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Lover Page 23

by Marni Mann

  “I’m yours.”

  That’s all it takes.

  “Goddamn it, Piper.” My balls tighten, and I shoot my first stream of cum. “Fuck me.”

  She turns her hips in a circle while my thumb grinds her clit, and she milks me. I feel her clamp around my cock, and she yells through her release, rocking her hips until she completely empties me.

  Once we both catch our breaths, I carry her into the shower and hold her against the wall while the water warms. “This job is going to require me to travel, and I have no fucking idea how I’m going to leave you.”

  “Maybe I can go with you for some of the games.”

  I tilt my head, so I can get a better look at her face. “You’re not going back to teaching?”

  “I am, but I have the weekends off, so there’s no reason I can’t travel on Fridays and Saturdays.”

  No one I’ve ever dated, including my ex-wife, has ever gone on the road with me.

  I didn’t have a desire for them to.

  Until Piper.

  I don’t give her an answer.

  I don’t have to.

  The way my lips crash against hers tells her exactly how I feel about it.


  “Baby, if you don’t hurry, you’re going to be late for your appointment!” West yells from the bedroom.

  I’m standing in the bathroom, my muscles so sore, I can barely move. I feel like I went three rounds with Evander Holyfield.

  “Yeah,” I grumble.

  He must not hear me because, when I look up, he’s standing in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “You’re going back to bed,” he says with concern.

  “West, I can’t cancel. We’re leaving, and who knows when I’ll be able to find someone I like to do my hair? Plus, what would I tell her?”

  He moves behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. His chin rests on top of my head, and we stand in front of the mirror, pathetically looking at each other, wishing we had a few more hours of sleep.

  “Thoroughly fucked and exhausted might work.”

  All I can do is laugh because it’s my own fault I’m hurting today. I gave West permission to fuck me, and he followed through. Only it didn’t stop there. After giving all of myself to him, I couldn’t get close enough. I couldn’t stop touching him, and he felt the exact same way. Who knew anal would bring us that much closer? But it has. It did. There’s no part of my body and soul he doesn’t own.

  “I already showered. I have to go.”

  He runs his palms over my nipples, and I wince. They ache, too.

  “I’m sorry, baby. I was too rough with you.”

  “I like it rough,” I tell him. “Now, go sleep for the both of us. I have to get going.”

  But West never gets back in bed. Once I’m out, he’s not getting back in until I do. He follows me to the kitchen, hands me a breakfast shake, and walks me to the lobby. I don’t know what I did to deserve this kind of attention, but I love it. Something as simple as walking me to my car makes me feel lucky.

  I unlock my car door and climb in, and when I turn the key, nothing. My car hates the hot weather. It never wants to start, and when it does, there’s no guarantee it’ll get me to where I’m going. It’s not even that old, but it’s given up on me. Thankfully, I won’t need a car in Boston.

  West stands next to me with his keys dangling from a finger, like he knew this was going to happen. Smiling, he opens my door and places the keys in my hand. “Don’t dent her,” he says.

  “You’re sure you don’t have anywhere to be?”

  “I’m sure. Just move the seat up, so you can see, and keep two hands on the wheel.”

  Once I’m situated, he pulls a booklet from his back pocket and slides it through the window. “Take a look while you get your hair done, and let me know if you see anything you like.”

  It’s real estate for Boston. A bunch of condos that look really expensive.

  “What’s our price range?” I ask him.

  He just smiles, like I shouldn’t worry about dollar signs. But I do. His money isn’t my money. Just because we’re together doesn’t mean I’m entitled to anything in his bank account. I know that’s not how he sees things though.

  “They’re all in the right range. I just need you to pick your favorite.”

  “What about you? Can we get into a place this fast?”

  “They’ll get us in; don’t worry. And I’m good with whatever you like.”

  “Are you just saying that because you don’t want me to change my mind? Because I won’t, West. I’m leaving with you, just like I promised.”

  He groans and grabs my face, kissing my forehead and then my lips. “I’ll never get tired of hearing that, baby. I know you mean it. I just want to make you happy. You deserve to have whatever you want.”

  “I just need you. I’m easy.”

  Smiling, he shakes his head. “You’re not easy, Piper. You’re classy as fuck. Now, go get your hair done before you miss your appointment.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you soon.”

  I back out of the parking space extra carefully and then speed off, just to see West panic a little. He gives me the reaction I was looking for—holding up his hands, yelling to slow down. I listen.

  As I pull onto the road, I do a double take of the lot, thinking I see Tilly. But it’s not her, just another leggy blonde walking into the hotel. Like West said she would, Tilly’s gotten bored. I just hope she stays that way.

  At the salon, I have a chance to page through the condos, and I’m shocked by what I see. I knew West would want to live comfortably, but the prices of these places are far above what I was expecting.

  Most have the same layout and features, but it’s the design that separates them for me. The one I fall for is fully furnished and looks like something out of a Pottery Barn catalog. Sleek yet homey with clean lines and plush fabrics.

  I dig my phone out of my purse and fire off a text to West.

  Piper: Found it!

  West: You’re positive? Has everything you want?

