A Promise of Pure Gardenias: Flowers of the Aristocracy (Untamed Regency Book 2)

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A Promise of Pure Gardenias: Flowers of the Aristocracy (Untamed Regency Book 2) Page 20

by Jackie Williams

  Algernon’s eyebrows dipped.

  “You’ve never even had...? Had what?” He waited, but Brendon just looked at the floor, his cheeks becoming a deep shade of red and realization suddenly hit Algernon. “Oh, my God! You have never been with a woman. Is that what you are trying to tell me? That you are a virgin.”

  Brendon leapt angrily from his seat and faced his friend, hands fisted at his sides, barely holding onto his composure.

  “What of it? And whose fault is it that I’ve never wanted to even try after what I saw that bastard do. She had tears all down her cheeks. He had stuffed her stocking in her mouth to stop anyone hearing her cries, and he had hit her about the face. He left her there dripping with his seed and threatening her with ruination if she accused him of any mistreatment. I heard her tell my parents that she had walked into a door when they asked why her face was bruised.” He began to pace the hall floor. “It was nothing like those damned books we used to sneak looks at. Nothing like that at all. There was no love in it, not even any pleasure for her. It just made the whole thing a vile, sordid, debased act.” He drew in a long breath and ran his fingers through his hair as Algernon watched him.

  “My God! I am so sorry. I knew he was a lecherous pig, but at least the woman I saw him with appeared to be willing.” Algernon paused a moment, frowning curiously. “So what was all that about with Angelique? You’ve been going to see her a couple of times a week for almost a year. And what about the women beforehand. I know you have been with a few. Well, I thought you had.”

  Algernon stared at him curiously and Brendon shrugged. His shameful secret was out. A virgin at twenty-six, but at least Algernon wasn’t laughing about it. He sighed deeply.

  “We talked. Just talked, or played cards or some such. Angelique liked me reading to her. We’ve read almost half my library over the last year.” He shrugged at Algernon’s shocked expression. “Well, what was I meant to do? I realized I had a problem when I was about sixteen. First woman I tried to go with was very understanding, thank God! Because I simply couldn’t do it.” He held up his hand before his friend asked the obvious question. “Don’t get me wrong. There’s no problem in that department, but for me, after seeing what I did, I only ever wanted it to be special, so special that I’ve just never wanted to complete the act with anyone I don’t love.”

  Algernon’s head came up quickly.

  “And what about Sophia? Do you love her and want her enough, or are you just going to talk or read to her? She’s going to think you aren’t attracted to her if you don’t do something.”

  Brendon let out a bitter laugh and ran frustrated fingers though his hair again.

  “Oh don’t worry on that score. I want her more than anything in this world. You have no idea. She is all I dream about. The only woman I’ve wanted enough to go all the way, but now, although she’s mine, I can’t bloody have her.”

  Algernon shook his head.

  “Well, you could, but I see what you mean.”

  “Exactly! I haven’t waited all this time to be with the woman I love, only for her to not damn well enjoy it. Doesn’t bear thinking about.” Brendon wiped his hand across his brow.

  Algernon nodded.

  “So she has to get better. The doctor seems to think her condition temporary. Simply something trapped somewhere. There is appears to be no physical reason why she shouldn’t get all feeling back. In the meantime you will have to make sure she has a programme of exercise so that her muscles don’t waste.”

  Brendon began pacing again.

  “I was going to suggest starting in the morning. She was unconscious for almost twenty-four hours. I think getting married is enough excitement for one day.”

  A small smile crept across Algernon’s face.

  “I forgot to offer you my congratulations, though I still don’t see how you managed to get her to agree. Even though I know she secretly likes you, the last time we spoke on the subject she was adamant that you wouldn’t suit. You must have done something quite drastic to make her change her mind.”

  Brendon let out a huff of air.

