Movie Lovers

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Movie Lovers Page 6

by Joachim Jean

  Grant offered everyone a liqueur or sherry, and the four remaining sat and chatted until the drinks were gone. Finally, Cara and Grant made their excuses and toddled off to their room. It must be great to go to bed every night with someone you love so much. An inadvertent sigh escaped his lips as he watched the couple disappear behind their bedroom door.

  “Thinking about wedded bliss?” Grace interrupted, reading his thoughts.

  Jake sensed color rise to his cheeks. “It must be nice…they love each other so much. I mean, going to bed every night with someone you…” he stopped, flushing deeper at the realization of what he had said.

  “Yeah, I know. Just the cuddling alone might be worth the price of marriage.”

  “Price of marriage?” Jake cocked his head slightly.

  “I mean…what you give up and all to be married.” A blush crept into her face, making her even more beautiful to him.

  “I always thought it meant you were getting something, not giving something up.”

  “Different points of view, I guess.”

  Jake agreed and a silence fell between them. He looked at his watch. Eleven. Time for bed. Tomorrow will be an early day. He yawned and stood up.

  “Oh! I’m standing in your bedroom, and you want to go to sleep. Sorry!” Gracie jumped to her feet and left abruptly, waving to him and calling “goodnight”.

  Jake sighed. Not even a goodnight kiss. He knocked on her door before calling in, “My bag?”

  Gracie handed him his valise. “Sorry to disturb you,” he said.

  “No problem. Sleep well. Sarah will probably be up early. Best to catch some winks while you can.” Jake nodded, took the bag from her, and headed for the bathroom.

  * * * *

  Gracie had never seen her sister truly in love before. The obvious joy that Grant and Cara shared in being together after so many years apart was infectious. They were never far from each other. They seemed always to be touching, arms draped over each other, holding hands, or even just entwining pinkies at the dinner table.

  The scene touched her heart and cheered her spirit. Cara deserves to be happy. Maybe I’ll be that lucky someday and find someone like Grant who can love and forgive.

  In bed, trying to sleep, Gracie’s mind kept moving though her body lay still. She glanced at the clock. Three o’clock. She pulled down the covers and pushed to her feet. Winding her ivory fleece robe around her naked body, she crept silently into the hall.

  Though the room was lit only by moonlight, the outline of Jake on the sofa was unmistakable. An urge to crawl under the covers and cuddle with him gripped her. You don’t even know him! The cool night air sent a shiver through her body as she padded soundlessly into the large room. Her gaze was drawn to the whiteness falling by the window. She stopped, leaning against the window sash and watched the light snow.

  Hearing a noise behind her, she whirled around, her heart skipping a beat. Jake stood behind her, the blanket wrapped around his waist, his chest bare.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you,” she whispered.

  “You didn’t. I wasn’t asleep.”

  “No?” She swallowed. Oh my God. She was drawn to the tantalizing view of his torso.

  He shook his head. “Too much on my mind, I guess.”

  “Me, too.” She looked away, avoiding the probing stare from his light eyes. His bare chest disturbed her in the nicest way. He should put something on. Her pulse kicked up. He moved up next to her and turned his attention to the sight outside. “Snow.”

  “A white Christmas.” Grace sang a line from the song softly.

  He grinned. “I love a white Christmas. Must be snowing buckets upstate. Tomorrow the kids’ll be sledding down McArthur hill,” he sighed.

  “You miss them, don’t you?”

  He nodded.

  “The price of fame.”

  “Yeah. This business…”

  She saw his eyes water a bit and placed her hand on his arm for a moment. Jake blinked a few times and smiled at her. As she turned to face him, she couldn’t help but notice his chest, shadowed by the light from a street lamp. Covered in light brown hair, his pecs looked solid and his abs lean and defined. The muscles in his shoulders invited her touch to test their firmness.

  Wonder what it would feel like to run my hand down him? Gracie tried not to stare, but knew he’d seen her wide-eyed expression as she studied his body. For such a shy man, he doesn’t seem to be shy about being half naked here with me.