  Piper: Yes. The third one. It’s amazing.

  West: Done. I’ll call the agent now.

  I glance at the pictures again, imagining what it’ll look like once West and I are occupying the space. How we’ll have dinner at the table and watch movies beneath the blankets on the couch. It’s almost too good to be true, but it’s mine. West and Boston are my new beginning. I’ll still have to find a teaching job once we get there, but I don’t think that’s a terrible problem to have.

  When I get back to the hotel, a couple of boxes are stacked inside the front door, and suitcases waiting to be filled are in the living room. West comes out of the bedroom and stops dead in his tracks.

  “What?” I ask him.

  “You look hot,” he says.

  “Thank you.”

  I still blush from his compliments because I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this gorgeous man wanting me. He could have any woman in the world, yet here he is, packing up his life and moving us both to a new city. And, for that, I can’t stop smiling.

  This time, he’s the one asking, “What?” when I can’t wipe the smile off my face.

  “Nothing. I’ll help you pack. You should have waited.”

  After tossing a couple of things in an open suitcase, he walks over to me and runs his hand over my freshly cut and styled hair. “Does this smile have anything to do with me?”


  “We’re really doing this.” It’s not a question this time; rather, it’s a statement that he’s trying to convince himself is true.

  But there’s no reason to doubt us; we have what it takes. Our previous relationships might have failed, but this one has staying power.

  “We are,” I whisper.

  Tomorrow morning, we’ll load what little we’re taking into his SUV and start our drive up the East Coast. We could easily fly and have someone handle all the boxes and bags for us, bu
t West wants to take an adventure before his first game. Soon enough, he’ll be chauffeured around the city, thrust back into the limelight, and I know he wants one last moment of peace before he starts working again. And I want a moment with him, too, before I have to share him with the world.


  It’s game one in the first round of the playoffs. Philly has a wild card, and they’re playing Boston at home. Eddy has been blowing up my phone all day, talking so much shit about tonight’s game. He’s sure his team is going to win. I’m positive mine will.

  I watched my guys skate this morning, and I talked to them in the locker room after practice. Their heads are in the right space. This is a more intense competition, and they’re ready for it. They’ve found their rhythm on the ice. They’re working together as a team. As long as there aren’t any distractions, they’ll have this series beat.

  With the puck scheduled to drop in thirty minutes, the broadcasting crew is just wrapping up our quick pregame meeting. Four of us will be commentating—two giving the on-air play-by-play of the game and the other two speaking from the desk in the press box, going live on ESPN during commercial breaks and the postgame wrap-up. I’m part of the latter group, which means I’ll be giving direct feedback on the plays that go on during the game, reporting on how well the players are doing and what needs to be accomplished in order to secure a win.

  I thought there’d be at least a week of training to get me prepared for this job. There were only a few meetings and a pep talk from Rick, the head of the network, telling me how he was counting on my enthusiasm to keep the watchers engaged. I know how to entertain on the ice, but my voice isn’t a part of my body that I’ve ever used professionally. Of course, I was interviewed during and after games, but those were different. I could say whatever I wanted, and the crowd would always cheer. I don’t have that anymore. My words have to count now; my presence has to be as powerful as when I wore my jersey.

  Because I missed so many regular season games, unable to watch them when I lived in Florida, I’ve had weeks of footage to catch up on. I’ve studied all of it since returning to the city—every play, every change in the standings, highlights of all the other teams so that I can use them as comparisons. It’s how I’ve spent all my time, and Piper fully supports it.

  But no amount of preparation can get me ready for how I’ll feel when the camera is pointed at my face and the studio tech holds up his hand, beginning the five-second countdown for when we’re live on air. Whatever comes out of my mouth during those moments will be from years of living this sport, understanding it from a level that one can only get from playing it. And from a hell of a lot of luck that I’m hoping will be on my side today.

  I get up from the small conference table and feel Rick’s hand on my back. He flew in from New York to attend tonight’s game. I’m sure he wants to see if I’m worth the salary he’s paying me, and he also wants to watch the game. He’s a Boston native, and he bleeds black and gold.

  “Didn’t think I’d ever see you on this side of the ice,” he says. “But we’re real happy we got you. The players feel at ease, knowing you’re the one who has their back on the camera.”

  I think about the time I spent on the beach, how hard I struggled after losing hockey, how long it took me to make this decision. I should be in the locker room with my guys, lacing up my skates, shifting my pads until they were comfortable. But this is as close to the ice as I’ll ever get, and I’ve finally accepted that.

  “It’s good to be here,” I tell him.

  And it is.

  Fuck, I’ve missed this place.

  “Let’s get out there and kick Philly’s ass.”

  “You got it,” I say, shaking his hand, walking with him out of the room.

  When I go through the door, I immediately smell Piper. Her perfume, the subtleness of her shampoo—scents I’ve memorized, like her body. Then, I feel her eyes on me, and I turn, searching for that gorgeous face.

  I’m met with her smile.


  “What are you doing up here?” I move until I’m standing directly in front of her.

  She shrugs, her grin so big and adorable. “I knew I wouldn’t see you until after the game, so I wanted to come up and wish you good luck. In person is so much better than a text.”

