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Nightglass Page 28

by Liane Merciel

  "I can't say," Isiem told her honestly. All his life he had focused on escaping Nidal, and then on escaping Cheliax. He had never spent much time considering what he would do with his freedom once he had it. Now he faced that choice full on, and found it confounding.

  What could he do? What should he do? His talents were narrowly focused, and they did not lend themselves easily to a peaceful life. Dealing with Pezzacki rebels, Isiem suspected, was a delay rather than an answer; he had known many rebels in Westcrown, and had never been tempted to join their cause.

  In the absence of an answer, however, a delay would suffice. Pezzack suited his needs: its people were less likely to hand him back to the Umbral Court than other Chelaxians might be. And the Umbral Court knew, or would soon learn, that Isiem had defected. He had stayed in the background while the treaty was negotiated, but too many of the Chelaxians had seen him at Tokarai Springs. While none had seen him closely—except Velenne, whom he still trusted not to betray him—it would not be difficult to piece together that particular puzzle. Not many shadowcallers had vanished in Devil's Perch.

  Best, then, to move and hide again ...even if he wasn't quite sure what he would do afterward.

  "I've never been to Pezzack," he said at last. "I'll know when I get there."

  "But you will go?" Kirii pressed.

  Isiem looked at her. Already she seemed older, weighed down by the rokoa's burden. It would get no lighter, he knew. Hard choices lay ahead, and harder ones would follow.

  But if anyone could guide the strix through treachery and hardship to safety, it would be the woman who had taught him to eat snakes. No doubt the old rokoa had known that when she left the tribe in her daughter's care. Clear-eyed, courageous, and willing to walk new ways, Kirii was the leader that Windspire needed now.

  And however he could help her, he would.

  "Yes," Isiem said. "I'll go."

  About the Author

  Liane Merciel is the author of the independent fantasy novels The River Kings' Road and Heaven's Needle, both set in her world of Ithelas, as well as the Pathfinder Tales short story "Certainty," which is available for free online at She is a practicing lawyer and lives in Philadelphia with her husband Peter, resident mutts Pongu and Crookytail, and a rotating cast of foster furballs. For more information, visit


  First and foremost, I'd like to thank the entire Paizo team. You guys have built an awesome sandbox with a bunch of really neat toys; it's been a joy and a privilege to play in it. I'd also like to thank James Sutter, Dave Gross, and Pierce Watters in particular, as these three amigos were instrumental in showing me how much fun Golarion could be.

  I am indebted to Marlene Stringer, my agent, for her support, encouragement, and ability to ensure that I get loooong deadlines. And I am indebted to Hugh Burns for his patience and forgiveness when even those long deadlines don't prove quite long enough. I'm almost caught up!

  Lastly, I'd like to thank Cliff Moore, David Montgomery, Greg Collins, and Tim Minnear, who forced me to (very minimally) learn the Pathfinder rules so I could continue whomping their PCs up and down Varisia ...and who are awfully forgiving about a whole lotta fudging over the considerable gaps in my rules-knowledge. Thanks, guys. Someday I will learn how Stealth actually works, I promise. (Incidentally: You know who's not on this list? Ian. You know why? BeardHawk.)

  And, of course, I must thank Peter, who keeps the rest of 'em honest when they lie about their feats.


  All Pathfinder Tales novels are set in the rich and vibrant world of the Pathfinder campaign setting. Below are explanations of several key terms used in this book. For more information on the world of Golarion and the strange monsters, people, and deities that make it their home, see The Inner Sea World Guide, or dive into the game and begin playing your own adventures with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook or the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Beginner Box, all available at

  Armiger: Hellknight in training; a squire.

  Aroden: Last hero of the Azlanti and God of Humanity, who raised the Starstone from the depths of the Inner Sea and founded the city of Absalom, becoming a living god in the process. Died mysteriously a hundred years ago, causing widespread chaos, particularly in Cheliax (which viewed him as its patron deity).

  Asmodean: Of or related to the worship of Asmodeus.

  Asmodeus: Devil-god of tyranny, slavery, pride, and contracts; lord of Hell and current patron deity of Cheliax.

  Avistan: The continent north of the Inner Sea, on which Cheliax, Varisia, Taldor, and many other nations lie.

  Azlant: The first human empire, which sank beneath the waves long ago.

  Belial: One of the dukes of Hell.

  Black Triune: The three rulers of Pangolais; some of the most powerful members of the Umbral Court.