  “You miss your mom, don’t you?”

  She tore her gaze from his body and rested it on his face as she gave a brief nod in answer to his question. “She tried so hard to make it up to us for being a one-parent family. She was like having two parents. Holidays were special times. We all stopped working to play together.”

  “You worked as a kid?”

  “Yep. Mama’s helper at thirteen. Babysitting when I was fourteen.”

  “Me, too. First delivering papers at eleven, then in my dad’s auto shop.”

  “You know car repair?”

  “Like the back of my hand. When I graduated high school, my dad wanted me to join him.”

  “Is he disappointed you didn’t?”

  “Not anymore. Since I’ve made a couple of movies. But he was at first. We didn’t speak for a while.”

  Gracie touched his shoulder, ignoring the sizzle that leapt into her body at the contact with his skin. “How awful!”

  “It wasn’t good. But I had to go my own way.”

  “I’m glad you did. You’re a good actor,” she said.

  “Not according to Movie Maven.” He gave a short laugh. At the sound of her pen name, Grace stiffened. Crap!

  “Don’t worry. I’m not letting her get me down,” he said, taking the opportunity to casually drape his arm around her. She didn’t move out of his embrace.

  “Maybe your role in Blind Love is a better role.” Grace took a deep breath to calm her nerves. The fear he’d find out she was Movie Maven, plus his touch, kicked her pulse into high gear.

  “I love the play. And doing it live every night is such a high. Applause is addicting.”

  She inched a little closer, lured by his fresh, masculine scent mixing with the aroma of pine. He picked up on her movement and eased her into his shoulder. A small sigh escaped her lips as they watched in easy silence while snow blanketed the city. She snaked her arm around his waist and snuggled into him.

  Jake leaned over and kissed her hair. His intimate gesture broke the spell, causing Grace to pull away slightly, her eyes searching his. He lifted his arm to point to the ceiling.

  “Mistletoe.” He grinned. Gracie looked up and saw the little red-and-green plant hanging directly above them. While her chin was tilted up, Jake swooped down to brush his mouth gently against hers. When she didn’t resist, he drew her up against him. Lowering his head a second time, he pressed his lips to hers and kept them there.

  At his touch, a fire ignited inside Grace. She was helpless to resist and embraced him as he kissed her. When he stood upright again, his eyes glowed with passion. Grace tried to control her breathing. No one has ever kissed me like that before.

  “Merry Christmas, Gracie,” he whispered.

  She stared at his mouth. Jake took the hint and kissed her again, but this time he swiped his tongue over her lips, and she opened. He angled his head to deepen the kiss, causing her to melt against him. With both hands occupied holding her fast, the blanket slipped to the floor, and Jake was left in only his boxers.

  As his fingers dug lightly into her back, she slipped her palms up his chest, stopping at his neck. Their bodies fit together perfectly. Desire raced through her veins. Gracie wanted more. Jake’s hand slipped down to her bottom and squeezed. Then he stepped back.

  “You’re not wearing anything?” Gracie saw his chest rise and fall in ragged breaths.

  She shook her head. “I sleep nude.”

  Color rose up his neck as he backed away from her. “N
ot that I wouldn’t like to…love to…but this is neither the time nor place…”

  “I agree.” She stated flatly, cutting him off. But her body was screaming at her to continue. Folding her arms across her breasts, she turned to face the window again and attempted to resume normal breathing while Jake stole up behind her.

  “Did you feel it? The chemistry?” he muttered in her ear.

  She couldn’t deny it because the feeling was still racing through her veins. Slowly lifting her gaze to his, she smiled and nodded once. He stroked her hair then ran his finger down her cheek. “Beautiful Grace…” he uttered so softly she almost didn’t hear. He pulled her into his embrace.

  Grace rested her head on his chest, listening to the rapid, steady beat of his heart, and closed her eyes. So this is what Cara feels when Grant holds her? She sighed and relaxed against him. It’s wonderful.

  The Grandfather clock in the hall chimed four, startling the would-be lovers. They jumped apart then chuckled at their own skittishness.

