McDonnell, Robert J., 552
McFarland, “Cooky, ” 236
McGinty, Thomas, 39, 42, 382
McGuire, Christine, 490–91
McGuire, Phyllis, 412, 490, 608
McHugh, L. C., 542
McInerney, James, 406–7
McLaughlin, Charles, 26–27
McMahon, Pat, 188–90, 192
Macmillan, Harold, 653, 710
McNamara, Robert, 480, 539
Cuba and, 497, 624, 631–33, 636, 644, 651, 654, 656–57
Vietnam and, 717, 719–20, 727
McShane, Jim, 373, 613
Madden, Owen, 39–40, 42, 382
mafia, mob:
JFK and, 382, 408, 411, 413, 551–52, 601, 603–5, 609
Joe Sr. and, 39–41, 464–65, 599, 602
in 1960 election, 413–14, 464–66Sinatra and, 464–66, 601–5, 608
see also Giancana, SamMaguire, Dick, 666
Maher, John J., 84, 99
Maheu, Robert, 488, 608–9
Mailer, Norman, 433
Making of the President 1960, The(White), 577–78
Malraux, André, 125, 573
Mann, Floyd, 560, 614
Mann, Thomas C, 495–96
Marcello, Carlos, 465
March on Washington (1963), 709, 711–12
Marcy, Pat, 599
Margolin, Kim, 552
Mariett, Paul, 16
Maritime Commission, U.S., 107, 180
Marshall, Burke, 604, 708
Marshall Plan, 244–46
Martin, Dean, 408, 465
Martin, Ed, 636
Martin, Louis, 458, 460
Marvin, Langdon P., Jr., 324–25
Masaryk, Jan, 121
“Mask of Anarchy, The” (Shelley), 287
Mason, George, 307
Mataasa, John, 601
Mathias, Charles, 490
Maxwell, George, 373–74
Mead, George, 187
Means, Marianne, 732
Mendes France, Pierre, 718
Meredith, James, 613, 615–19
Merman, Ethel, 97
Meyer, Cord, 688
Meyer, Mary, 688–89, 701
Meyner, Robert, 434
Mikoyan, Anastas, 662
Miller, Joe, 391, 404–6
Miller, Marilyn, 412
Milton Academy:JFK as student at, 256
RFK as student at, 199–201, 233, 239–40, 256
Ted as student at, 256–57, 261
Minh, Duong Van “Big Minh, ”725–26
Minahan, Andrew, 682–83
Mindszenty, József Cardinal, 263
Mississippi, University of, 613—19
Mitchell, Oscar, 459–61
Mix, Tom, 51, 225
Moffat, Jay Pierrepont, 148
Mollenhoff, Clark R, 364–65, 368, 372
Monroe, Marilyn, 341, 605–7, 693
Montunnas, Stanley, 514
Moore, Eddie, 48, 56–57, 71, 88, 102, 124, 140, 151, 232
Moravec, Vince “Vinnie, ” 239–40, 242
Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 119–20
Morrissey, Francis X. “Frank, ” 282, 305, 314, 336, 367, 390
Morrissey, John H., 341
Morrissey, Thomas A., 341
Morse, Wayne, 504
Murray, Vera, 36—37
Murrow, Edward R., 367, 473, 610
Mussolini, Benito, 82, 125
Naar, Joe, 606
Naftali, Timothy, 629
Nast, Thomas, 7
NATO (North Atlantic TreatyOrganization), 279, 375, 440, 581, 627, 655–56
Navy League’s Trafalgar Day dinner, Joe Sr.’s speech at, 121–22
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 288
Neville, Michael J., 237
Newberry, Camman “Cam, ” 167
Newman, Joseph, 492
Newman, Larry, 479, 578, 694–95
Newton College of the Sacred Heart, JFK’s speech at, 300–301
Ngo Dinh Canh, 718
Ngo Dinh Diem, 437, 672, 717–18, 720–26, 728
Ngo Dinh Nhu, 437, 718, 720, 722–24, 728
Nhu, Madame, 437, 720
Nichols, E. H., 24
Nichols, L. B., 309
Nickerson, Hoffman, 114
Nicolson, Harold, 148
Niesen, Gertrude, 103
Nimitz, Chester, 163
Nixon, Pat, 456–57
Nixon, Richard M., 246, 720
debating of, 448–49, 450–56, 537
1950 Senate campaign of, 281
1960 presidential campaign of, 428, 439–40, 443, 445, 448–49, 450–58, 461, 463, 464, 465, 467, 468, 492–93, 537
Nixon, Russell, 246, 300
Noble and Greenough School, 49
Nolan, John, 674–75
Norris, George, 312
North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO), 279, 375, 440, 581, 627, 655–56
Norton, Clem, 201, 236
