Power Awakened

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Power Awakened Page 20

by Charlene Hartnady

  The guys were playing video games. It was their new thing. Playing these stupid shooting games.

  Zaire leapt to his feet. “You’re dead,” he screamed. “Dead!”

  “It’s my turn,” Andy announced, holding his hand out to Worth, who grudgingly handed over the gaming console.

  “Where’s Orrick?” Cadon asked.

  “He went to whack off,” Andy smirked. “I thought four times a day was bad. He goes every couple of hours like clockwork.”

  Kerry bit back a laugh. Why had she been worried? No-one seemed to care.

  “Can I make you that steak now?” Worth asked as he stood up. Kerry couldn’t help but notice that he still looked mad.

  “Um…that would be great. I like my steak medium please.”

  Worth shook his head. “You’re going to make me decimate a perfectly good piece of meat?” The one side of his mouth quirked up.

  “I’m afraid so, or I won’t be able to eat it and that would be an even bigger waste.”

  Worth nodded. “Okay then.” He headed for the kitchen.

  “I’ll take mine rare,” Cadon said to Worth’s retreating back.

  “You can make your own,” Worth growled, heading for the kitchen.

  “Do you want me to talk to him?” Kerry asked.

  Cadon shook his head. “Give him time to cool off. I’ll talk with him again once he is level-headed.” He looked around the room. “Where is Magnar?”

  “He went out.” Maximus answered. “About an hour ago. Said he would be back later.” He shrugged.

  It was the first time Magnar had left them alone. It felt like something of a victory.

  They may have ultimately done it for their own selfish reasons, but it looked like having sex had been a good move. Kerry pushed out a breath, realizing it was the first time since the Fallen had arrived that she felt even marginally safe.

  Chapter 22

  Two weeks later…

  Cadon wasn’t surprised to see Worth, Andy and Zaire playing those shooting games. Light from the television reflected off of their faces in the otherwise dark room. Several males were patrolling outside. It was Andy against Zaire. They pushed the buttons in quick succession, eyes glued to the screen. Worth looked up and glowered at him. “Unable to sleep?”

  “I was sleeping just fine but my female...”

  “Your female…lucky you!” Worth spat.

  By claw, but this was becoming old. “I’m not apologizing again. I’m not having this conversation again either.” On nights like these, tensions ran high.

  “So why are you here then?” he asked. “To gloat?”

  “My female couldn’t sleep.” Cadon looked up at the ceiling. The new headboards were a lot less noisy. There was still thudding, just not the ‘break down the wall’ kind. It was still noisy though, especially when two sets of headboards were banging at the same time.

  “Now you know how we feel all the time,” Andy muttered, eyes still on the game. “Only we have hard pricks to contend with as well, with no chance of an outlet any time soon.”

  Worth’s bad attitude was starting to rub off on the others.

  “I’m not the enemy here. You all seem to have forgotten that.” Cadon sighed. “She was in danger. I did what I had to do.”

  Worth rolled his eyes. “I could’ve helped her out, or even Andy here.”

  “Hey.” Zaire dropped the console on the couch beside him. “Don’t forget me. I’m still willing to help out. I think the human is sexy as anything.”

  “Not a fuck.” Cadon had to work to keep his voice down. To keep from snarling. To keep his nails tucked away. To keep from growing a beak and taking out an eye or two. The thought of one of them with their hands on Kerry made his blood boil.

  Worth chuckled, the sound held no humor. “You’d better watch your step.” He shook his head.

  “I have things fully under control.”

  He shook his head. “I’m not so sure.”

  “You’re wrong.”

  A loud scream tore through the house. There had been quite a few of those tonight already. The sun would be up in two hours. He needed to get that warm milk back up to Kerry so that she could get some sleep.

  “Here we go.” Zaire shook his head. The yelling had started up. All four of them looked up. More yelling and then the slamming of a door.

  “Human females are hard of hearing,” Andy sighed, picking up the console.

