Deep Grip (Irish Bastards Saga Book 2)

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Deep Grip (Irish Bastards Saga Book 2) Page 2

by S. A. Mecham

  “I want you to come at the same time as me,” she whispers, and I respond with a nod. She bounces harder sending me deeper into her warmth. Her ass slams against my thighs. Her breasts bounce in my hands. “I…I’m going to…” she mumbles, body quivering in my arms. I feel her inner warmth spill so I allow my release out flooding her inner walls, yanking her mouth to mine to muffle out our sounds.

  Chapter Four

  I wake to the sound of Luck’s breathing. The slow, constant rise and fall of his chest sends my head up and down with it. I realize I’ve passed out on top of him. Our bare bodies are twisted up in the bed sheet making it hard for me to move. “I’m completely trapped, babe,” I say to a sleeping Luck. He stirs a bit, one eye barely cracking open.

  “Hmm…what’s up, baby…come here, let me hold you.” He mutters grabbing me up placing me further on top of him. I feel his morning wood on my thigh.

  “Hey…really?” I pull the sheet back checking it out. “How are you horny again? I swear we just got done,” I press.

  “Haha…’really’ she says,” Luck shakes his head. “Of course, I’m ready again, Ava I’m always ready for you,” he says as he paws at my ass and starts nibbling on my neck. “Come on, let me just make you moan some more,” he growls into my ear making my body vibrate.

  I’m startled by the sounds just outside the room.

  “Hey, what’s that?”

  “I assume it’s my granddad making breakfast. He likes making breakfast before sunrise, he says it helps wake the whole world up on the right side of the bed.”

  “Well, whatever he’s cooking smells heavenly.” I perk up. My senses are carried away by the savory smells of the country breakfast Lester is apparently making.

  “Are you hungry, Ava?” He asks. With his eyes on me and a sweet half smile just for me, he squeezes me placing small kisses on my forehead before releasing me. “Ok…if you want food then let’s get you some food.”


  Luck, Lester and I are all sitting around the kitchen table. Marcel and Abby are still sleeping and for a brief moment, as I watch Lester read his morning paper and Luck is scraping up the last bite of his food from his plate, I almost forget all my troubles.

  I lean back in the chair, my belly is gorged with bacon, hash browns, eggs and waffles when my phone starts buzzing in my pocket. I barely manage to get the phone to my ear before I can hear Carla yelling something, “Hello, Carla?”

  “Ava? Where in the hell are you? What is going on? I’m at your apartment and it’s a total wreck like someone broke in or something!” She yells into the phone not letting me speak. It dawns on me that she must be referring to the condition I left the apartment in after Luck, and I were attacked, by those masked men.

  “Calm down, Carla. I am fine as you can hear. I’m sorry that I had you worried but I’m fine, now,” I try to explain but she launches into another series of questions. Luck starts looking at me funny like he can hear some of what she is saying and he shakes his head with concern.

  “What do you mean by you are fine, now? What happened here? And you didn’t say where you are now, either. What’s going on? Are you being held against your will, Ava?” She gasps. I start laughing. I am not trying to be thoughtless of her feelings but I’m just unable to stop myself. This draws Lester’s attention from his paper, and both of them are now watching me.

  “Carla…please…for the love of all that’s holy please stop freaking out. I’m coming home now. Are you there now?” I say while taking flight into the bedroom. She says nothing but I can tell she’s very upset by her heavy breathing.

  “Yes…I’m here still.” She finally says.

  “Is that your friend? Is she at your apartment?” Luck asks me from the doorway. I face him and nod. “It isn’t safe there. What is she doing there?” He continues but I shake my head mouthing to him ‘I don’t know’ to which he raises his brows. “Tell her to leave and wait for us somewhere else.” He adds before heading back into the kitchen.

  “Carla, please go home and call me once you’re there. I’m on my way now and I will explain everything once I get there.”