  “I didn’t exactly play fair, but I was past caring. I went through hell while she lay there. Not moving, barely even breathing, it seemed. Twice I thought she had died, and I wanted to die too.” His voice cracked with the strain and a muscle worked in his jaw before he could speak again. “After the second time it happened, I swore there and then that if she woke I would never let her go again. Couldn’t stand the thought of not hearing her voice, or looking into her eyes, or seeing that beautiful smile ever again.” He jammed his hands into his pockets and had the grace to look slightly sheepish as he carried on with the rest of his explanation. “So I stayed in her room with her the first night. She was still unconscious so couldn’t protest, but I made damn sure everyone knew about it come the morning. Stayed with her again the following night too, just to make sure.”

  Algernon drew in a deep breath.

  “You scoundrel! I should call you out!” He let out a sudden laugh. “But there’s no way I am letting you die a virgin, so you have escaped my wrath. For now. But if I ever hear that you have mistreated her, or abandoned her again, I’ll string you up over a hornets’ nest by your unused balls, and smother them with honey!”

  Brendon winced at the possible consequences.

  “Ouch! That’s harsh. Think I’d rather take a bullet.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Testing One’s Backbone

  “Brendon Spencer! You are a bully!” Angry tears leaked from the corner of Sophia’s eyes.

  “And you, my dear, are a terrible patient! Worse than your brother, and that’s saying something. Now let us try again. I am going to bend your leg and you are going to push your foot against me.” Brendon ignored her scowl and wrapped long fingers about her ankle before gently sliding his other hand beneath her skirts and to her knee.

  She gripped the sheets.

  “I can’t! I am trying and yet nothing is happening. Can’t you see that this is a ridiculous waste of time and energy? Face it Brendon, I’m never going to get better. I am useless. You would do better to petition for an annulment and find someone who can be your wife in every sense.” She choked out the last of her words and refused to look at him when he placed her foot back on the bed.

  He straightened her dress to cover her ankles.

  “No. I simply refuse to believe that this is permanent, but even if it is, I won’t ask for an annulment. I said my vows before God, you, and my friends. In sickness and in health, remember. I would never break such a promise.” There was no way she would ever be able to question his honour. Besides, he loved her. It was as simple as that. Though he would love her even more if she stopped pouting and protesting.

  She flopped back on the pillows and let out a deep sigh.

  “It has been almost a week, Bren. Even Dr. Hawkins is more doubtful.”

  Brendon shook his head.

  “Then he is quite simply wrong. Even you said that you could feel a tingle at the base of your spine. If you can feel that then there must be something more. In fact, I am going to prove it. Perhaps we are going about this the wrong way. Perhaps I should be working on your spine rather than your legs.” His voice lifted. “In fact, we are going to try that now. Just let me take your skirts off so I can get to...” he stopped as Sophia rose onto her elbows and glared at him.

  “Now you want to take my skirts off? Really Brendon? I might be your wife in name but you haven’t come near me except to do these stupid exercises, and now you want to see me in my under garments?” She stared at him with accusing eyes.

  Brendon stared right back at her, unable to believe his ears.

  “What? You think I’m going to take my own pleasure when I can’t pleasure you? Impossible! I am not that kind of man. We either both have a good time or neither of us does.” He couldn’t believe he was having this conversation with her.

  Her cheeks flushed and she looked away again.

“You should go back to the lovely but frivolous Angelique. I won’t hold it against you, I swear.” She gulped as she broke her own heart, but she couldn’t let him continue like this.

  Brendon stood up quickly and turned to the window. He didn’t want Sophia to see his anger.

  “Please do not mention that woman’s name again. For a start, the relationship I had with her was between her and me. And secondly, she doesn’t deserve your scorn. She’s not the woman you assume she is.” He silently cursed Algernon afresh for revealing the relationship to his sister.

  Sophia’s gaze dropped to her hands and she tried to calm her thumping heart as relief washed over her. It seemed that he wasn’t about to give her up.

  “I am sorry. I won’t bring it up again. Can you forgive me?” She dared a glance up at him.

