Fall of the Cities

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Fall of the Cities Page 68

by Vance Huxley

  Harold’s mind whirled. Why did Sarge want the women running about out there? “What about the roaming gangs and Army kill squads?

  “The kill squads aren’t Army,so they should hide from everyone. Especially anyone in uniform because they aren’t Army either. The roaming gangs are smugglers, and armed, and will snap up any stray women.” A nasty smile crossed Sarge’s face. “If your women take their weapons, the bastards might get a nasty surprise.” He looked Harold straight in the eye. “Otherwise all that’s out there are occasional sweeps to round up livestock. The RAF won’t report women if they hideany rifles.”

  “Cripes,Sarge, I daren’t tell everyone that. They’d never keep their mouths shut to some of the visitors.” Harold stopped and thought for a moment. “Agreed. I’ll let a few trusted people know what to do if we get hit by too many.”

  “That’s a relief, because now I can give these lads a reason for not reporting their little lapse. I’ll tell them the truth, it’s an emergency way out for the women. They’ll keep quiet because they saw what happened to the civvies at the last posting.” Sarge nodded towards the soldiers. “They’ll feel better knowing those lasses with the chips have a way out.Your youngsters did a good job of hiding the hole, in the unlikely event some officer wants to walk the wire.” Sarge flicked his eyes upward. “At least it happened at night when there are rarely any drones about, and mostly under the bypass or in woodland.”

  Harold nodded thanks, very slightly, for the hint about drones in daylight. “Good enough for me Sarge, and thanks. To show our appreciation, what’s yourpolicy on beer? We know you like a few chips and a bit of soup now and then, but we also do a wicked home brew?”

  “Absolutely forbidden.” Sarge smiled conspiratorially. “As is accepting French fries or soup. If some officer came by and caught a whiff of beer there would be trouble. There again we don’t actually see any officers on these cold nights. It’s a long way from the nice warm NAAFI, and they have to walk because HM doesn’t like to waste fuel.” He suddenly looked curious. “Did they manage toget a whole tree through there?”

  “Yes. A proper bushy one nearly three metres tall, and then a smaller one for the pub the next night. Your lads could see them, if they came to the dances or the pub?They’ll bemade welcome and there will be no mishaps.” Harold gestured down to Orchard Close,where half a dozen would-be musicians were practicing to a CD in spite of the light snowfall. “I’ll send the tank to chauffeur them?”

  “Cheeky sod. They’d love that, as you well know. Not a chance.” Sarge chuckled, turning and starting back towards his men. “I’d let them, but the silly sods wouldn’t be able to resist opening their big mouths in the NAAFI. The fallout would be spectacular.” He waved a hand in dismissal. “Now clear off before you corrupt them even more.”

  “Cheers Sarge, and Merry Christmas.” The sergeant just rolled his eyes, but Harold heardMerry Christmas at least twice from the squaddies before the corporal snarled at them.Harold spread the news among the small group he trusted to keep quiet, despite Doll’s protests about yet another secret. She swore she’d be too scared of talking in her sleep to keep a man overnight, not unless she shot him in the morning.


  One of the secrets, Dealer, turned upearly the day before Christmas Eve to collect the Christmas knitting. He also collected the repaired weapons including the AK, an early bonus for Harold.Dealer inspected the balaclavas,paying Haroldin coupons when they had their initial private meeting. After paying he hesitated a long time, then sighed. “I believe that you are an honourable man. Swear to me that you will never, ever mention you got this information from me.”

  Harold stared but Dealer looked totally serious. There wasn’t a hint of that smile. “I promise.”

  Dealer let out a long breath. “I am about to break a very big rule. Make your walls thicker. Never, ever tell even your most trusted advisor I said that. I mean it.”

  Harold stared. “Why?”

  “No. I don’t tell tales and walls have ears. Right, here’s the list of clips I managed to get together. The marked ones are not exactly pristine so we’ll negotiate later.” Dealer had obviously given all he either wanted to or dared. He left soon after, waiting with David in the trading house where Harold daren’t press him.

