The Temple of Sacrifice

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The Temple of Sacrifice Page 13

by Tameri Etherton

  Chapter Fourteen

  Celyn Eryri stretched before them in the hazy afternoon light. A storm hovered in the distance, its rumbling urging them on to the city gates. Hundreds of tents in varying shapes, sizes, and colors dotted the land around the city walls. People from all over the East came to participate in the Light Celebrations games, which made the streets difficult to traverse with their large party. Close-set houses with steep sloping roofs led the way to a large square with a circular building in the center.

  Taryn’s cynfar hummed against her skin and warmth spread over her at the same time Faelara made an odd gesture while inclining her head toward the building.

  “What does that mean?” Taryn asked her friend, tracing a figure eight with her index finger as Faelara had done. She’d witnessed others making the gesture, sometimes to her, but never understood why it was used.

  “It’s to ward off evil spirits. We just passed the temple to Daknys, and I wished her well while casting off any ill will that might be aimed at her.”

  Taryn glanced back at the temple. It didn’t look like much from the outside, but just to be sure, she made the sign to ward off evil. The dragon’s wings on her sword handle fluttered and glinted in the light before settling in place. Taryn caught Faelara’s astonished look and returned it.

  They continued up the high street, past businesses and more homes decorated with colorful doors with matching shutters and empty window boxes. The street opened and there, looming in front of them like a decorative crag carved out of the mountainside, was the castle. Taryn drew in a deep breath at the marvel. Towers and battlements flanked the stone structure, with soldiers moving along them like little toys.

  Several servants came out to greet them, but the empress and princesses were nowhere to be seen. The castle steward apologized, explaining everyone was down at the skating rink, overseeing the last of the decorations.

  Ancient compared with the modern conveniences at Talaith and Paderau, Celyn Eryri held far more charm. Rough stone floors echoed their footsteps on the walk through nearly deserted halls and down corridors lined with heavy tapestries. Sconces set at even intervals lit the way, with ShantiMari-enhanced flames dancing along the faces of nymphs and noblemen embroidered in the wall hangings.

  A page escorted them to Taryn’s room first and then moved to take Rhoane’s belongings to his room, but Rhoane waved him off. “Thank you, Darius. I am sure I can manage on my own.”

  “His Highness remembers me?”

  “Of course. You were the only one to beat me at archery last Wintertide. You have grown, my lad. I hope your archery skills have not improved as well.” Rhoane indicated Taryn. “This is my betrothed, Princess Taryn.”

  Darius bowed low to her. “It is an honor, Your Highness.”

  Taryn inclined her head, greeting him in return before asking after her maids. When she mentioned Ellie, a touch of pink spread across his cheeks and he offered to fetch them if she desired. Not wanting to spoil their afternoon, she insisted she would be fine. Kaida sat beside him, nudging his hand with her head, which intrigued Taryn.

  “She is taken with you, Darius. It isn’t like a grierbas to seek out affection.”

  His hand faltered an instant before he pet the beast. “Again, I am honored.” After another few pets, he left them alone.

  “Should we join the others?” Taryn asked with little enthusiasm.

  “And pass up the opportunity for privacy and that remarkable bed?”

  She ran to the room, tossing her sword on a chair before hastily removing her clothing. Rhoane was a step behind, unlacing his Eleri boots between many muttered curses. When finally they’d rid themselves of their layers of clothing, they tumbled onto the soft mattress. The sex was hard and fast and nothing like the languid lovemaking they’d had in the Narthvier. Taryn loved it. Loved the intensity of being present in that moment.

  A short while later, her maids arrived amid excited chatter. Lorilee squealed and burst into her bedchamber. Upon seeing Rhoane, she dropped to a low curtsey, apologizing over and over again for the intrusion. A bubble of laughter floated from Taryn’s belly. The poor girl would be traumatized that she’d interrupted her mistress.

  Rhoane kissed her on the nose. “I suppose we should dress for dinner.”

  Their time alone had at last come to an end. “I suppose we should.”