  I go into the kitchen and Luck isn’t there but the backdoor is wide open so I just head out it, spotting Luck heading towards the garage I run after him. I entered the garage and Luck is over by an old beat up car and a white tarp covering something. He looks at me while yanking at the tarp pulling it up and off revealing a motorcycle.

  “This is what we are going to ride back home. We can’t risk being spotted in your car those assholes probably know what kind of car you drive and I’m assuming they’re probably watching your place too. Hopefully they won’t be looking for a bike. Besides, if they do see us, I can lose them easier on this.” I respond with a nod and he continues. “You ever been on a bike before?” I shake my head “no” but I am growing excited at the thought of riding with Luck. “Well, now is your first chance. You want to ride with me, baby?” He smiles as he turns the bike handle and something about the way he asks me turns me on completely. His shirt grips onto his flexing biceps while he turns the handles to back the bike up out of the garage.

  “Yes! Yes, I want to ride with you,” I eagerly answer bouncing in place with excitement like a kid. He starts the engine and it almost purrs and I get goose bumps. He pushes the bike forward until it is in front of me and gives me this look like he's got the whole world in the palm of his hand. “You look damn good on that bike, Luck!” I admit.

  He revs the throttle. “OH YEAH?! Get on baby I want to see how good YOU make this bike look.” He flatters. I chuckle and quickly mount the back of the bike wrapping my arms around my man’s chest. He looks back at me over his shoulder. “Hell yeah…you fit perfectly. As it should be, me and my lady on my bike.” He boasts. Excitement and fear collide in me as I hold on to him letting him drive me away on his bike for the first of what I hope will be many times.


  The miles seemed to breeze by, allowing us to arrive a block away from my apartment sooner than expected. We park the bike before making our way through the back way to my apartment away from the view from the street. I spot my bedroom window and point. Luck hoists me up into the window and I land on my bedroom floor on my feet with ease. Luck follows me through jumping down from the window like a pro.

  “Let me look around first. Stay here until I say it’s alright,” he whispers before leaving me standing in my bedroom nervous and wondering.

  I hear something crash.

  “Hey…Luck?” I say without yelling but not whispering either.

  He appears in the doorway. “Sorry…that was me; I knocked over a lamp. The coast is clear. No one is here. Your friend was right though. This place is a wreck, babe.”

  I join him in the hallway noticing the carnage that was my living room and kitchen.

  “What the fuck? What did they do here? Is this all from the fight that night?” I ask aloud before I see that my bathroom, closets, and even Gabe’s room are all overturned like a prison raid took place.

  “I don't think this was from that night. I think they came back and did this. Whoever did this wasn’t robbing from you, Ava. They were looking for something. What are they looking for?” Luck says not really asking me but I feel compelled to speak.

  “I think they are the same men who were looking for Logan. They showed up after he died. At first, they just parked outside my house. I mean, Logan’s parents’ house, where we used to live. I spotted a strange car with these men seating in it one day just after the funeral. I could never see their faces from the house but once I tried to approach the car and they drove away before I could get a look at them,” I explain but my voice starts cracking. Waves of different emotions roll through me and I’m visibly shaken.

  “Hey…Ave?” Luck grabs a hold of my arms. “Hey there, look at me,” he insists and I’m yanked out of my head and back into his arms.

  “This is too much. I can only take so much shit before I lost it, you know?” M
y eyes float around the destroyed apartment. “I can’t. I don’t even know where to start.”

  “Start? Start what baby? You are not going to clean this up right now. We can’t stay here; it’s not safe. I think we should go now before those men come back,” he finishes, just as the knob of the front door starts turning. “Oh shit. Someone’s here,” he whispers while pushing me behind him facing the door. “Get ready to run when I say, ok?” He demands and I nod. The front door opens and there’s my scared friend Carla standing there.

  “Who are you?” She gulps.

  I pop my head out from behind Luck. “Carla, what are you doing here?” I race over to her. She grabs me up after closing the door behind her.

  “You know me, there’s no way I was going to stay away until I know you’re alright, Ava. Are you? Are you ok?” She examines me, “OH MY GOD. Where’s your hair? Oh my God, Ava!” She repeats and her eyes widen as she gasps at my horrid state.