  This time,Patty had definitely relaxed around David, or maybe she just felt good about Christmas or getting nearly all the knitting finished. She actually teased the bodyguard about what might have happened if he’d brought some real mistletoe. On the way back to the gates with the clips and other supplies, and yet another very good rifle and two poser pistols for repair, Harold teased her about that and the hand-holding. Patty actually thought about it for a few moments. “It must be these dances. Six in a row, and all those kids smooching and waving mistletoe. I sometimes wonder who leaves the shower door unlocked, because yours is spoken for.” She glanced at Harold and smirked. “Twice.”

  “Stop it. You know better.”

  “I do, but I know one someone who would get a key. Are you going to hang up stockings, or did you ask Santa for a present already wearing them?” Patty nudged Harold. “Next time Mercedes comes, tell the bodyguard to piss off and drag her into the bedroom.” She giggled and nudged him again. “Given a chance, I reckon she’ll drag you instead.”

  Harold stopped pushing the barrow and stared. “Cripes, don’t encourage me! Caddi would start a war.” As he started moving again he grinned. “I really am tempted sometimes.”

  “So do it. Live while you’ve got the chance, because we can’t count on tomorrow.” Patty stopped short of the gates, straightened and stroked the sheath over her baby. “If all the shooters lay for the bastard, we could kill Caddi and the rest of those arses with the stupid names in a couple of volleys. The rest would run.” She gave Harold a mischievous grin. “Give Mercedes a gun and she’d help.”

  “She probably would,but don’t you ever tell anyone that. I’d love to do just what you suggested, but Caddi has over twice as many fighters as we do and they are hardened now. They’ve been fighting for months and they’ve all seen blood.” Harold put his own barrow downbecause he had to settle this where nobody could hear them. “I’ll not get people killed because I fancy a woman. We could even lose. Even your Demons might break, because most of our people have never been in a real fight. Not up close and bloody.”

  That sobered Patty, wiping the smile from her face. “You’re right. You’ve just reminded me what it’s like, especially the first time. It’s the blood and the smell. Shooting is easy compared to that.” She sighed and bent to pick up the barrow handles again. “If it comes to the choice between that and Caddi getting her, I’ve got your back.”

  “Thanks.” Harold smiled and swerved a little to nudge her this time. “If David ever brings mistletoe, I’ll get Dealer out of there and guard the door.”

  “In that room? No thanks, I like my home comforts. It might be a different story if he turns up howling at my window?” Patty chuckled, then changed the subject to explaining how she’d got most of Dealer’s knitting done. The squad leaders had contributedtheir own coupons to encourage the knitters to change priorities. Harold told her to call by and he’d repay them, explaining he’d put the extra coupons from the poser weaponsaside as an emergency fund.They finished the walk tweaking each other about nearly-love life, then shifted to more mundane subjects inside the gates.

  Once he had a moment alone, stashing the firearms, Harold thought long and hard about Patty’s offer. He knew, deep down, that Casper, Emmy and Alfie had his back no matter what he did, and now Patty. Just thinking of that scotched any temptation to brace Caddi over Mercedes, because those four would step in and maybe get killed.

  Harold didn’t think long because several of the young women interrupted him with a request, apparently prompted by Rihannon’s success. The chips and beer were taken up to the Army night shift by eightyoung women, one of them Rihannon, with tinsel in their hair and decked in fairy lights. The group cam
e back giggling and asked if they could take the next lot as well, please, becausethe soldiers were very polite and wanted to see them again. The one with two stripes tried the beer, and reckoned it was better than the stuff they had back in the barracks.


  The following day, Christmas Eve, Casper’s voice yanked Harold out of wondering why the walls should be thicker. The weakest were a metre thick,the interlocked bricks making them a solid obstacle even without mortar. “What?”

  “I said your Christmas present has arrived early. She’s being searched at the gate right now, but judging by what she usually wears it won’t take long.” Casper laughed at Harold’s expression. “Doll is searching, and complaining because she’s got to keep another secret.”

  Harold came out of his workshop and locked up. “What secret?”

  “Mercedes warned Doll she can’t tell anyone what’s under the coat, or not.” Casper laughed again. “Your face is a picture.”

