Wicked Thing (C.O.A Series Book 2)

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Wicked Thing (C.O.A Series Book 2) Page 12

by Kim Cormack

  As they strolled through the woods together Lexy announced, “That was kind of fun.”

  Grey bent down picked up a stick and smiled as he answered, “It was, wasn’t it?” He found another and added it to his growing collection.

  Lexy smiled knowing he was already preparing for the bonfire they’d be having that evening by finding some sticks for roasting marshmallows. She saw a good one and snagged it off of the ground as she made a suggestion, “If we travel off the beaten path, maybe we can find enough sticks for everyone?”

  Grey shrugged and replied, “Sounds like a plan.” He swung back like he was preparing for a home run in a batting cage with his stick as he proposed, “We should play baseball one of these days when we’re looking for something to do.”

  Lexy grimaced as she answered, “I guess we could do that.” They wandered towards a tree with a rather enormous wasps nest, hanging from a lower branch.

  Grey glared at her and warned, “Don’t even think about it.”

  And her shenanigans had been foiled by his logic once again. Lexy smiled at her Handler and opted out. He knew her so well. She had totally planned to smoke the nest with the stick in her hand as she walked under it. As they strolled away Lexy fought the urge to run back and give it a good swat just to liven up their evening.

  They began to scour the brush for sticks of the appropriate shape and size and once they’d found enough of them the two walked back towards the path, finding the camp easy enough, Lexy took a seat on the long log that sat in front of the fire pit as Grey ran into the motor home to grab a couple of knives so they could whittle the tips of their sticks into sharp hotdog and marshmallow piercing daggers. As they began to sharpen their piles of sticks, they did so in silence. Well, verbal silence. The woods were far from silent. In the background there were toads croaking and crickets chirping with the oddly timed wooing of an owl. It was the otherworldly serenade of the creatures that took over during the night in the forest. They were always there but in the daytime it was always less noticeable. For her anyway, Grey probably noticed everything. She finished her pile of sticks in record time and asked Grey if he’d made any coffee while he was in the motorhome, knowing full well he hadn’t.

  He grinned at her and replied, “Would you like me to make some coffee, Lex?”

  She winked at him and said, “That would be amazing.”

  Grey had only been gone for a couple of minutes when the door to the motorhome creaked open and his head popped out and he sweetly asked, “Would you mind taking a stroll over to one of those cabins? We’re out of toilet paper.”

  In forty years she swore he’d never looked before sitting down. Lexy smiled to herself as she stood up and sighed, “I’ll be right back.” She wandered away from the motor home and began her jaunt down the pathway towards the rustic little log cabins they’d been staying in before the Summit. A part of her expected to hear voices as she approached the front stairs. Left over memories from days gone by. Lexy smiled as she glanced across the way at the cabin that Triad had been staying in, recalling Tiberius’s flirtatious escapades once again as she opened the door and wandered across the cabins wooden floor towards the bathroom. She grabbed the toilet paper off of the holder and the one from behind the toilet and then paused in front of the dresser recalling the notes they’d secured underneath of it many years before. Lexy haphazardly tossed the rolls on the bed and one of them unwound and rolled off of the bed on the other side. Shit. She crouched down and carefully removed the notes. She’d always wondered what Grey had written and because she was in a breaking all of the rules frame of mind she cautiously opened his letter, without tearing the forty-year-old envelope. She was good. Lexy made herself comfortable on the floor so she could sneak a peek at it. It was probably all about Arrianna. That had been his frame of mind back then.

  It read… I know we survived the Testing because we had Lexy in there with us and I’m certain we’re all still friends. I hope we’ve all found happiness and love. Arrianna, tell me you’ve given me a chance by now. Lexy, I hope someday you get to know what it feels like to kiss someone and mean it. I pray you’ll find out what true love feels like and have a chance to feel safe in someone’s arms.