Novak, Kim, 478
Novello, Angie, 362, 370–71
Obenhaus, Mark, 551
O’Brien, Lawrence, 394, 476, 708
alleged corruption of, 693, 733
JFK’s 1960 presidential campaignand, 402–3, 448
O’Byrne, Elizabeth, 387
O’Connell, James, 52–53
O’Connell, James P., 488
O’Connell, William, 14–15, 28, 52–53, 59
O’Donnell, Kenneth “Kenny, ” 239–40, 242, 277, 362–63, 392, 476, 482, 508, 603
alleged corruption of, 693–95, 733
civil rights and, 615, 617, 708
Corbin disliked by, 578–79
JFK’s 1952 Senate campaign and, 296–97
JFK’s 1960 presidential campaignand, 402, 425–26, 436, 448, 466–67
McCarthyism and, 302–3
Ted’s 1962 Senate campaign and, 666–67
O’Donnell, Warren, 277
Oehmann, Andrew, 546
Of Mice and Men (Steinbeck), 135
Oliva, Erneido, 493
Olsen, Earl, 214
Onassis, Aristode, 698–99, 732
O’Neill, Thomas P., Jr. “Tip”, 306, 356, 423, 433
Ormsby-Gore, David (Lord Harlech), 323, 456, 480, 645, 681
Cuba and, 485, 640, 650, 652
Orwell, George, 125–26
Osborn, Sandy, 131
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 482, 740
Oswald, Marguerite, 482
Otash, Fred, 411
Paar, Jack, 375
Paolella, Joseph, 543, 549, 692
Paramount Studios, 109
Paredes, Providencia “Provi, ” 544
Patterson, John, 456, 557, 560–61, 614, 707
Peace Corps, 293, 448, 483, 567
Peale, Norman Vincent, 442–43, 445–46, 571
Pearl Harbor bombing, 175, 180, 642, 646
Pearson, Drew, 309–10
Pepper, Claude, 281, 449–50
Perowne, Victor, 147
Peters, Charles, 424
Peters, William, 582–84
Pignatello, Joe, 601, 603
Pilgrim’s Progress, The (Bunyan), 397
Pilgrim’s Way (Buchan), 185, 223
Pius XII, Pope, 348
Pliyev, Issa, 655
Pollard, Ramsey, 442
Polo, Marco, 360
Pompadour, Marquise de, 327, 535
Portsmouth Priory, 164–65
Potter, Robert Sturgis, 19–22, 25, 32–33, 42
Powell, Adam Clayton, 458
Powers, Dave, 293, 310, 476
JFK’s 1946 congressional campaignand, 230–32, 392
on JFK’s 1958 Senate campaign, 392
JFK’s 1960 presidential campaignand, 448, 450
Vietnam and, 718–19
Powers, Francis Gary, 437, 483
Pratt, Peter E., 104
Presley, Elvis, 364, 463, 738
Preston, Alexander, 346
Price, Harriet “Flip, ” 159–62, 221
Profiles in Courage (J. F. Kennedy), 349–52,
Profumo, John, 689–90, 710
Proxmire, William, 391
Purdom, Alicia Darr, 422–23, 600
Purdom, Edmund, 422
Purdy, Robert, 96
Pusey, Nathan M., 384–85
Queen Kelly, 58
Quiet American, The (Greene), 562–63
Quintero, Raphael, 489, 677, 728
Quyen, Ho Tan, 722
Radziwill, Anna Christina, 538
Radziwill, Prince, 538, 699
Radziwill, Princess Lee Bouvier, 535–36, 538, 614, 698
Raft, George, 39
Ramney, Pete, 100
Raskin, Marcus, 478, 691–92
Ray, Manolo, 728
Rayburn, Sam, 544
Raywid, Alan, 709
Reardon, Timothy “Ted, ” 94–96, 325, 390, 392, 476
Reed, James, 185, 314, 316, 696, 702
Reed, Stanley, 400
Reedy, Jim, 197, 204, 685–87
Reinhold, A. T., 30
Reinsch, J. Leonard, 452
Remnick, David, 302
Republican Party, U.S., see specific elections and individuals
Reston, James, 454, 671
Reuther, Walter, 374, 712
Revere, Paul, 6, 178
Rhee, Syngman, 274
Rice, Willard, 50
Richardson, H. W., 358
Riverdale Country Day School, 61–64
Roberts, Chalmers, 327–28
Robinson, Jackie, 458, 463
Rodis, Nick, 241–42, 268, 362
Rodriguez, Felix, 489
Roemer, William F., Jr., 599
Rogers, Will, 123
Rogers, William, 553
Rometsch, Ellen, 691
Roncalio, Teno, 580
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 157, 286, 356–57, 426, 457
Roosevelt, Eliot, 215