  Blackridge: Recently established mining town in Devil's Perch, intended to be a regional capital.

  Bleaching: Sickness suffered by gnomes who aren't regularly exposed to new experiences. Often fatal.

  Chelaxian: Someone from Cheliax.

  Cheliax: Devil-worshiping nation in southwest Avistan.

  Chelish: Of or relating to the nation of Cheliax.

  Ciricskree, the Screeching Spire: Largest strix settlement in Devil's Perch.

  Citadel Enferac: Hellknight fortress north of Devil's Perch, home to the Order of the Gate.

  Cleric: A religious spellcaster whose magical powers are granted by her god.

  Crackspike: Recently established mining town in Devil's Perch.

  Crosspine: Small village in the southern Uskwood.

  Dawnflower: Sarenrae.

  Demons: Evil denizens of the Abyss who seek only to maim, ruin, and feed.

  Desna: Good-natured goddess of dreams, stars, travelers, and luck.

  Devils: Fiendish occupants of Hell who seek to corrupt mortals in order to claim their souls.

  Devil's Perch: Inhospitable region of mountains and desert in northwestern Cheliax. Home of the strix.

  Diabolist: A spellcaster who specializes in binding devils and making infernal pacts.

  Druid: A spellcaster who draws power from nature.

  Dusk Hall: Academy in Pangolais where initiates are trained as shadowcallers through study of both wizardry and the dark worship of Zon-Kuthon.

  Dwarves: Short, stocky humanoids who excel at physical labor, mining, and craftsmanship. Stalwart enemies of the orcs and other evil subterranean monsters.

  Earthfall: Event thousands of years ago, in which a great meteorite called the Starstone fell to earth in a fiery cataclysm, sending up a dust cloud which blocked out the sun and ushered in an age of darkness.

  Egorian: The capital of Cheliax.

  Elves: Race of long-lived and beautiful humanoids. Identifiable by their pointed ears, lithe bodies, and pupils so large their eyes appear to be one color.

  Garund: Continent south of the Inner Sea.

  Gnomes: Small humanoids with strange mindsets, originally from the First World.

  Golarion: The planet on which the Pathfinder campaign setting focuses.

  Half-Orcs: Bred from humans and orcs, members of this race have green or gray skin, brutish appearances, and short tempers, and are mistrusted by many societies.

  Hell: Plane of evil and tyrannical order ruled by devils, where many evil souls go after they die.

  Hellknights: Organization of hardened law enforcers whose tactics are often seen as harsh and intimidating, and who bind devils to their will. Based in Cheliax.

  House of Thrune: Often called the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune. Current ruling house of Cheliax, which took power following Aroden's death by making compacts with the devils of Hell.

  Inner Sea Region: The heart of the Pathfinder campaign setting, centered around the eponymous inland sea. Includes the continents of Avistan and Garund, as well as the seas and other nearby lands.

  Iomedae: Goddess of valor, rulership, justice,
and honor, who was a holy crusader in life before passing the Test of the Starstone and attaining godhood.

  Isger: Vassal nation of Cheliax.

  Isgeri: Someone or something from Isger.

  Itaraak: Strix word meaning "warrior" or "warriors."

  Itarii: Strix term for their race as a whole.

  Joyful Thing: Worshiper of Zon-Kuthon who voluntarily amputates all his or her limbs as a sign of devotion.

  Joymaking: Terrifying ceremony in which a worshiper of Zon-Kuthon has all his or her limbs amputated, henceforth becoming a holy invalid cared for by the church.

  Keleshite: Of or related to the Empire of Kelesh, far to the east of the Inner Sea region.

  Korvosa: Largest city in Varisia and outpost of former Chelish loyalists, now self governed. For more information, see the Pathfinder Campaign Setting book Guide to Korvosa.

  Kotarra: Derisive strix term for humans.

  Kuthite: Worshiper of Zon-Kuthon; of or related to the worship of Zon-Kuthon.

  Landshark: Ferocious monster that burrows through solid earth and eats almost anything.

  Maralictor: A mid-level Hellknight officer.

  Mendev: Cold, northern crusader nation that provides the primary force defending the rest of the Inner Sea region from the demonic infestation of the Worldwound.

  Midnight Guard: Nidalese spellcasters—primarily shadowcallers—loaned to the Chelish military.

  Midnight Lord: Zon-Kuthon.