  “I was scalped…we are in some trouble Carla and we need to get out of here before those men come back.” I throw mixing explanation at her confusing her further, she backs up shaking her head.

  “Wait…what men? You were ‘scalped’? What the fuck?” Her eyes wander over to Luck, and she gestures at him while looking at me. “Hello??”

  “Hi…I am Luck, Ava’s man.” He boldly states and even through the heated exchange of emotions of my friend seeing me hairless I get butterflies hearing him say that he is ‘my man’.

  “Hello, Luck it’s… nice meeting you,” she basically forces herself to say, before returning her full attention back to me.

  “I don’t have the time to explain everything that has happened right now, Carla, but we really have to get out of here…”

  “Ok…Ava, I don’t know what to say, I love you,” she says and starts fishing through her purse. “Here…I have something…just one second.” She pulls a set of keys out, handing them to me. “Here take these. I won’t rest unless I know that you are safe. These are to my uncle’s cabin in Idaho Falls; you know, the one I used to go stay at every summer?” I nod. “You two will be safe there. No one knows where that place is.”

  “Alright…I will take the keys but I don’t know what we are doing or where we’re going,” I start.

  “Thank you, Carla. That’s a great plan. I think we will take you up on that offer,” Luck says placing his hand on my shoulder before sliding it down my back and resting it on my lower back.

  “You want to go there?” I ask him looking up at his gorgeous, but concerned face.

  “It’s a good plan. We can’t stay here, we can’t go to my place and I don’t want to get my family any more involved than they already are.” His sound logic rings clear in my gut and I nod leaning into him.

  Chapter Five

  I’m taking the turns of the canyon roads slow and easy, especially with my beautiful lady on the back of my bike. Even under her helmet, I think she is the most gorgeous lady I’ve ever laid my eyes upon. She seems fearless in so many ways, clinging onto me with her legs wrapped around me. I can feel her heart racing in her chest against my back with each turn and twist we take. But she leans into the turn with me fearing nothing. This is beyond sexy. Her confidence turns me on. The heat of her pressed against me has me horny as fuck and enthralled in the ride.

  She pats my chest before pointing ahead at a sign directing us towards the next turn off. I slow down, taking the turn and the road turns from gravel to dirt and back to loose rock after a few minutes.


  I spot a cabin about ten minutes into the drive up the turn-off. Remembering the description Carla give us before we left I can say that this place is it. I pull my bike up alongside the place.

  Ava dismounts from the back. “Oh my god I hope there’s a bathroom…” She gulps.

  “Go on…don’t wait for me if you have to go. Better go do it then,” I say, adding a wink. She chuckles before bouncing off around to the front of the cabin disappearing from my sight.

  The cabin is about twelve hundred square feet with two levels and a basement. I can tell this guy, Carla’s uncle, is a rich mother-fucker. The entire exterior is finished in handcrafted oak and pressed cedar, and the best of it that money can buy. I round the corner of the house and head up the stairs. Ava left the door open for me and I step inside, close the door and lock it, not taking any chances with her life again. I hurry and start checking out the first level. I realize almost immediately that this place is equipped with any and everything we’d need and then some, including a fully stocked pantry and freezer.

  I spot a control panel in the kitchen by the huge double-door refrigerator. It has an alarm system which I hurry and arm.

  “What’s that?” Ava sounds behind me and I damn near shit myself but I manage to not jump.

  “What the fuck—shit you scared me!” I choke. I turn looking at her. She’s covering her mouth.

  “Sorry…” She says while trying to conceal her laughter. I yank her hand off her mouth.

  “You think that’s funny, huh?” I play, grabbing her body up, pulling her up into my arms. Her laughter increases boiling into the sweetest giggle. “It’s a good thing you peed first, huh?” I joke squeezing her in my arms a bit not wanting to let her down or let her go like she’s sand between my fingers which will easily slip away if I lose my grip on her. “DAMN—I love you something fucking fierce, Ava!” I add a smashed kiss sucking up her juicy full lips.