  Well, that was sappy and predictable. She wouldn’t want him any other way. Lexy smiled. It was him that she’d kissed and him that had made her feel safe. She carefully placed the note back in the envelope and secured it underneath the dresser as though it had never been disturbed. She stood there allowing her heart to ache for only a moment about the love that could never be before collecting both of the toilet paper rolls and leaving the cabin. Just as she reached for the door one of the floor boards creaked. This caused her to pause briefly and gaze back at the room. The complaint in the aged flooring had not been there five years ago. Perhaps, it happened today to remind her that there would always be a creak in her heart for her Handler. This wasn’t news to her but the timing was indeed strange after reading his note. Even if she endeavored to get over Grey her soul would always have a weakness for him just as the wooden flooring now appeared to have a weakness for her. She stared at the dresser one final time before closing the door behind her and descending the stairs. This time she didn’t glance up at the cabin with thoughts of Tiberius. Lexy kept her eyes directed at her footing as she made her way back towards the motorhome where Greydon was already sitting outside on the log waiting for her with a steaming coffee in one of his hands. She thought of his written words, and swallowed the lump in her throat. The love she felt for him swelled up in her heart as she watched him watching her approach. The door opened and Frost stepped out of the motorhome carrying the condiments for the hotdogs. Lily followed with a package of wieners in one hand and a coffee in the other. Their alone time was over.

  Grey placed his coffee on the ground by his feet glanced up at her and said, “They brought toilet paper with the groceries.” He leaned forward, and was just about to start the fire with his ability as Markus’s voice piped in from behind her, “Hold that thought, Grey. We’ve been summoned back to the in-between. The last clan made it out. Before you start questioning me, I have no idea which one.”

  All of the color instantly drained out of Frost’s face and he appeared to be frozen in place. Lily skillfully pried the condiments out of his clenched hands and stated, “I’ll put these away for you, hun.”

  Lexy wanted to be hopeful. She truly wanted to believe it was their people that had made it out but she’d been let down too many times. She couldn’t allow herself the luxury of hope. The whole group of them dashed through the woods and into the Ankh crypt hidden beneath the forest floor. None of them spoke about it, but as they met up with the others Lexy tried to read the expressions on their faces. If any of them knew the outcome it was impossible to tell. She knew better than to ask. They all climbed into their tombs and the lids unceremoniously slid shut with the grinding sound of stone against stone. Lexy closed her eyes as the rose quartz that encased her body began to strobe with blinding light. Please, let it be Ankh. Her stomach lurched as her tomb was shot into the heavens while strobing with brilliant explosions of light. It paused as always before beginning its swirling uncontrollable descent and as soon as she felt the wind rippling wildly against her flesh and through her hair, Lexy knew she was descending into the in-between free of her tomb. The exhilaratingly euphoric sensation of her reckless descent now came with the built in instinct that told her it was time to use her energy against the impact. Lexy slowed her fall in those final moments as the endless desert of their clean slated arrival sight came into focus.

  Chapter 9

  Welcome Home

  They all landed side by side once again in the white sand wearing only the sparse coverage of their white god and goddess attire. Azariah was nowhere to be seen. Lexy caught the joyful expression on Jenna’s face and she knew they’d made it out.

  Their Oracle addressed the anxious group, “Our clan made it out, they should be here any second!”

  They’d actually made it out. Frost’s eyes were glistening with tears of happiness. She felt moisture forming in her own, and blinked it away.

  Grey beamed as he flung his arms around Frost, embraced him while excitedly announcing, “I knew it! I knew they were going to make it out, I could feel it! You got the girl, buddy.”

  Frost’s expression changed. Lexy knew why. She’d survived, but Kayn wasn’t going to be the same girl and she was going to be pissed at everyone that knew about the plan. They were going to have another Dragon. Lexy allowed the thought to sink in for a second while watching the celebratory hugs and laughter. There was going to be a new Dragon. She continued to follow the group on their stroll through the warmth of the welcoming sand as they awaited the return of the three. Grey glanced back at her and raised both of his arms into the air, silently cheering. He was deliriously happy. Lexy returned his smile. She was going to have a murder buddy for those cut throat jobs. That might be fun.