  “Why do you say that?” Cadon asked.

  “Maximus told me that Magnar is very clear before he brings a female back here.” Andy said. “He makes sure they are fully aware that it is mounting only. He even tells them he’s going to fuck them and make them leave, and yet they always put up a fight and act like he’s done something wrong when it’s time to go.”

  There was another slam of a door and footfalls. This was the fourth female Magnar had brought home in as many days. It was the same each time. Loud mounting followed by loud fighting until the female was kicked out.

  There was another loud scream, followed by an even louder roar. Kwan had also brought a female home.

  “I don’t blame them for being mad,” Cadon said, once the noise died down. “Magnar is a prick! He could at least wait until morning to send the female home.” He shook his head. Magnar had no respect for females. Sure, he was very honest with them. Honest to the point where Cadon couldn’t believe they even accepted his proposition of sex. The male seemed to be so attractive to human females that they ignored the blatant disrespect he exuded. One of them said that he was dark and brooding. Whatever that meant. Asshole was a better word. It only made him realize that he had made the right decision to take Kerry to his furs.

  “You’re an asshole!” the female yelled, as they walked down the stairs.

  Yup! Cadon’s feelings exactly.

  “I can’t believe you!” she shouted as they reached the landing. She was holding her shoes in one hand. Her jacket in the other.

  “I fucked you, gave you a good time and now you must leave. That was our deal.” Magnar was still naked. The musky scent of sex hit his nostrils. “Your cab is here. I gave you money for fare.”

  “Don’t do me any favors,” she mumbled, shrugging into her jacket.

  “I did you plenty of favors and now it is time to go.” Magnar folded his arms.

  “It’s polite to make a lady breakfast in the morning.”

  “I’m not polite and I don’t see any ladies in this room.”

  “You can come to my bed,” Andy offered, eyes all over the female. “I don’t mind that you’re not a lady. I can be very polite.”

  Cadon cringed.

  “You can have her,” Magnar said, looking bored.

  There was a cracking noise as the female slapped Magnar across the face. He chuckled. “Enough with the foreplay. I told you I’m done fucking you.”

  “You’re all a bunch of assholes!” she yelled, slamming the front door as she left.

  “You could be nicer,” Cadon suggested.

  “What’s the point? I discuss terms and conditions before I bring them back here. All they want is my prick.”

  “I think you might be wrong there.”

  “Well,” he shrugged, “I’m only in it for the snatch.”

  Cadon frowned. “I thought you were here to find a mate.”

  “My males can find mates, I’ve changed my mind.” He headed up the stairs, taking three at a time.

  “I made the right decision.” Cadon rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ll talk to him about the five of you in the morning.”

  “Don’t bother,” Worth grumbled. “Magnar has made up his mind. The five of us are stuck for the foreseeable future. Then it’s back to Feral territory.” He didn’t elaborate but Worth was right. They needed to warn Leukos.

  “I’m sorry.” Cadon had apologized too many fucking times already, and yet he felt the need to do it again.

  “It’s not your fault,” Zaire said, pushing a button on the console to
start another game. It wasn’t lost on him that the other two didn’t say anything.

  Chapter 23

  One week later…

  If she tiptoed really quietly maybe if—

  “Where are you going?” Cadon sounded groggy, his voice thick with sleep.

  Kerry stopped her tiptoeing efforts and turned to face him.

  The sheets rustled as he turned over. “It’s barely even morning.” He yawned into his hand.

  “You don’t want to know,” she whispered, closing her robe around herself and tying a knot.

  “What are you craving this time? Let me guess, pop tarts?” He smiled, his eyes still hazy.

  She shook her head. “No, I’m over those, thankfully. Pop tarts are not the healthiest of snacks.” She made a face.

  “Um…” He narrowed his eyes in thought. “Bananas on toast?” He grinned, turning onto his back.

