Captured: Hunted Love #3

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Captured: Hunted Love #3 Page 5

by Aden Lowe

  The insistent pulsing of his cock forced him to pause a moment, just long enough to open his jeans and relieve a little of the pressure. Rita gave a little sigh and slid her hand between them and into the front of his underwear to smooth her fingers across the head of his cock.

  His knees went weak as his hips rolled, begging her for more. She complied and shoved both jeans and underwear down, freeing him. Desperation drove him to take action and he turned them to bring the backs of her legs to the edge of the bed. Her hand slid down his shaft and back up, urging him to hurry.

  He fumbled to open her jeans and finally managed to shove them down. "Sit for me."

  The thirty seconds he allowed himself to look down at her, to admire her delicate features and the sheen of her hair, nearly pushed him too far. Unable to wait, he bent to pull off the leather boots that stopped just above her ankles, and her jeans followed in a heartbeat.

  He straightened to find she held an opened condom ready. But first she leaned to tease him with tiny kisses and licks. His hands sank into her hair and fisted. Luminous blue eyes stared up at him while her kiss-swollen lips parted and slipped over the head with a tight suction that threatened to undo him instantly. By some miracle, he managed to hold onto his sanity while she loved him with that gorgeous mouth, but far too soon, she withdrew with a little moan.

  "I want more of that later. But first…" She placed the condom over him and rolled it down, torturing him with gentle strokes to his balls at the same time, then lay back with languid grace.

  And there she lay before him, parted and moist, waiting. All his intentions flew out the window. He'd spent hours anticipating what it would be like to open the metal clasps on the front of that corset, to free her breasts for his hands and mouth. But now that the time had come, nothing was more important than getting inside her.

  The bed sat on a sort of platform, probably meant to discourage motel guests from hiding bodies under it, which made it higher than a standard bed. Perfect height actually. At least for his purpose.

  He slipped his arms under her knees and slid her toward him, bringing her ass to the edge of the bed. He moved forward between her thighs and her eyes flared with the realization of his intent.

  The first contact with her slick flesh made him hiss with anticipation. She writhed against him, seeking more.

  The fragile thread of his self-control snapped and he drove into her with one frantic thrust. Rita's nails dug into his forearms and she gave a sharp cry.

  Damn, he'd hurt her! He froze, heart pounding. "Are you okay?"

  She writhed on him. "I will be when you fuck me."

  No further encouragement needed, he withdrew and thrust again and again, harder and faster. The little sounds she made spurred him on, every movement coiling the tension in his belly tighter and tighter until he thought it would snap him half.

  Suddenly her body tightened, incredible inner muscles rippling around him. The force wound so tightly in him exploded with near-catastrophic velocity, propelling both of them into some new dimension where nothing existed but the fulfillment they gave one another.

  Chapter Nine: Kate

  Kate tried to gain control of her heartrate, and the disappointment. How could Jakob say something like that just as part of sex? Did he think so little of her? Tears pricked at her eyelids and she moved to get up, but Jakob tightened his arms around her. Dammit, she needed to get away from him and regain her composure before she humiliated herself any further. That would be too much to live with.

  "No you don't, baby." His warm breath tickled her neck and sent heat flashing over her body again in the ultimate betrayal.

  How could she respond to his every touch like some wanton creature, even while her heart broke? She was going to be so fucked when he decided to leave. Especially with him tossing that word around so casually when she wanted nothing more than to hear it for real. The lump in her throat refused to go away.


  Why did he have to want to talk? She swallowed hard trying to get rid of the damn lump. "Yeah?" And of course she sounded like a bullfrog.

  He took her chin gently and forced her to look at him. "I was serious. I love you. It's okay if you don't feel the same way. I just wanted you to know." He leaned in to plant a kiss on her cheek. "Now, can we rest? My head hurts."

  Kate's heart thundered with hope. She quickly shoved it down, even as his arms relaxed and he shifted to put his leg over her, effectively wrapping himself around her. Maybe he didn't intend to play with her heart, since he was obviously rattled from the head wound, but the fact didn't make it hurt any less. She took a deep breath, gathering her strength and praying she would survive the devastation he would leave in his wake.