  It was then that she saw them approaching. Five of them? How was there five of them? They were walking towards them in the distance against the backdrop of a breath-taking sunset. They were still too far away to make out the faces of the five people coming in their direction. Some of the group broke free from the pack and began to sprint towards the three that went in and the two mystery Ankh. She squinted and focused in on them. Holy crap, it was Astrid and Haley. How in the hell? Kayn remained behind the others as the four dashed towards the group. The new Dragon simply observed as the others laughed and embraced. Zach noticed Kayn’s absence; he grabbed her hand and towed her towards the rest.

  Jenna strolled over, hugged them both at the same time and whispered, “Dragons need a Handler. Zach, you are now Kayn’s Handler.” Jenna walked away and embraced Haley without any further explanation.

  Really…Zach was Kayn’s Handler?

  Kayn released a burst of laughter towards Zach and said, “I don’t think so.”

  Zach hollered at Jenna, “She’s not going to listen to me. This is a bad idea.” He shook his head and grimaced at Kayn. “I know you’re not going to listen to me.”

  Kayn grinned as she shook her head at him and responded, “Probably not.” Zach took off, chasing after Jenna.

  I guess they didn’t have many people to choose from? This was going to be seriously entertaining. She noticed Frost hugging Astrid. He’d gotten his friend back even if Kayn was going to take a little bit of time to warm up to him again. She should probably go and greet the new Dragon. At first glance Kayn didn’t appear to be changed but as she approached Lexy saw the tell-tale flicker of darkness in Kayn’s eyes. She took the final steps towards Kayn, embraced her and said, “I’m glad you made it.” As Kayn stepped back, there were so many questions in her eyes. She probably could use a private chat with the only other person that was capable of understanding what she was going through. Lexy smiled at the fledgling Dragon and steered her away from the group. Lexy listened to Kayn’s thoughts, ‘she knew the expectations that would come with the Dragon ability. It made her nervous. She was supposed to be hurricane, a plague, an apocalypse. She was a method of destruction. It was an intimidating job description.’

  Lexy whispered as they wandered away, “From one Dragon to another, you don’t have to listen to anyone. They won’t expect you to.” Lexy tuned in to Kayn’s thoughts once more, ‘She had to lose one version of herself, in order to find another.

  Tiberius had been wrong. She wasn’t a lion or a lamb. She was destined to become a Dragon.’

  They strolled with warm sand underfoot for what felt like hours into the backdrop of the glorious crimson sunset. Something changed and the warm soothing sensation of her steps in the sand gave way to the rustling of grass underfoot. They were now standing in the center of an endless field. Lexy smiled for she knew she’d had no part in this destination. Kayn’s soul had brought her to a familiar place. Brighton had always loved places like this but she appeared to be distressed. Lexy understood where she was in her soul. The scenery that she’d adored was now a devastating symbol of her mortality. The field was overflowing with delicate purple flowers. It was a vision to behold. Grey would be all over this but Kayn closed her eyes. Lexy closed hers for a second out of curiosity. She could hear the soothing hum of the bumble bees. Well, that was boring. Out of nowhere Kayn ran towards the bees, waving her arms wildly, and they took flight. She crawled around on her hands and knees, yanking the flowers from the soil. Lexy made no attempt to stop her. It was rather entertaining. If her fellow Dragon wanted to destroy the whole damn in-between she wasn’t about to get in the way. Lexy smiled as Kayn screamed while tearing handfuls of grass from the earth. She de-winged and squished some unsuspecting bumble bees in her fit of rage. She felt her, sometimes she just needed to break things and nothing that was broken here would really be destroyed. This wasn’t reality and it was the safest place to carry out a fit of rage. Kayn randomly stopped murdering imaginary things and stayed there, kneeling in the grass.

  Should she say something? Lexy broke the silence by saying, “I didn’t know about the plot to make you a Dragon. I understand why it had to be done, but I didn’t know beforehand.”

  Kayn looked into her eyes and said, “I knew we had to kill our enemies during the Testing, but when he slit my throat… I guess on some level, I never believed he’d be able to do it. When I woke up I felt nothing, but all-encompassing rage. I killed everyone that crossed my path until I caught up with him. I’ll never be able to forget the expression on his face, or the feeling of embracing the hollow sensation inside of myself as I slit his throat. I was lost for a while after that and my memory of that time is sketchy to say the least. All I can recall is the warmth of the blood as it sprayed on my skin, and how good it felt. I fought and died over and over again until the pain didn’t matter anymore. When Kevin coldly tossed me into a room full of demons, I was eaten alive, and that was the moment I understood that we were both gone.”