  “Nope.” She shook her head. “Although…banana toast does sound yum. Then again,” she looked at the clock on the side-table, “it’s a little early still.”

  “For you?” Cadon chuckled as he moved into a sitting position, sheet pooled around his hips. “It’s never too late or too early for a snack.”

  “Heeeey.” She walked over to him and slapped him on the arm. Not that he felt it through all that muscle. Good thing she didn’t hit him too hard or she’d break a nail or even a finger. Cadon grabbed her hand and kissed it. “I’m only joking.” He smiled, breaking out those bad boy dimples.

  “I know you are.”

  He nuzzled into her belly, which was bigger. It seemed to get a bit bigger each week. Her boobs were bigger too. “We head back to the healer in a couple of days.”

  It warmed her that he remembered. “Yes, we do. You don’t have to come with though, if you don’t—”

  “Of course I’m coming.” He looked at her like she was crazy. Magnar was less of a threat now that they were officially and unequivocally together. Cadon didn’t have to trail her everywhere like he had before. “You lie back down, I’ll get you,” he frowned, “whatever it is you desire.”

  “Anything?” There was a playful edge to her voice.

  “Absolutely anything.” He grinned. “Just say the word and it’s yours.”

  The only thing she could think of wasn’t a thing at all, it was him. At least that had been her first thought before she’d quickly shoved it aside, seeing as it was the only thing he couldn’t give her. “Why the glum face?” Cadon’s expression morphed to one of concern.

  “Nothing.” She smiled, trying too hard to sound bright and breezy. “You stay in bed. I’ll be right back. Do you want anything? A juice maybe?”

  “You sure I can’t go for you?” He frowned.

  Sweeter than flipping sweet. “You do know that I can do basic tasks, right? I’m pregnant, not sick or…”

  “I know. I guess I like taking care of you.” He kissed her belly, his stubble catching on her robe. He looked back up at her. “You’ve got that look again. What’s going on?”

  Kerry sat down beside him. “What’s going on with us? This is supposed to be really good sex between two people pretending to be together.”

  “It is really good sex…I mean, you are enjoying the sex, aren’t you?” He widened his eyes.

  “You know I am. That’s not the problem. The problem is this…us…we sometimes feel real. Like we’re not pretending. You don’t have to hold me and touch me when we’re in this room.”

  Cadon frowned. “Don’t you like it?”

  “I do…I do…” She would hate it if he stopped. “I might like it a bit too much.” Kerry blurted. Best she get it out and just tell the truth. “And it kind of feels like the lines are getting blurred. There was a whole lot of screaming going on last night.” More than one guy had brought a lady friend home. Magnar had brought several over the last few weeks. He made them shriek a couple of times and then, much to their dismay, he threw them out. As in, tossed them out. He was sick! Maximus was seeing someone. They had been on a couple of dates and it seemed to be getting serious. Poor Hagan was still pining for the first lady friend he had spent the night with. Three other guys had gotten lucky in the last few nights, so, things were headed in the right direction. “It’s going well with the Fallen. This isn’t going to last. We are going our separate ways one of these days. I suppose I worry that we might get too attached.” That I might get too attached. That I might start thinking crazy thoughts. She couldn’t voice that though.

  “I know that. You know that. I like you, Kerry.” He put an arm around her. “I like you a lot.”

  “Not helping.”

  “I do have to go back, and this does have to end, but for now we can just enjoy it, can’t we?”

  She should say no. She really should. Kerry had a feeling she was going to be hurting in a couple of weeks…months, whenever it came time to saying their goodbyes. In the end she couldn’t do it. Two little letters and she couldn’t get them out. “Yes. We can. We just need to be careful, that’s all.”

  “We will be careful.” Cadon grinned and then jumped out of bed. “Lie down,” he instructed.

  “But, I…”

  He shook his head. “We’re not going to argue about this, you’re going to lie down. What can I get you?”

  He was too good to her. Kerry had to smile. She did as he said and got back into bed. “A hot chocolate with those little marshmallows on top.” Cadon pulled the covers up over her. “And?”

