Destined for A Dirt Road (Dirt Road Summer #2)

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Destined for A Dirt Road (Dirt Road Summer #2) Page 7

by Ashley Johnson

  “What does she have to do with this?”

  “She came up talking about how she’s talked to Shay and blah blah blah. I left Missouri for a reason, to get away from anything to do with Shay, and I come back and have to hear this shit.”

  “Well, Sienna is Shay’s best friend. You obviously knew that when you were fucking her last summer.”

  “Seriously, man? You had to say that?”

  “What’s the problem? It’s true. You were fucking her. You’re my best friend and I love you but you need to get laid or get your dick sucked. Something has to happen. You’re way too hung up on her. Move the hell on. I want my best friend back.” I know he’s been drinking because he’s being a little too honest with me.

  I cross my arms over my chest and glare at him. I don’t want anyone else but Shay for the rest of my life. If I can’t have the best, I sure as hell don’t want second best. If I’m going to be miserable for the rest of my life, I’m going to do it alone.

  “I’m closing this door and I’m going back to bed so I can forget you just told me that.”

  I try to shut the door but he catches it and swings it back open. “I’m serious, man. I know you love her but it’s time to move on. She has. There’s still plenty of people outside and I’m sure you could pick any woman you want to help you heal. Just come with me and I’ll find someone to help you forget all of this shit.”

  I want to yell at him but instead I cock my head to the side and speak to him as calmly as I can without losing my shit. “Rob, I appreciate this, I really do, but I don’t need my dick sucked and I’m not fucking some random girl. I just want to go to sleep. I’m going to be fine. I can forget her as easily as the next person.”

  “I just worry about you, man. Ever since you left you haven’t been the same.”

  “That’s because she ripped my fucking heart out,” I bite back.

  “Fine, at least I tried. I’ll see you in the morning.” I’m relieved at his retreat. He backs off and walks down the hall. I hurry and close the door, locking it again behind me before he can come back and try to convince me to go back outside.

  There’s finally complete silence in the room. Rob isn’t here preaching to me. It’s just me, but now I’m wide awake, thinking about the one person I shouldn’t be. I grab my phone and absentmindedly forget what time it is. I open my messages and type in her number. I should have made myself forget it when I deleted it but I can’t ever forget it. I wish I could use the excuse I was drunk but I’m not. This is pathetic.

  Me: Are you awake?

  I sit there, not expecting anything to pop up. I’m silently slapping the hell out of myself for even doing this. This is beyond one of the stupidest things I’ve ever done. I’m seconds from turning my cell phone off when it vibrates and her number pops up on my screen. I’m in shock. My eyes widen as I stare at the unread message. She’s awake and she’s texting me back. I know I need to open it because I messaged her first. My fingers fumble to tap the message and I finally muster the courage to just do it.

  Shay: Yeah, can’t sleep.

  Me: Why not?

  Shay: Um, I’m sure you don’t want to know all of that.

  She’s right. I probably don’t want to but right now, I’m just elated she’s talking to me so I don’t care.

  Me: Sure I do.

  A few moments pass before the next message comes through.

  Shay: I didn’t get to tell you bye before you left.

  Me: Why did you need to tell me bye? You made your choice.

  Shay: I made a mistake. I know I’ve said that before but I really did this time. How is your foot?

  Me: Still broken. Rob tried to get me to hook up with someone tonight.

  Why I just told her that, I don’t know. Maybe I’m hoping she’ll tell me something to make me realize I made the right decision but I honestly have no idea what to think.

  Shay: You deserve to be happy, Beau. If it’s with someone else, I’ll have to live with that.

  That’s all she has to say?

  Me: So if I told you I fucked another woman tonight, it wouldn’t bother you?

  Shay: I didn’t say that, did I? Why are you telling me this?

  Me: I can’t be with anyone but you, Shay. You know that. I don’t want anyone else.

  Shay: So did you sleep with someone? Are you feeling guilty or something? Is that why you texted me?