  It had been worse than she thought. Kevin must have lost it too while he was in there. The demon thing was a little bit excessive for someone that truly cared about her. There was a long drawn out moment of silence while Lexy carefully thought out her reply and when she’d found the words, she said, “You’re not gone. Your perception of everything has been altered. All you have to do is embrace the change, and accept the new version of yourself.”

  “How do I do that? I used to imagine myself as a noble creature, a golden stallion, or perhaps a lion. I know better now. I’m a hurricane, a plague, I’m an apocalypse. I am a Dragon. I’m a method of destruction.”

  She was saying that like it was a bad thing. Well, I guess she wouldn’t know how it felt to be anything else. Maybe, that had been a blessing in disguise? Lexy pointed to the lush landscape before them and said, “We can burn this field to ash, if you want to. My instinct has always been to burn it. Even though you are meant to be a warrior, you will always have a choice. We choose to work with the clan instead of against them. We choose right over wrong. We choose when to be a lion and when to be a Dragon. We choose to be warriors instead of methods of destruction. You’re still the same person. You just need time to sort through what happened to you during the Testing. Some of the dark things you’ve done will stay with you always, but those acts are important. You now know that you can survive the darkest of times. You will always know you led your clan through that dark place and came out on the other side. You found your way back to the light, because you’re a survivor. You can choose to be a lion. My attachment to Grey allows my Dragon to sleep. I know having Zach as your Handler, might be complicated. It takes time and it’s not always easy. You’ll both make mistakes while you’re maneuvering through this situation you’ve found yourself in.”

  Kayn glanced down at her foot and a tiny red ladybug was taking a casual stroll across her skin. She scowled but didn’t do anything to stop it.

  Lexy grinned and teased, “Is that big bad ladybug bothering you?” She smiled as she liste
ned to Kayn’s hamster wheel spinning inside of her head. Brighton’s inner commentary had always been hilarious.

  Once again, Kayn appeared to be fighting the urge to stomp on the tiny insect. It remained there, taunting her as it continued its ticklish stroll across her foot. Lexy couldn’t help herself. Her fellow Dragon was teetering on the edge so she playfully shoved her and the lady bug spread its tiny wings and flew away. Kayn wanted to kick her ass. She’d heard that part of her inner commentary loud and clear. This Dragon version of her was seriously cocky. Lexy winked and teased, “I wouldn’t try it. You can’t take me, Brighton.”

  She grinned at Kayn and shook her head as they continued their stroll into the scenic backdrop of the in-between.

  They wandered aimlessly for quite a while in silence before Lexy continued her, it’s good to be a Dragon speech, “Being a Dragon isn’t a bad thing. The good and the light need Dragons to do what they can’t. They don’t want to step into the dark. Not even to do what’s right. It’s not always light outside when it’s time to make a stand for what is right. Dragons can be beautiful things when properly attended to. I love my Dragon and every once in a while. I let it out to play. My Dragon enjoys the kill. My Dragon’s a warrior and that’s what warriors do.” She heard the rustling sound of footsteps in the grass. Lexy knew it was Grey without even looking.

  Grey began his apology, “We didn’t know about what Kevin had been asked to do, until after the three of you were already in the Testing. They were right not to tell us.” Grey cautiously inched closer. Kayn scowled at him, her furrowed brow, a silent suggestion that she still required some personal space. He paused, gave her one of his overly charming grins, and said, “Kevin was ordered to kill you. It was a means to an end and you know I liked the kid. In destroying you, he more than likely destroyed himself. He was asked to do this to help you evolve into what you needed to become to survive. Your survival outweighs the trauma you went through, in the long run. You don’t see it now, but someday you will. The plan was set in motion so the three of you could make it back home. People tend to lose their marbles in the Testing. It could be that Kevin lost his while trying to do what was best for you.”


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