  He seemed to be okay, at least, so that was a good thing. Now all she had to do was figure out how to get them out of this mess. Sunny might get back to the ranch and alert Ray that she was in trouble, but the horse could just as easily break a leg in the rough terrain. No help to depend on. It was up to her to find a way to save them.

  Ajax could probably carry double all the way back home, but they'd have to go slow and take lots of breaks to keep from killing him. Jakob also probably wouldn't be in any kind of shape for a ride they would have to stretch to two days, and in full sun. And of course, hiking was out of the question.

  The issue of who had shot Jakob pushed into her thoughts. That one could crop back up at any time. And no doubt would. Whoever did it would eventually decide to double check, and come after them again. The possibilities were endless, and none were appealing. She really should get up and secure the camp a little more. Ambush potentials lay all around them and needed eliminating. It would suck to go take a pee in the middle of the night only to get killed.

  Despite her intentions, the sleepless night spent keeping watch over Jakob eventually dragged her into the comforting solace he offered with his body while the hypnotic rhythm of his breathing lulled her to sleep. Those words of his intruded on her thoughts just as the darkness settled in.

  Waking up in Jakob's arms felt like some kind of heaven. Kate relished the feel of his solid warmth wrapped around her and deliberately lingered in the half-twilight of not-quite-awake. For just a few moments, she allowed herself to dream of the forever she needed with him.

  Something disturbed the peace and sent her hurtling toward full consciousness. A horse whinnied close by, and a reply came immediately, also not far away. Hoofbeats approached at a lope.

  Horses slid to a stop on the other side of the dead fire about the time she managed to get her eyes fully opened. Squinting, she recognized her hands, Alan and Brady, and noted the two extra horses accompanying them. The men muttered something and turned squarely away, not looking at her.

  For a second, Kate wondered if they'd spotted some danger. Had the shooter found them? Then it dawned on her. She and Jakob lay in a tangle, naked, and she hadn't bothered to pull a blanket over them.

  Shit! She grabbed her jeans with as little noise as possible and slipped them on, then looked around for her shirt. Memory of spreading it over a bush by the creek interrupted the search. And Jakob's clothing lay well out of reach. She reached over Jakob to make a grab for the blanket to cover herself and him. No good. The shirt she'd pulled off Jakob while he lay unconscious hung on a bush eight feet away. She made a mad dash for it and yanked it on.

  Humiliation set her face afire. "Um, okay, decent now." She bent to rekindle the fire to conceal her burning cheeks. The task needed doing anyway. Twilight had already set in, and Jakob needed to eat to build his strength. "I hope you guys have something other than MREs for supper." Maybe just being matter-of-fact would let them ignore the awkward moment.

  Apparently it worked because Alan and Brady dismounted and started unloading their animals. Alan went to stake out the four horses and tend them while Brady pulled supplies from a pack.

  He dragged a heavy cast iron frying pan out and set it to heat on the stones arranged for that purpose by the fire. "He go
ing to make it?"

  Kate glanced away from the chunk of bacon she was slicing into the skillet. Jakob stirred restlessly, seeming to respond to the activity around him. "A bullet cut a nice notch in his skull, right over his ear. He's pretty addled, but I think the worst of the danger is over." She sent a silent prayer up that she was right.

  "A bullet? What the hell?" Concern made Brady stop opening the packet of leftover biscuits. For the first time since the men's arrival, he looked squarely at Kate.

  "Yeah, a bullet. I'll tell you when Alan comes in, don't want to go over it twice."

  Brady nodded and returned to his task. Kate put water to boil for coffee, then turned to wake Jakob, confident Brady would respect her privacy. Of all the hands on her ranch, he treated her most like a normal woman. The others all made concessions to one degree or another to her deformity. All except Brady.