  Me: No. I haven’t touched a single person since you.

  Shay: I’ve got to go, I’ll ttyl.

  I’m sitting on my bed staring at the phone, wondering what the hell is going on. Suddenly she has to go? I don’t understand and I’m not sure I want to. I turn my phone off and lie back down. I don’t want to know what that was about. It’s time for me to go back to sleep, I can’t deal with any of this pain.

  Chapter 10


  Beau’s text plays over and over again in my head. I shouldn’t have answered it but I couldn’t ignore him. It was shitty enough that I completely blew him off when he came in here with his broken foot. Wyatt emerged from the bathroom a little sooner than I expected him to. He’s wearing a towel around his waist and when he drops it, he eyeballs me. He licks his lips as he saunters over to me. His dick is erect and he reaches down to grab it. I turn my head and try to pretend I can’t see him.

  “I’m glad you came over so late,” he tells me as he strokes his cock.


  “You want this cock, don’t you?” he asks as he inches closer. “I can give it to you.”

  My conversation with Beau continues to play in my mind. I don’t want to sleep with Wyatt—not tonight, anyway. I don’t even know why I came over tonight. I’ve done so well at avoiding him outside of the hospital after I chose neither him nor Beau.

  “You know, I may just go home. I’m really tired.”

  “Fuck, why are you doing this? At least suck me off or something,” he whines.

  “You know I don’t like to do that,” I tell him, standing up and reaching for my purse.

  “I know, you never do anything like that for me. I don’t get it. Do you know who I am? Most women would kill to be with me and here you are blowing me off.”

  My eyes widen and I glare at him. “Don’t come at me like that, Wyatt. I’m tired. I want to go home.”

  “And my dick wants to play. Just take care of me and then you can go.”

  “You don’t dictate when I come and when I go, Wyatt.”

  “I know, but I really just want to be with you. My shift ran way over and I just need you, babe.” I hate when he gets all sweet with me. It makes me feel like shit and then I feel like I owe him something. I don’t want to fall for it tonight, though.

  “I know and I’m sorry, but I have plans with Farrah in just a few hours and I’m exhausted.” I lie so easily. He just grimaces and I take that as my sign to leave.

  “Whatever, Shay.” He sits on his bed. I mutter goodbye as I walk out the front door toward to my car.

  There’s no way I could have done anything with him tonight, not after talking to Beau. I’m so screwed, but then in a way, I’m glad Beau texted me. I believe tonight he saved me from making a mistake. Wyatt does work crazy shifts. He does get called in when he’s on call but he’s never once asked me to come over this late at night, even in the past when we were just sleeping around. I just happened to not be able to sleep when he texted me so I figured I’d go by, but all he wants is sex. I’m not opposed to sex but I feel I deserve a little better than that from him; seeing as how I didn’t choose him, sleeping with him would have felt just plain wrong. The drive home is quiet. Hardly any cars are on the road and I like it this way. It’s just me and the road. I drive a little further until I reach my road. I’ve never been so happy to see my house. All the lights are off so I know Dad is asleep. I tip-toe through the house and head straight for my room. I can’t help but wonder if Beau is still awake. The thought to text him back and apologize crosses my mind but I silence
my phone and tuck myself under the covers. I wrap my arms around myself and imagine Beau is holding me. Then and only then am I able to close my eyes and drift off to sleep.


  I awake to the sun shining through my window. I grab my phone to see if I happen to have any missed calls or texts but nothing is there. I’m a little relieved. I figure Wyatt would have been blowing up my phone after I showed up and completely shut him down last night, but nothing. That just shows me I did make the right choice by not picking him. Farrah wants to go shopping a little later this morning so I didn’t lie to Wyatt about that last night. I’m sure she can’t wait to hear all about last night—that is if I decide to tell her. Part of me thinks that should just remain in the past.

  Sienna’s name pops up and I stare at her message. I could slap her silly if I were back in Louisiana right now.