  I grab her hand and hold it between mine. “How did you get up here?”

  Security’s so tight on this floor; she’d need a media pass at the very least.

  “Jesse brought me.”

  My agent lives in Manhattan and didn’t mention that he was coming to the game, but I’m not shocked that he’s here. The guy’s been known to drive me fucking crazy, but he’s one of the most supportive people in my life.

  “I know the tickets you got me are right next to the glass, but I think I’d rather sit with Jesse in the suite he has. I haven’t spent much time with him, and I’d like to get to know him. As long as you’re okay with that?”

  I cup her face with my other hand. “Of course. Whatever you want.”

  “Eddy’s here, too, and he’s going to be sitting with us. He didn’t want me to tell you that. He wanted it to be a surprise, but I think it’s only right to mention it to you. The last thing you need tonight is a surprise, especially when I knew how much you’d appreciate having him here.”

  Eddy, that crazy motherfucker. I’ll have to buy his ass a drink for coming all the way here. I hope he plans on staying a few days, so we’ll have more time together.

  I release her fingers and now hold both of her cheeks. “You…” I lean into her face, but as I get close to her mouth, she stops me.

  “You can’t go on-air with lipstick all over you.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “I do. This is a huge moment for you, West, and it won’t look cute if you have sparkly nude lips.”

  She has a point. But I still want to kiss her.

  I always want to kiss those fucking lips.

  “Come here.” She points at her forehead. “Put yours right there.”

  I kiss the top of her hair first, but then I rest my forehead where her finger was. She’s never asked me to do this before, and it takes me a second before I realize why she wants it.

  Then, it makes perfect sense.

  In this position, I can smell her. I can feel the heat of her skin against mine. I can glance down and see her closeness.

  I don’t need a kiss.

  I have her, and that’s enough.

  “I love you,” I whisper.

  Her hand finds mine, and she clings to my fingers. “I’m so proud of you, West. I know how hard you fought to be here and how much you had to overcome. You could have given up. You could have stopped trying. You could have spent the rest of your life on the couch. But you worked through your demons, and now, look at you.” She moves her forehead back and forth a little, like she’s trying to emphasize what she’s saying. “You’re my inspiration, and I love you. So much.”

  I briefly close my eyes and breathe her in.

  When my ex-wife asked me to swing, I never thought it would turn into this. That I’d be in love with a woman whom I fucked long before I even got to know her, whom I saw on the beach every morning, admiring her tits, before going home to Tilly. But I can’t imagine going through this with anyone other than Piper.

  I don’t just want her here. I want her hand in mine. And I never want her to let go.

  “Five minutes until we start broadcasting!” someone shouts into the hallway.

  “You have to go,” she says as she begins to pull away.

  I hold her face still. “Just another second.”

  We stand in that hallway, not saying a word, our faces touching, her presence giving me the strength I need.

  Then, when I know it’s time, I take a final breath, filling myself with her scent, and I step back. “If I can escape for a few minutes, I’ll try to come to the suite and see you guys.”

  She nods and smiles. “Don’t worry if y
ou can’t make it. We’ll be waiting for you after the game.”

  She squeezes my fingers, and then I watch her walk down the hallway and disappear around the corner.

  I make my way into the press box and immediately get miked up. Once I take a seat at the desk, a girl comes over with a tiny brush and starts powdering my face.

  “You ready to do this?” my co-announcer asks.

  “Yeah, man. Let’s get started.”

  I turn my chair, so I’m pointed toward the cameras. There are three—one directly across from us and one on each side of the desk. There isn’t a teleprompter, but a monitor is built into the desktop that will give us statistics on the players, the spread on tonight’s game, and any changes in the lineup.

  “Thirty seconds!” someone yells in the background.

  I didn’t plan my introduction, but during the meeting, Rick said he wanted me to kick things off. So, I’ll tell the watchers who I am in case they don’t recognize me, and then I’ll start talking about the players. My co-announcer will chime in when it’s time to discuss our opponent.

  “Ten seconds.”

  This is it.

  My debut.

  I’m not reaching for my laces. I’m not adjusting my shoulder pads. I’m not touching the ice with the toe of my skate. But I’m in the rink. I’m surrounded by people who know this sport. And I fucking love hockey. They’re about to get everything I have.

  “Five seconds,” the studio tech says, holding his hand in the air, his fingers also giving us the countdown.

  I’ve had my time downstairs.

  And, now, I’m about to have it again.

  I wait for the signal.

  Then, I cross my hands over the glass, and I stare straight into the camera. “Hello, Boston. I’m West Holden, and I couldn’t be happier to be here with you tonight to kick off game one of the playoffs.”

  I smile. It feels so goddamn good.


  Four Months Later

  I thought being back in Florida would feel great, but so far, all I’ve done is look over my shoulder. But West insisted we fly down and enjoy some of the sunshine before the hockey season started up again in a month. Mostly, I think he wants to show me that just because we have been living in Boston for four months doesn’t mean we can’t come back and visit my hometown whenever we want, especially since my family is still here.


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