlds. I will address you again after I have returned to Golan Four and the Imperial Palace.”

  Admiral Kreen leaned back in his command chair. “Is she who she claims to be?” This could be a major problem. The Royal Line was supposed to be dead.

  First Officer Falorr spent a few minutes going over the computer files on the Human Empire. Finally he turned to face Admiral Kreen. “Records indicate that Princess Layla Starguard and Princess Krista Starguard were killed in an aircar accident at the time of the attack on Golan Four. However, the woman in the video matches the photographic records we have of Princess Layla Starguard.”

  “She is coming here to attempt to take back the capital. Very well, we’ll give her a battle. Order our other two fleets to enter hyperspace and come here. The same for all our battlecruisers out on patrol.” This coming battle had suddenly taken on a new meaning. If a Royal Princess were to make an appearance, all the Human worlds might rally to her. This could not be allowed.

  “What about our two fleets just outside Human space?”

  “Leave them there. If this battle goes badly for us, we will have a fallback position to regroup and to consider our next move.”

  Admiral Kreen stood to go to his quarters. The Humans were coming to free the Human Empire. If they succeeded, a new war would erupt. A war like the Confederation had never experienced before.

  Chapter Nineteen

  On Lydol Four General Livingston was in the huge Human Resistance base, deep beneath the ground. He had just finished watching the latest video that had been broadcast throughout the Empire of High Princess Layla Starguard.

  “All our bases report the Princess is returning to take the Empire back from the Confederation,” reported Major Klower.

  “What about our fleet?” asked General Livingston.

  “Ready to deploy,” reported Admiral Dom Marloo. “I’ll report to my flagship within the hour.”

  “Still wish we had some dreadnoughts,” murmured General Livingston.

  Marloo looked at the general. “We just didn’t have the capacity to build them. We do have a lot of battlecruisers and support vessels. If the Earth Humans and Imperials can free the Empire, we can help them hold it.”

  “When do we come out in the open?” asked Major Klower.

  “As soon as the Earth Humans launch their attack,” said the general. “At that time we will move to destroy any Druin warships in our star systems. We’ll let the Earth fleets handle the larger Druin formations.”

  “Are the defense grids ready to go up?” Marloo asked.

  Major Klower nodded. “Lydol Four, Cleetus Three, and Bratol Three will have very powerful defensive grids up within two hours of the beginning of the attack. A number of our other worlds will be doing the same. Overall, I believe we can put grids up around 114 of our planets.”

  General Livingston looked around at the gathered group of officers. Some had been in cryosleep for years, waiting for this day. Others had joined the secret military in recent years. “This is it then. We cannot afford to fail. This will be the true beginning of our war with the Confederation.”

  “How long will it last?” asked Major Klower.

  “They’ve killed billions of our young people,” answered Admiral Marloo. “It ends when we have won. The Confederation cannot be allowed to go on as it has for these thousands of years. To them, the rest of us are either barbaric or second-class citizens with very few rights. We have to change that.”

  “What about the Lamothians?” asked Major Klower.

  Admiral Marloo shared a look with General Livingston, who nodded. “They inhabit six star systems. When we have the strength to do so, we will journey to those worlds, free whatever Humans are there, and then destroy them. A race that consumes other civilized races cannot be allowed to continue to exist.”

  “Genocide?” uttered Major Klower in shock.

  “Maybe,” replied Admiral Marloo. “We’ll decide that when the time comes. First we have to free our worlds and get our industry turned toward the war. We have a lot ahead of us and much work to do.”


  Admiral Kreen grew more concerned by the hour. All across the Human worlds, rumors of the High Princess’s imminent return filled the airwaves. Even hyperlight messages between many of the Human worlds now mentioned Princess Layla Starguard.

  He was a little relieved and pleased when one of his fleets joined his in orbit around Golan Four. It doubled the number of warships he had in the system.

  “Still no evidence of an Earth fleet,” reported First Officer Falorr. “We are receiving demands from various worlds that we leave the Empire and never return.”

  “From where!” demanded Kreen. Perhaps it was time to teach these barbaric Humans another lesson.

  “Everywhere,” replied Falorr. “Hundreds of worlds are demanding we leave. They also say they will not turn over any more of their young people.”

  Kreen looked toward the communications console. There still had been no response from the High Council. “How soon before Admiral Molk’s fleet arrives?”

  “Late tomorrow,” answered Falorr.

  Looking at the tactical display, a large number of Druin battleships and battlecruisers were in orbit around Golan Four. Tomorrow there would be even more. The Lamothians consuming the Humans who had been taken to the Confederation had really stirred up the Human worlds. The Great Council had always known this could be a danger, if the Humans ever found out. Now that day had arrived, and, even if the Earth fleet was defeated, the rest of the Human worlds would forever be a much bigger problem than they had been in the past.


  Admiral Cleemorl felt strange to enter Empire space with his fleet. Hyperlight messages indicated the Druins were massing their fleets around Golan Four. “We’ll allow them time to gather all their forces,” said Dylan. “Last time there was a battle above Golan Four, the Druins were victorious in destroying the last of the Imperial Fleet. This time we will be the ones who will be victorious.”

  “Should we inform our other fleets to head toward Golan Four?” asked Captain Fulmar.

  Dylan nodded. “Have them meet us at Oden Six. From there we’ll scout the Golan System before launching our attack.” Oden Six was a small red dwa
rf with no planets seven light-years from Golan Four. “Lieutenant Viktor, how long will it take us to reach Oden Six?”

  “Twenty-two hours,” replied Viktor. “From there it’s just a short jump to Golan Four.”

  “How many times will we have to drop out of hyperspace before we reach Oden Six?”

  Viktor turned toward his navigation computer and pressed several icons. “Two.”

  Dylan nodded. There was always a small chance they might be detected when they dropped out of hyperspace. It was a risk they had to take if they wanted to coordinate their attack. Dylan knew that, all across the Empire, secret Human Resistance bases were getting ready to announce their presence.


  Rear Admiral Masters nodded as he received the latest orders from Admiral Cleemorl. “We’re heading to the Oden Six System. From there we’ll jump into orbit around Golan Four and engage the Druin fleets gathering there.”

  Captain Banora nodded. Audrey was not surprised the Druins had figured out they were coming. “I’m just surprised we’re not finding more Druin fleets.”

  “We have a report from General Livingston on Lydol Four that they’ve intercepted a number of hyperlight communications between Druin Admiral Kreen and the Confederation’s Great Council. Kreen is requesting more ships, but the council has been strangely quiet. No one is quite sure what is going on. Livingston believes the Great Council doesn’t believe we would dare launch an attack.”

  “They’re not used to fighting a real war,” replied Audrey, her eyes narrowing. “In the past they had all the advantages. Not this time. How far behind us is the Princess?”

  “Over a week,” answered Derrick. “They were delayed, waiting for more battlecarriers to be brought into service. She’s with a pretty powerful fleet, so she should have no problems getting to Golan Four. We just need to make sure all the Druin fleets have been defeated by then.”


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