  “Who came with her?” Harold held his breath, because if Mercedes had come alone….

  “Charger and ET. They’ve come to collect those last two pistols for Caddi. I’ve told them to go to the pub but she’s is waiting for her escort.”

  “You could have phoned?”

  “And missed the look on your face? Not a chance.” Casper clapped Harold on the back. “It’s cold out so don’t keep her waiting.”

  Sure enough Mercedes had already started up the street from the gates, wearing a long leather coat that only showed her high heeled boots. Behind her, Doll’s raised voice sounded more mischievous than annoyed. “I’ve searched her, Harold. She’s not dangerous in the usual sense, but I’m not sure you should get near her.”

  “That just makes him more interested,doesn’t it ‘Arold?” Mercedes looked up the road to where Charger and ET were just going into The Pub. “You’d better take me into the Embassy. If you take off my coat, you can get started on the delectables. I hope it’s warm in there.”

  Harold spoke before his brain caught up. “Why don’t you come up to my house? It’s a lot warmer?”

  Harold heard a sharp intake of breath from Casper behind him, but his eyes stayed on Mercedes. Her eyes blazed with sheer glee. “You want to take me home?”

  “Any time.”

  Mercedes moved the two steps to hug him, properly, and as Harold returned it she kissed him, quickly but firmly. “Oh dear, and those two are in The Pub. What a pity. Still, I’m sure you won’t take advantage.” As Harold turned she put her arm round him and held him close. “I accept.” She pouted as Casper turned to follow them, then glanced up with a little grin. “Will you help me take my coat off, ‘Arold?It could be interesting, depending on what I’ve forgotten to wear this time.”

  “If it’s in my house, maybe we’d better step into my bedroom to do that. Just so that nobody else is embarrassed.” Harold smiled and so did Mercedes.

  Mercedes didn’t answer for a short while, but then. “Soon, ‘Arold,but not quite yet. If Caddi had managed to finish off the Murphies, who knows? If you’d hung up two stockings, they might both have been filled on Christmas morning.”

  Harold tightened the arm around her. “Mmm. I wouldn’t need anything else. I could have played with my present all day and never got bored.”

  Mercedes laughed, and then sobered. “Unfortunately, we had better ask ET and Charger to join us.” She giggled and hugged hard for a moment. “So that Caddi doesn’t get the right idea, and think you are breaking the rules.” This wasn’t for show. Mercedes spoke quietly and both Casper and Doll had dropped back too far to hear her. “I can’t come down your chimney this Christmas, but will you be my Easter Bunny please, ‘Arold?”

  “Then or whenever you want, Mercedes.” Harold sniggered, hugging her a little tighter as well. “My burrow is your burrow.”

  “Mmm, sounds cosy. Just thinking about it should keep me going until then.” Mercedes raised her voice. “Will someone point out to the watchdogs they’ve been a bit careless.” Quieter she continued, “Maybe because I told them we’d join them.”Doll put her head round the door into The Pub, and moments later Charger and ET came out carrying their beer. “Just in time, boys, because if he’d got me home alone who knows what our Soldier Boy might have got up to?” Both of them grinned and both opened their mouths, then remembered where they were.

  Doll eyed them up and put a hand on her pistol. “I’m sure we can delay them, Mercedes?”

  “Not this time, thank you Doll.” Doll didn’t actually delay ET and Charger much, but she kept them well back to give Mercedes a bit of privacy. Just before they reached the garden gate, Mercedes suddenly stopped. “Will your other woman mind, ‘Arold?”For possibly the first time, Mercedes sounded hesitant.

  Harold didn’t hesitate at all. “I haven’t got another woman, Mercedes. I’ve known Tessa since I had acne, and her fella was a very good friend. She backs off the volunteers among the refugees.”


  “They want to be the gang boss’s woman. The position is reserved, andthe successful candidate even branded me.” Harold knew what he’d just offered, and right now didn’t care. Maybe all the dancing and smooching had got to him as well. “Tessa will step aside as soon as she moves in.”