  He rose from her bed, gathering the sheet around his naked body, and walked with absolute grace and dignity through her rooms. She heard the embarrassed squeals of her maids and then Rhoane’s soft voice. “Ladies, always a pleasure to see you.” The click of the connecting doorway echoed in the silent space.

  A flurry of giggles erupted and her three maids were upon her, questions flying from all directions.

  “Run my bath, you lazy sods!” Taryn commanded imperially, struggling to keep from bursting out laughing while simultaneously trying to keep the blanket pulled to her chin.

  As ever, her maids kept up a constant stream of gossip, peppered with subtle questions and inquiries about their mistress and the Eleri prince. Her mysterious trip was only part of their curiosity, but the advancement of her relationship held their attention most. Their questions amused Taryn. She tolerated all during her bath, and while they prepared her for the evening’s activities. For the most part, she evaded as much as she could, only telling them enough to satisfy their thirst for gossip and to keep the ruse alive. Still, she felt guilty for lying to them. As far as they knew, she’d gone to Paderau with Faelara and Baehlon.

  “I met a very nice young man today. Darius, I believe he’s called. Will he be competing in the games?” Taryn asked when the subject changed to the celebrations and what event each girl would be competing in.

  Ellie’s blush at the mention of Darius drew Taryn’s interest. There was something about the young man—he’d not only captivated Kaida, but Ellie as well.

  Lorilee was adding several pins to her hair when she paused. “You look so beautiful, Your Highness.”

  Taryn had missed her maids more than she ever thought possible. “Only because of you, my precious girls.”

  “There is a glow about you—a sheen to your skin similar to Prince Rhoane’s,” Ellie added.

  “It’s the Eleri coming out in me.”

  The Glamour beneath her skin was only the start of her transformation. When she became full Eleri, her ears would come to delicate points and her vision would be enhanced enough she could see nearly a league away on a cloudy day. During her stay in the Narthvier, Rhoane and Carga had explained all the physical changes that would occur. Nothing was immediate except the fact she would not bear children until well into her seventh or eight-hundredth season. Eleri longevity was a concept she couldn’t fully grasp.

  A knock drew their attention to the doorway, where Tarro arrived with several dresses. At the sight of her friend, Taryn asked, “Did Lliandra bring the entire court?”

  “Not everyone, but most.” Tarro smiled and she embraced the tailor.

  “It’s good to see so many familiar faces.”

  When Rhoane arrived to escort her to dinner, little flutters of excitement filled her belly. They wore matching outfits of black velvet with silver trim. A silver coronet rested on his glossy brown hair. The transition from traveling wear to court fashion was startling. Based on the look he gave Taryn, he thought the same about her.

  No formal feast was planned until the celebrations started, but the atmosphere in the great hall was festive, with boisterous singing and much pounding of the tables among competitors trying to prove their merit before the games began. Lliandra greeted them warmly, kissing them on both cheeks.

  “I trust everything has been resolved?”

  “It has. Thank you, Mother.” Taryn hoped Lliandra understood the meaning behind her words.

  Sabina pouted behind the empress and Taryn braced herself for an onslaught of reprimands. When Lliandra drifted off to greet another guest, Sabina tapped her foot and shook out her long curls.
Taryn stifled a laugh. The glare the Summerlands princess cast her might wither the will of a courtesan, but Taryn knew far greater evils. For her friend’s sake, she put on her best apologetic demeanor.

  “I should be quite vexed with you, my so-called friend.”

  “But you’re not?” Taryn teased.

  “Oh, I am. Leaving with only a note of explanation? And a poor lie of a note it was.” At Taryn’s look of alarm, Sabina said, “Don’t worry. I will tell no one. Did you seriously expect me to believe you’d toddle off to inspect property without me? I have more knowledge of commerce in my little finger than you do in your entire body. I assume it had something to do with Prince Rhoane?”

  Unsure whether Hayden had said anything to her or not, Taryn hedged. “His sister, actually. But you must promise to tell no one. Rhoane insisted on the ruse to protect me.”