  Sienna: Beau is mad at me.

  Me: Why?

  Sienna: I was drunk and brought your name up. I was getting ready to tell him you didn’t pick the doctor but I spilled my drink.

  Me: Really, Sienna? Just let it go, okay?

  Sienna: You two are really no fun. I just thought he should know.

  Me: Maybe I’ll tell him one day.

  I sigh as I toss the phone down. She really is something else. I can just imagine how frustrated he must have been. His text last night pops in my head, I should have just told him then. Not like it would change anything. He’s back home and I’m here. I slept fairly well but it feels like I haven’t slept a wink. My truth will have to come out eventually. Like I said, I know it won’t change anything but I’ll feel better getting it off my chest for good. Perhaps I’ll feel liberated and finally be able to truly move on or perhaps I’ll just become a lonely old cat lady, who knows. Whatever it is, I’m up for it. Love is a lesson, it’s not for the faint of heart. Good thing I’m strong and it didn’t crush me too badly, but am I willing to ever give it a chance again? I’m not sure.

  Farrah pulls up to my house at the exact time she said she would. Why am I not surprised? She’s alarmingly punctual. The girl has never been late for anything in her life. She honks the horn and I look out my window and give her a quick wave. She only honks when Dad isn’t here and so I assume he’s at the office. I throw on a pair of jeans and a long sleeve blouse along with a pair of ballet flats. I hurry and toss my hair into a side bun and add a touch of eyeliner and I’m out the door. Farrah is all smiles as I open her car door. Her smile is infectious, I can’t help but reciprocate.

  “Good morning, lovely. You ready to go shopping?” She beams as she pulls out of my driveway.

  “Sure, why not? A little retail therapy could do me good.”

  “Love the side bun, by the way. It fits you well. Are you hiding something?” she asks, rather coy.

  Cocking my head to the side, I turn to face her. “Hiding what?”

  “A hickey from Dr. Wyatt?”

  Immediately I burst into a fit of laughter. “Are you serious? No, I am not hiding a hickey and it wouldn’t be from him. I thought I told you I cut all ties from him.”

  “That doesn’t mean you couldn’t still have a booty call from time to time,” she points out.

  “I know that and it almost happened last night but I decided to leave. I don’t think he liked that too much.”

  “Oh damn girl, you shot the doctor down. You better hope he doesn’t make the rest of your clinicals hell.”

  I groan. I hope he doesn’t do that. He has the power to do it, though. “Well, fingers crossed he doesn’t.”

  “Oh God, you missed it yesterday. A new nurse started and from what I hear, she’s a total slut. I heard her name is Mona and by the sound of her name, I bet you could guess it. She moans everyone’s name.”

  I roll my eyes and begin to laugh. “Oh wow, I miss all the good stuff. I guess I’ll have to see this one for myself when I go in tomorrow.”

  She pulls into the parking lot at the local mall and we head for the front doors. “Better you see Mona than hear her.” Farrah cackles as we continue walking.

  I shake my head, trying to keep myself composed. I want to laugh again, badly, but I push it to the back of my mind and focus on what I’m really here for. Cute outfits and other bullshit things I’ll probably just stick in the back of my closet until I find use for them.

  Farrah drags me from store to store and in return, I do the same to her. Bags and bags fill our hands and we can’t seem to stop ourselves. I really hope she’s cleaned out her backseat and trunk for all the loot we have between the two of us. Her phone rings and a mischievous grin spreads across her face when she looks at the screen. She doesn’t even have to tell me who it is, I already know. It’s Branson. The two of them have been inseparable since they first met that night at the bar. Supposedly he was some sort of womanizer but Farrah has been able to tame the wild beast. He’s at her every beck and call, it’s some sort of insane love puppy bullshit. I have to remember that, love is just bullshit. If the old Shay is back, she doesn’t give a shit about love. She never has and she never will. All I can do is be happy my friend has found someone who seems to make her happy right now. She gets all giddy as she answers the call and steps to the side for a moment to talk to him. Out of habit, I reach for my phone, almost hoping it will ring or a message will pop up. I don’t care if it happens to be from my dad, at least I know someone wants to talk to me. Nothing pops up though and I stare at nothing but a blank screen. Oh well, less I have to worry about.