  “I suppose we should get some sleep,” she said.

  Jake yawned. “Before all hell breaks loose tomorrow.”

  “Right.” Gracie tightened her sash and raised her gaze to his. “Good night.”

  “Good night.”

  She padded quietly back to her room, stopping at the door to watch him rearrange the blanket on the sofa. Their eyes met, she raised a hand, and then disappeared into her room.

  Morning came before she was ready, the light shooting through curtains she forgot to draw woke her up. Sarah’s shrieks about Santa having come woke the household. She dragged herself out of bed, slipped on a nightshirt, and strolled into the kitchen. Jake was measuring water into the coffeemaker when she entered. He hadn’t even combed his hair and looked beyond adorable. What man wakes up so cute?

  He stepped up behind her as she was opening the refrigerator door. Slipping his arm around her waist, he bent, kissing the back of her neck, sending gooseflesh to all parts of her body. “Good morning, Grace. Merry Christmas.”

  * * * *

  He took a deep breath, absorbing the faint, sweet scent of her lilac perfume. She froze in his arms, allowing his lips to nibble her before she came back to life. She giggled and batted at him. He backed away. Not here and not now. Grace took out eggs and milk.

  “French toast!” she hollered into the living room.

  “Want some help?” Jake asked.

  “You know how to cook?” She rested her hand on her hip.

  “Two sisters, remember?”

  “They put you to work?”

  “Yeah. Everybody helped with meals when I was growing up.” Grace took out two packages of bacon and tossed them to Jake.

  “Here. Know how to cook bacon?”

  “It’s my specialty,” he joked.

  Sarah flew into the kitchen. “Let’s open presents, let’s open presents,” she begged.

  “How about you get to open…uh…” Grace started.

  “Two. Sarah gets to open two before breakfast?” Jake put in.

  “Mom, Dad…can I open two presents before breakfast?”

  The chaos had begun. Sarah opened two gifts then Grace and Jake whipped up breakfast while Cara and Grant sipped coffee and snuggled together on the sofa. After the meal was done, they attacked the gifts under the tree. Cara loved the cashmere sweater Grace gave her and the diamond earrings from Grant. Grace got an emerald pendant and matching earrings from Cara, a pair of fine fur-lined leather gloves from Grant, and a stunning gold bracelet from Jake.

  “I can’t accept this,” she said, trying it on.

  “Why not? We’re friends.” Grace shot a skeptical look at him.

  “What? What did I say?” He raised his shoulders to prove his innocence.

  “Keep the bracelet, Pookie, it looks so wonderful on you.”

  “Pookie?” Jake smirked and cocked an eyebrow. Grace smacked him lightly in the shoulder before she handed him her gift. He opened the small package, which contained a pair of gold cufflinks.

  “For all your opening nights.”

  He leaned over and kissed her lightly. “Thank you. They’re perfect.”

  All action in the living room stopped when he pressed his lips to hers. Grace blushed several shades of pink, but it had seemed the natural thing to do. We’re like two couples, celebrating the holiday together. If we lived together, this would happen all the time. Live together? Snap out of it, man!

  Used to be, simply the concept of living with a woman, any woman, gave him a rash. When he thought about living with Grace, he panicked for a second then calmed. He pointed to the ceiling. “Mistletoe.”

  Cara stared at him then glanced around the room. “I don’t remember hanging all this mistletoe,” she said, moving her gaze from sprig to sprig strung up around the apartment. Jake felt heat rush up his neck to his face. “I helped out a little.”

  Grace’s mouth fell open as Grant snickered, then said, “Very resourceful, Jake.”

  Jake’s cell rang. His family was calling to thank him for the presents he had mailed and to reconnect. He took the phone into the hall where he had a lively, if brief, conversation with everyone, including his niece and nephew, before he had to dress. A heavy sigh escaped his throat as he hung up. Never thought I’d miss them so much.

  He leaned back against the wall for a moment to recover his holiday cheer before rejoining the others. He wiped one eye with the heel of his hand and pasted a smile on his face. He noticed Grace watching him when he returned and wondered what she thought. Probably thinks I’m a wimp. A sissy because I miss my family. Maybe I am.