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 105, 171, 215, 286, 324, 353, 356, 425–26, 440, 447, 451, 603, 641
Joe Sr.’s British ambassadorship and, 113, 115–17, 119–23, 137–40, 149–50, 153–57
Joe Sr.’s relationship with, 69–74, 108–9, 115–17, 122, 137–42, 149–56, 180–81, 222, 248, 304, 417, 425, 464
presidential campaigns of, 69–72, 108, 116, 123, 149–57, 222, 248, 304, 417, 464, 467
World War I and, 34
World War II and, 119–23, 130, 139–40, 142, 149–53, 155–56, 162, 180–81
Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr., 303–4, 699
Israel visited by, 286–88
JFK’s 1960 presidential campaignand, 425–27, 430
Roosevelt, James “Jimmy, ” 71–73, 155, 180, 603
Roosevelt, Theodore, 10, 17, 23, 182, 185, 474Rosen, Fred, 183
Rosenblatt, Maurice, 307–8
Ross, George “Barney, ” 188–91
Rosselli, John, 465
Cuba and, 454, 488–89, 500, 603
Exner affair and, 411–12, 551, 603
Rostow, Walt, 328, 479, 550
Rousmanière, James, 100, 103–4, 133
Rowan, Dan, 608
Rowe, Jim, 254–55, 436
Rubirosa, Porfirio, 587
Rusk, Dean, 477
Cuba and, 497, 499, 501, 503–5, 515, 624, 634, 657
Vietnam and, 717, 724, 726
Russell, Richard, 646
Russo, Joseph, 232, 237
Rustin, Bayard, 711
Ryan, Jenny, 407
Ryan, Josephine, 683
Ryan, Mary, 683
St. John, Clara, 76, 78–79, 88
St. John, George, 76–77, 84, 87–88, 90–92
St. Paul’s school, 164
Salinger, Pierre, 422, 436, 448, 623, 699
San Román, Pepe, 510, 519, 678
San Román, Roberto, 519
Saunders, Frank, 531–32, 587, 738
Schine, G. David, 308, 330–31
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 477, 482, 569–70, 689
Cuba and, 487, 498–500, 702
Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC), 72–73, 91, 107
Seigenthaler, John, 461, 475–76, 560, 568, 579, 694
Senate, U.S., 712
Cuba and, 625–27, 645–46, 675
Finance Committee of, 731
Foreign Relations Committee, 496–97
JFK in, 293–94, 300, 310–14, 317, 319, 323, 327–29, 339, 341–47, 349–50, 354, 356–58, 364–67, 372–73, 375–76, 378–79, 404–5, 408, 416, 418, 444, 446, 448, 452, 472, 659, 692
JFK’s campaigns for, 280–84, 291, 388–97
McCarthy censured by, 342–43, 351, 356–57, 378
RFK’s staff position in, 307–9, 329–31, 342–43, 363–75, 475, 517, 598
Ted in, 671–72
Ted’s 1962 campaign for, 581–85, 664–71
see also Congress, U.S.
Sergeant York, 225
Sergent, D. A., 19
Sexton, Frank, 23–27
Seymour, James, 129
Shakespeare, William, 479
Sharon, John, 666
Shaw, Mrs., 407
Shea, Maurice, 86
Sheeferman, Nathan W., 366
Sheehy, Maurice S., 171–72, 195
Sheen, Fulton, 191
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 287
Shepard, Tazewell, 576
Sheridan, Walter, 740
Sherman, James, 19
Sherry, Michael S., 300
Shimon, Joe, 414
Shorr, Ephraim, 340, 345, 347
Shoup, David, 640
Shriver, Eunice Kennedy, 68, 163, 219, 233, 242, 260–61, 392, 394, 421, 446, 468, 606–7
childhood of, 47–49, 55
education of, 117
illnesses of, 78, 83
JFK’s assassination and, 738–39
Justice Department job of, 248–49, 260
marriage of, 383–84
Shriver, R. Sargent “Sarge, ” 383–84, 394, 479–80, 483, 567, 588
JFK’s 1960 presidential campaignand, 402, 432, 459–61
Shuman, Howard E., 375
Sidelburg, Moe, 183
Sidey, Hugh, 85, 541, 576
Simonette, Roland, 40
Sinatra, Frank, 587, 652
Exner affair and, 409, 411–12
JFK’s 1960 presidential campaignand, 462, 464–66
mob associates of, 464–66, 601–5, 608
Sinatra, Tina, 464
Skakel, Ann Brannack “Big Ann, ”266–67, 272, 363
Skakel, George, 266–68, 272, 363
Skakel, George, Jr., 268, 272