  Farrah skips back over and shows a grin that could rival a high wattage light bulb. “Branson is taking me to dinner tonight!”

  “Why are you getting so excited over the burger shack up the road?” I joke with her.

  “Shut the hell up. He said he has reservations somewhere! This is getting serious…oh my god what am I going to wear? I have to find another outfit.”

  “But we just cleaned out almost every store in this place,” I say.

  “Yeah, but none of those will do. I have to find something else. Help me, please?” she asks me with big puppy dog eyes. I can’t say no, no matter how much I want to.

  “Okay, let’s get this done. What kind of place is it? Do you want new jeans and a top or a dress?”

  “I want a new black dress, preferably a low cut one.”

  “Geez, you talked about this Mona being a slut but here you are wanting half your chest on display for your date tonight.” I laugh.

  “What? Branson loves his girls.”

  Barf in my mouth. This girl has no filter whatsoever. This is a conversation I would have easily with Sienna, but Farrah and I have never really crossed those sorts of boundaries until today. “Wow, that’s a little too much information there. Let’s find you a little hot number then, we’ll make him drool.”

  “Drool? Girl, I’m hoping he’ll want to screw me right there in the restaurant.” She laughs.

  Knowing those two, I wouldn’t put it past them. Hell, at least someone is getting something.

  Chapter 11


  Every day seems to drag on longer than the last. I’m barely eating but at least I’m showering. Rob and Sienna would probably kick my ass if I walked around their place smelling like week old ass. I just got off the phone with my dad, letting him know I’m settled back in and hopefully when I leave my doctor’s appointment later I will be cleared to walk on my own again without these damn crutches. I also told him I can get back to work as soon as possible with his blessing. Of course I have his blessing to return. One good thing about my parents is they fully support every decision I make, even if it’s a bonehead one like moving to a whole other state to be with a woman who wants nothing to do with me. I check the time and realize I’m going to be late for my appointment if I don’t get off my ass and get going. Sienna is sitting on the couch flipping through a magazine as I make my way into the living room. My keys are on the counter, I just have a few more hops that way and I’ll have them. She looks up and gives me a half smile. />
  “Where you off to?” she asks, rather peppy.

  “Hopefully my last doctor’s appointment. I’m ready to be back on my own two feet. As soon as I’m cleared, Dad has my spot open, so as soon as I begin working again I’ll be out of your way.”

  “You are not in the way, Beau. We like having you here. I’m sorry, by the way, for all the trouble I keep causing because I can’t keep my damn mouth shut.”

  “Don’t worry about it, Sienna. Everything is good. I know you were just trying to help.”

  She looks at me like she wants to say something else but I turn and make my way out the door. Whatever it is, she’ll probably tell me later anyway. Get her a few drinks and she’ll spill it all, that’s how it usually works.

  The drive to the orthopedic doctor is quick and I’m signed in and sitting in the waiting room. Once they pull me to the back, one x-ray will determine my fate.

  “Beau Granger?” a nurse calls out. I glance up and acknowledge her with a nod of my head. Once I steady myself on the crutches, I join her at the door as she leads me back to the x-ray room.

  She instructs me to remove my shoe and place my foot on the table. She walks behind a wall and clicks a machine, then tells me I can put my shoe back on. It’s all business and no play in this place. The only thing she’s said to me is my name. Well, that was the only thing until she looks at me and points to an empty room. “The doctor will be here in just a moment.”

  “Thank you,” I mutter as she walks out of the room. I’m left staring at these four walls, what a familiar setting. I’m used to staring at walls and the crazy thing is, they all look the same no matter where they are.


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