  While the others cleaned up, Cara and Jake left for the theater. After the matinée, the rest of the day seemed to fly by. Wading through piles of discarded wrapping paper, cooking, and helping to straighten up were always holiday activities in his house. This year he did the same things with different people. They’re a family just like my family.

  Grace and Cara’s obvious affection for each other was the cement that glued them all together. While he dreaded missing Christmas in Willow Falls, this had proved to be the next best thing.

  That evening, he and Grace roasted a turkey and added leftover side dishes from the night before to fresh stuffing to make a mouth-watering buffet. Sarah was so worn out she lost her temper and had to take a time out to calm down. Grace flitted from one family member to another, perhaps to avoid him.

  He packed up, thanked everyone, and headed for the door at about ten o’clock. Grant and Cara were doing dishes, and Sarah was in bed. Grace walked with him to the hall. I don’t think I made any progress with her. Disappointment enveloped him like a gray fog. His shoulders sagged.

  “Why so down? Missing your family?” Grace leaned against the wall.

  “Being with your family was almost like being with mine.”

  “They’re wonderful, aren’t they? I’m very lucky,” she beamed.

  “Yeah. I was hoping you and I…” Courage failed him.

  “You and I what? Didn’t used to be a ‘you and I,’ but maybe there is one now?”

  Hope welled in his chest. “You think?”


  “Want to go out New Year’s Eve?”

  “You don’t have a date for New Year’s?” she teased.

  “Do you?”

  “I do now.”

  “Oh. That’s too bad.” His spirits sank to the floor.

  “With you, silly.” She chucked him under the chin.


  “Didn’t you just ask me?” She rubbed his cheek lightly with her hand. “Ooh, I like you scruffy.”

  “So that’s yes, then?”

  “How many ways do I have to say it? Yes. But I promised to babysit Sarah. Cara and Grant are invited to some fancy shmancy party. I said I’d stay with Sarah. You can come over, and we can have champagne here. Would that be okay?”

  “Hell, yeah! I’d much rather stay in than go out on New Year’s anyway.” Maybe we can make love.
“Have to be after the show.”

  “You’re performing on New Year’s?”

  “Yeah. New Year’s Eve and a matinée on New Year’s Day.”

  “That sucks.”

  “Not if I’m with you after.” He combed his fingers through her silky hair.

  Jake switched his hand to the back of her neck, gently easing her toward him. He lowered his lips to hers. She didn’t resist, but softened against him. Jake dropped his packages and scooped her into his arms. Passion flowed through his body as he held her tight and ravaged her mouth.

  A soft moan from her throat told him all he needed to know. He stepped back, his gaze seeking hers. He stared into blue eyes smoky with desire. “I wish we were somewhere more private,” he breathed.

  The ringing of his cell ruined the mood like a splash of cold water. It was Gunther Quill. “Merry Christmas, Gunther. What’s up?”

  “Did you see that scathing review of Just In Time?”

  “I did. What a bitch! I’d love to know who Movie Maven really is.”

  “I was calling to see if you knew who she was.”

  “Nope. But if I find out, you’ll be the first to know.”

  “I’ll fix her. If I find out who she is, I’ll ruin her. No one attacks Gunther Quill and gets away with it.”

  “Let me know. I might like to take a swing at her, myself.” Jake chuckled.

  “Merry Christmas, Jake. And don’t worry. We’re not paying any attention to her nasty review.”

  “Good. Goodnight.” He closed his phone. “Gunther actually thought I knew who the bitch is who wrote that awful review. Wish I did.” He looked up to see Grace standing stiffly a few feet away, eyes wide, face pale, frowning. “He sure spoiled the mood, didn’t he?”

  She nodded.

  “Don’t worry, honey. We’ll get it back on New Year’s. You and I have chemistry to burn,” he whispered. He leaned down to give her a quick kiss and felt how rigid she was. “You okay?”

  “Fine. See you on New Year’s.”

  “Yeah and at the theater, too right?”



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