  Brendon turned back to her, eyes ablaze with an emotion she couldn’t name. He moved quickly to the bed and took her hands.

  “There is nothing to forgive. You have every right to challenge me. I wasn’t a good friend last year. It would have served me right if Lucas Caruthers had won your heart.”

  Sophia snorted in a most unladylike fashion.

  “As if he could! Yes, Lucas has been good company, but he wasn’t and never would be the man for me. I have never seen him as more than a friend.”

  Brendon massaged the back of her hands with his thumbs.

  “Good! I am more than happy to hear that. Thought the blighter was never going to leave after the wedding. I blame Mrs. Lawson partly for making that delicious cake. It was lucky anyone else had a slice what with Lucas gorging himself like a pig on it. Anyone would think he hadn’t eaten for a week.”

  Sophia laughed gently.

  “He hadn’t. Well, nothing solid. His eye looks terrible still. I hope this makes him decide to give up prize fighting. He is far too much of a gentleman to fight against people with names like ‘the Peckham Pulveriser.’”

  Brendon shrugged.

  “He could always come up with a name for himself. Might make him sound a bit more deadly than ‘Lord Lucas Caruthers’.

  She tilted her head and thought quickly.

  “You mean something like ‘The Mayfair Masher’” She giggled. “Or what about ‘The Ton Trouncer.’ Or even the ‘Covent Garden Crusher’.”

  Brendon let out a bark of a laugh.

  “I like the last one. I’ll tell him when I see him next.”

  The smile slipped from Sophia’s face.

  “It doesn’t seem right that he has seen the triplets before we have,” she said sadly. Lucas had left with Algernon soon after the wedding breakfast. “I wanted to be the first to visit, not the last.”

  Brendon stroked her arm to her elbow, feeling a thrill as her skin warmed at his touch.

  “We will visit together. As soon as you are well.”

  Sophia relaxed back on the pillows and enjoyed the sensations rippling along her arm, suddenly glad that she had asked Mrs. Lawson to help her into a summer frock with shorter sleeves.

  “But that may be never. I can’t spend the rest of my life doing nothing. I want to see them while they are small.” She sighed gently as Brendon’s fingertips brushed slightly higher.

  He could barely keep his mind focused on her words, the softness of her skin distracted him so.

  “So perhaps we should continue with your exercises. I think the massage idea has merit. You appear to be enjoying this at any rate.” He continued to her shoulder, slid his fingers beneath the sleeve of her gown, and stilled his hand. “Let me help you turn over. You don’t have to take your frock off if you don’t want to, but I would like to try my idea.” His voice had become husky, his breathing shallow.

  Sophia stared at him for a long moment before giving a tiny nod.

  “All right. We’ll give it a try, but please don’t bully me again.” She began to twist her body.

  Brendon slipped his hand beneath her hips to turn her at the same. She rolled a foot closer to him and lay with her hair curling almost to her waist. He couldn’t stop himself. His fingers slid into the shining mass and he bit back a groan of desire. He swallowed the lump in his throat.

  “I’ll need to move your hair.” His voice had deepened to a growl.

  “I have a ribbon on my dresser if you want to tie it out of the way.” She turned her head to face him.

  “No, I’ll just braid it.” He couldn’t stop touching the soft tresses and twisted them gently between his fingers.

  “I didn’t know you could dress hair.” Sophia let his gentle movements sooth her.

  “Years of having to take care of Felicity’s locks when we were playing games. Always used to come undone somehow and she would make such a fuss if I had to take her back to the nursery to have it fixed. It was easier for me to learn how to do it.” He moved the thick plait to one side before staring at the row of tiny buttons running down the back of her dress. His fingertips traced a line into the cure of her spine either side of the fastenings. “Can you feel that?” He whispered.

  She nodded into the pillow.


  “And this?” His touch dipped lower.