  “There is no ‘and’.”

  He cocked his head, looking at her pointedly.

  Kerry sighed, trying hard to bite back a smile. “Okay, fine, there is an ‘and’. You brought it up and now I feel like banana toast.”

  “No problem.” He kissed her forehead.

  “With lots of butter,” she called as he made his way to the door. “Oh and…you’d better put some pants on, there are a couple of women out there and I don’t want to share this view.” She pointed at his ass. At his spectacular cock. She hadn’t lied when she told Magnar she was in love with it. She just didn’t realize how deeply.

  He chuckled as he looked around for his pants. “Careful, I might start to think that you’re jealous.”

  “I am. I don’t share well, and while we’re in this…whatever this is, I would rather not have to, thank you.” She tried to sound nonchalant even though she was feeling anything but.

  Cadon swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbed. “I don’t share well either.” Flip, he almost looked angry when he said it. “Magnar isn’t over you.”

  “Rubbish!” she laughed. “He brought home a couple of lady friends last week and one or two this week so far. He—”

  “Trust me on this.” He yanked his pants up, looking pissed. Looking, dare she say, jealous. Then he smiled and it was gone. “I’ll be back soon.” She watched as he left, her mind reeling.

  What was she doing? What the heck were they doing? Walking a fine line that’s what. A very fine line. She couldn’t seem to stop herself from doing it though.

  Chapter 24

  Six days later…

  It was a sight he would never tire of. That much he knew. It was one that would be branded in his mind for all time. Till the end. Water cascaded down her face, running in rivulets between her breasts. Her head was flung back. Her teeth clamped down on her lower lip. Her eyes squeezed tightly shut.

  Her fingers dug into his shoulders. Cadon held her hips and lifted and dropped her onto his prick. He also jack-knifed into her welcoming snatch from below. He watched his cock sink into her. In and out. Watched her breasts bounce with each thrust. His balls tightened. His jaw did too.

  It turned out that a seat in the shower was a handy thing. A very handy thing indeed. He leaned in and sucked on one plump nipple, rolling it around in his mouth. Kerry moaned.

  So hot, so wet, so damned tight. After all these weeks, she still took his breath away. Not just during mounting either. When she smiled or laughed. That look she got when he was teasing her
. All of it. The sex, well, that had only gotten better. It still made his heart pound and everything pull tight as he took her. He still roared each and every time as well. This time would be no different.

  Her hands clenched his shoulders even tighter, her moans turned silent. Kerry groaned deeply, the sound quickly morphing into a scream. Cadon was thrilled that he was still having the same effect on her. Her pussy clamped down on him. Squeezing him mercilessly. He pushed his face into her chest as his orgasm pounded him.

  Cadon roared.

  His thrusts slowed, his arms circled her. His breathing was ragged. He hugged her to him as he stopped moving. Still deep inside her. “That never gets old,” he said between hard breaths.

  “It’s only been a couple of weeks,” she panted. “It’s pretty normal for us still to be going at it like rabbits.” Then she did this little head shake thing like she’d said too much. Talking like they were together. He made the same mistake too sometimes. They just fit so well together and not just in the physical sense.

  He smiled at her, his chest still heaving. “I don’t think this would ever get old.” Blast! Where was he going with this? Where could he go? Nowhere. It couldn’t go anywhere despite him wanting differently. Maybe he could talk with Leukos. Maybe…

  “What?” She looked confused for a second but smiled through it. “Why were you looking at me like that?”

  “Like how?”

  “I don’t know…” She didn’t look too sure of herself. “In a funny way. In a way that you maybe shouldn’t be.”

  “I’m loving the fact that you still scream for me.” He tried to make light of it.

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m sure you do, but that’s not it.” So astute. That and direct.

  By feather! He shouldn’t say anything more. “I do love that you still scream for me, but you’re right. That’s not it…”


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