  “Please. I’m your fondest friend, remember? I would never risk your safety for my own pride.” She gave Taryn a sly smile and led her to a corner away from the crowd. “Besides, I understand it is you I have to thank for Hayden’s enthusiasm in our bedchamber.”

  Taken aback, Taryn stared at her friend, words forming on her lips, but silence ensuing.

  “He said you encouraged him to educate me in how to bring him pleasure.” A charming blush reddened her cheeks and her eyes sparkled. “I had no idea! Do you know, I’ve not had a single nightmare since.”

  “Sister!” Tessa’s shout startled both Taryn and Sabina. “I should like a word with you.” Her youngest sister stomped across the floor with a chagrined Eliahnna following. “Do you have any idea how irritating it is when you dash off without warning?” Tessa tilted her chin with an imperiousness Lliandra would admire. “If I were Mother, I would send you to your room without supper. But since I’m not, an apology will suffice.”

  Eliahnna grinned behind Tessa. “It really is tedious.”

  “I am very sorry I didn’t tell you I was leaving. I promise, next time I will give you more than a note for explanation.”

  She’d mollified her friends for the moment, but in a matter of days, she would have to make good on her promise. She and Rhoane had already discussed plans to leave for Gaarendahl as soon as the celebrations ended. Assuming, of course, the empress would concede to her leaving again.

  Taryn scanned the room. “Where is Marissa? Did she travel with you?”

  Eliahnna rolled her eyes and looked off to a distant part of the cavernous room. “She is there, with a fresh lordling. She’s positively scandalous, but Mother allows it. I really don’t understand why.”

  “She’s in training,” Tessa blurted and clapped a hand over her mouth, terror spiking in her blue eyes.

  Eliahnna and Sabina giggled while Taryn swept the room with a bored look, taking in Marissa’s victim before bringing her attention back to the girls. “He’s handsome, but when aren’t they?”

  “You obviously don’t remember Herbret,” Tessa scoffed. Then, remembering herself, she said in a quiet voice, “I’m so sorry, Sabina. I wasn’t thinking.”

  “A habit you’ve fallen into quite a bit lately,” Eliahnna reprimanded. “We need to work on your tact, dear sister.” To Sabina, she said, “Please forgive her impertinence.”

  Sabina’s dark eyes shone clear and bright, with a little giggle hidden in their depths. “You are more than forgiven, sister of my heart. I have left my melancholy behind and wish to think of that morning no more. Herbret was indeed repulsive, as was no secret.” She glanced over to where Marissa was doing a poor job of hiding her amorousness with the handsome lord. “I wonder what he has that she needs. Marissa does not bed someone on a whim.”

  An image of the phantom and Marissa pushed to the forefront of Taryn’s thoughts and she shivered. It was true. Marissa never gave without getting something in return.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The Feast of Winter Veil marked the beginning of the Light Celebrations on the eve of the shortest day of the season. All the residents of the castle dressed in their warmest clothing and walked through the town, holding a candle before them to ward off the approaching darkness. When they reached the castle gate, the townsfolk joined them, and as they strolled through the city, they sang songs that told the tale of the first Light Celebrations. It was a tradition dating back over a thousand seasons.

  Taryn walked with her family, listening to the songs, more at peace than she’d been in too long. It was as if the dangers from the outside world could not affect her while she was ensconced in the solemnity of the celebration. Rhoane held her hand and glanced at her from the corner of his eye when he thought she wasn’t aware.

  Since the vision by the river, Taryn had scarcely been alone. Either one of the princesses, Hayden, Baehlon, Lady Faelara, or Rhoane himself had been with her around the clock. The excuses the princesses had for needing to sleep in her apartments were the most humorous to Taryn. She’d let them, of course, not wanting to be alone, but too afraid to admit it.