  Nidal: Evil nation in southern Avistan, devoted to the worship of the dark god Zon-Kuthon after he saved its people from extinction in the distant past. Closely allied with devil-worshiping Cheliax.

  Nidalese: Of or pertaining to Nidal; someone from Nidal.

  Nightglass: A magic item useful in the summoning and binding of creatures from the Plane of Shadow.

  Nightmirror: Nightglass.

  Nisroch: Major port city of Nidal.

  Oppara: Coastal capital of Taldor.

  Orcs: A bestial, warlike race of humanoids originally hailing from deep underground, who now roam the surface in barbaric bands. Universally hated by more civilized races.

  Order of the Gate: Hellknight order devoted to expanding law and order primarily through magic.

  Osirian: Of or pertaining to Osirion.

  Osirion: Desert kingdom ruled by pharaohs in northeastern Garund.

  Paladin: A holy warrior in the service of a good and lawful god, granted special magical powers by his or her deity.

  Pangolais: Capital city of Nidal, situated deep in the Uskwood.

  Paralictor: A high-level Hellknight officer.

  Pathfinder: A member of the Pathfinder Society.

  Pathfinder Society: Organization of traveling scholars and adventurers who seek to document the world's wonders. Based out of Absalom and run by a mysterious and masked group call the Decemvirate.

  Pezzack: A town of rebels and outcasts on the northwestern shore of Cheliax; extremely isolated from the rest of the nation.

  Pezzacki: Of or pertaining to Pezzack; someone from Pezzack.

  Plane of Shadow: A dimension of muted colors and strange creatures that acts as a twisted, shadowy reflection of the "real" world.

  Queen Abrogail II: Also called "Her Infernal Majestrix." Queen of Cheliax and head of House Thrune.

  Rokoa: Strix title for a tribe's spiritual leader; a wise-woman or shaman.

  Sarenrae: Goddess of the sun, honesty, and redemption. Often seen as a fiery crusader and redeemer.

  Scroll: Magical document in which a spell is recorded so that it can be released when read, even if the reader doesn't know how to cast that spell.

  Scrysphere: Magical device that allows its creator to observe events wherever it is left; useful for spying.

  Shadow Plane: Plane of Shadow.

  Shadowcaller: A Nidalese spellcaster trained in both arcane and divine magic, blending studious wizardry with religious power granted directly by Zon-Kuthon.

  Shadowgarm: Ravenous monster from the Plane of Shadow.

  Shelyn: The goddess of beauty, art, love, and music. Long-suffering and good-hearted sister of the evil god Zon-Kuthon.

  Signifer: Hellknight spellcaster, who specializes in fighting with magic rather than physical weapons.

  Sorcerer: Spellcaster who draws power from a supernatural ancestor or other mysterious source, and does not need to study to cast spells.

  Spellbook: Tome in which spellcasters such as wizards transcribe the arcane formulae necessary to cast spells. Without a spellbook, wizards can cast only those few spells held in their minds at any given time.

  Strix: Race of winged humanoids who dwell in the mountains of Devil's Perch in northwestern Cheliax. Hostile to outsiders and regularly antagonized by Chelish miners and settlers encroaching on their territory.

  Swoop: Derogatory term for strix.

  Taldan: Of or from Taldor; a citizen of Taldor.

  Taldane: The common trade language of Golarion's Inner Sea region.

  Taldor: Nation southeast of Druma that was once an immensely powerful empire, but has lost many of its holdings in recent years due to decadence and neglect.

  Thassilon: Ancient empire which crumbled long ago.

  Tian: Someone or something from the Dragon Empires of the distant east.

  Tokarai Springs: Small oasis vital to the Windspire clan of strix in Devil's Perch.

  Umbral Court: The ruling council of Nidal.

  Umbral Leaves: Holy text of Zon-Kuthon.

  Uskwood: Nidal's central forest, often said to be eerie and haunted.

  Varisia: A frontier region northwest of the Inner Sea.

  Vicarius: Spellcasting leader of a Hellknight order.

  Westcrown: Former capital of Cheliax, now overrun with shadow beasts and despair.

  Windspire: Traditional Strix roosting place closest to Crackspike.

  Wiscrani: Someone from Westcrown.

  Wizard: Someone who casts spells through careful study and rigorous scientific methods rather than faith or innate talent.

  Zon-Kuthon: The twisted god of envy, pain, darkness, and loss. Was once a good god, along with his sister Shelyn, before unknown forces turned him to evil.




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