  “In that case the candidate had better give you a Christmas present.” She glanced up at Harold with that lovely twinkle in her eyes. “I’ve brought two but you ought to open oneall alone.”

  “You’d better open yours away from sound and vision.” Harold had thought long and hard about what to give her. The big fluffy white toy rabbit didn’t look much, but inside was a souvenir from the trip to Beth’s. It contained one of the special bombs, one with a five-second clockwork fuse, but with Barry explosives and shrapnel replacing the oil and petrol. The note explained, telling Mercedes it was to give her a running start or for her to leave as a parting gift. Now he wondered what Mercedes had given him.

  Harold assumed that someone phoned ahead, because neither the children nor Tessa were in evidence. While Sharyn sorted out drinks all round, Mercedes asked ‘Arold to undo all the buttons on her coat. She insisted he started at the bottom and worked up, probably a good ideawhen she moved closer while he did so.If he’d started at the top, Harold thought his nose would have been hooked in her cleavage. Her cleavage became more obvious when she licked her lips, slowly, and undid the extra button. “Sit down, ‘Arold, so that I can get comfortable.”

  Harold sat and Mercedes perched on the chair arm, tucked in so she leantagainst his shoulder. “This is the first part of your present, ‘Arold, the public part. You’ll want to be more careful than usual.” Harold was sure of it. Mercedes wore a miniskirt with short boots, but no stockings, and she stretched her legs over Harold’s to make it blatantly obvious. Harold admired the view, then looked up and almost kissed her. The happy, cheerful twinkle in her eyes had just a touch of wicked. Mercedes was ablaze, even if only Harold could see.

  “That’s a lovely present, Mercedes. What can I do to say thank you?”

  “The next part is the present, and mine as well.You have been a naughty boy, ‘Arold. You’ve had your hands all over my stockings and I found that I liked it. So much that I’m curious. Now I want to know what your hand feels like without the stocking. Will you please put your hand on my leg?” She paused and the mischief in her eyes was even more obvious. “Exactly where it was last time.” Harold heard stifled noisesfrom Charger and ET at least.

  “I would love to, Mercedes. But can you restrain yourself, because it might feel even better than you expect?” Harold didn’t want Mercedes to get too creative, or not in public anyway.Despite that, right now he was seriously considering Patty’s suggestion.

  “Oh, I’m hoping it feels better, much better,’Arold. I suppose you’d better untuck my blouse first, so your other hand can get busy. At this rate, you’llend up ruining my reputation.” Or underlining it, becauseCharger and ET were witnesses and would report to the Hot Rods.

nbsp; Harold pulled her blouse loose, slowly and gently, working all around her waist. Mercedes moved a little to let him, giving Harold yet another chance to win the bra betting. Even if Mercedes had told him she never wore a bra while visiting, the game was on if only to amuse the others. Harold ran his hand right around her back, just above her skirt, and received a big smile. “Mmm, I might have to come and get you to help me undress again, ‘Arold. You are so gentle.” Mercedes licked her lips. “And thorough.”

  Her body moved closer so she leant on Harold’s shoulder,andhe had no trouble reaching right round to her stomach. Nor did Mercedes have any trouble putting her hand up the back of his shirt, and running her nails down his spine. Mercedes glanced down. “Remember that when you get hold of my leg, ‘Arold. Gentle and thorough.”

  Harold couldn’t look down just now without losing the bra game. He lowered his hand safely clear of Mercedes’ skirt, which earned him a pout. As Harold began to slide his hand slowly up her leg, delight blossomed in her eyes. Mercedes wriggled a little bit. “Careful, ‘Arold. It’s a very short skirt.”

  Too bloody true it was. Harold wondered for a moment if Mercedes had lifted the hem as she had the first time with her blouse. If so Harold was about to break every last rule. Then he’d take her into the bedroom and tell the bodyguards to sod off, or kill Charger and ET so Caddi never found out.Harold wasn’t sure if he felt relieved or disappointed when his thumb touched fabric. “Very.” Mercedes laughed as Harold cleared his throat. The second try Harold had his voice back under control. “Very short. Just for a moment I wondered if you were tired of waiting.”


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