  “Yes.” She breathed the word as a frisson of sensation thrilled through her torso.

  His hands spanned her waist and slipped over the flare of her hips.

  “And now?” His heart hammered so hard he thought she must be able to hear it.

  She no longer trusted her voice. She nodded into the pillow again.

  Brendon held his breath as he leaned over her slightly and pressed his thumb into the muscles at the base of her spine.

  Sophia gasped.

  “I can feel it tingling, I think.”

  Brendon took his hands from her.

  “There is too much material. I can’t feel where I need to manipulate.” He forgave himself his lie. Her frock wasn’t so thick, it being a warm day, but if he didn’t touch her skin as he had on her arm, he was going to explode.

  There was a short silence before Sophia responded.

  “Perhaps if you undo my buttons, you can feel better through my chemise.”

  He didn’t think he would, but he wasn’t about to throw away the chance to be nearer her naked flesh.

  His fingers darted to the first button near her neck and quickly slipped it free. It was pure torture to see the first glimpse of her ivory skin revealed. By the time he had undone the third button, his cock was pressed so hard against the fall of his breeches he could no longer bend over her. He shifted sideways along the bed, releasing another button as well as some of the tension in his shoulders. Dear Lord! He gritted his teeth hard, and held onto the last vestiges of control. If he didn’t, he would grab hold of the material and wrench it apart!

  He took some calming breaths and then wished he hadn’t as the scent of pure gardenias wafted up at him and he couldn’t stop himself. He closed his eyes and leaned in, drawing in a deep breath through his nose. Mmmm, lovely!

  “What is?” She lifted her head slightly and glanced over her shoulder.

  Brendon’s eyes snapped open. Had he spoken aloud? She still looked at him.

  “I think Mrs. Lawson has been using one of her special ointments on your skin, or in your linens.”

  Sophia lay her head back down and sighed.

  “She makes so many different ones. Your mother sends me this one all the time. I love it and never wear anything else.”

  Confusion stopped the movement of his fingers.

  “My mother?”

  Sophia nodded lazily.

  “Mrs. Lawson makes her perfumes, oils, and lotions and sends them to your mother. I believe she sells some too. For the estate I mean. She maintains the orangery especially for the exotic flowers. She is skilled in the craft.”

  Ah! So that was how she had kept up the indulgence. And he had wondered about the orangery too. It had seemed far too well kept when the rest of the house was falling apart.

  “Is that what she adds to the bathwater?” He remembered t
he silkiness of the water, and how soft his own skin felt after a hard day’s work. “It is very relaxing. Perhaps I can use some of the oil on your back. It might help with the massage.” He spoke before thinking and almost cursed as she stiffened beneath his hands, but then her body became pliant again.

  “I think I would like that.”

  Had he heard those words or imagined them? His breathing became deeper.

  “It would mean taking off your dress and chemise.” His hands shook as they undid the next button.

  Sophia looked back over her shoulder and blinked at him before speaking.

  “I know.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Resisting Temptation

  It had taken Brendon mere moments to find the oil labelled ‘Gardenia’ among the array beside the bathtub. He had almost tripped over his feet in his haste to bring it back to the bedside, fearful that she might change her mind, but she still lay there, a tiny smile on her face as he finished undoing her dress.

  He hissed out a breath as the silk slid out from beneath her and Brendon swore he was about to die of need. Beneath her dress, the glow of her skin was visible through her sheer chemise, and over her bottom half she wore the most decadent azure pantaloons trimmed with rich midnight blue velvet ribbons. He had never suspected she chose such daring garments. His eyes widened further as he realized that the ribbons held parts of them together. Parts that might fall apart if he tugged... He stopped thinking about them as his manhood gave another surge and he nearly spilled himself in his breeches.

  Hairy warts, pustulating boils, the hairs sprouting from Alfred’s nose and ears...he drew the revolting images to the front of his mind and gained some immediate relief before he eased the chemise upwards and eventually tugged it over her head.


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