  At Jakob's side, she stroked his jaw testing his beard stubble against the pad of her finger. In a million years, she couldn't get enough of him. Her finger reached the corner of his mouth and she traced his lips, remembering the wicked and delicious things he could do with them.

  In a heartbeat, those lips opened and his teeth sank gently into the tip of her finger as his eyes flew open. A mischievous smile curved his mouth even while he held her finger trapped and flicked his tongue across the sensitive flesh.

  Heat flashed straight to her core, and as much as they needed help, she almost wished Alan and Brady had taken a little longer to show up. Rather than give in to the desires he sent racing through her, Kate had to force herself to smile.

  "Wake up, sleepyhead. Alan and Brady are here."

  He teased her fingertip again, then released it. "I know. You were pretty hot running for my shirt." Moving only a bit slower than his normal, he sat up, flashing her in the process even as he kept hold of the blanket to preserve his modesty.

  Brady coughed loudly as Alan returned to the fire. "Horses settled okay?"

  The derisive glance Alan scanned over Kate and Jakob said he knew very well what Brady intended. "Of course. Why wouldn't they be?"

  Jakob interrupted the slight tension. "Kate, I'd like to get dressed. Will you give me a hand? I don't think I can manage alone."

  Alarm pounded in her temples. What the hell was he doing? "Um, are you sure you need help? You seem to be doing a lot better." The last thing she needed was for him to deliberately provoke Alan. The assistant trainer worked closely with her, and hadn't bothered to hide his willingness to be more than an employee.

  A lopsided grin crossed Jakob's mouth. "My head hurts too much to try and bend over. Please?"

  Brady gave a short laugh. "For God's sake, help the guy out, Miss Kate. It ain't nice to make an injured man beg. We'll finish supper up and have it ready when you get back."

  Certain of triumph, Jakob made his way to his feet. Oddly enough, he brought his blanket around his waist with a deft movement, even as he appeared to struggle with his balance. "Can we go down to that little pool in the creek? I need to wash up a little, too."

  Kate rolled her eyes. "Fine. Come on." How could she refuse without appearing cruel? The men had seen her lying naked with Jakob after all. Not like she could pretend it hadn't happened. She took a moment to grab Jakob's clothing, including one of his spare shirts, then took his free arm to support him.

  Jakob came along meekly, struggling to contain the sheepish grin that wanted to show itself.

  Kate moved closer and slid her fingers up the inside of his arm. At his bicep, she let her fingertips skim over the sensitive flesh. Jakob's sharp hiss promised retribution and sent the familiar heat singing through her body. She'd have preferred to avoid embarrassment or flaunting her attraction to Jakob, but the idea of sneaking off to make feverish love appealed to her.

  The creek curved around a rocky spit of land and into a broad pool about four feet deep. The brush and scrubby trees covering the little protrusion of earth offered perfect concealment from the camp. Suddenly in a hurry for the privacy, she quickened her step, pulling Jakob along and ignoring his soft laughter.

  "You're awful, you know that?" The little giggle refused to be held back.

  "What?" He chuckled. "I'm desperate. You saw it. I'd never get jeans over it without help. So you'll have to take care of it for me."

  They rounded the point, out of view of the camp. "I guess we'll have to deal with it." She pulled the blanket away to reveal his hard-on. "Looks like a big problem."

  Jakob laughed and swatted her on the ass. "Yeah it is, and all your fault. I can't get enough of you."

  She pulled his shirt off over her head, not bothering to unbutton. "Well then, what are you waiting for?" At the edge of the water, she put down the things she carried, slipped her jeans and boots off, and stood waiting for him.

  The green of his eyes turned a few shades darker and his nostrils flared as his hard-on jerked. An odd sense of elation flowed over her with the realization of her effect on him. He wanted her that much.

  He reached for her and she went into his arms, grateful for the smooth heat of his skin on hers. A heavy groan rolled through him as he drew her close and bent to claim her mouth. She opened for his exploration without waiting to be asked. He took his time kissing her, even as his hips rolled to stroke his cock against her belly.