  “I did use the bathroom…thanks.” She smiles pulling back to look at me. “You should see the bathroom, it’s huge. There’s even a jetted tub and a walk-in double-headed shower.” She says pausing noticing my look.

  “Really, double-headed shower,huh, maybe we should go check that out. I love showering with you.” I peck her neck nudging her chin with my forehead.

  “I don’t think that we can count you standing in the shower fully clothed as showering together.” She jokes.

  “Hey…it counts; you got wet and I got wet so it counts baby.” I kiss and lick her neck a bit.

  “As tempting as that is…my stomach has other plans I’m afraid. I will need some food and more strength before I do anything else,” she adds, placing her hands behind my neck caressing my skin with her soft fingers.

  I roll my forehead around on her chin allowing her to create a trail small kisses across it before returning her to the floor.

  “You are in luck! This place is stocked with tons of food. Let’s make something,” I open the fridge and get out a few frozen meals. “Here we go; ‘pork shanks with baby carrots, quinoa with craisins and kale’,” I read from the box.

  I look at her sporting a proud smile.

  “That actually sounds really delicious. Let’s heat that up,” she says, grabbing the meals from my hands and I by instinct smack her cute ass as she walks away.

  “Uh…ouch,” she says with a giggle at the end.


  As soon as it is ready Ava plates our food and we both take a seat at the long counter next to one another. She slides my food in front of me and starts cutting up my meat and I realize that she’s doing this out of habit. She’s forgotten I’m not her son.

  “Oh shit…” she stops and looks at me, “what am I doing? Sorry, you can cut your own for yourself, I’m sure,” she pulls back and I watch that sweet tender motherly spark fade away from her.

  “You can cut my food, Ava. Actually, you probably should, my ribs are still a little sore.” I lie.

  “Really…your ribs still hurt, huh?” She nods repeatedly and I nod back matching her speed. “Poor baby. So just how in the hell did you just drive us here on your motorcycle for the last four hours with those sore ribs?” She finishes with one eye halfway closed and other one burning a hole in my cheek.

  “Ok, you got me.” I throw my hands up in the air, and she laughs. “I just hate seeing you lose hope. I don’t want you worrying about Gabe or wondering whether or not we will get him back.”

  “I wasn’t actu
ally thinking about that but now I am.”

  “Eat…come on you have to eat something.” I bite into my food, scarfing down half of it in three bites. She starts eating with her eyes on me. “Thhisss…” I clear my throat after swallowing. “Sorry. So, this place is nice. This is your friend Carla’s uncle’s place huh? Is he the same uncle that is going to help you, the one who is an attorney?”

  She nods. “Yes, I believe so. I haven’t ever met him but I do remember Carla talking about staying up here and how much she loved it,” she adds but her eyes don’t match her tone.

  “You know, your friend seems very different from you. Just how did you two meet anyhow?”

  “Carla and I met in middle school. I was in private Catholic school with her. I got in on a scholarship of course, whereas her family is loaded.”

  “Oh yeah?” I say meaning nothing behind it and I see her eyes pop open wider.

  “Don’t get any ideas now…” she points her finger at me. I take her finger placing it into my mouth to bite it softly. “I mean it,” she adds while giggling at me before I give back her finger.

  “I would never steal from friends or family.”

  “I didn’t think so. You know Carla is a physicist and she is a very nice professional person. You probably would really enjoy talking to her and getting to know her better. I can tell that she likes you or frankly, we wouldn’t be here right now. She’d never give us the directions to this place otherwise.” She stands up seemingly irritated. “Carla never liked Logan. She said he was a narcissist and she hated his controlling behavior.” Her movements become quicker with each word. She moves to the sink and starts washing our forks like she’s got something to prove. “I don’t blame her. He was just mean as hell to her from the very beginning. It’s like he wanted to drive a wedge between me and her, but we never let it happen.” She ends and I join her wrapping my arms around her from behind hoping to break the tension in her.


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