  She squeezed Rhoane’s hand and smiled up at him. “This is beautiful.” Rhoane’s voice joined the others and Taryn listened to the words. They sang of the gods who first created Aelinae. Nadra made the stars in the sky and gave the world Light. Ohlin made the sun and gave the world Darkness. Together, they nurtured the first plants and animals. When they were satisfied with these gifts, they populated the Narthvier with the Eleri and after a time, produced the other races of Aelinae.

  Ohlin created the Artagh and races of the West, and Nadra the sea people and races of the East. Lastly, they gave Aelinae their offspring: Daknys to rule the Light, Rykoto to oversee the Darkness, Verdaine to command the life force of every creature who walked the terrarae, and Kaldaar to govern the underworld—those places unseen yet always present.

  Excitement buzzed through Taryn as she listened. Each of those gods was a part of her. She was larger than the shell of her Aelan existence. The words echoed through her mind as the song gave thanks to the gods for the plants and animals, the sea creatures, and all of the races of Aelinae, the Eleri, the sun and moons, and above all else, the stars that guided them.

  Taryn looked up at the clear sky and the stars that twinkled against a velvety blue landscape. She hoped Brandt was watching as she walked with the others in the procession. Tears stung her eyes and she wiped them away with the sleeve of her coat.

  “Something wrong?” Rhoane whispered in her ear.

  “No, just thinking of Brandt.”

  “He is with you, always.” He squeezed her hand and pointed to the sky. “Look, he is just there.” She followed where he indicated and saw a star blinking at them. Rhoane always knew exactly where any constellation was at a given time.

  “Dal Tara.” A small sob caught in her throat. “Grandfather.”

  A tear ran down her cheek and Rhoane kissed it away. A fierce sense of love wrapped itself around her and she held onto Rhoane’s hand to steady herself. Awe and wonder washed over her as she stared into the mossy depths of his eyes. So much had happened since that first day in the cavern when she’d looked to him for strength. He’d given her that and so much more. He’d given her purpose.

  Their runes brightened and she glanced down at their entwined hands. Only Ohlin needed to add his blessings for the bonds to be complete. Even without them, Rhoane was hers forever. He would never leave her or cause her harm, of that she was certain. Just as she knew he would always be there to hold her hand and to fight her enemies. In the depths of her soul, she believed in his commitment and love for her. They knew no bounds. She was his forever and the thought did not frighten her in the least.

  “I am yours, mi carae. Always.” She whispered for his hearing alone, and he raised her hand to his lips, pressing their flesh together in a way that made her insides tremble. “Even if you are naughty.”

  A lopsided grin was his answer. Damn him and his sexiness. She looked away before she did something indecent, her heart tripping in her chest.

  The procession continued through the ci
ty until they came to a large open square. Tables filled the space for the feast that would be enjoyed by the entire populace of the city. Rhoane led her to a table set upon a dais. From their seats, they could see the gathered crowd, and the people could see them. Taryn had yet to grow accustomed to being on display and felt exposed and suddenly shy, but the other princesses joined them and distracted her with their excited chatter.

  Musicians walked between the tables and jugglers threw sticks glowing with fire in the air, catching them and spinning around to great applause. The townsfolk craned their necks to get a glimpse of the beautiful empress and her daughters. Many of them pointed to Taryn and whispered to one another. Taryn had to stop herself from eavesdropping on their thoughts. The desire to know what they thought of her was almost too great.

  After the meal, a local band set up on a raised stage and after all the tables were pushed aside to create room, many joined in dancing and drinking. It was a night of frivolity and Lliandra let herself be led around the dance floor by several of the high-ranking men of the city. Taryn danced with Rhoane or her sisters, and even Marissa laughed as she spun around in Myrddin’s arms. Her sister was more relaxed than Taryn could ever recall and once again, she had the sense something was different about her sister, but what, she couldn’t say.

  Taryn took the lead from Myrddin and smiled at Marissa. “You look happy tonight, sister,” she said as they danced a two-step around the square.

  “I could say the same about you. Has something happened? You are positively glowing.”

  “It must be the celebrations. It was very peaceful and beautiful in a haunting way.”


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