  Without pause, he guided her to step into the water. At about knee deep, he stopped walking and left her mouth to kiss down her neck. His palms skimmed up her waist and over her ribs to cup her breasts and draw them up and together for his mouth. The skillful torment soon had her gasping her need, and he left her nipples and lowered to his knees in the water.

  A gentle but insistent touch separated her thighs and he teased his fingers along her outer lips, making her entire pelvis tighten and pulse with desire. Finally he seemed satisfied and dipped one finger between, separating her and playing along her entrance, spreading her moisture. With deliberate care, he circled her clit until she wanted to collapse with the force of wanting him.

  When he brushed his finger over the tip of her clit, her knees gave way under the shockwaves it sent through her body. He moaned and caught her to bring her left thigh over his shoulder and supported her with his body. With another moan he leaned in and swept his tongue over her clit while desperate fingers clutched her ass hard.

  Her nails dug into his shoulder as her back arched and she teetered right on the edge. A sharp cry tore free as he pulled back and lowered her thigh. But then he lowered her to sit astride him and replaced his tongue with his cock.

  Then he was inside her with a harsh sound of his own. The position refused to allow him full access and he moved forward to lower her ass into the water. Supporting her shoulders with one hand and holding them both up with the other to keep her head out of the water, he drove into her with powerful thrusts that sent her racing back to the edge of paradise.

  And suddenly she fell over, tumbling into orgasm like a skydiver freefalling toward earth. Jakob came with her as she wrapped around him, taking him along for the incredible ascent.

  And suddenly, she knew she had to say it, right that instant. "I love you, Jakob."

  At first she worried the breathless words had gone unheard, but then he bent to kiss her in a confusing blend of tenderness and roughness. "You didn't have to say it, Kate. That isn't why I told you I love you."

  "I know. I said it because it's true. I love you." She kissed him back. "And as much as I'd really like to stay here, just us, we'd better get back to camp before Alan comes searching for us."

  He laughed and agreed, then helped her to stand. They dressed together, stopping often to steal kisses or touches. Far too soon, they headed back to the camp.

  Chapter Ten: Kellen

  Kellen didn't bother to conceal his relief when Eric and his men started showing signs of being ready to leave the bar. Despite their claims to the contrary, Kellen didn't see anything special about the place. Warm beer, shitty music, and the same old skanky-ass small town girls that
crawled all over every bar in the country like it.

  The Hell Raiders had stayed pretty clear and headed for the door en masse when Kellen indicated he was ready. The Demons VP and a pair of riders went along to show them where they'd crash for the night. Kellen preferred to know ahead of time where he would sleep, especially if they were guests of another club. But since they were staying quiet on this trip, no arrangements had been made in advance, leaving it to Eric's discretion. Yet another part he didn't care for. Ideally, he would have at least talked to the President of a local Brothers club and set up something quiet. Unfortunately, there had been no time.

  Given Kellen's misgivings, the Raiders were already on full alert and armed up, watchful for any attempt at betrayal. If anything went sideways, Demon blood would flow. They would have a full watch up during the night. No chances.

  The Demon VP kept a respectful distance, just close enough to alert Kellen when they neared their turn. They went back a short dirt lane and ended up on the edge of broad field that had recently been mowed. The Raiders set their bikes up where they could roll at a moment's notice, and unpacked.

  Within ten minutes, everyone had a spot to sleep chosen and a small fire had been lit. Hack wasted no time setting the watch, two men on at all times. Everything was quiet and settled, just like it should be for this kind of ride.

  So then why did he feel like it was just a matter of time before all hell broke loose? The feeling came from more than his suspicions about Eric and the other Demons. The whole thing just felt off. Under normal circumstances, Kellen wouldn't hesitate to call off a job based on his gut, but he was over a barrel with this one.

  Then the Demons came roaring up, whooping and hollering, revving their bikes and ripping through the field. When they finally settled down a little and parked, several were already pretty red, and the liquor started flowing freely. Someone broke out bathsalts and several Demons started snorting heavily.


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