Skakel, Pat, 265–66
Skinner, B. F., 97
Smathers, George, 40, 360, 379, 391, 414, 475, 543, 605, 690
Cuba and, 381–82, 490, 497
JFK’s congressional career and, 249–51, 281
JFK’s 1952 Senate campaign and, 281–82
Smith, Al, 355
Smith, Ben, 131, 314, 581
Smith, Earl, 316, 382, 497
Smith, Florence Pritchett, 316, 382
Smith, Jean Ann Kennedy, 57, 64, 69, 117, 163, 201, 219, 233–34, 265–66, 269–70, 306, 384, 386, 392, 421, 468, 568, 593
Smith, Jerome, 705–6
Smith, Liz, 551
Smith, Margaret Chase, 342
Smith, Stephen “Steve, ” 384, 392, 402, 477, 503, 588, 591
Snyder, Howard M., 524
Soden, Mark, 197
Somerset Importers, 72, 257
Somoza, Luis, 677
Sorensen, Theodore C. “Ted, ” 312–14, 359, 414, 476–77, 680
civil rights and, 473, 708–9
Cuba and, 483, 501, 636, 640–41, 645, 656–57, 702
JFK’s 1956 vice-presidentialcampaign and, 354–55
JFK’s 1960 presidential campaignand, 402–6, 417–18, 435, 437, 444, 447–49, 453, 468
JFK’s Senate campaigns and, 314, 389–90, 396
Profiles in Courage and, 349–50
Soule, Augustus, Jr., 50
Souvanna Phouma, 492
“Soviet Brand of Colonialis
m, The” (R.F. Kennedy), 362
Soviet Union, 245, 274, 473, 482–84, 520, 556, 680, 689–90, 692, 702–3, 710
arms control and, 529, 703
Cuba and, 484–85, 492, 497, 504, 509–12, 529–31, 622–44, 646–63, 673–74, 676, 702, 729–30
JFK on, 329, 350, 440, 533, 539–40, 558
JFK’s Asian tour and, 288–89
JFK’s European tours and, 283–86
McCarthyism and, 300
RFK’s secret contacts with, 529–31
RFK’s visit to, 360–62
sexual blackmail used by, 548
U-2 incident and, 437, 483
U.S. communism and, 597
Vienna Summit and, 529–30, 533–34, 536–38
Spalding, Betty Coxe, 174, 698
Spalding, Chuck, 187, 225, 229, 344, 381, 406–7, 449, 666, 740
JFK’s 1960 presidential campaignand, 419, 437–38
Spanish Civil War, 125–28, 132, 139, 197, 204
Spellman, Francis J. Cardinal, 383, 398, 428
Spencer, Barbara Ellen, 221
Stalin, Joseph, 246, 283–84, 531
Stammers, Kay, 228
Stanford University, 159–61
Steinbeck, John, 135
Stephens, John Henry, 489
Stevenson, Adlai, 376, 403, 418, 426, 434, 477, 482, 702–3
Cuba and, 498–505, 629, 633, 644, 657–58, 702
1956 presidential campaign of, 354–55, 357, 363–64
Stewart, George D., 460
Stone, Galen, 35
Stravinsky, Igor, 573
Sullivan, John H., 28
Summers, Anthony, 551
Sunday, Billy, 241
Sundlun, Bruce, 254–55, 425
Sutton, Billy, 243, 296
Swanson, Gloria, 56–60, 176, 265, 337–38, 407
Sweatt, Bill, 145–46
Symington, Stuart, 328, 343, 403
Taylor, George, 94, 130
Taylor, Harold, 76, 91
Taylor, Maxwell:Cuba and, 516, 519, 612, 621, 633, 636–37, 641–44, 654, 656, 659
Vietnam and, 719, 727
Taylor, Megan, 124
Teamsters Union, 364–71, 373–75, 465–66
Teeter, John H., 491
Terrien, George, 262
They Were Expendable (White), 182
Thirteen Days (R. F. Kennedy), 635
Thorn, Leonard “Lenny, ” 187, 214
Thomas, George, 524
Thompson, Bill, 381
Thompson, Jim, 691
Thompson, Llewellyn, 534, 661
Thompson, William, 358, 548
Timilty, Joseph, 97, 163, 199, 213, 231–32, 256, 304, 434
Tito (Josip Broz), 283, 622
Tolson, Clyde, 309
Tolstoy, Leo, 626–27
Toomey, David J., 52–53
Topping, Seymour, 289–90
Torres, José, 567
Tracy, Spencer, 225
Trafficante, Santos, 454, 488–89, 500
Tran Van Don, 721–22
Travell, Janet, 345–47, 379–80, 440–41, 525–26, 528, 533, 536, 539, 544–45, 547
Tree, Marietta, 711
Tremblay, Gerald, 268, 586
Trohan, Walter, 116, 665, 670
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